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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Urgent Public Message for President Trump from Judge Anna

By Anna Von Reitz

Everyone--- pay attention.

Last year on January 20, 2017, President Trump took his Oath of Office. 

An Office in the Territorial Government is a Public Trust. 

Trusts do not become law for a year and a day. 

His Office, his Trust, would have become law on January 21st of this year--- but that didn't happen, because Chuck Schummer contrived to shut down the government for three days at precisely the critical time. 

This is called "breaking the continuity of the evidence". 

As a result, nothing that President Trump did during his entire first year in Office, all the laws and Executive Orders and Directives he signed---- technically didn't cure. 

Now, either he did this to himself because he wanted to void out mistakes made during the first year of His Presidency, or, far more likely, the Dems saw their opportunity to "win" by technicality and are scheming to invalidate everything he has done and everything he will do this next year and after----just by sitting back and not telling him that his Office never cured.

These are very devious, very skillful, very evil men he is dealing with, people who have been trained in the black arts and ecclesiastical law.  He truly is contesting with Evil in High Places, so it is important that the "Good Witches" and "White Hats" surround him and educate and warn him and protect him, just as I am doing by writing this memo today.

To counteract this, he has to re-take his Oath of Office, re-do the things he wants to stick--- re-sign legislation, re-issue Executive Orders, etc.---and begin the whole timeline over again, being sure that his Office cures and is not interrupted by any more chicanery for a year and a day. 

Thereafter, his work will stand and his term will run and there won't be anything that anyone can say or do against it.

And now you all know why Democrat Chuck Schummer appeared to shut down the government for three days "for no reason".   

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. Is this related to the "Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption" issued on December 21, 2017, declaring a national emergency to deal with that threat?

    1. AnnaVonReitz the Jesuitess. Since 9 March 1933 the United States entity per se has been under the FDR Proclamation 2040 with which we have operated according to the Emergency Banking Relief Act Military DOD oversight pf the FRB with a military government using Title 10 with the POTUS CINC as required by the Hague Treaty. get a grip

    2. From Anna:

      None of that changes the Nature of his Office with respect to its obligations under Trust Administration. That's the first bit of information you need. The second piece of information is that the 1933 bankruptcy ended on November 7, 1999. The entire Federal Code exists now only by assumption of Succession-- which is all they can hope to pull off.

      And just because I know ecclesiastical law and the habits of black magic and timelines of trust law does NOT imply ANY association with the Roman Catholic Church or the Jesuits; they are not the only ones who know the past, who know commerce, who know ALL of it. There are others and I am one. If you had the sense and knowledge to read my Letter to Cardinal George you might notice that I describe my relationship to the Church precisely--- I am a member of the Universal Catholic Church, NOT the Roman Catholic Church and I would appreciate it if you got it through your dense head that as a Lutheran -- an Evangelical Lutheran to boot-- I am by DEFINITION in NO WAY a Jesuit in any sense, way, or form--- and I would appreciate it if you would remember that from now on.

      This is a Lutheran response? A Very strange response to the outrageous 1999 Clinton / BIS theft of the 1933 Commercial Trust accounts that were then commingled with the Exchange Stabilization fund WITHOUT paying the national debt for which they were to retire.

      The purpose of Glass Steagall Act (in 1933 the BIS setup in 1930 Board were apoplectic when the separation was enacted at the time by Congress) Glass Steagall was created to guarantee the payment of the debt that otherwise would be solely the responsibility of the names registered in commerce as enacted in 1935 with the SSA. HER only response is that there is no trust because it was interrupted by Schumer - what nonsense! If that is the Lutheran / Rosicrucian take on things we are in great difficulty - more than I thought. How about the fact that the Emergency Banking Relief Act under the 1933 2040 Proclamation still is in force? She really struggles.

      eris jon phelps reply to ANNA:
      1. The Bankruptcy did not end on November 7, 1999. This terrible lie betrays her true purpose—to mislead and misdirect. Ask her to prove the Bankruptcy ended on that day!
      2. There is no such thing as an evangelical Lutheran. Every branch of the LC is connected to the Jesuit Papacy via the World Council of Churches controlled by Rome.
      3. The Lutherans have all departed from the Reformation Luther Bible and its underlying Greek and Hebrew texts. Any church that is a member of the WCC and National Council of Churches and has also departed from the Reformation Bible is not a Protestant of Baptist Church. In name, yes, in substance, no.
      4. She obviously denies the state governments and national government are presently under military government. She either does not know or is a lying Jesuit Coadjutor.
      5. The late Cardinal George of Chicago was one of the most evil cardinals in this country having headed the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. He was totally devoted to the pope’s temporal power as sustained by the Jesuits running the Jesuit papacy. Further, it was Cardinal George, overseen by the Jesuits at Loyola University in Chicago, who put the traitorous Jew Rahm Emanual in power as mayor of Chicago and thus backed Emanuel’s treason of making Chicago a “sanctuary city” for the RC Hispanics in further destroying WASP America. Why write the spiritual bastard a letter?

