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Saturday, May 26, 2018

George Washington's Oaths

By Anna Von Reitz

There is a curious fact of history that deserves everyone's notice and understanding. 

George Washington took two Oaths of office.  

One was to The United States of America on April 6, 1789.  That is the political office owed to the land jurisdiction States and the American people holding the non-delegated powers.  

The other Oath of Office taken on April 30, 1789 was to the Federal United States and its new Constitution as President of the United States. That is the business office of the top executive of the Federal Government exercising the delegated powers.

One Supreme Office on the land and one on the sea.  

The President was supposed to stand with one foot on the land and one in the sea, able to provide for the orderly administration and  functioning of both jurisdictions to best serve the general welfare and benefit of the people and the country as a whole. 

The order of the Oath-taking proves beyond any doubt that the Supreme Office was the political Office of the President of The United States of America, which had to be entered and bonded and commissioned and affirmed under Oath before the subject jurisdiction of the delegated powers could be similarly entered into.  

You have to have a country before you can delegate powers to operate in the international jurisdiction of the sea.  

And that is why Washington took two Oaths and why the Oath to The United States of America had to come first.  

See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Oath is were your power is derived , the Lufkin case showed were congress changed the oath of judges to excape in agreement with the constitution to a unambiguous under the constitution that can not be defined .

    1. What ever happened of the Lufkin BS
      Best off use the US Federal Court of Claims & bypass the procedural cluster plucking by the federal "robes"

    2. petesfarm; here's what I believe is the latest in the Trowbridge (Lufkin) case. You can subscribe and receive updates.

    3. well keep in mind if it is repugnant to the Constitution it is a nullity. I would ask for both parties' Constitutional Oaths as per the States 1867 Constitution (as an example) enter a certified copy as evidence, then say that under subpoena duces tecum if it cannot be provided, Houston, we have a problem. remember if it is done properly and you invoke it all properly, ANYTHING that is in conflict in Law/repugnant it is NULL, emergency or police powers, dont matter, we just dont call them out on it properly.

      best videos to watch.

  2. English ships and mercenaries owned the high seas; they're the original, best pirates ever. They're licensed by the Queen, in exchange for a portion of whatever loot they acquire. Does the U.S. Navy search for gold laden ship wrecks or for communist submarines?
    p.s. Did DONALD J. TRUMP made a side deal with His Navy?

    1. Trump made a side deal with Nathan Rothschild! Can't remember what video.They will began taking away food, water,lights.No currency.

    2. short, why would trump do something like that. What would he stand to gain from it. It just doesn't sound like trump would do that. Can you give some backup for that?

    3. Dutch East Indies, started it all, pirating never stopped to this day, its how the entire world runs, Yale, skull and bones, hellllo, drugs, human trafficking and stolen goods and $$$; police cruisers do the same and military..

  3. Did any of the signers of the constitution understand that and how did they convey that to the people....if they did..!! In other words, did everyone have a general understanding of that during that time..because if they didnt, there was never any transparantcy from the beginning...!! I am the only one that thinks America would have been a better country without the Constitution....??

    1. James, you might want to read "No Treason" by Lysander Spooner if you haven't. How can any document bind anyone not a signatory to the document? IMPOSSIBLE! Plus, the "Articles Of Confederation" were NEVER repealed and are still in operation, at least theoretically. Therein, all living, breathing real people were said to be Sovereigns. This begs a couple of questions; 1) if no man can bind another man to a certain status, how is declaring the people to be sovereigns binding? (Besides it being a God/Natural given right) 2) If there is a means by which to give the status of sovereignty to the people, how can that ever be subverted thereafter? That is where Anna's great work comes in; we are our worst enemies in unknowingly consenting to the many invisible, so-called contracts that "purportedly" change our status to that of slaves. I do not believe that any status can be changed without full disclosure and with all parties having a complete understanding and CONSENT. If I am correct and I am quite certain I am, then I cannot understand ANY need to file ANYTHING, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME to correct a fraud that we NEVER knew about, understood or CONSENTED TO BE A PARTY! If EVERYONE would give the bastards the BIG MIDDLE FINGER April 15th, I think things would change PRONTO!

