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Friday, May 25, 2018

The Short, Short Version

By Anna Von Reitz

The scags back in the 30's made a false claim against our assets by pretending that we were all Territorial United States Citizens by choice --- that we all "volunteered" into that status in exchange for the "benefits" of Social Security (which we paid for times ten ourselves) and similar such bogus "benefits" like registering our private cars as property belonging to them and available for them to use as collateral for loans, etc., etc., etc.

They did this with our labor and our land --- everything.  And all without telling us. 

It would be like being named as the co-signer on a car loan without ever being told a word about it.  It's an "unconscionable contract" --- literally, because there was no "meeting of the minds" possible.  They just did it, and the greedy banks let them do it. 

It is totally illegal and unlawful and morally bankrupt to boot.  

Okay, so the moment we find out, we can object.  We found out and started objecting immediately.  We went to the Pope. We went to the Queen.  We went to the FBI.  We went to Interpol.  We went to the DOJ.  We went to the UN.  We went to the Inspector Generals.  We went to the Postmasters.  

And they all stood there staring at us like we were Mr. Ed -- but we have the proof and everything we are telling you is playing out as we speak. 

The Historic Trusts are all locked up.  Nobody can get a transaction through to save themselves. 

Why?  Because these yahoos, the Governors of the States of States, like the State of Ohio, went bankrupt while in possession of our purportedly "abandoned estates".  That means that our estates are "presumed to be" property belong to the bankrupt State of Ohio, for example, available for the creditors of the State of Ohio to claim under the rules of maritime commerce. 

Using the car loan analogy, everything went along fine as long as the State of Ohio made its payments.  Nobody was the wiser, really.  

The moment the State of Ohio goes bankrupt, the payments don't get made and the co-signers get dunned.  If the co-signers don't pay, the car then gets repossessed.  

If Trump and Company don't wake up to the game the international bankers are playing, and tell the State of State Governors to release our names and estates Quit Claim and Quiet Title them back to us effective with the day we were born, foreign creditors will own this whole country as a result of this criminal fraud against the American States and people.

See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Anna, please tell us HOW to use your indemnity bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US (State); listing it is not enough, what happens in a real court case where your bond is listed, with 12 USC 95a2? What happens then?

    1. All those Titles were published by a corporation that is long gone. The indemnity bond allows the States and the people to do business in the realm of international trade and protects their property in the midst of this bankruptcy. It isn't for "personal"-- that is, corporate debt. That needs to be discharged.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. But "discharge " can only be accomplished at the federal window of the Treasury, which they either won't do or give us exact instructions on how to do it...!! But as far as I know, it can only be discharged by using your "strawman" account (corp), and needs the living man to demand it , through "subrogation"....!! Unless monitary policy changes in this country and we start using "real money", we need those strawman for the discharge as the authorized representative....thats why I say is it really smart to expatriate now that the central banks are failing and the IRS is weakening..!! And as far as the Trust being locked up, they are getting around it by using "perpetual bonds" that no one will monitize but is just a ploy to create hyperinflation and really bankrupt America for good..!!

  2. How do you fight? Why did bruce doucette get 38 years...and the others of the grand jury? People can ubderstand there is something wrong.. Few people have the legal minds to put all this in action... Doucette claimed a 172 iq,and a geek... Yet he lost

    Just wondering if the people have a chance... Do your letters get responses? How do you get letters through, while doucette is prosecuted as a domestic terrorist?

    1. As Anna explained, he was in the wrong jurisdiction. He might as well have been in WalMart.

    2. Well Winstan Stroud also is facing many years by challenging the Corp State, and he to is very smart..!! No one is immune from corruption and fraud...!!

  3. Mercy, and we must fight on.

  4. Anna, is there a reason you are hesitant to file a class action lawsuit against the perpetrators of these crimes? I'm sure thousands would sign onto such a lawsuit. It certainly would provide much needed publicity to your cause.

