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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Progress in Texas, the MGJA, and Everywhere Else

By Anna Von Reitz

Last night I tuned into a little ole down home teleconference sponsored by the Texas Republic.  They are extremely well-organized compared to most of the rest of the state republics and have their history firmly intact.  Many of their counties are up and operational and they hold their regular meetings at various places throughout the state to meet and greet and educate as they go.  After all the gritty hand-to-hand in places like Illinois the past few weeks, it was like balm to my soul. 

They have developed yet another ingenious and effective answer to the IRS fraud, which is simple and deadly to implement.  The essence of it is to politely inquire about the jurisdiction of two courts.  When the district level court replies that they don't have jurisdiction over the municipal corporation dba "IRS" and the "US TAX COURT" admits that it doesn't have jurisdiction over the territorial corporation dba "Internal Revenue Service" it puts the vermin in a real bind. 

If they take JOHN QUINCY DOE to US District Court, he can say, "But look here, the US District Court says it doesn't have jurisdiction over the IRS." 

If they take John Quincy Doe to the US TAX COURT, he can say, "But look here, the US TAX COURT says it doesn't have jurisdiction over the Internal Revenue Service."

[They can't complain because "John Quincy Adams" does sound exactly like "JOHN QUINCY ADAMS" only now you get to use that fact against them the same way they used it all these years against us. ]

And both statements are absolutely correct, counter-claiming, and self-cancelling.  This is because unknown to most Americans, we've been dealing with two separate governments (Territorial and Municipal) and two separate agencies (Internal Revenue Service and IRS) and two separate court systems (US District and US TAX COURT)---neither of which have anything much to do with us, except that they are supposed to be providing "essential government services" in Good Faith and aren't.

Now if you do what these Texans recommend, you can put these courts in a good old-fashioned Texas Twist-Em double-bind.  Either way they go, they are stuck having to explain to their own employees and to the public the fraud scheme they've been working, and rather than do that, they are going to let go of you faster than an average rattlesnake.

As I have explained many times these vermin have created public trusts named after you.  They stole your identity and took title to your Given Trade Name, then split the title between themselves--- with the State of State Territorial Government holding the Beneficial Ownership Title and the STATE OF STATE Municipal Government holding the Legal Title and you completely cut out of the picture as the "missing, presumed dead" Donor/Grantor. 

And of course, they are doing all this "for" you as a service and you ought to be grateful, right?

When it comes to working this scam vis-a-vis the federal income tax, your Name/NAME is presumed to belong to a federal citizen, either a Territorial Citizen or a Municipal CITIZEN, so either way, "they" owe the federal income tax.  You don't, but they do. 

In keeping with this cozy and grossly immoral and illegal scheme, the Municipal Agency dba "IRS" keeps the debit side of what they call your Master file and racks up all the charges and expenses against YOUR NAME, while the Territorial Agency dba "Internal Revenue Service" --- a completely different animal operating out of different offices --- keeps track of the credit side of your Master file Account, never the twain to meet. 

Even most of the IRS/Internal Revenue Service employees are blissfully ignorant and go on calling themselves by both names and can't find their butts with both hands. 

This is also why there are three (3) Commissioners of Internal Revenue---- one for every level of government--- the actual United States of America, the Territorial United States, and the Municipal United States. 

Anyway, what these fellows in Texas have worked out is an effective means to expose the fraud in such a way as to trap the rats in the same way they have trapped you, with both the Court and the COURT disqualified and unable to explain why without revealing their fraud scheme.

I love it. It really tickled me.  I sat in my chair with my eyes big as saucers and silently laughed until I cried.

Just goes to prove, you get enough Americans working on a problem, they are going to find solutions.... those little Billy Goats are going to try every way up the mountain until they find what works and then, watch out for the Goat Stampede.

