Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 9370 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, December 11, 2017

How Many Times Do I Have to Say This?

By Anna Von Reitz

Day after day after day I get all these complaints, all these awful stories of abuse, all these claims of wrongdoing by the "federal government" and --- every day, I give everyone the tools to defend themselves from the "presumption" of "federal citizenship" that is the "enabling clause" of all these abuses and problems. 

I have given you all more than enough instruction and information to remove yourself and your name and estate from these evil legal presumptions.  These are weapons of defense -- means to protect yourself and your assets:

1. Authenticate copies of "your" Birth Certificate.  Study what I have told you about what this document is and how it is used, so that you can competently claim to be the living and fully insured "Subrogee"; 
2. Record your common law copyright and standing writ of habeas corpus as part of issuing a Certificate of Assumed Name, claiming all right and interest in all the different variations of your Given Name back to the day you were born and claiming their permanent domicile on the land and soil of the state where you were born; 
3. Correct the deed and title of land and homes and other property held in your name so that it is clearly identified as private non-taxable property and rename it under your own copyright-signed designation like: "111101 Pine Court (c)" instead of whatever street or lot and block or other description is being used now;
4. Order "Z" (as in Regulation Z of the Motor Vehicle Code) license plates for your car to establish that it is private property, too, and exempt from federal regulation;
5. Put "retired" labels on all passports and driver licenses,etc., clearly establishing that you are not functioning as a federal citizen now; 
6. Check into your family history, and if possible, demonstrate using public records--- births, deaths, census, marriages, etc. --- stand ready to prove who you are and where you come from;
7. Download and print a copy of  Pamphlet 27-1-161-1 "The Law of Peace" from the website we shared and have it ready to present if you are ever forced to appear in one of THEIR courts and demand that you are addressed properly as a peaceful non-combatant and non-citizen national of these actual, factual United States of America.  Invoke the standing writ of habeas corpus contained in your Certificate of Assumed Name and present the authenticated Birth Certificate for collection of the bounty on the federal PERSON; 
8. Revoke your "election to pay" federal income taxes by giving notice to the Commissioners of the IRS and the Internal Revenue Service. 
9. Make Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury, responsible to you as the Fiduciary responsible for the administration of the federal PERSON--- thereby denying any such position to the local Court Clerk;
10. Post your own Private Indemnity Bond with the U.S. Treasury or take shelter under the bond established for your State of the Union.  

You need to defend yourselves and correct your own records and bring home the facts in a way that these yahoos can't ignore or sidestep.  

And you need to establish your claims to your own names, estates, and political status.  

There is nothing so difficult about this once you grasp the fact that what you thought of as "your" government is just a foreign contractor here to provide governmental services.  It's a foreign corporation like TARGET --- with no granted authority over you or your property, but if you don't correct the public records and rebut their false claims, they will be happy to impose their rules and their government upon you.  

Get moving.  Now.  Save yourselves and save your country! 

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website here:
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. Anna Von, I continue to study the "tools" that you give, but you do not seem to remember that most of us are NOT trained in any kind of law. The "tools" you mention are strange to us. We look at them and want to ask, "Does this "tool" work by it's self, or do I need to use in conjunction with one of those other tools/", OR some other LIGITIMATE question, but there are no available answers. Those of us that have been around 7+ decades remember those that are in jail for being HALF-RIGHT, and we know that we can't go on a bear hunt with a BB-Gun. Been there, done that. As we sat in that CELL, we had time to think, now what was it I did wrong. I hope to be able to put it all together, with all questions answered.
    Question: Is there ONE person that you know, besides yourself, that has completed the FULL process alluded to above, that I can talk to and get help, answers, et al.? I am NOT looking for someone to "do it for me", but just for some guidance on specifics. If so, get OK to send me the contact info and send to me at Once I have made contact with that person, I will send you a donation of $100 for, AT LEAST, six (6) months. Furthermore, if I can successfully complete the process in that 6 months, I will continue to send the $100 per month donation for AT LEAST thirty-six (36) months. Yes, I am serious about doing this CORRECTLY.

    1. Right behind you on this one. We have been unable to file the property deed as it is required that a bar attorney do this here. They will not accept it at the courthouse. I understand that the 'they' at the courthouse are just like the rest of us, confused nationals, but they are doing the job the way they were told and they are not willing to budge. As I know a couple who have been in jail for over 10 years for attempting this, it is daunting.

    2. :Anna, i: man give thanks unto you and Paul.

      Tracy, bar attorneys cannot file Common law claims in a CL Court; someone is trying to trick you. Think about it.

    3. EXACTLY. If we were attempting to build a house with these type of instructions it would fall !!! No one here has the expertise to structure the WORDS so they are congruent with the intended outcome !

    4. Tracy, if you don't mind my asking, would you kindly explain what you are intending to create by "filing" a "property deed" at the "courthouse" for a better understanding of what outcome you're desiring with this action in this foreign, unlawful jurisdiction at sea?

    5. I have forwarded your offer/challenge to Anna.


    6. It is absolutely necessary for everyone to learn enough to defend themselves. It's like Kung Fu. You have to study and work to be able to hit your mark. So even if it is foreign at first, keep looking and thinking and reading. Correlate it back to things you do know about -- your BC is an insurance indemnity receipt. You know how to make an insurance claim, right? It's really not so different. Your name is your property. Claiming it in the public record shouldn't be such an odd concept, should it? Same thing with establishing "boundary stones" or other landmarks to demonstrate the borders of your private property. The rest is just logic and step by step- how do you secure your claims? Taking two certified copies of a document into and office and getting both date stamped-- one for the office and one for you -- is one way to do it. Self-mailing a registered "Record Letter" to yourself which you keep unopened as proof of your action. The Post Office can thus provide the official record even if the Land Recorder's Office balks. There is a logic to it all of land versus sea. All these names and corporate entities have to come from somewhere, or they are stateless "vessels"--- so you record their permanent domicile on the land and soil of the state where you were born. That brings them back under the correct flag designation, which you also record as the United States Civil Flag, when operating in international jurisdiction. Nobody can "learn" for you, at best we can try to teach you and clue you in.