    1. Good question. Too bad its so hard to get a simple answer.

    2. Until you reclaim your birthright political status, you have no standing to pursue a complaint or even give an affidavit that will be heard---and even when you do get all that straightened out for a group of individuals to create a "class" such actions are difficult if not impossible to justify under Common Law, because each one of us is separate and accountable under American Common Law--- there is a real problem and "stretch" involved in defining a class of sovereign entities.

    3. That's a poor excuse, because if we expatriate, the courts will (and have) said that Nationals have "no standing" in their Corp. Controlled courts, and cannot bring a suit against them....."Paper with paper, or "living with living", but not "Paper (fiction) with the living (Real)..!! We need to bring the suit as "libelants"(us men and woman) v libelees (them, Corp govt) who have never disclosed what Rooselfelt did to us....!! Anna, we don't have to win in order to bring light to this arguement...!! But if it is denied, we need to appeal to the Supreme Court and Sessions, so maybe Trump will get involved and finally we can tell him...!!

    4. It seems to me that the defining of the class is that collection of people whose birth documents have been used to perpetrate fraud upon them for life. Let's go for it!

    5. If the preamble to the Original Constitution means anything, it means that the People are the Embodiment of the very Sovereignty of the Nation and State of Domicile. So this Fraud then would be interpreted as TREASON!

  5. I see NWO!and I think Trump already knows this !!!

    1. No doubt that was the plan --- steal from us for 150 years and then welch on the debt and never pay it. Leave us to pay the bill for them and the rest of the world. But we saw them coming and it isn't turning out as they anticipated.

    2. Trump??? Wasnt it stated in Anna's book,we dont actually vote? So then that would mean the elites placed him, and we are getting the razzle dazzle spectacular. Is Trump knowledgeable or a pawn? Has Anna's letters reached him?

  6. Does that mean that even though we claim our status back, it does not mean anything unless Trump gets the State of State Governors to release our names and estates Quit Claim and Quiet Title them back to us. Does that mean Anna that all the work you have done over the years means nothing unless Trump wakes up? In the short version we are all screwed unless Trump wakes up and does what you just said. I am just getting bc's back and beginning to start the process of reclaiming status, should I just stop until we see what happens with Trump?

    1. This is a great question, m. Kelly.

    2. Michael, maybe you should first check with others to see if they have derived any benefit from turning over their BC. Then proceed after you get such full information.

      As for me, I feel I have done enough things in my life, with NO benefit whatsoever. So now I want to first know ''whats in it for me' if I do thus and thus etc. THEN if I see benefit in it, fine; if not, then Pfffft on it, lol. But that is just Me, and I'm always out of step with the rest of the world, Lol.

  7. Yea, one step forward, 5 steps backwards. Very few of us have the knowledge that Anna has about the history and everything of this. I think that is why most don't go any further than the bc, afraid of that 6 by 9 room that they keep building more of. Are they intended for us instead of all those pedophiles and people like Hillary and Obama and the Bushes. I have been in some for short times over the years and they are something I won't to spend a long time in. Biggest part was over drivers license, it is hard to do or get thing accomplished when you live out in the country and are not allowed to drive I mean travel. Have not had license in 32 yrs, lost 6 vehicles over year for driving or traveling with no license, not counting all the money it had cost.

    1. Did you lose for fighting from wrong jurisdiction. ? Is jurisdiction the key?

    2. Do you keep your DS 11 pp. card with u? And also Color of Law, and Mandatory Notice to present when traveling?

    3. I have been traveling for awhile What is a DS 11 pp card? Any info you are willing to provide is appreciated

    4. A few yrs. ago outside traffic court I had asked an attorney something about using common law, and he quickly got a look on his face that was like 'they have got the deck stacked against The People'.......and he said 'please don't try that; you will get into way more trouble that you can even imagine; just pay the ticket and you will be way better off.
      He was the caring type attorney as I overheard him talking to a client of his outside there on the sidewalk.
      I got the strong feeling he was right, and we took his advice. In the end the person I was there with never paid a dime in court costs or fines; since they did not have any income I advised them to tell the Clerk of Court this, and she cancelled the entire bill. The defendant paid $25 to get another DL as they had 'ignorantly' handed over the other one.
      (Remember: when a cop asks to see your DL, thats all you should do; let them SEE it; but if you hand it TO them to SEE, then say bye bye to it, it will go into their shredder)

    5. Abby is correct...however they are criminals who dont follow any moral code of conduct or the Law...know the difference !... pick your fights ,fight to win .