I still like my old tried and true method of Revoking Election to Pay, but this new process has some decided advantages: (1)  It would work for anyone, even federal employees. (2) No need to pour over Title 42 and figure out whether or not you are a federal citizen. (3) No need to retract and get private claims and political status documents on the record before doing battle,  so it will work even for people who don't have their political status corrected and recorded and even if people have already run afoul of the IRS and are midstream in a court action. 

That's a lot to recommend it, and for a lot of people ---this is a godsend.   And it is simple and inexpensive enough that anyone can do it.  My hat is off.

I suggest everyone who is interested in getting your counties and states back up and running go take a look at the Texas Republic website.  They have put a lot of effort in and it shows. 

There's been a lot of new activity the past few weeks with more and more people and counties reporting in at the weekly Thursday night teleconference sponsored by the Michigan General Jural Assembly to help answer questions and provide assistance to people wanting to do something similar in their own counties and their own states. 

That's wonderfully encouraging news.  It means that more and more Americans are not only waking up and realizing The Fix we are in individually, but more are stepping forward to get the tools and advice needed to revive their own nation-states, and that is what we have to restore to save our own country and clean up this mess.

For those new to the information, I suggest they go straight to the B, C, and D Appendix part of the Michigan General Jural Assembly Handbook and get the hang of it all in the Big Picture.  Most of this country is still not politically organized--- that is, your actual nation-state and even the State created to represent your state's land jurisdiction, may exist on paper, but not in fact. 

Most of the western states are what I call "states in waiting"---- you have contracts to become states and guarantees that you will be "treated as" states in the Union and owed all the guarantees, but there hasn't been a fully functional land jurisdiction Continental Congress in place to actually enroll any new states in the Union since 1860. That presents a real problem in terms of international law and leaves an awful lot of people with their tails exposed to high winds. For yourselves and your families and friends who live west of the Mississippi---- get on up that mountainside.  Just pretend you are a bunch of spry little goats and go hop, hop hop! 

Here's the information for Michigan General Jural Assembly again:

The Michigan General Jural Assembly hosts a Thursday Night national call-in program. The call-in times and names and numbers for that and for their national hotline (open four days a week) are posted on my website: and here it is again: Nine o’clock Eastern Standard Time, call in number is: 1-712-770-4160. Access Code for Thursday night call is: 226823#. The Hotline is 1-989-450-5522Monday through Thursday2 to 7 pm EST. They can also be reached at

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. Time to step up, get involved, and make it happen! If enough counties and states become settled with their assemblies, we can tell the bankrupt corporation UNITED STATES INC. that their services are no longer required or needed and they can take a hike as We THE People are now self governing.

    1. why does MGJA have an Iowa phone number???

    2. The Conference call is held on which is based out of Iowa. The hotline number is a 989 area code number based out of Michigan. Pay attention friend...

    3. Freewill, and just how does all this get Funded?
      Surely, these things take money to function, so where do Operational Costs come from?
      So now, back to my asking about the gigantic funds that are contained in all the Trusts that Anna told us ''she has' obtained - - for which the very people who are pushing for 'their new government' have highly criticized me for!

      They have tunnel vision, not having thought out the whole picture - it takes M o n e y to run any new government; but I guess they think it is all for free and somebody is just going to hold new Court/government in their living room, garage, or den?

  2. Where is this printed that they admit that they do not have jurisdiction that we can use to rub their nose in it?

    1. You get it in the letter they send you after you have completed and sent in some docs first.

    2. Wha docs? Do you or anyone else have a copy of this letter?

    3. Jessica,
      Would you mind telling us what the "they" is? in "they send you..." and send in some docs first? I would like to know what "some docs" are specifically. I would be very helpful in my situation. Thank you.

    4. I found this: (08-11-2004)
      Review of IRS Due Process Hearings
      For taxes that do not fall under the jurisdiction of the Tax Court, the district courts have jurisdiction to review the Service’s determination reached in due process hearings conducted under sections 6320 and 6330. See sections 6330(d) & 6320(c) (incorporating section 6330(d)).