      This should be enough for dear Anna!

      Eric Jon Phelps


  2. It's hard to believe that he actually read your letter and believes you instead of the LIES about you all over the internet...!! If you get the chance to ever talk with him, tell him we either want our courts back, or maybe a better idea is to recognize two completely different statuses that have to be recognized immediately by the courts and by us like you said...true judges (justices of peace) in blue robes and Corp ones in all black...we have to know for sure...and if the blacked robed ones try and take jurisdiction of an American national, we can arrest and charge them before ever going to the presinct with treason and sedition..!!

  3. I know this is outside the topic here, but wanted to let everyone know that the olympics trainer/doctor (I think his name is Fetzer, or something like that, sheesh name just escaped me...) was sentenced to 175 years by Michigan Judge. Was for all sorts of sexual indiscretions against at least 160 young olympic gymnasts. This was a huge huge case.

  4. A considerable idea to write the Book thanks for your abundance of information and adviced caution to publishers.

  5. Abby, here is the "doctors" name and info:

    Dr. Larry Nassar, after initially denying the allegations of abuse and defending vaginal penetration as part of his medical treatment, pleaded guilty in two Michigan counties to a total of 10 counts of criminal sexual assault. The cases all involve women or girls who were assaulted by Nassar during the course of a medical examination, except one girl — a family friend of Nassar’s whom he abused for six years, between the ages of 6 and 12.

    Halicek is one of more than 150 women who came forward with harrowing testimony at the sentencing hearing for Nassar, a former doctor for USA Gymnastics and sports medicine physician at Michigan State University who has pleaded guilty to charges of criminal sexual conduct and child pornography.

    “It is my honor and privilege to sentence you,” Judge Aqulina told Nassar. “You do not deserve to walk outside a prison ever again. You have done nothing to control those urges and anywhere you walk, destruction will occur to those most vulnerable.”

    Judge to Nassar:
    "Sir, I am giving you 175 years which is 2100 months. I just signed your death warrant."
    — CBS Evening News (@CBSEveningNews) January 24, 2018

    Read it all:

    Many more of these stories are going to come out in many different arenas. When light comes, darkness must flee.

    1. You mean about all the pedophiles in Washington D.C., half the Judges in the country, the Pope and all his underlings, the Saudi's, most CEO's of corporate America, not to mention the child scaraficing going on in the name of Satan everyday.If you haven't seen Q-Anon's post on You Tube yet, you need to catch up because it's either the Potus or someone very close to him that gives out daily messages in the form of answers and crytic questions that are like bread crumbs leading us to the truth about what's going on behind the scenes. One of his recent post said if Americans knew the evil taking place on a daily basis, their minds would shut down. Go to You Tube and punch in Q-Anon and see what comes up. You can't get all your information from just Judge Anna.

    2. Qanon is a psyop... It sounds good but it is a psyop. Please believe me when I say this. This is Quantum Anonymous, or rather Quantum computer AI that technology has finally caught up to. Research what TYLER is all about

    3. +UNKNOWN - OK, if Qanon is bogus then who is TYLER and why is that important? Thanks

    4. As I mentioned this is a huge deal and has a lot of legs to it. Now we see many on the olympics committee who have resigned because of it; also now Michigan University where Nassar worked, has also gotten exposed, even up to the president of the U. A big can of worms is opening up, and it's about time ! !
      I don't know about anyone else, but to me these pedo's who take undue advantage of children and young people, has got to be the pit of all evil. Even though this olympic/university case is mild by comparison to whats taking place in the dark underworld and is global, our Nation's filth and evil is so multi-fold and gross, that if IT is not cleaned up, this entire world is doomed.
      This goes to show us the magnitude of the just how many sick minded evil bastards we are living among. Even though I've never been one of their victims, it is still so disgusting to me that there are just no sufficient words to describe that disgust.
      At the least, we ALL should keep our eyes open at all times watching for such abusive things going on and be a rescuer if necessary. And those with children, keep a close eye on them, even do surprise visits to your schools, and stop thinking your teenagers can take care of themselves.
      It's time for parents to be parents, instead of running a B&B for your kids and being a mere onlooker.