    7. From Anna:

      It's not a matter of money. We give all the information away for free. It's a matter of having staff time to do individual help right now. Our people are strained to the uttermost right now and though we keep getting new recruits we have to train them and support them and the work keeps expanding, so that we never "reach the end" and have all that we need to do the job.

    8. I understood the difficulties people are having, I got lost too at first shot. My Computer skills saved me. I pulled down the whole Anna Records and scanned through the keywords, using a Search tool, to find whatever I need to know. Then I master just about anything I need to know. Her records refer to each other. Like she said, we have to learn the skills like Kung-Fu. This is one of her records that branches out to other areas:

      I don’t know the tool to scan PDF, but to scan related websites, you could do something like this on Google or Bing: “Anna Reclaim your name”, then your knowledge would expand.

    9. Evidently people are missing the search feature right on Anna's website here:

      The IXquick search feature does search every word of every PDF file on her website, and you can use your browsers FIND feature to find anything in the Titles on the Index page which is the first page you come to on the website. Again Use the Search features right on the website.

    10. Pinkham, just curious, how were you able pull down the whole Anna Records?

  2. Can we reach out to the Russians for support since no one here will come to our rescue. Although using these "sexual harrassment" laws to bring in the "swamp" seems to be the easies way to bring people to justice , especially within the "swamp". But its a double-edged sword, and unless it is severly curtailed after using it as a weapon of law right now for everyones advantage, it can easily be used against us to if the corp State really wants to indict us, but cant withoit resorting to SH LAWS..!! This is a dangerous tactic to be using that can easily blow back in our faces later on down the line.. I can see prosecutors paying people to be victims so they can be used by the court to get a conviction. Anything that can be used for good, can also be used for evil...!! Incendentally ladies, telling a joke in private at work, with a fellow employee is not considered "sexual harrassment", because i had someone at work years ago that reported me to management just for overhearing a joke i was telling another guy aboit at work, and it wasnt even about anyone at work. Thats how dangerous this tactic can be...!! If we are really looking for freedom by filling out all this paperwork, the last thing i want to happen is go right back to beinga slave just because i might have hurt someones feelings which could be raised to a felony(similar to rape) within a few years..!! You think im joking..!!

    1. Appeal to the Russian consulate in Washington seeking political asylum re Steven Segal. Then establish a subculture of American ex-patriots in Russia to reestablish your lives in farming and businesses with American know how the Russians would very much appreciate. Criminals and reprobates not welcome, and definitely no spooks.

    2. Interesting you would say that, as it was a Russian Naval Blockade that helped Lincoln during the so-called Civil War. If you think about it, America with it's focus on the rights of average people and Russia's focus on the value of workers is not that much different--- certainly more similar than any common thread with the monarchists in Europe. So it has been my observation that all the Russia and China fear-mongering has been largely self-interested-- a means to keep America from making friends with Russia and China and together dominating the old European interests.

  3. What a stellar "Christmas present." Nemesis approaches on Washington.

  4. Sure thing. I will do all of that once I get my original live long form birth certificate declassified and I see it for the first time.

    1. is your foreclosure going...i hope your giving them hell..!! But they have so many different subdivisions they can bother you until you die....they never give up if they need your house..!!

  5. Has anyone studied 50 USC Ch. 53: TRADING WITH THE ENEMY
    From Title 50—WAR AND NATIONAL DEFENSE and how WE fit into the "Definitions" in regards to fact WE/we somehow fall into the same type definitions Anna has placed upon us. Just reviewing the chapter titles and the definitions that follow are a real eye opener. I am unable to reprinting it here because of the length. Why are we not invoking the Presidential Jurisdiction in regards to our expatriation, especially those who are being forced into these sham legal processes of the Courts used to deprive us of freedoms and property? Read through these chapter headings, and then take a good look at "Definitions". We fit into here. It looks like we have every right to use this code to invoke the presidential jurisdiction to determine our status, case by case, through whatever agency the President assigns discovery and review under a 90 day stay. This especially addresses bankers stealing property. It is confusing who is the ally and who is the enemy? Was this written specific to we as "vessels" attempting expatriation and access to our "certificates" for discharge of our debts? For example, under this ACT, The power of the Alien Property Custodian is now transferred to the Attorney General. The Attorney General is present when our properties are seized in foreclosure actions after the sheriff sale or eviction is Ordered. Please take a look, Anna, and let us know why we are not using this precious tool in our individual attempt at freedom, which apparently must be specifically granted by the President himself. What say ye? Sec.
    4301.Designation of chapter.
    4303.Acts prohibited.
    4304.Licenses to enemy or ally of enemy insurance or reinsurance companies; change of name; doing business in United States.
    4305.Suspension of provisions relating to ally of enemy; regulation of transactions in foreign exchange of gold or silver, property transfers, vested interests, enforcement and penalties.
    4306.Alien Property Custodian; general powers and duties.
    4307.Lists of enemy or ally of enemy officers, directors or stockholders of corporations in United States; acts constituting trade with enemy prior to October 6, 1917; conveyance of property to custodian; voluntary payment to custodian by holder; acts under order, rule, or regulation.
    4308.Contracts, mortgages, or pledges against or with enemy or ally of enemy; abrogation of contracts; suspension of limitations.
    4309.Claims to property transferred to custodian; notice of claim; filing; return of property; suits to recover; sale of claimed property in time of war or during national emergency.
    4310.Acts permitted; applications for patents, or registration of trade-marks or copyrights; payment of tax in relation thereto; licenses under enemy owned patent or copyright; statements by licensees; term and cancellation; suits against licensees; restraining infringements; powers of attorney; keeping secret inventions.
    4311.Importations prohibited.
    4312.Property transferred to Alien Property Custodian.
    4313.Statements by masters of vessels and owners of cargoes before granting clearances.

    1. We are not under any Presidential Jurisdiction. The President is acting under our delegated jurisdiction. Hello? Title 50 was used as an administrative tool by the now defunct municipal corporation dba the UNITED STATES, INC. The Territorial Government operates under the Hague Conventions. None of this crappola has any business being invoked, used against us, imposed, presumed, or acted upon by any of our employees in "our behalf". This is just sick criminal activity that needs to be fully recognized for what it is and those responsible need to be kicked hard to the curb.