    5. I just use Title 31 U.S.C. section 3124 against them. It is a felony for them to receive Federal Reserve Notes as payment. Stops them every time! ;)

    6. Find form t.c.form 5
      Fill it out and remember to address you as the all cap name.
      Send it in certified.
      Then wait until it's received then check the website for updates
      Check docket inquiry

    7. Free will, I see that Title 18 USC § 8 and Title 12 USC § 411 both state that “Federal Reserve Notes are United States obligations”. But where do I find that it is a felony for them to receive them?

    8. Jessica, that's great for folks who already have a tax court case running but how do we get this information if we are in district court?

    9. Freewill
      There is nothing in Title 31 U.S.C. section 3124 that said FRN is unacceptable. There is an opposite wording above it that says: FRN could be equivalent (< this is vague so Treasury can defraud any one for FR). I just want to double check whether the Crooks changed the code. They might have, bc I’ve seen they did to Reg. Z(d). Today we can’t trust the Deep State Gov’t any more. Too much Fraud every where in the USA.

    10. 1 Free Man....12USC411 is your demand for "lawful money"..! When Nixon took away the last substance from our money (the gold), converting all money to just paper notes, he had to give the people a REMEDY to "pay" their debts, instead of just discharging our debts....and it also alerts everyone , including the IRS and FTB that you are not using the benefit of elastic currency and therefore have no tax liability. It was for that reason that the govt stopped printing USNotes (started by JFK) because they said that U S Notes don't do anything that FRN don't already do...but only when you make your demand under 12USC411. I'VE seen some people stamping their bills with this demand...but people are confused about how to use aren't using the demand to ask the bank for real money, because they don't have it and if they did you would never get it...the demand is simply warning anyone that no one can touch your account because it doesn't belong to the FR or your bank..its your private account that they can't touch...!! If you do it right you only need to do this one time and file a "letter of understanding" with the county recorders office that all your transactions are based on "lawful money" as payment for your debts and not discharge, closing all accounting transactions as they occur...and "lawful money" is a debit on their "off sheet bookkeeping ledgering account", bringing their books down, not up..!!

    11. What you are doing is making a record and alerting everyone including the bank and the taxing agencies that you are not using the private elastic currency for all your transactions, therefore your account is not the banks but your private account and since you are using "lawful money" it requires NO SIGNITURE.. But if they want one just sign your name as "lawful money". If they say anything just tell them signatures are defined in the UCC as any mark (like an x), word, or phrase...!!!..UCC 3-401 (2)...And then you can back it up when in front of tax court by using UCC 3-401 (1)....." No person is liable on an instrument unless his signature appears thereon...!!! Just one more thing in your arsenal against the IRS. Just remember one thing, you can file all the paperwork you want but a judge can easily take "silent judicial Notice" of the fact that you are saying that your not a US Citizen, but you still insist on using the benefit of elastic currency that is private... US Notes are not obligations of the United States, when you have made your lawful demand at 12USC411 and 95 (a)...!! Deceptive wording isn't it...dont let them get away with it...!!!

    12. 95 (a)...!! 12 95a is not Title 50 §4305(b)(2)
      For the CDP 12153 I sent in w8BEN w8IMY form 56 (naming the State Registrar the Fiduciary) a 3 page 6-point letter, noting the erroneous incomplete assessment for no 23C and no application of the 5.5 million & 2.35 million Unified Tax Credit Publication 950
      I included my Terms of Surrender when I surrendered the reversionary interest in the Outstanding Certificate of Title Security (BC) by Special Deposit in the Office of the Registrar as Usufruct for the special purpose to settle all past present and future obligations accounting to ALL CAPS NAME, a probate recorded document with seals of probate.
      I included my Probate record of American National status,
      I forgot my notice I sent to the PTB ordering the withdraw and redposit all transaction as Special Deposits redeemed in lawful money 12 411

      Lets see what happens..