    5. Right again Abby..Im not a parent, but if I was I would demand to sit in all his classes once in awhile..people don't care about our next generation..!!

  6. Hello Anna Von Reitz; Timothy Louis Northen interested in using some information of a Health Co. online! Would that be okay Anna?

  7. This is HUUGGEE... To paraphrase the Donald.
    Hopefully we will see if he’s truly wants to make America great again or
    If he’s just a shill for corporate bankers.
    The indictment s are supposedly been handed out and hopefully this corrupt,
    Illegal, unlawful charade of a government can be exposed for what it is.

    Another interesting case is in the courts even as I write this. Labeled as a Soverign Citizen conspiracy theorist, but this lady is a former BAR member and knows the system well.
    Have a look here or copy paste link.

  8. YES, we're just missing the "SPARK PLUGS"!!! That would be us once we all get are minds screwed on right!

    Hopefully McGlock9 it doesn't turn out to be another huge smear/character assassination campaign just to remind the mindless how "insane and mentally unstable" WE Conspiracy Fact finders/action taker's are. "Sovereign Citizen" and "BAR ATTORNEY", LMAO! There's Your sign! Its been awhile....

    1. You are absolutely correct Kelli. The British Accredited Registry and anyone under 14th amendment or born in Washington DC Citizen.
      Unfortunately I fall under the 14th amendment been a Naturalized Citizen.
      So I don’t have the option of claiming State National.

      I know all about it.
      Thanks for been awake .
      And contributing .

    2. Thank you as well McGlock9!
      Please remember that no matter where the "LEGAL" origin of the "LEGAL TITLE" that was created to "REPRESENT" You the living man/woman, makes NO DIFFERENCE in Your Rights/Duties to correct the "TRUST records via Anna's Process and properly Claim to NOW Stand as the Living on this land mass, physically capable of lawfully/legally administer the "Trust" created in your "LEGAL TITLE" Name. It's ALL Banking business ONLY. YOUR "CERTIFICATE OF NATURALIZATION" IS STILL THE BONDED "INDEMNITY RECEIPT" TO THE "LEGAL TITLE" To YOUR CREATED BANK TRUST Account, which IS Internationally Registered and recognized as such LEGALLY. Claim back Your ownership and properly administer it correctly. That is your living right & Legal responsibility to BE & DO.

    3. ALL LEGAL "TITLES" ENTITITIES AND PROPERTY ARE ALL FORIEGN INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED "BONDS" FOR PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LEGAL BANKING PURPOSES ONLY. They Do NOT EVER Represent the Living Lawful man/woman/child or our physical possessions which is the LAW. Possesion IS our Lawful rights/duties IN Self Governing reality no matter where we were physically born. OUR Birth Names WERE ALL FORIEGNLY REGISTERED AND CONVERTED INTERNATIONALLY the SAME WAY and By the SAME MEANS, AS "TRUSTS" FOR INTERNATIONAL BANKING PURPOSES ONLY.

  9. Paul, the contents of the article do not go with the Title. The message posted on the other site is different and very discouraging. Reposting from other site. You can delete this after verifying with Anna.
    Urgent Public Message for President Trump from Judge Anna

    Everyone— pay attention.

    Last year on January 20, 2017, President Trump took his Oath of Office.

    An Office in the Territorial Government is a Public Trust.

    Trusts do not become law for a year and a day.

    His Office, his Trust, would have become law on January 21st of this year— but that didn’t happen, because Chuck Schumer contrived to shut down the government for three days at precisely the critical time.

    This is called “breaking the continuity of the evidence”.

    As a result, nothing that President Trump did during his entire first year in Office, all the laws and Executive Orders and Directives he signed—- technically didn’t cure.

    Now, either he did this to himself because he wanted to void out mistakes made during the first year of His Presidency, or, far more likely, the Dems saw their opportunity to “win” by technicality and are scheming to invalidate everything he has done and everything he will do this next year and after—-just by sitting back and not telling him that his Office never cured.

    These are very devious, very skillful, very evil men he is dealing with, people who have been trained in the black arts and ecclesiastical law. He truly is contesting with Evil in High Places, so it is important that the “Good Witches” and “White Hats” surround him and educate and warn him and protect him, just as I am doing by writing this memo today.