    2. Jack, I keep thinking the same thing: why would anyone have to correct Fraud. What is done fraudulently, is of no value, and is null and void to begin with. One who perpetrates fraud is criminally charged and punished. End of story. Who ever they defrauded merely has them arrested and charged; they don't go jumping thru hoops to get free of the fraud, and especially not letting the perpetrator of the fraud, run loose and unpunished.
      So why is the burden even on the defrauded People?

    3. yes and no, again, ad nauseum, the Constitution is a trust indenture set up for the signers and their families, landowners, still today. through enabling clauses everything goes back to the foundation from the magna carta through today; they trick you and make you think it doesnt but if it didnt the entire stack of cards would have fallen. its called conflict in law, repugnant to the Constitution. (if you removed the old testament from the new testament would the bible still be valid?) yes the articles of confederation is a perpetual union for the 13 colonies and yes it has to still follow back all the way to the magna carta and on up; you cannot own land, you are a 14th amendment/U.S. citizen, a poor slave (which is why you trade in fiat script for bankrupt and depraved individuals - landowners have real money and own property, all the rich british counts name the counties after them cause they own them haha) and yes you have multiple contracts, implied and expressed, even if you didnt have paperwork stating as such, which you have plenty, you are acting as trustee for the state agency, JOHN Q PUBLIC. you have BC's, DL's, Voters Reg etc etc etc. when you were born or naturalized into the UNited States dba District of Columbia, you de-nationalized and your race and political status devolved to a lower pauper, non-landowner, slave, citizen of the United States so until you renunciate your race/political status in this private for profit religious corportion of the society of jesus, then im afraid it aint gonna improve legal persons, which is why anna has been telling you over and over that if you dont make these changes, well then you agree by silence, now all the pontificating/claims of fraud you are doing about other things, well they have the guns and make the rules, if you keep thinking you can make your own, well, i think you see who has been receiving the short end of the stick. you see how easily they can divide us? all they need to do is bring up religion and people go nutz cursing each other out, my god is better than your god, my bible interpretation is more true than yous, its a JOKE and theyve totally pulled the wool over everybodys eyes with just that ONE topic; so good luck with thinking you can unify and accomplish anything; until you swallow your egos and get along and STOP crushing each other, focusing on differences instead of likenesses, you will continue to keep missing the bulls eye. imho just my 2 cents for what it worth.


      PLEASE watch all three peeps

    5. if you know who you are you have UNALIENABLE God-given Rights, not rights granted by man and you dont really even have those you have benefits, opportunities and privileges under their Corporation.

      c'mon see the difference???

    6. Jack, something just dawned on me. God gave us our INALIENABLE Rights to begin with from our Day 1 of life. This means we were born FREE to begin with. It is God who gave us Life and it was given to us INALIENABLE. That would mean that NOBODY can add to it or subtract from it; it is PERMANENT. Nobody can officially tamper with what we were GIVEN by our Creator.

      THAT is it in a nutshell. All this crap that has been done against us has been a gross violation against God and actually IS meaningless and a waste of their time. That is what 'inalienable' rights MEANS.

      Put another way,God is saying He is the giver of our Life, and it is INALIENABLE which mean 'there is nothing anyone can do to change that'.
      The underlying word there is 'inalienable' It means we are born inalienably Sovereign. We belong to nobody else except our Creator and there is nothing anyone can do to change that .

  4. "And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices" (Rev 10:1-3).

    I wonder if this represents land and sea jurisdiction? This is just one of many mentions of land and sea in Revelation.

    1. Author, I cannot say I understand every word of Rev. but we all do know that the Lion is the emblem of the UK....and we know they never really left after the civil war.

    2. Abby - yes the Lion, which doesn't exist in Europe, & the Lion, as of the Pharisee, who infiltrated Europe & whose Bear, Eagle, Wolf are symbols. Those w the Lion are the invaders.

  5. Have you read, “The Orphan Constitution”
    PhD dissertation final draft – Doug Herich?

  6. Hey
    I would like to read both oaths of offices and wonder how can he serve more than one, isnt that a conflict of interest of we the people?