    13. Oh, I also sent my Revocation of Election also recorded in probate

    14. That's Great Big Blue!! I would be very interested in hearing the results!! What is a "Revocation of Election"? Would you mind emailing me an attachment please?

  3. Why is any Pope at the top of your new arrangement, makes one skeptical, founding deists wanted no part of mary worshippers. Constatine's false church and the holocausts, what's makes anyone think they've changed, a topic on euthanasia would prove it.

  4. Anna,
    Please provide the reference case or where can I get this info. I am one of those in the midst of a court action where this info would be vital to me. Thanks for your help

  5. We at also fight the government and Bank with debt pay off discharge using the LPN Security processed in 14 days..

    1. David~ Just enforce the T.A.R.P. act! It stops all foreclosures! Sheriff can go to jail for selling a foreclosed home under the T.A.R.P. act.

    2. David: LPN Security ? what is LPN?

    3. Freewill..
      how would i go about applying for the T.A.R.P ACT? i have searched and searched today, and so far i still have nothing but past information.
      I'm experiencing a very fast and unfair foreclosure here in Cleveland Ohio.
      Thank you

    4. LPN = Little Promissory Note.

    5. Little Promissiory there a big one...!! None of those arguments work here in Calif because I've been there and done that.....T.A.R.P. funds, GAO, GAAP, , unlawful assignments and transfers, no "Real Party of Interest"(FRCP17(a) ), you name it I be done still foreclosed.. I even used diversity under 28USC1333 "Saving to Suitors"..The only thing that works here is a gun..!!

    6. James, it is a little Promisorry note with a big fee price tag and no guarantee that it works. O, the bank will cash it for sure, but will not give you credit and pretend that they never got it. The only way to enforce would be using notary presentment.
      Another thing that works is a NCSN (non citizen state national) passport which takes you out of US jurisdiction. No judge or sheriff has jurisdiction over a NCSN.

    7. james pansini, That is why the Chinese, Russian, NDPK, Indian, etc are doing Using BIG GUN. I heard their ICBM went up to 10X speed of sound, some went to 900X speed of sound. So, how can the Deep State catch up when they are too busy stealing our homes and jobs? I think we are toasted.

  6. Why O WHY do the shining articles only ALLUDE to information and facts with NO substantiation ??? If Anna or whomever knows enough to write the article PUT THE SOURCES DOWN... please.

  7. Assistance requested:
    Does a man with corrected political status/assumed names properly reconveyed on the land jurisdiction have to use a notary for a private notice of cease & desist to employer, via registered mail for commercial trespass on political status/privately protected copyright? Employer received a "lock-in-letter" compelling employer to illegally change status and withholdings on "account" by using the new name change trickery of first middle initial and last name in attempts to re contract by employer's complaint
    Thank you in advance for consideration

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. 1freeman instead of cease and desist notice?

    3. Hmm don't know if I want to recontract in any way with US corp and IRS, which w8ben does. We have grantor/grantee, secured party on record with internal revenue and fiduciary appointments were made 10 years ago, with no issues thus far. So what it appears to be is an attempt to bring a new look-a-like (transmitting utility) name to attach it to new Puerto rico bankruptcy obligations. Im enclosing non assumpsit published legal notice as well.

    4. Have you revoked the signature off of your W-4? If you say IRS has you on record then request them to notify the employer and copy the employer. Have you surrender the federal person and acquired your NAME account on a 1099-A with CID using Anna's process? Then you can simply send copies to your employer and let him know that if he withholds anything from your paycheck, he will be committing an act of conversion and it will be at his own personal and private risk. If you do not want to stir the pot, you can simply sign a new W-4 with up to 10 exemptions which the employer must honor and minimizes your deductions. Sign it with a by:______ line as the AR on your account.

    5. You can challenge the assessment's authenticity and the authenticity of the basis of the assessment - all those 1099, 1040, or W-2 forms by which people fraudulently claimed (without signing under penalty of perjury as 26 USC 6065 requires) you earned taxable income.