    To counteract this, he has to re-take his Oath of Office, re-do the things he wants to stick— re-sign legislation, re-issue Executive Orders, etc.—and begin the whole timeline over again, being sure that his Office cures and is not interrupted by any more chicanery for a year and a day.

    Thereafter, his work will stand and his term will run and there won’t be anything that anyone can say or do against it.

    And now you all know why Democrat Chuck Schumer appeared to shut down the government for three days “for no reason”.


    1. IAMTRUTH - That is interesting and nothing I ever heard before. The Democrats did not waste any time when they got Obama in office and began writing EO's and making them stick so I wonder why it would be different with Trump? If it is then wouldn't that mean all those in Congress who went along with that fraud Obama are guilty of several crimes themselves?
      I have to think that this 40 year plan, by the White Hats, to re-take America using Trump had to know this if this is in fact the case. And at some point instructed Trump on these procedures?

  10. OMG! Another aspect to the "government" shut down is that I read it only kicks the can down the road for another two weeks - as in this coming early February. I asked myself to what purpose? Now that I have read Anna's real posting to Trump I think we can all see the evil game that is being played here. What happens if they shut the government down again in two weeks?

  11. What everyone fails to notice is that a "president" is a CEO of a corporation; download Black's Law Dictionary 4th Edition; its all one needs; a president does not represent the American people; he is an actor; acting as an imaginary legal fiction using the law of the sea way beyond its boundaries and limits;

    Wake up; the law of the land is silent; it is waiting for you to start using it and to take up lawful public offices; develop it and use it; instead, all have been indoctrinated and mind-controlled into watching for "what trump did next";

    One thing is sure: he is not going to heaven;

    Luke 18:25 For it is easier for a camel to go through a needles eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. [KJV 1611]

    Then, why do you falsely believe he is the "saviour"?

    Matthew 7:13 Enter ye in at the straight gate, for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in there at:

    Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

  12. Much more 'newsworthy' is the fact that, since BHO was ineligible for the office of POTUS - for not being a "natural born" citizen, i.e, according to the definition of the term of the day of the constitutional Framers, a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" (and that eligibility requirement for that particular federal office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary) - all of the legislation that HE signed into law and all of the E.O.'s and P.D.'s that HE issued, and all of the appointments that HE made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts - need to go with him. Into the dust bin. For it to be as though he had never been there, and disgraced that office. For, he was never there legally.

    Let's REALLY get real, folks.

    1. Stan, while we are at chewing up past presidents, lets not forget that GHW Bush (senior) is also not an american born, but was born in germany, probably never even naturalized, and whose real name is scharf, not bush.


  14. This Is EXACTLY why it is SO Important to learn and understand what has been created in your Given Birth Names and WHY You must STAND UP and take proper action to administratively Correct YOUR POLITICAL STATUS and RE-CLAIM/RE-CONVEY ALL LEGAL "BONDED TITLES" and "PROPERTY" CREATED TO "REPRESENT" You, and your property.
    Take it ALL Back and STOP BEING the "LIABLE TRUSTEE" FOR THE FEDERAL RESERVE and instead be the BANK Settlor You WERE INTENDED TO ALWAYS BE, but were just never taught or told. WE ARE THE SPARK PLUGS to this engine, always have been. WE were never probably informed/taught so therefore we have ONLY been operating via misfire and not on ALL FULL CYLINDERS! We need to correctly "gauge our GAPs" on our minds and correct the RECORDS and BE THE Spark Plugs that run this engine correctly, honestly and smoothly!
    We are the ENERGY behind this FIAT "Banking" machine, always have been and always will be! Now get busy and study and learn what you need to learn via Anna's process and what it truly means FOR you to operate ON all YOUR CYLINDERS Correctly!

  15. Well here comes my really blunt side: Honestly this is just so much bullshit IMO. Donald was elected by the people; how can the presidency be suddenly called a 'Trust' and then treat all he did as an 'uncured trust''. And even more looney IMO is to try to tell us that because one jackass, shumer, 'shut down the gov. and that stopped this 'curing' of his presidency !
    Since when does it matter if the gov. was shut down or operating! Its about the days on the calendar, since during speaks in terms of Days, as in calendar days, and sure enough Jan. 21 DID show up on the calendar and we are well past that DAY.

    I tell you, the longer I listen to some of this tripe, the more I know this world has gone just plain NUTS! This is by far the nuttiest thing I've heard YET! It sure is the biggest twisting of words I've ever heard. Is there any sanity left here???

    Sorry, but I for one, am just not buying into this wild nonsense.