  6. 4314.False manifest; refusal of clearance; reports of gold or silver coin in cargoes for export.
    4315.Offenses; punishment; forfeitures of property.
    4316.Rules by district courts; appeals.
    4317.Fees of agents, attorneys, or representatives.
    4318.Claims of naturalized citizens as affected by expatriation.
    4319.Fugitives from justice barred from recovery.
    4320.Payment of income, etc., by Alien Property Custodian.
    4321.Payment of taxes and expenses by Alien Property Custodian.
    4322.Investments by Custodian in participating certificates issued by Secretary of the Treasury; transfers to and payments from German, Austrian or Hungarian special deposit accounts; allocation of payments.
    4323.Allocation of "unallocated interest fund".
    4324.Return by Custodian, to United States, of payments under licenses, assignments or sales of patents.
    4325."Unallocated interest fund" defined.
    4326.Waiver by Custodian of demand for property; acceptance of less amount; approval of Attorney General.
    4327.Attachment or garnishment of funds or property held by Custodian.
    4328."Member of the former ruling family" defined.
    4329.Return of property.
    4330.Notice of claim; institution of suits; computation of time.
    4331.Payment of debts.
    4332.Hearings on claims; rules and regulations; delegation of powers.
    4334.Insurance of property.
    4335.Shipment of relief supplies; definitions.
    4336.Retention of properties or interests of Germany and Japan and their nationals; proceeds covered into Treasury; ex gratia payment to Switzerland.
    4337.Intercustodial conflicts involving enemy property; authority of President to conclude; delegation of authority.
    4338.Divestment of estates, trusts, insurance policies, annuities, remainders, pensions, workmen's compensation and veterans' benefits; exceptions; notice of divestment.
    4339.Claims for proceeds from sale of certain certificates: jurisdiction, limitations; divestment of copyrights: "copyrights" defined, rights of licensees and assignees, reproduction rights of United States, transfer of interests, payment of royalties to Attorney General, suits for infringement.
    4340.Divestment of trademarks.
    4341.Motion picture prints, transfer of title.

  7. Here are the "Definitions" under Trading With The Enemy Act Title 50 Chapter 53 Paying special attention to "banks" and "trade" at the end... §4302. Definitions
    The word "enemy," as used herein, shall be deemed to mean, for the purposes of such trading and of this chapter—
    (a) Any individual, partnership, or other body of individuals, of any nationality, resident within the territory (including that occupied by the military and naval forces) of any nation with which the United States is at war, or resident outside the United States and doing business within such territory, and any corporation incorporated within such territory of any nation with which the United States is at war or incorporated within any country other than the United States and doing business within such territory.
    (b) The government of any nation with which the United States is at war, or any political or municipal subdivision thereof, or any officer, official, agent, or agency thereof.
    (c) Such other individuals, or body or class of individuals, as may be natives, citizens, or subjects of any nation with which the United States is at war, other than citizens of the United States, wherever resident or wherever doing business, as the President, if he shall find the safety of the United States or the successful prosecution of the war shall so require, may, by proclamation, include within the term "enemy."
    The words "ally of enemy," as used herein, shall be deemed to mean—
    (a) Any individual, partnership, or other body of individuals, of any nationality, resident within the territory (including that occupied by the military and naval forces) of any nation which is an ally of a nation with which the United States is at war, or resident outside the United States and doing business within such territory, and any corporation incorporated within such territory of such ally nation, or incorporated within any country other than the United States and doing business within such territory.
    (b) The government of any nation which is an ally of a nation with which the United States is at war, or any political or municipal subdivision of such ally nation, or any officer, official, agent, or agency thereof.

  8. HERE IT IS: (c) Such other individuals, or body or class of individuals, as may be natives, citizens, or subjects of any nation which is an ally of a nation with which the United States is at war, other than citizens of the United States, wherever resident or wherever doing business, as the President, if he shall find the safety of the United States or the successful prosecution of the war shall so require, may, by proclamation, include within the term "ally of enemy."
    The word "person," as used herein, shall be deemed to mean an individual, partnership, association, company, or other unincorporated body of individuals, or corporation or body politic.
    The words "United States," as used herein, shall be deemed to mean all land and water, continental or insular, in any way within the jurisdiction of the United States or occupied by the military or naval forces thereof.
    The words "the beginning of the war," as used herein, shall be deemed to mean midnight ending the day on which Congress has declared or shall declare war or the existence of a state of war.
    The words "end of the war," as used herein, shall be deemed to mean the date of proclamation of exchange of ratifications of the treaty of peace, unless the President shall, by proclamation, declare a prior date, in which case the date so proclaimed shall be deemed to be the "end of the war" within the meaning of this chapter.
    The words "bank or banks," as used herein, shall be deemed to mean and include national banks, State banks, trust companies, or other banks or banking associations doing business under the laws of the United States, or of any State of the United States.
    The words "to trade," as used herein, shall be deemed to mean—
    (a) Pay, satisfy, compromise, or give security for the payment or satisfaction of any debt or obligation.
    (b) Draw, accept, pay, present for acceptance or payment, or indorse any negotiable instrument or chose in action.
    (c) Enter into, carry on, complete, or perform any contract, agreement, or obligation.
    (d) Buy or sell, loan or extend credit, trade in, deal with, exchange, transmit, transfer, assign, or otherwise dispose of, or receive any form of property.
    (e) To have any form of business or commercial communication or intercourse with.