      Since the employer has not a Withholding Agent Certificate- it's a crime. The IRS literature identifies “withholding agents”. Private employers are not defined as withholding agents except in connection with foreign activities, etc. The authority of a Withholding Agent (defined in § 7701(a) 16, 26CFR §301.7701-16) to withhold from one’s pay or remuneration IRC §§1441,1442,1443, and specifically in 26 CFR §1.1411-7) applies to nonresident aliens. It does not apply to YOU. A Withholding Agent is required to have the specific Form 2678 on file with the IRS to be legally authorized to withhold from my earnings for the IRS. Or Form 8655 Reporting Agent Authorizing Certificate from the Treasury Financial Management Service…has executed one of these forms, 2678 or 8655 specific to YOU, as this is the only authority to withhold by a Withholding Agent as found in the Law. For they, theses forms, do not apply to you since you are neither a nonresident alien nor a foreign fictitious Entity…. Or are you?

      Government is not partly public or partly private, depending upon the governmental pedigree of the type of a particular activity or the manner [332 U.S. 380 , 384] in which the Government conducts it. The Government may carry on its operations through conventional executive agencies or through corporate forms especially created for defined ends. See Keifer & Keifer v. Reconstruction Finance Corp., 306 U.S. 381, 390, 518.

      All federal tax forms are only applicable to the following circumstances:
      • Direct financial involvement with the United States government.
      • Payments made/received from certain federally regulated financial markets.
      • Foreign business activities in the United States.
      • Conducting domestic business in certain federally regulated businesses (Subtitle D & E matters).

    6. The IRS does not have lawful authority or jurisdiction to enforce the W4 “program” and the employer is not bound by law to submit any W4's to the IRS. The United States Government Accounting Office report dated 9/15/03 stated in part, "Under current law, the IRS does not have statutory authority to impose a penalty to enforce employer compliance with the reporting requirement. The reporting requirement was promulgated in Treasury regulations." And we all know Treasury Regulations are not law!

      The IRS created the income tax liability in the Code of Federal Regulations. See 26 CFR 1.1-1. Congress did not enact any liability statutes for income taxes imposed by subtitle A of the IRC. Our fundamental Right to Separation of Powers means that only Congress can make law:

      Check out UNITED STATES v. Lynda Wall and you will also find that those "Notices of Levy” are also legally considered "Counterfeit Securities"

      The IRS would like you to believe that "INTERNAL Revenue Service" means Internal to these 50united States of America. TRUTH: Treasury Delegation Order 150-10 published at 51 Fed. Reg. 9571 specifically states: "The Commissioner shall *to the extent of authority invested in him*, provide for the administration of "the United States" (corporation) * internal *revenue laws *in theU.S. territories *and insular *possessions *and other authorized areas of the *world." *NO MENTION of authority within these united States of America! And no definition of "other authorized areas of the *world". *Does that encompass China, Saudi Arabia, Russia? We are left to "imagine" what it means, but the law is not about what we "imagine"; the law is about what the law specifically and clearly spells out. One of the few places where income tax law is specifically and clearly spelled out is Treasury Delegation Order 1150-42 published as 21 Fed. Reg. 5852: "The Commissioner shall, *to the extent of authority invested in him, *provide for the administration of the United States (corporation) Internal revenue laws in the *Panama Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, *and the *Virgin Islands." THAT *is the *extent *of their *Internal *Authority! Even the IRS' own definition of "Revenue Agents" as spelled out by 27 CFR 250.11, is "Agents of the Dept. of Revenue *of Puerto Rico" They are NOT agents of Internal Revenue within the fifty States united, except when and where they are dealing with Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and such government regulatable activities as that.*

      You cannot be REQUIRED to surrender God-Given Unalienable Rights. Technically, you cannot even "volunteer" to give up Unalienable Rights. The writers of the u.S. Constitution specifically used the word Unalienable to MANDATE that government not impair or deprive you of God-Given Rights.

