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Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Power of the Non-domestic No

By Anna Von Reitz

When dealing with the Federales it is important to remember that all their forms and all their communications are written from their perspective. Thus, when they say "domestic" they are talking about "domestic" with respect to them and their jurisdiction. We are "non-domestic" and "alien" with respect to them.

This results in some very odd ways of referring to us in their Federal Code --- for example, calling us "non-resident aliens" in the Tax Code. They are saying that you are not naturally within their jurisdiction. You don't live in their territory and are foreign with respect to them.

The same applies with courts and juries. They, strictly speaking, have no ability or reason to address you unless you are a Federal employee or dependent. They cannot provide a jury of your peers and have no right to subject you to any of their statutory laws or codes, unless you trespass upon their turf---and what constitutes their turf is highly arguable.

For example,
federal highways might in some circumstances be considered within their enforcement area, but since we hold the international land jurisdiction there are vast stretches of interstate highway where they have no business addressing you and your vehicle at all.

They might have a proprietary interest in a Federal Game Management Area, but two steps away on state land, have no authority at all.

We used to be far more aware of these niceties, but we have in recent years suffered "area creep" as the Federales have secretively sought to claim jurisdiction over more and more land and more facilities that are in fact ours and owed to us.

We should not be asleep and allow them to declare all these local, county, and state properties to be federal areas in any sense. This simply adds layers of government to our land and our lives that we do not want or need, but which we get stuck paying for.

They have a motive for extending their service areas and in view of the extra costs and often unwelcome extension of their statutory codes and regulations, we have motive to restrict them. Afterall, do we really need city, county, state, and federal government all "serving" one little spot in Kansas?

Probably not, but like high-pressure magazine salesmen, they will be there "serving" you, if you do not object and they will constantly expand the range of their services, too, so that they can tax you more and exert more power over you and your neighbors.

As I was saying yesterday, people desperately need to start thinking of government in terms of business. It's here to "serve" you and it is up to you to firmly declare when you have been "served" enough. It's also up to you to put your foot down and declare where their limits are.

For example, the Municipal United States Government -- the oligarchy allowed to Congress which is allowed to rule over the District of Columbia by Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of their Constitution-- is clearly supposed to be limited to the ten square miles set aside for it.

But thanks to "area creep" they have created entire Municipal STATES OF STATES for themselves and extended their Municipal laws and services all over our states, and then charged us for this "service" and sought to impose all their regulations on us, too.

Well, we can argue all day over whether this is "constitutional" or not, but the quickest way to put an end to it, is to point out that they are vastly overstepping their service area and that we won't pay for their services and won't recognize their jurisdiction as anything applicable to us.

This deprives them of both of their prime motivations to be on our land in the first place--- which is to charge us for more "services" and gain coercive power over us on a local level.

If we wake up and say, sorry, not paying for it, and furthermore, not subject to it, they are forced to pay for their own activities and their municipal courts--- which make their money by enforcing regulations that no average American is subject to --- naturally dwindle and die.

Not only do our purses get a break, we can breathe easier, too, and stop worrying about the latest anti-chewing gum laws and federal employee nose-hair regulations.

Just as we deal with obnoxious salesmen trying to sell us other products we don't want or need, curtailing all this inappropriate and unwanted "government" activity starts with telling the purveyors one little word ---- "No."

See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here:
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  1. Thank you, Anna, for your further instruction on this Great Fraud and how best we can push back against the blind, rapacious Behemoth.

  2. I have recently heard of something called the "Replevin Bond"?, does anyone know anything about this and how you procure it when you beat the de factos in your(their) court case?

    1. This may help....its an "appearance bond" and a "subrogation bond"...!!! I haven't heard of a replevin bond but it should be similar..!!

  3. Thank you Anna, IMO we need a lot more of this- easily comprehended examples to explain the situation to everyone else who hasen't "gotten it" yet. The simpler the examples and explanations the better, and simple solutions like "NO". As we understand the logic of it, we can overstand the BS.

  4. PS- we have to remember to say "NO" politely and be patient with them. Most of the gov. policy enforcers have grown up with the gov. ultimate authority programmed in, just like us.

  5. Plenty of weak prey abounds, it's incumbent on the strong to fight off the sharks, and armed mercenaries .we need book camp for the masses.