    1. CORRECTION: DONALD WAS ELECTED BY THE ELECTORATE NAMED "WE THE PEOPLE "LEGAL TITLE ENTITY" Which the living IS Not a party too. Sorry to burst your Political "status" bubble =derivative

    2. Abby, we just can't seem to overcome the evil in our midst. It's been going on since 1862, for over 150 years. JFK's speech said it best. It's monolithic and ruthless. About the SHUTDOWN. People were talking and tweeting about it before it happened, and yet, this urgent message came right AFTER the SHUTDOWN. This all sounds very suspicious to me. Are we to believe that no one took the SHUTDOWN into consideration that it could happen and take precautions to prevent it, OR was that part of the AGENDA all along?

    3. Iamtruth, some of us know just how stinking deep this rabbit hole really is and have faced that fact; others still think they can 'put humpty dumpty together again'. They're welcome to use up their energy on whatever they want; they still don't realize just how dastardly Evil really is.

      As for you miss kelli get back off your high-horse and learn to read what is said cause you missed my point altogether.

    4. From Anna:

      Because offices have a definition and nature of their own-- they may be public or private trusts, they may be inherited rights, they may be communal property Copyholds.... His office has its own character and its own requirements. When you define an office as a Public Trust you create also all the obligations of a public trust, which includes an Oath of Office, which includes bonding, and which includes curing for a year and one day.

      Ignorance of the law is no excuse and neither is ignorance of the nature of the offices. I can't believe how completely ignorant people have become over the years. It's as if because they were not told the facts they also lost the ability to think and research things.

      Whether you think it is silly or not, I can assure you that the "year and a day" requirement does attach to Trump's office as President and can also assure you that Trump's Office did not cure because of this otherwise vacuous shut down.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Anna, I never said its not in some rule book someplace, but I do still say its the biggest nonsense that I've heard yet. In fact the entire system is a pile of bullshit and those who dreamed up this whole scheme all belong in some mental institution as far as I'm concerned.
      Just look at how whacky the banking system is which these same idiots set up; pure white collar crime. Now why would we just go along with what this article tells us; why would we be chided for calling it whacky as well?
      The nuttiness of it all is in the Doing of it, not in the telling of it. But I wonder what is the point in even bringing this up in the first place. But it does go to show that the whole damned world has lost its common sense.

  16. Anna has it all wrong this time. Trump is the president of the corporation. See Act of 1871

    1. mDay, by now we all know that all of govt. and politics and 'elections' are nothing but a sick joke on the People.
      What would they all do if nobody listened to any of their political speeches, turned our backs on them, and nobody voted for anybody.
      I mean seriously.

    2. From Anna:

      Yes, the President of the municipal and territorial corporations we need to negotiate with to correct this situation, just as I and my husband have to negotiate with the Queen and the Pope. If you don't understand all this, best not to comment.

    3. Perhaps better to screen or filter the irrelevant &/or distracting comments! Or, just give those folks their own page...

    4. Wirkin, do you mean this place should become more like Google, engineer the mindset of people, and control what can be said or seen by others? You are in a 'freedom movement' but conversely suggest otherwise?
      Who is to decide what is 'irrelevant or distracting'?

  17. Well as for my part, I have been bugging Trump on his site to take with me or just text me and I will tell you our true history and how our courts really work, and are actually working as a "WALL" for the people to try and jump over to get remedy...almost impossible..!!

    1. James, I initially thought trump was going to have a Site for his voters could openly let him know what we want and keep him abreast of the pulse out here. Instead, I feel like he is not listening to we the populists.
      You are soooo right; he needs to focus back on our own country and and tend to our fake judicial system and all the aches and pains we are still enduring.
      Tuesday nite is his state of the union speech and I hope he goes right for the jugular and even names some names, Lol.
      It's an opportunity that should not be wasted on niceties and political correctness bullshit. After all, we already know the 'state of the union'; america is gone and we've become the stomping grounds for every tom, pedro, and mohammad in the world; you'd think this country has become some kind of a favorite resort! But in reality, its turned into tumble down little towns, shacks, and full of new-built enclaves all bunched up together, and condo communities where nobody wants to get to know their neighbors - who could blame them?
      This 'taking back our country' is a pipe dream; america died when immigration was left to run wild and they stopped counting. It is well on its way to becoming the next India. That's the 'state of our union'.