      The Clayton Act The parties- read carefully sec 17… protects your labor… we are supposed to be in a trade territory aka a state as opposed to the several states… territory's are federal zones… zip means Zone Improvement Program… hmm read between the lines people.

    7. A W-4V has a selection to STOP withholding

    8. BBO, I withdrew my comment because on closer examination, the form states:
      If you receive any government payment shown below, you may use Form W-4V to ask the payer to withhold federal income tax.
      Therefor this form does not apply to regular income and would be rejected by the employer.

    9. Wow thank you BBO & 1 freeman! lots of Great info!!! Yes, 1099a was completed as well 10 years ago with our process, indemnity bonds, everything. Even did our own trade name copyrights. Been working on same corrected w4 witholding 9 (not sure why not 10) with restricted sig for last 10 as well. Thanks for all the great info! Notice of political status/ notice to cease and desist is being forced due to employer stating they intend to comply. Not I'm starting commercial trespass process right from the get go.
      In looking up the "withholding compliance program" they are being instructed to comply to, IS absolutely CRIMNAL! Time to start lining them up in lawful US dollars!!!

    10. I didn't know of Anna until 3 years ago but have always rescued with her logic and processes. All our process done 10 years ago is based on political status and returned a4v birth certificate and reconyence of name/NAMES into grantee/GRANTOR (debtor/CREDITOR) via security agreement. Its all on land recorders office, and all done through registered mail so standing/ status is all good. UCC filing expired 5 years ago, but that doesn't matter to me. Everything on land still stands. Fiduciary appointments may need some updating though.....

    11. If you sign a W-4, you will be treated as a warrant officer, not that you are. USC 26, 6013g Revocation of Election. The contract is the law!

    12. I don't worry about our land or property any more, to argue and fight with stubborn Deep State. That is why the Chinese, Russian, NDPK, Indian, etc are doing Using BIG GUN. I heard their ICBM went up to 10X speed of sound, some went to 900X speed of sound. So, how can the Deep State catch up when they are too busy stealing our homes and jobs? I think we are toasted.

  8. We must stop these "employer's" from acting as appointed fiduciary agents when we never authorized them to be. Time to start holding ALL corps/ceo's, general managers accountable for their unlawful assumed authority (unauthorized third party agents)in your private commercial businesses. They need to get educated of the crimes and commercial liability/harm they are facilitating in, on behalf of greedy criminals. That is OUR business, responsibility to correct ALL these misguided, unknowledgable and completely mindless behaviors. Until we step up and stop them commericially, where they DO understand, it will continue to our detriment. Peacefully Stand up everyday, in everyway!!

    1. The problem with that is if your Appling for a job and change anything about your w-4 , they will receive a letter from the IRS stating that if this employee insist on this status, then you are responsible for his long do you think you will last with that company if you dont comply..!!!

  9. No source of Texas Repbulic found on Google. Where is the source?? Agree always a source mention but never the source??

    Anna, if i am a "naturalize citizen" from another country where do i stand? Is filing paper work valid for i a man on the land? Will "We the people" you and those holding the real territorial offices take me in, or will i be evicted from this land?? Do i then remain a slave to D.C?

    Never got response email from Michigan General Jural Assembly and no one has been able to answer this question. There are a load of us here.

    1. Attend the conference call that starts in half an hour from now. Ask your questions there.

      And you never emailed me at as that is the best way to contact the Michigan assembly!

  10. tinny winny little baby when i came into the country if you have the answer you can email me at thnx

    1. DEdesign, let me answer you generally for everyone's benefit here and I will email you if you need further specifics. If you were naturalized into being a US citizen, and have a certificate, then you can simply exchange your US certificate for a ncsn (non-citizen state national) passport since the certificate was issued in error. That would be the easiest way to do it and you would have confirmation that the SOS/DOS has determined your ncsn status and issued you a State Citizen passport instead. Once issued, you would request a certified copy of your DS-11 and ES (Explanatory Statement) under the privacy act and receive this copy inder seal and signature of the SOS/DOS that they issued your passport based on your application and ES as a ncsn and State Citizen of the state you now inhabit. I used the process at destination which worked flawlessly.