  6. Domestic = private , private federal jurisdiction in this context, the same as with-in the US VS with-out the US.
    Can still send letters/mail for 2-cents (per half ounce) just leave off the zip-codes and use the regular non-abbreviated state names and I add (General Post Office Non-Domestic) under the address. And if people want true privacy you can still receive mail free at a General Delivery Post Office (c/o General Delivery + their address).
    The system is simple Roman law of Quasi-contracts accepting benefits and owing duties, governmental services are benefits the more you accept the more in debt you become. The "person" is not the problem ever it is the proving how I am that "person" performing in that capacity, prove the contractual nexus and how I'm snared in it OR get the hell out of my face! Basically what I did a few years ago with jury duty LOL some how it was the mandatory law YET I was going to be compelled to sign a form claiming I was a US citizen LOl I had the head of the department here in NYC on the phone she finally hung up on me they sent different letters in at least 3 different styles of names and I just returned them "Mistaken Identity", they finally sent a subpoena to show up for court which I never did and they went away, Realize the driver license/ID, Voter registration and jury duty are all tied together and require a Social Security number to begin the process to register as a resident foreign US citizen agent. Residency is a commercial nexus, they have subverted "resident alien" into simple "resident", I recently found a book on English law regarding citizenship and denizenship which stated "resident alien" was used to signify "foreign merchants" residing in the country, and also that England was regarded as basically a commercial country rooted in trade and commerce, so we were spawned also as a commercial entity that was the directive from the beginning BUT the infrastructure to support it took a couple centuries to develop.
    If you do not impose your "will" it will be assumed you do not have one and they will proceed in your care to provide benefits for you. "NO" is imposing your will emphasizing your living will, your will is an expression of your soul, with no expressed will it can be assumed you are soulless and are in need of care and benefits as the infant/helpless/soulless beast of burden you present yourself as!

    1. We took a criminal law class at a junior college , after already knowing how the court works just to see what the teacher was teaching...i suggest everyone doing this...its fun...!! Anyway as luck would have it, the class was actually taught by an actual judge who was still employed as a superior judge at a local court...!! Anyway, he actually have us handouts that proved to be very honest. I couldn't believe it...He actually talked about a Demurrer (PC 1001). No judge in a normal courtroom will tell you about that pleading...all they say is do you plead guilty or not guilty...but a demurred comes before an actual pleading and acts as a "conditional acceptance"..!!
      But at one point he talked about those "jury duty" letters...!!
      He actually told us that because those letters aren t mailed out certified, they have no way to prove you ever got them, unless you make a call to the court or alert them at all...if you don't call or notify anyone from court, just do what I do, toss it in the trash and forget about it.....unbelievable..!! I was already doing that, but to hear it come from an acting judge was a miracle...!!The only time we got into it was when I said everything is "civil", whereupon he came back with everything is "criminal" and then he stopped himself and said you woul DNT believe me anyway as his way out of an embarrassing I let it go, because he was a nice guy...!! But actually I wish sometimes everything was criminal, because then the police could never get away with telling someone that that is "civil sir"....They love to say that so they don't have to get involved in "FRAUD" charges..!!! Excuse me sir but I have to answer a call about someone having a gram of

    2. James realize each state has their own laws regarding everything with varying degrees and process, I was tossing them for a few years they would do a cycle of three letters 1 every month and the about 2 times a year, they then ramped it up to subpoena letters so then i called for clarification this their are different types of subpoenas. When is ent a personal letter stating my stance I noticed i got a personal reply NOT a reply to the legal fiction and stating everything was fine and was in "god standing", then i received another subpoena letter a few weeks later but now with a set date a and time to appear yet this was send in a 3rd style name SO the bell went off for "mail fraud" and if you have read the codes then you know, so my response was "Return to Sender - Mistaken Identity" last i ever heard from them.
      Realize also a certified letter requires someone taking responsibility on their end also for mailing that letter.
      I have also heard of challenging mail fraud on utility bills because who are they addressing them to not your proper or even legal name usually ??? The bills stop coming yet the power stays on unless they want to admit to the fraud.

      Are you familiar with Jerome Frank ? he wrote a few books and was a lawyer during the New Deal unveiling, another good topic is "experimental jurisprudence" which is what they basically labelled the New Deal legislation at the time AKA welcome to Wonderland Alice fasten your seat-belt and prepare for the fun ride.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I am not going to be able to use the county I live in to file my documents with. The woman kind of chuckled when she saw these and said this is not something that they would file. I told her I was afraid that was going to happen but that’s OK because you should be filing these. So I found another out-of-state location that will file these. Unfortunately they do not make these searchable online. They just file them in their own records at their office do I need to try and find an office that will make these available to be searched online? With that be the better option? Or I can do as they suggest, just file it this way and keep my own copies.