    1. LifeCoach Chere-ie - No conflict of interest & why one oath was made prior to The United States (land & her people), the 2nd oath to carry out the 19 delegated duties in order to conduct affairs of 'the' United States (international, sea law). Hope this helps

  7. "On April 6, 1789, Washington became President of the United States of America when the Electoral votes were counted, according to Article II Section 1 Clause 3, before the Senate and House of Representatives. On April 30, 1789, George Washington took this oral oath: 'I, George Washington, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.' 'So help me God.'

    Now George Washington, as President of the United States, would be qualified to sign Bills enacted by Congress creating a government for the territory owned by or subject to the exclusive legislative power of the United States of America. That territory known as the 'United States' is the Article VI 'Land' to which the Constitution for the United States of America is to apply, once Congress and a President are bound by oath or affirmation to support the Constitution for the United States of America. Those oaths are never taken and subscribed, so the 'government of the United States' proceeds as a commercial corporation.":

    1. Thanks for posting that link to Dr Rivera's
      "George Washington Jailer And Tax Collector"
      Hopefully people will follow the link you provided and take the time to read it thoroughly.

      Especially Anna Von Reitz.

    2. I have uploaded the full article
      George Washington Jailer And Tax Collector.PDF
      To file convoy as I do not have my own website to post it to, and this thread will not let me post more that 4000 characters, the article is 25 pages.

  8. Anna, can you provide reliable cites for Washington taking the oath on behalf of the actual USA land jurisdiction? I ask because if memory serves me correctly, the Organic law courses taught by Ed Rivera state that Washington did not meet the requirements to become President of the USA, land jurisdiction, because he had not, at the time he took the oath(s) of office, he had not been a resident for at least 14 years which is a requirement. Perhaps he took both oaths but one was never effective because of this residency issue?

    1. Your memory is serving itself well.

    2. Yes Jack your memory is serving you correct.

      If only Anna would read Dr Rivera's lesson #2
      "George Washington Jailer And Tax Collector"

  9. "George Washington agreed to serve the first four year term as dictator on April 30, 1789, when he combined the office of the head of the federal government, President of the United States, with the office of President of the United States of America , which he had already taken on April 6, 1789, when the Presidential Electoral votes were counted in Congress. Since Washington, every American President has taken an oral oath as President of the United States and none as President of the United States of America. The person holding the two offices can act like a dictator because everyone in the government is an employee. ...

    Congress and George Washington conspired to create the two additional Organic Laws necessary for the formation of the dictatorship. The Congress of the United States of America first resolved on February 21, 1787 to convene a Constitutional Convention to revise the Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777. That Congress then enacted the Northwest Ordinance of July 13, 1787 as a temporary government for the Northwest Territory using its proprietary power, since it had no legislative power under the Articles of Confederation, its founding Organic Law. Article I of the Constitution of September 17, 1787 set out the framework for a federal territorial government consisting of a two-year Congress, an administration by a President of the United States and a kind of judicial ...":

  10. Well, I wonder if President Trump took both oaths or just the one he took in public, which was the business oath.....

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. There was not, and is not an oath to be "President of the United States of America".

      He only took the oath to become "President of the United States"

  11. I thought that I was going to be able to read the two oaths, which seems to me to be the best way to evaluate them rather than to assume that the second one was in some way evil. I guess we have to search and find that for ourselves... do I have time for that since poor George has been deceased for about two centuries. Such oaths can't be that long, unless the latter one got caught in the ocean currents and got dragged out to sea.........

  12. trying to serve two masters means one is double minded; not to be trusted and unstable in all ways; just like the police; a peace officer under a public oath; and then a corporate policy enforcer ...

  13. Please provide a site for: "George Washington ... Oath... of office ... on April 6, 1789" as I haven't found this in my searches.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Reading through the replies ,I am glad to see some people actually trying to do their own due diligence and not just believing what Anna has posted,,,,Just because Anna says so,
    doesn't make what she says 100% correct
    Partially but is missing many important parts.

    One will not be able to find the phantom oath of office that Washington supposedly took to become "President of the United States of America".

    Because if you take the time to actually read the Constitution you will find that an oath of office to take the office of the President of the United States of America does not exist.


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