    2. Question: so,, only has one process? of is there a name/title for the process?

    3. BBO, the correct address is
      My spellchecker split the one name into two. Sorry.

  11. People really do not understand why Texas and Texans are so damn special, but this article elucidates just one of the many reasons I call Texas home and I was even born here. I grew up on the beaches of Clearwater Florida where its beautiful ALL year long and still, it doesnt hold a candle to my homestate Texas for everything else. I bought a bumper sticker that has long since faded many years ago and it read "Texan Thru and Thru ~ I may not have been born here, but I got here as Fast as I could". LOL ~ YAY REPUBLIC OF TEXAS!!!

  12. We the People do have God given rights but we have waived these rights for the privilege of being a citizen of the United States "subject to" the jurisdiction of the United States. An illusion has been created via the public record that we are in fact acting
    as the executor to the estate and/or a fiduciary to their creation
    which is a trust that has a name that sounds like are real name.
    This creation is an artificial person which is noticed as being a
    decedent....a dead are all trust....just some legal paperwork. We have enter into contract... meeting of the minds...
    with these agencies when we accept and respond to any kind of
    paperwork with the name of this artificial person's name as being
    the addressee. Their documents / letters are in the nature of a
    contract so when we open their letter and respond we have accepted
    their offer to act as an agent to said artificial person.
    As noticed in the not accept their offer of contract
    but return to sender their letters. Give notice that you have not
    requested to be a fiduciary pursuant of their Form 56. Therefore,
    their letter has been mailed by mistake to your location. Please
    correct your records to comply with the facts so noticed.

    A friend to all of God's children

    1. If you don't have business with them and you don't wish to be in business with unknown-return to sender. Very simple indeed. The "envelope IS the contract, the terms and conditions are the contents inside. Thats why registered mailing through our land/international jurisdictions IS so important to be understood in conducting your private important business.

  13. We the People do have God given rights but we have waived these rights for the privilege of being a citizen of the United States "subject to" the jurisdiction of the United States. An illusion has been created via the public record that we are in fact acting
    as the executor to the estate and/or a fiduciary to their creation
    which is a trust that has a name that sounds like are real name.
    This creation is an artificial person which is noticed as being a
    decedent....a dead are all trust....just some legal paperwork. We have enter into contract... meeting of the minds...
    with these agencies when we accept and respond to any kind of
    paperwork with the name of this artificial person's name as being
    the addressee. Their documents / letters are in the nature of a
    contract so when we open their letter and respond we have accepted
    their offer to act as an agent to said artificial person.
    As noticed in the not accept their offer of contract
    but return to sender their letters. Give notice that you have not
    requested to be a fiduciary pursuant of their Form 56. Therefore,
    their letter has been mailed by mistake to your location. Please
    correct your records to comply with the facts so noticed.

    A friend to all of God's children

  14. Logically and sanely speaking, how can it make a lick of difference what kind of letters are used to spell anyone's name? Upper or lower case, its still our name. For some nefarious folks to sit in some ivory tower or smoke filled backroom, and say 'hey, lets spell their names in all capital letters, and make that say they are nothing but dead people. Then we can proceed to create marketable lucrative instruments out of them all; and take ownership of them all. How's that for a brilliant idea, guys. Ho ho ho. Yeah, then we will just say that if they respond to their new all caps name, then we take 'em and hang 'em out to dry. Yeah. Guffaw! Boy, we got 'em right where we want 'em now, LOL. Now don't tell these idiots what we are doing; we keep this all to ourselves and they won't know what the hell is going on. Boy, whatcha can do with just the Shift key, huh?"