  9. Any ACT is forbidden unless the President personally allows for a "license", which is apparently what all these steps we are taking to expatriate must go through the proper "channels" or steps pun intended.. For all those who are trying to access their PERSON GENERATED BY BIRTH CERTIFICATE AND SS# assigned to us, the individual, does it appear our PERSON is an ally to the enemy (banks & courts), and if we attempt to DBA or take ownership it is a forbidden act without the consent or license of the President?!?! Read it and weep. §4303. Acts prohibited
    It shall be unlawful—
    (a) For any person in the United States, except with the license of the President, granted to such person, or to the enemy, or ally of enemy, as provided in this chapter, to trade, or attempt to trade, either directly or indirectly, with, to, or from, or for, or on account of, or on behalf of, or for the benefit of, any other person, with knowledge or reasonable cause to believe that such other person is an enemy or ally of enemy, or is conducting or taking part in such trade, directly or indirectly, for, or on account of, or on behalf of, or for the benefit of, an enemy or ally of enemy.
    (b) For any person, except with the license of the President, to transport or attempt to transport into or from the United States, or for any owner, master, or other person in charge of a vessel of American registry to transport or attempt to transport from any place to any other place, any subject or citizen of an enemy or ally of enemy nation, with knowledge or reasonable cause to believe that the person transported or attempted to be transported is such subject or citizen.
    (c) For any person (other than a person in the service of the United States Government or of the Government of any nation, except that of an enemy or ally of enemy nation, and other than such persons or classes of persons as may be exempted hereunder by the President or by such person as he may direct), to send, or take out of, or bring into, or attempt to send, or take out of, or bring into the United States, any letter or other writing or tangible form of communication, except in the regular course of the mail; and it shall be unlawful for any person to send, take, or transmit, or attempt to send, take, or transmit out of the United States, any letter or other writing, book, map, plan, or other paper, picture, or any telegram, cablegram, or wireless message, or other form of communication intended for or to be delivered, directly or indirectly, to an enemy or ally of enemy: Provided, however, That any person may send, take, or transmit out of the United States anything herein forbidden if he shall first submit the same to the President, or to such officer as the President may direct, and shall obtain the license or consent of the President, under such rules and regulations, and with such exemptions, as shall be prescribed by the President.
    (d) Whenever, during the present war, the President shall deem that the public safety demands it, he may cause to be censored under such rules and regulations as he may from time to time establish, communications by mail, cable, radio, or other means of transmission passing between the United States and any foreign country he may from time to time specify, or which may be carried by any vessel or other means of transportation touching at any port, place, or territory of the United States and bound to or from any foreign country. Any person who willfully evades or attempts to evade the submission of any such communication to such censorship or willfully uses or attempts to use any code or other device for the purpose of concealing from such censorship the intended meaning of such communication shall be punished as provided in section 4315 of this title.

  10. Under Title 50 Chapter 53 Trading with the Enemy Act continued... this is leading to the President invoking the 90 day STAY to control our property and papers under OUR invocation of this CODE §4305. Suspension of provisions relating to ally of enemy; regulation of transactions in foreign exchange of gold or silver, property transfers, vested interests, enforcement and penalties
    (a) The President, if he shall find it compatible with the safety of the United States and with the successful prosecution of the war, may, by proclamation, suspend the provisions of this chapter so far as they apply to an ally of enemy, and he may revoke or renew such suspension from time to time; and the President may grant licenses, special or general, temporary or otherwise, and for such period of time and containing such provisions and conditions as he shall prescribe, to any person or class of persons to do business as provided in subsection (a) of section 4304 of this title, and to perform any act made unlawful without such license in section 4303 of this title, and to file and prosecute applications under subsection (b) of section 4310 of this title; and he may revoke or renew such licenses from time to time, if he shall be of opinion that such grant or revocation or renewal shall be compatible with the safety of the United States and with the successful prosecution of the war; and he may make such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with law, as may be necessary and proper to carry out the provisions of this chapter; and the President may exercise any power or authority conferred by this chapter through such officer or officers as he shall direct.

  11. Here is where the 90 day STAY (stop the court proceedings) is invoked:If the President shall have reasonable cause to believe that any act is about to be performed in violation of section 4303 of this title he shall have authority to order the postponement of the performance of such act for a period not exceeding ninety days, pending investigation of the facts by him.
    (b)(1) During the time of war, the President may, through any agency that he may designate, and under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, by means of instructions, licenses, or otherwise—
    (A) investigate, regulate, or prohibit, any transactions in foreign exchange, transfers of credit or payments between, by, through, or to any banking institution, and the importing, exporting, hoarding, melting, or earmarking of gold or silver coin or bullion, currency or securities, and
    (B) investigate, regulate, direct and compel, nullify, void, prevent or prohibit, any acquisition holding, withholding, use, transfer, withdrawal, transportation, importation or exportation of, or dealing in, or exercising any right, power, or privilege with respect to, or transactions involving, any property in which any foreign country or a national thereof has any interest,

    by any person, or with respect to any property, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States; and any property or interest of any foreign country or national thereof shall vest, when, as, and upon the terms, directed by the President, in such agency or person as may be designated from time to time by the President, and upon such terms and conditions as the President may prescribe such interest or property shall be held, used, administered, liquidated, sold, or otherwise dealt with in the interest of and for the benefit of the United States, and such designated agency or person may perform any and all acts incident to the accomplishment or furtherance of these purposes; and the President shall, in the manner hereinabove provided, require any person to keep a full record of, and to furnish under oath, in the form of reports or otherwise, complete information relative to any act or transaction referred to in this subdivision either before, during, or after the completion thereof, or relative to any interest in foreign property, or relative to any property in which any foreign country or any national thereof has or has had any interest, or as may be otherwise necessary to enforce the provisions of this subdivision, and in any case in which a report could be required, the President may, in the manner hereinabove provided, require the production, or if necessary to the national security or defense, the seizure, of any books of account, records, contracts, letters, memoranda, or other papers, in the custody or control of such person.

  12. The next section B is our attempts to work through the Courts as peaceful non-combatants. We start here with paragraph B but we should be ending up in Section A to avoid prosecution. The law is pretty clear, we need a special license from the President himself, to DBA our PERSON, who is an ally of the enemy. This section here does allow for discharge of our obligaitons in a peaceful way. It is still forbidden without the President's license or permission, not only for us to access our PERSON or accounts, but the Bank must also be granted permission to "trade" with the enemy- that being our individual living self. If the President shall have reasonable cause to believe that any act is about to be performed in violation of section 4303 of this title he shall have authority to order the postponement of the performance of such act for a period not exceeding ninety days, pending investigation of the facts by him.
    (b)(1) During the time of war, the President may, through any agency that he may designate, and under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, by means of instructions, licenses, or otherwise—
    (A) investigate, regulate, or prohibit, any transactions in foreign exchange, transfers of credit or payments between, by, through, or to any banking institution, and the importing, exporting, hoarding, melting, or earmarking of gold or silver coin or bullion, currency or securities, and
    (B) investigate, regulate, direct and compel, nullify, void, prevent or prohibit, any acquisition holding, withholding, use, transfer, withdrawal, transportation, importation or exportation of, or dealing in, or exercising any right, power, or privilege with respect to, or transactions involving, any property in which any foreign country or a national thereof has any interest,