  8. I have tried filing my reconveyance documents in 2 different counties here in Ohio and they flat out refused to do it. One recorder got quite angry. Now what do I do?

    1. put it in the news paper under public notice

    2. send email to subject: IMPORTANT.
      Trump checks his email at regular intervals.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. It does look like we should be posting our "Notices" this way, using the newspapers as our notice of recording.. I am dealing with the county recorders office right now, that their office is committing fraud and accepting money for filing documents that have no lawful authority, yet you place those notices on the very first page of a person's chain of title to real estate..And explained to them that they are filing "notices" of tax liens as actual LE INS with a valid court order, which is why they avoid the state filing of those notices...!! That was the reason why all "tax leins" were removed from all credit reporting agencies for good...!! Of course, they address their "liability " immediately, by saying they are following all the legal laws and that their duties are strictly "ministral" ..!! I wrote back to them saying ...."so are all the courts..All agencies of govt including the courts are simply administrating the Bankruptcy of the United States, Inc.
      Maybe this is the court we should bring a "class action suit" since you have the proof that we are the "TRUE "CREDITORS" and simply looking for redress of grievances for a grand "TORT", which the DEBTORS"(BANKS) refuse to comply with...!! Bankruptcy courts are for "Creditors" not "Debtors"...!!! Think about that angle judge Anna...!!

    5. Gloria, which counties were they?

    6. Warren and Butler counties. I live just north of Cincinnati.

    7. Hi Gloria, I was worried about getting these things recorded. I didn't have any problems here in Texas. Not sure if you are able to travel... But its worth a shot.

    8. Gloria, well you are not very far from me then. I'm in the Capitol.
      Sometimes when roadblocks pop up in front of us, its a sign we are supposed to wait, or ?
      Just sayin'

    9. Gloria, just file it in Lamar County, GA. They will file anything.

  9. Sometimes a cover document a regular transfer with your reconvayance on the bottom.Anna says find another county.

  10. If Trump and Company don't wake up to the game the international bankers are playing, and tell the State of State Governors to release our names and estates Quit Claim and Quiet Title them back to us effective with the day we were born, foreign creditors will own this whole country as a result of this criminal fraud against the American States and people.
    And i would suppose the pope and the queen should also wake up?
    i think there is so much world stage political and church theater, one would turn back to God.

    And why does God allow such people to become "leaders?"
    i do not think we should look to these men women or (mankind)for salvation.

    1. aFollower, I just said the same thing yesterday. That I have been simply painting a picture of reality, for people to ponder and come to the realization that Jesus is anyone's ONLY real hope. But I got accused of 'trying to gather a following of my Self and playing God'. Now how funny is that, Lol.

      Still, we must tell the truth about everything, and not build overly false hope in a world that is literally soaked in deception and such an entwined spider web of deceit that its just time for people to realize it can not ever be untangled, nor will the dark hearts of those in positions of power, EVER become benevolent and change.

      As to 'why these evil people were allowed to become leaders'....Man was given dominion over the Earth, and this is just one of the ways Man has screwed it all up. And so now it just is what it is. But the real Remedy is gonna be 'out of this world'.

    2. Again I am going to say that the real Purpose in all that Anna and Team have been doing, is to EXPOSE all that has been done in secret, and to expose it openly for all to see and know. The covers have been thrown right off everything, and they have done a fantastic job, and still do.

      Exposure has been the purpose in their Task. !! It is a fulfilling of bible prophecy.

  11. Anna, its like getting a new rifle and not knowing how to you use it.. same way with the Bond (indemnity bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US ) if we don't have the instruction in how to use this bond, it just seem to set there.

  12. Thank you to everyone who responded to my post! I appreciate the assistance.

  13. If they do , they get dead . This criminality on their part will result in their violent deaths...molon labe !


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