    Now, see how stupid that all IS?? Come on, here, where did we ever waive any Rights by such a childish stupid thing as that !

  15. Welcome to the reality of corporate fictions, and the land of assumed servitude! Your silence IS YOUR agreement. Thank God for Anna and everyone who steps up courageously and OBJECTS, regardless of the price of loss in time, energy, jobs, homes, relationships, credibility and character assassinations through corporate propaganda programming to "LABEL" (create false titles) for everyone to judge, blame and shame the masses into SILENCE-agreement. Thank GOD for our numbers in PEACE, Humility are standing UP In opposition to WAR, GREED no matter the price. We have lots of work to still do, but finally we're seeing light at the end of this very dark tunnel we've been put in. Lets do this!!!!

  16. Thank You so much Anna and Law firm for Always keeping your wise eyes on the corporate ball and taking action continuously on ALL our behalf!!!

  17. I've done this process. It's al on line. Anyone can do this. It's no secret. I posted the fact you don't have to habeca case in any court, just alledgidly owe taxes as everyonhe who signed a w- form did. The w stands for waiver. I dontvsee that post here. So not sure this one will make it either.
    I see other people taking credit for this that's already out there available to everyone. People just have to seek and read!

    1. Hello Jessica,
      I got lost in the context of what "this process" is. Is there were a link to that post? thank You.!

  18. Hi Jessica, will you please repost any /all info regarding this process. I and I know others, will find this knowledge and awareness extremely helpful in stopping of feeding this beastly extortion. I for one refuse to contribute even one cent of my energy to a corporate system with no conscience and its only purpose is to control, steal and kill using OUR own labor to fund its evil upon the living in this world!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Kellie,
      From above, "Im enclosing non assumpsit published legal notice as well." &
      "1099a was completed as well 10 years ago with our process, indemnity bonds, everything."

      When I sell personal services NOT using the SSN but rather the Trust EIN that I got for the ALL CAPS, there is zero liability. 100% of the 'income' accounted to the Trust EIN is "Trustee Fees" leaving zero taxable income.

      Kellie if you were inclined to accept an invitation to pow-wow, I would appreciate the eConveration. plz put Pow Wow in the subject line to mark the precious emails from the Chaff !

    3. Kelli, check out my comment which lays out the entire process from A to Z how to have the IRS zero out your account:
      Worked for me.

  19. Bob Livingdtons site just warned of Yellen's exit and planned crash to come.
    I only hope Trump has some mighty smart folks set to bypass the parasitIc FED and "END the FED" period, ie- also means the IRS. is caput.
    Then the rest of the derpstate DC agency cabals to be dealt with properly and dispatched appropriately...

  20. Bob Livingdtons site just warned of Yellen's exit and planned crash to come.
    I only hope Trump has some mighty smart folks set to bypass the parasitIc FED and "END the FED" period, ie- also means the IRS. is caput.
    Then the rest of the derpstate DC agency cabals to be dealt with properly and dispatched appropriately...

  21. The crooked Gov’t corrupted not only our finance, our legal system also. Their All Cap naming is the core Deception. I used the 10th Circuit “Fraud upon the Court” makes void all Orders and Judgments of that court (all courts committed). The crooks use their self-fulfilling citations. Of court they will agree with each other, bc they are the same party. Even though in real world their deception is very strong. Their core corruption is easy for me to detect, I have soul viewing instrument to see their black hearts. They are the same party that set up fake court officers (the Governor) to arrange unelected, unqualified judges to sign fake court Orders, to steal everything, especially in Blue State.

    Here is another example of another legal manipulation. I saw they did to Reg. Z(d),~(1), the official commentary got removed. The crooks kept on changing our law, to confuse and steal our homes, assets and everything. How could you ever be able to fight with them back without invoking something strong like above citation? And Declare that they are corrupt, and you cannot trust them any more. Crooked courts are not the courts. They are just the pretenders.

    section 411
    Laws in Effect as of Date
    January 3, 2012


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