  18. Great work Anna, I hope Trump reads the truth and starts to skin the swamp monsters. And when the 297 trillion lien on the Bar take effect everyone who got screwed can get some redemption. Now the sheriffs need to stop evicting True American State nationals from their homes. We need to hold these subcontractors personally accountable, lien them up and seize their assets to make up for their indirect crime they committed. “God Hang the Queen”

  19. AnnaVonReitz the Jesuitess. Since 9 March 1933 the United States entity per se has been under the FDR Proclamation 2040 with which we have operated according to the Emergency Banking Relief Act (Military DOD oversight pf the FRB with a military government using Title 10 with the POTUS CINC as required by the Hague Treaty. get a grip

    1. From Anna:

      None of that changes the Nature of his Office with respect to its obligations under Trust Administration. That's the first bit of information you need. The second piece of information is that the 1933 bankruptcy ended on November 7, 1999. The entire Federal Code exists now only by assumption of Succession-- which is all they can hope to pull off.

      And just because I know ecclesiastical law and the habits of black magic and timelines of trust law does NOT imply ANY association with the Roman Catholic Church or the Jesuits; they are not the only ones who know the past, who know commerce, who know ALL of it. There are others and I am one. If you had the sense and knowledge to read my Letter to Cardinal George you might notice that I describe my relationship to the Church precisely--- I am a member of the Universal Catholic Church, NOT the Roman Catholic Church and I would appreciate it if you got it through your dense head that as a Lutheran -- an Evangelical Lutheran to boot-- I am by DEFINITION in NO WAY a Jesuit in any sense, way, or form--- and I would appreciate it if you would remember that from now on.


      1. The Bankruptcy did not end on November 7, 1999. This terrible lie betrays her true purpose—to mislead and misdirect. Ask her to prove the Bankruptcy ended on that day!
      2. There is no such thing as an evangelical Lutheran. Every branch of the LC is connected to the Jesuit Papacy via the World Council of Churches controlled by Rome.
      3. The Lutherans have all departed from the Reformation Luther Bible and its underlying Greek and Hebrew texts. Any church that is a member of the WCC and National Council of Churches and has also departed from the Reformation Bible is not a Protestant of Baptist Church. In name, yes, in substance, no.
      4. She obviously denies the state governments and national government are presently under military government. She either does not know or is a lying Jesuit Coadjutor.
      5. The late Cardinal George of Chicago was one of the most evil cardinals in this country having headed the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. He was totally devoted to the pope’s temporal power as sustained by the Jesuits running the Jesuit papacy. Further, it was Cardinal George, overseen by the Jesuits at Loyola University in Chicago, who put the traitorous Jew Rahm Emanual in power as mayor of Chicago and thus backed Emanuel’s treason of making Chicago a “sanctuary city” for the RC Hispanics in further destroying WASP America. Why write the spiritual bastard a letter?

      This should be enough for dear Anna!

      Eric Jon Phelps


    3. From Anna:

      Get over it. Nothing related to the old Federal Code is still in effect. It all went out the window including the "Named Franchises" in 1999. Was it fraud? Was it unlawful conversion? Was it criminality? You bet. Is it actionable as fraud-- both politically and materially, yes.

      But that is just a SMALL part of the overall picture and crime with which we contend now. It is apparent that like so many other people before you, you have become acquainted with a part of the fraud and think that that is all there is to it. Like the man with a hammer who interprets everything as a nail because that's the only tool he's got, you think your information is "the answer"-- but it's not.

      You have to wrap your head around the fact that the United States of America, Inc. was a corporation that went bankrupt. That bankruptcy settled in 1999. When it did all those Federal Codes went, too.

      They are of historical interest, but they are not what is of importance today.

      It is also apparent that you are one of those nasty people who have to try to label others. If I am not a Jesuit, I HAVE to be in your petty little mind a Rosicrucian? A group that has never even been proven to exist?

      How about the idea -foreign to you perhaps, but true nonetheless-- that I studied and learned all by myself using the libraries I had access to and the Internet?

      When I say that anyone can learn what I have learned simply by being diligent and looking, I mean it. I am living proof of it. I did not need and did not use any organization religious or otherwise to obtain my insight. I and others like me researched it all and shared the information with each other, which has allowed--- after many years of effort all round-- the knowledge we have today.

      The Federal Reserve System went bankrupt in 2009. It no longer exists.

      All these things to which you refer are not in effect, because the organizations that gave rise to them are long gone.

      You are like someone sitting in an Irish Pub wanting to re-fight the Battle of the Boyne.

      What has to happen instead is for us to know the history, but be present now in the current time dealing with the actual situation.

    4. Looks like Mr. Trump did not get the memo ANNA.


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