    by any person, or with respect to any property, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States; and any property or interest of any foreign country or national thereof shall vest, when, as, and upon the terms, directed by the President, in such agency or person as may be designated from time to time by the President, and upon such terms and conditions as the President may prescribe such interest or property shall be held, used, administered, liquidated, sold, or otherwise dealt with in the interest of and for the benefit of the United States, and such designated agency or person may perform any and all acts incident to the accomplishment or furtherance of these purposes; and the President shall, in the manner hereinabove provided, require any person to keep a full record of, and to furnish under oath, in the form of reports or otherwise, complete information relative to any act or transaction referred to in this subdivision either before, during, or after the completion thereof, or relative to any interest in foreign property, or relative to any property in which any foreign country or any national thereof has or has had any interest, or as may be otherwise necessary to enforce the provisions of this subdivision, and in any case in which a report could be required, the President may, in the manner hereinabove provided, require the production, or if necessary to the national security or defense, the seizure, of any books of account, records, contracts, letters, memoranda, or other papers, in the custody or control of such person.

  13. section 7. regulations by secretary of the treasury
    Without limitation as to any other powers or authority of the Secretary of the Treasury or the Attorney General under any other provision of this Order, the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and empowered to prescribe from time to time regulations, rulings, and instructions to carry out the purposes of this Order and to provide therein or otherwise the conditions under which licenses may be granted by or through such officers or agencies as the Secretary of the Treasury may designate, and the decision of the Secretary with respect to the granting, denial or other disposition of an application or license shall be final.

    section 8. offenses and penalties under act oct. 6, 1917
    Section 5(b) of the Act of October 6, 1917, as amended [50 U.S.C. 4305(b)], provides in part:

    "* * * Whoever willfully violates any of the provisions of this subdivision or of any license, order, rule or regulation issued thereunder, shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than $10,000, or, if a natural person, may be imprisoned for not more than ten years, or both; and any officer, director, or agent of any corporation who knowingly participates in such violation may be punished by a like fine, imprisonment, or both."

    section 9. amendments of order and regulations prescribed thereunder
    This Order and any regulations, rulings, licenses or instructions issued hereunder may be amended, modified or revoked at any time.

    [Ex. Ord. No. 8389 and the regulations and general rulings issued thereunder by the Secretary of the Treasury were approved and confirmed by Res. May 7, 1940, ch. 185, §2, 54 Stat. 179.]

  14. Under the Trading With The Enemy Act.. Only the President can issue a Certificate allowing a Person to discharge obligations of Debt which can be taken into any Court, Clerk, Registrar, etc. This includes copyrights over our PERSON. (c) Conveyance, transfer, assignment, delivery, or payment over to alien property custodian; seizure by alien property custodian
    If the President shall so require any money or other property including (but not thereby limiting the generality of the above) patents, copyrights, applications therefor, and rights to apply for the same, trade marks, choses in action, and rights and claims of every character and description owing or belonging to or held for, by, on account of, or on behalf of, or for the benefit of, an enemy or ally of enemy not holding a license granted by the President hereunder, which the President after investigation shall determine is so owning or so belongs or is so held, shall be conveyed, transferred, assigned, delivered, or paid over to the Alien Property Custodian, or the same may be seized by the Alien Property Custodian; and all property thus acquired shall be held, administered and disposed of as elsewhere provided in this chapter.
    Any requirement made pursuant to this chapter, or a duly certified copy thereof, may be filed, registered, or recorded in any office for the filing, registering, or recording of conveyances, transfers, or assignments of any such property or rights as may be covered by such requirement (including the proper office for filing, registering, or recording conveyances, transfers, or assignments of patents, copyrights, trade-marks, or any rights therein or any other rights); and if so filed, registered, or recorded shall impart the same notice and have the same force and effect as a duly executed conveyance, transfer, or assignment to the Alien Property Custodian so filed, registered, or recorded.
    Whenever any such property shall consist of shares of stock or other beneficial interest in any corporation, association, or company or trust, it shall be the duty of the corporation, association, or company or trustee or trustees issuing such shares or any certificates or other instruments representing the same or any other beneficial interest to cancel upon its, his, or their books all shares of stock or other beneficial interest standing upon its, his, or their books in the name of any person or persons, or held for, on account of, or on behalf of, or for the benefit of any person or persons who shall have been determined by the President, after investigation, to be an enemy or ally of enemy, and which shall have been required to be conveyed, transferred, assigned, or delivered to the Alien Property Custodian or seized by him, and in lieu thereof to issue certificates or other instruments for such shares or other beneficial interest to the Alien Property Custodian or otherwise, as the Alien Property Custodian shall require.

  15. The sole relief and remedy of any person having any claim to any money or other property heretofore or hereafter conveyed, transferred, assigned, delivered, or paid over to the Alien Property Custodian, or required so to be, or seized by him shall be that provided by the terms of this chapter, and in the event of sale or other disposition of such property by the Alien Property Custodian, shall be limited to and enforced against the net proceeds received therefrom and held by the Alien Property Custodian or by the Treasurer of the United States.
    (d) Voluntary payment, conveyance, transfer, assignment, or delivery by holder not an enemy
    If not required to pay, convey, transfer, assign, or deliver under the provisions of subsection (c) of this section, any person not an enemy or ally of enemy who owes to, or holds for, or on account of, or on behalf of, or for the benefit of an enemy or of an ally of enemy not holding a license granted by the President hereunder, any money or other property, or to whom any obligation or form of liability to such enemy or ally of enemy is presented for payment, may, at his option, with the consent of the President, pay, convey, transfer, assign, or deliver to the alien property custodian said money or other property under such rules and regulations as the President shall prescribe.
    (e) Acts or omissions under order, rule, or regulation; acquittance and discharge of obligations; certificate of authority
    No person shall be held liable in any court for or in respect to anything done or omitted in pursuance of any order, rule, or regulation made by the President under the authority of this chapter.
    Any payment, conveyance, transfer, assignment, or delivery of money or property made to the alien property custodian hereunder shall be a full acquittance and discharge for all purposes of the obligation of the person making the same to the extent of same. The alien property custodian and such other persons as the President may appoint shall have power to execute, acknowledge, and deliver any such instrument or instruments as may be necessary or proper to evidence upon the record or otherwise such acquittance and discharge, and shall, in case of payment to the alien property custodian of any debt or obligation owed to an enemy or ally of enemy, deliver up any notes, bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness or obligation, or any security therefor in which such enemy or ally of enemy had any right or interest that may have come into the possession of the alien property custodian, with like effect as if he or they, respectively, were duly appointed by the enemy or ally of enemy, creditor, or obligee. The President shall issue to every person so appointed a certificate of the appointment and authority of such person, and such certificate shall be received in evidence in all courts within the United States. Whenever any such certificate of authority shall be offered to any registrar, clerk, or other recording officer, Federal or otherwise, within the United States, such officer shall record the same in like manner as a power of attorney, and such record or a duly certified copy thereof shall be received in evidence in all courts of the United States or other courts within the United States.