    1. You must overlook some of these grammatical errors that are in my messages. I am using a text to speech program and it is nuts!

    2. We do..But isn t there a special form at the post office specifically for non-domestic mail....i think it is a pink card instead of the green one we always use....!! I think the "Informer" talked about this....!!

  9. great info Mike V and also Anna as always. Seen that Trump ex ordered new rules re church participating in politics re fear of IRS. We will soon come out of Babylon. Not all clergy are secular and pedophiles.

    1. I have case law some place , but if the church is incorporated as a 501-C3 as I believe the judge stated simply you are in Rome! AKA Roman civil statutory law your God is not governing you here.
      Just as most doctors are essentially looking to do good but if the system is rooted in evil??? we have a medical system spawned from Rockefeller oil and designed for maximized profits and the suppression of all actual cures not to mention also governing the food supply to further maximize profits as they destroy your health (Food and Drug Administration) LOL NO symbiotic relationship there??? Your general practitioner/priest may be good hearted and believes they are doing good but .... why the system requires the good ones to unknowingly promote the deeper agendas of the dark ones.

    2. Tom' interview with Eustace Mullins sure nailed that con job years ago Mike V.

    3. Leland, Check they have a huge audio list of Eustace's interviews.

  10. In the Beginning was a Revolution. PHYSICAL GOLD AND SILVER suffered, then rose in value again. The End may appear closer than it really is. Bet on Mike Pence keeping very very quiet.

  11. I don't understand HOW they are even doing business if they are completely bankrupt? Certainly I am beyond anger at this point.

    1. That's what I don't understand either...especially now that all three govt...municipal, territorial, and the Real One..How do you explain this..!!

    2. Check out latest report on that...Better yet google for FULL report this week now available for "P"

  12. Isn't "vehicle" a legal term of "the Federales"? Wouldn't some better terms for one's private property be: car, automobile, rig, etc.

    1. Yes..but an officer won't know what your talking about..only a judge will know that...and you would have to get him to answer yes, you just can't state that on the record because you won't make him liable for it...thats the tricky thing about these courts...we are brainwashed to answer everything yes or no in a court....!!!

  13. What this "advice" will do is land you in Folsom Prison Hotel for the rest of your life and the other major thing not discussed or ignored or maybe not aware of is that the FEDs can claim jurisdiction of everything because ALL gov't entities, city, county, State, and national are incorporated entities under the UCC so the Constitution does not apply and you have NO "rights" under the UCC. Better get educated folks and quit swallowing grandma ann's Kool-Aid if you do not want to lose everything, including your freedoms and your life!!! Have you noticed the rate of police shootings!!! Yes, tell the cop "NO" and see what happens to you!!! Queen Ann is dealing in her make believe world as how it SHOULD BE and not HOW IT IS!!! Let's see all her toads hop all over my post!!! But you people need to get a brain and get educated as most of the "advice" on this forum will get you in jail or killed by police!!! But...your choice, enjoy!!!

    1. I fnd it funny how you keep using the exact same offensive words and expressions in every single post. Very telling.

    2. Hi Unknown Genius of all, sorry might want to recheck your education some "entities" are quasi-muninicipal and not governed under UCC and you might want to go comprehend "reservation of rights" under UCC and how that actually works? Stay on your knees defeated one ..your choice , enjoy!!!

  14. Unknown may be trolling but there's a general point being made in that post. There's an element of risk involved in this work which is expressed in the recent return letter by Frank Collins that Anna shared. Police appear to have two personas that they don. On first contact, there's usually a 'human' persona unless there's some conflict already underway. This persona is useful for extracting information. As soon as resistance is met.. "I can't give you my identification, proof of insurance, etc as that violates my right to remain silent" the "cop" comes out and the potential for the situation to escalate is pretty much guaranteed. If one chooses to escalate the situation in this way, it's reasonable to have the court tactics well thought out and the funds, documentation, semantics, and witnesses to proceed with some large hope of avoiding jail or sudden death. Basically, we need choose battles we have some good chance of winning, if we have a choice. Unfortunately, the battle can come to our door in the form of foreclosure, zoning regs, and a myriad codes, regs, and permits that we may not even know exist. Once we return to the land and soil we need to know how to stay there. At this point, they do, still, have all the big guns, the troops, and the money, for whatever it's worth.

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