  16. §4308. Contracts, mortgages, or pledges against or with enemy or ally of enemy; abrogation of contracts; suspension of limitations
    (a) Holders of instruments secured by property of enemy or ally of enemy; continued holding of property; rights upon default
    Any person not an enemy or ally of enemy holding a lawful mortgage, pledge, or lien, or other right in the nature of security in property of an enemy or ally of enemy which, by law or by the terms of the instrument creating such mortgage, pledge, or lien, or right, may be disposed of on notice or presentation or demand, and any person not an enemy or ally of enemy who is a party to any lawful contract with an enemy or ally of enemy, the terms of which provide for a termination thereof upon notice or for acceleration of maturity on presentation or demand, may continue to hold said property, and, after default, may dispose of the property in accordance with law or may terminate or mature such contract by notice or presentation or demand served or made on the alien property custodian in accordance with the law and the terms of such instrument or contract and under such rules and regulations as the President shall prescribe; and such notice and such presentation and demand shall have, in all respects, the same force and effect as if duly served or made upon the enemy or ally of enemy personally: Provided, That no such rule or regulation shall require that notice or presentation or demand shall be served or made in any case in which, by law or by the terms of said instrument or contract, no notice, presentation, or demand was, prior to October 6, 1917, required; and that in case were, by law or by the terms of such instrument or contract, notice is required, no longer period of notice shall be required: Provided further, That if, on any such disposition of property, a surplus shall remain after the satisfaction of the mortgage, pledge, lien, or other right in the nature of security, notice of that fact shall be given to the President pursuant to such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, and such surplus shall be held subject to his further order.
    (b) Abrogation of contracts entered into prior to beginning of war
    Any contract entered into prior to the beginning of the war between any citizen of the United States or any corporation organized within the United States, and an enemy or ally of an enemy, the terms of which provide for the delivery, during or after any war in which a present enemy or ally of enemy nation has been or is now engaged, of anything produced, mined, or manufactured in the United States, may be abrogated by such citizen or corporation by serving thirty days' notice in writing upon the alien property custodian of his or its election to abrogate such contract.
    (c) Suspension of statutes of limitations
    The running of any statute of limitations shall be suspended with reference to the rights or remedies on any contract or obligation entered into prior to the beginning of the war between parties neither of whom is an enemy or ally of enemy, and containing any promise to pay or liability for payment which is evidenced by drafts or other commercial paper drawn against or secured by funds or other property situated in an enemy or ally of enemy country, and no suit shall be maintained on any such contract or obligation in any court within the United States until after the end of the war, or until the said funds or property shall be released for the payment or satisfaction of such contract or obligation: Provided, however, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the suspension of the running of the statute of limitations in all other cases where such suspension would occur under existing law.
    (Oct. 6, 1917, ch. 106, §8, 40 Stat. 418.)

  17. Anna, When I read this last section about mortgage debts and relief, is it possible another meaning of "beginning of war" could be interpreted to mean at the start of any legal proceeding when we are drug into court?

  18. Hopefully, Anna can interpret these codes under Trading With The Enemy and clarify if these steps we are taking to redeem our living status changes us out of the term "enemy of the state" into an ally? Please advise.

    1. Ptrsh, With all that, I still see it as tacitly recognizing an authority over your own direction. Still doing business1 in fiction. What the fiction giveth, the fiction can take away.

    2. It deals with person and residents not (wo)man or state nationals.

    3. Exactly -- still rooted in purely "federal" fiction and addressing federal PERSONS, when the fundamental fact is that none of us ever gave these vermin permission or consent to create any federal PERSONS in the first place.

    4. How do I say this... my spirit speaks to me in a no-nonsense manner repeatedly, THE CONTROL THE GOVERNMENT HAS OVER THE PEOPLE IS ALL BASED IN FRAUD BY WAY OF DECEPTION.

      I know that to be true, and I know that fraud is a crime. To have to "jump through their hoops and climb their ladders" just to be free of their nasty impositions of amorality upon us sounds WRONG, when the fact is that it was/is fraud that placed us into a position wherein we must jump & climb like a dog on a pony's back in some three-ring circus.

      I detest having to 'undo' a thing done to me that was never agreed upon by me in the first place. The CRIME rests with those who perpetrated it, and the rest of us are to remain blameless. We should NOT have to answer to those criminals whom have stolen, abused and/or tarnished the good names of ordinary people.

      There should be nothing less than massive arrests for gross fraud and etc., where the rest of us can then get on with our daily lives without interference from those who are FRAUDS from day one.

      If we opt-out of their system, the fact remains the same that their bogus criminal system still remains intact. PERISH THE THOUGHT... no one should ever be subjected to that, under any circumstances.

    5. This thought the man above puts into words, was the first thought that hit my mind when Ted King handed me the first article I read of Anna's. Her letter to Archbishop George.

      I had been thinking before I read it, that there had to be a better way to get to freedom than voting, or playing the criminals' game in their corrupt corporate tribunals.

      Anna made it clear that IT WAS AND IS ALL FRAUD, and that none of us who were born into this slavery were responsible for any of it, except in God's eyes we are all sinners.

      I also know, that most if not all of the people we are waking up feel exactly this same way, and I am sure Anna also sees that.

      Where are the Marines when we need them. If any of the military really understood what their oath means, this would be over.


    6. From Anna:

      Of course it is wrong that we have to spend our time reading and researching and learning how to defend ourselves from fraud perpetuated by our own employees.

      No doubt about it, but there's the fact nonetheless. If you don't want to be victimized and don't want to live your life in fear of these yahoos, you have to "study to make yourself approved"--- and have your ducks in order, ready to take them to task.

      Maybe someday soon we will be able to put an end to the criminality in a systemic way. That is what The Living Law Firm is aiming at.

    7. chris dowdle said it perfectly. Most of the folks I know are simply giving up because this whole criminal fiasco never ends, the years go by and we have yet to have any evidence of any of the criminals who robbed and defrauded us be brought to justice. I am beyond disgusted with all of it.

    8. Guess you are not keeping your ear to the ground. The first of the sealed indictments was unsealed yesterday: No, this is not fake news and yes, it is even on Lame Stream Media. Many more similar on the way. And the LSM will not be able to contain it no matter how they try. There are now over 9,000 sealed indictments so far and many more are being created by grand juries and sealed all over the country as we speak. The proverbial stuff is about to hit the proverbial fan. Be prepared for an avalanche! The question is...what are you doing to be prepared and to help your fellow man?

    9. First, let me clarify: I am in no way inferring that Anna or anyone else involved in this movement is complicit in the doings of these fraudsters by opting-out of their system while allowing such to continue.

      I am well aware of Anna's efforts to put an end to this debacle/shame of a government. (She's a goddess in my mind.)

      There's too many anomalies in the whole of it and much of it is foggy for instance, I remember a version of the Organic Constitution that read: The constitution for these united states of America. Instead of "...of the..." or "... for the..." it read "... for these...". For the life of me I can no longer find the document that showed this wording.

      How far back and how deep does this deception go? My research suggests that it traces back more than hundreds of years... but as it has been applied to the USA, it was around the mid 1800's when it gained its foot-hold and around the early 1900's when it managed to gain a strangle-hold.

      The question is... .what are you doing to be prepared and to help your fellow man?

      I'm proactive in the design and development of alternative energy sources e.g. asymmetrical electrical systems and water-less toilets. It's the implementation of such systems that proves to be impossible under this current system of government. I'm also involved in bringing about an awareness that The Creator is the macro-conscious mind within which we micro-conscious minds dwell. We and God are inseparable(we are One), unless one chooses otherwise.

      The end game for me, to my mind is to free all people from the bondage fraudulently imposed upon us, abate, if not end the extremely gross pollution/destruction of our planet. To make available with little to no cost energy to power our vehicles, homes and whatever else.

      The list goes on...

    10. Dear Anna,

      I'm having to gain my composure as I'm not intending to mince words with anyone here nor am I looking to point fingers at those whose crimes are all too obvious to those who just get the simplicity of morality.

      I'm one of those "highly creative" people who do not see this world in the same light the vast majority does.

      I can present video after video of what the system goons do to people, regardless of their political status. The average Joe doesn't even have a chance to "take them to task" because any seemingly resistance to their so-called authority can be a literal death sentence... even when one is doing their best to comply to the demands of these goons.

      I can opt out, get my ducks in a row and so on, but when these goons come knocking at the door, none of that matters nor can/will it even come in to play when they are demanding that you heed their every word or else.

      The Living Law Firm is forever challenging this crime against humanity in the same system of so-called justice that is perpetuating this crime.

      The right idea is to setup a system in which they will be held accountable without the many loopholes working to their favor.

      I'm in no way a legal/law expert, but one cannot clean up a mess while using swamp water as a cleaning agent, meaning that dirty water cannot make a thing clean, no matter how hard one tries.

      There's too many actual laws being transgressed on a perpetual basis, and yet it still persists, regardless of whom we charge and drag into court.

      Their system will very much destroy an individual in a minute, with no real factual/provable evidence to support their accusations. We, on the other hand, can spend decades charging them, with proof positive i hand, and get basically nowhere in the end. The fact that it's all there and still hindering/killing. perverting the greater masses is all the proof I need to know that whatever we do, within their system, will not produce any appreciable results.

      Anyway, I love your works, am an avid reader, I post all relevant missive at my favorite hangouts and I'm most certainly "standing by your side" in spirit.


      Chris Dowdle AKA Christo Alado

    11. I truly do want to find a solution to this more-than-serious problem.

      Spitting at a forest fire will not put said fire out.

      Rights granted by Nature's God are not things others may just take away.

      If a bee, bird or any creature has the right to travel freely, to do whatever is needed to sustain their life, then how can such be stripped from the creatures known as humanity? How is any such reasoning justified in anyone's mind--that the lesser of this world's creatures are freer than the highest form thereof?

      Sure it would be great to form an actual Land Jurisdiction with a common law justice system, but any efforts to do so must pass through that force that damns all who try.

      The cart is in front of the horse and the horse is blind, powerless and ignorant beyond measure.

      I resent becoming someone's 'little bitch' especially when nothing these someones do even remotely resembles common-sense intelligence. All I see is EVERYTHING reasoned to the point of ruin.

      Virtually all of the so-called regulating agencies have this nasty habit of making things far worse than they were before said agencies' formation. They claim to abate or eliminate whatever the problems are, and yet, all of which they do just makes matters worse.

      EPA? what a laugh, there's more environmental damage now, than there ever was.

      The Supreme Court? meant to protect our right and yet we all have fewer rights since its formation.

      CDC, AMA and so on are no different, we have much more of that which they were intended to guard against.

      I'm positively sick of the creepy mindless bastards telling me how to live when everything around us is so plainly turning to shit, going to hell in a hand-basket.


    12. The only way out is to get out and stay out of the graveyard of the dead. We the living walk among the dead.
      See the declaration of aborigional rights by the U.N.
      Join a Native tribe: Join a nation of your choosing or the NATIVE PEOPLES UNION but get out now!
      The native people have peace treaty with the USA and U.N. can enforce it. Going to their courts won't get you anywhere cause you don't belong there. ALL MUST challange the jurisdiction and claim your native heritage as we all come from the dust of the ground.
      After trying everything this is the only thing that works.

    13. bamm wow,

      Thanks for sharing this information. To my knowledge, there isn't a single treaty entered into by the Natives and the US that the US did not violate.

      I'm part Cherokee (maternal) and that part of my genetics seem to be the only aspect of myself that I can truly relate to... the rest of it is... well, your comment "We the living walk among the dead." very much sums it up truthfully.

      I'm going to check into the 'declaration of aboriginal rights' and the 'Native Peoples Union'.

      Having to challenge any jurisdiction created by man is, in my mind, a fallacy of one's own state of being, that anyone could think that another has right, jurisdiction or anything of the like, over another.

      We all die. There isn't anything that can kill you and me that will not kill these arrogant, sanctimonious control-freaks... in other words, they are not special in any way, shape or form.

      What I don't get is why/how anyone would want to be someone's 'little bitch' unless I consider the fact that they are dead, both spiritually and mentally.

      I'M NOT THEIRS TO BEGIN WITH! Put the shoe on the other foot and not a single one of them would want to be treated in the same manner that they treat others. It's an all-too-obvious grand act of hypocrisy!

      Again, thanks!

  19. This way too difficult to understand. It could definitely benefit those of us non attorney types, if all of this legal mumbo jumbo were to be rewritten in plain English so it could be understood by the common folk. After all, it was written in legalize for the very purpose of keeping the upper class separate from the the commoners. They invented the the enslavement contracts and worded them specifically for their own understanding. So if I can't get the proper guidance necessary to relieve myself of this "Legal enslavement racket" then I guess I'll just have to follow my gut instincts which tell me that legal or illegal, it doesn't really matter to the tyrants of the world. They seem to believe that they have the God given authority to be the overlords of this world. I don't really need a signed document by some bureaucrat to delegate my freedom or lack thereof. I came to this planet a free spirit, and all of the man made documents that have been designed to counter that reality, are null and void as far as I'm concerned, because I say so !

    1. Lawful is land and all living natural original creation. It will always be first, and Always the supreme authority.
      Man made "legal" and "legalese" has No AuThority OVER the living and has only been carried out by deception and false presumptions. Correct the record and eliminate the false assumptions/presumptions. Nobody needs permission to live or correct a false presumption that's been created without your knowledge or consent. Use your own words if you don't understand someone else's words/instructions and just simply correct the record that is at the root cause of conflict causing you dis-ease & harm. If your intentions are clear (thoughts+feelings=balanced in alignment) the method will appear clear for you. If your intentions (thoughts+feeling= are out of balance/not in alignment) and are unclear, the methods, processes explained will only add to your un clarity of thoughts/feelings. Only YOU can recognize this imbalance within YOU. So this internal work MUST be recognized/reconciled from within first and foremost as it was our thoughts/feelings that were programmed/conditioned to deceive ourselves in the first place. Accept/acknowledge this first and then you WILL know and have the power and clarity to change what YOU see needs your attention and focus to change for the truth/peace to be the master in your life.

    2. Im doing what I can step by step and instead of understanding all now, Im just doing step one...then two. If I was married and am not married now, but carry the married name, what would I do about that? I have authenticated my BC. Any suggestions? Thank you.

    3. Claim all names/NAMES and permutations of names/NAMES and all various possible orders and styles and fonts and ways to punctuate names---- anything you have ever been called or signed should be claimed as property belonging to you, permanently domiciled on the land and soil of the state where you were born.

    4. Randy you are right, it is purposely complicated and hard to understand when written in legalese. It was only when good decent, and intelligent patriots started to put everything in plain English that i actually started to take an interest in law, which lead to a path of knowledge...But dont think its only us that cant stand it. Most law students cant stand the one thing that this whole system is based on...the UCC..!! They only have to take one course, a semester, studying the UCC...and they all hate it..I know because my friends sister and now her son who just pasted the BAR, told me he hated that course..!!

  20. The very fact that we think that we have apply for our legal freedom, suggests that we think that we are obligated to these evil robber barons in the first place, which I declare I'm not. God's laws were designed to keep us free, safe, and healthy. Man's laws were designed to keep us oppressed, manipulated, and enslaved. I choose to live by God's laws thank you !

    1. And you will still have Him and His promises when "they" come for you and the terminal imprisonment until the "beheadings" begin.
      Think the eternal existence over those that do plan to kill your bodies folks- as that day draws nearer..

    2. Randy the very fact that You "think" You or anyone "has to apply" for anything is where you are confused and needing clarity for a full understanding of the real issue that needs to be addressed and corrected for and on the land record. Reality (land records) vs ficitious (sea titles/registration/filings]
      only YOU, the living energy can physically allow/authorize these titles/registrations to remain at sea, governed by fictional character entitities for their sole benefit and to your physical/emotional detriment. Choice. You are the only real living physical energy that allows/authors EVERYTHING in both the land and sea jurisdictions. You and your thoughts are either being controlled/regulated or you are taking control of your thoughts and acting accordingly knowing the difference between the two.

    3. And you will still have Him and His promises when "they" come for you and the terminal imprisonment until the "beheadings" begin.
      Think the eternal existence over those that do plan to kill your bodies folks- as that day draws nearer..

    4. mtman2, sorry but I don't think like that, lol. I ain't leaving this world without all my parts in tact. Their 'plan' isn't for me.

  21. ptrsh A, corporate "titles" are foreign (on the sea) jurisdiction for corporations ONlY. Period. The proof of this foreign (not land,nor public law) jurisdiction is clearly written in black & white in pamphlet titled "the law of peace" discovered and provided to us by Anna & team yesterday. All the more reasons and proof to correct your political status and claim your given name back (birth certicate, assumed to be lost/abandoned at sea "title") onto the proper standing on land jurisdiction. The land jurisdiction is at peace. State nationals that have NOW proper standing by correcting the records, claiming back their titles, are the only living men and women that can NOW lawfully enforce our land jurisdiction via indictment by lawfully formed grand jury's (all with property standing) in each nation state and county and stop the (sea pirates) tresspasses on our land. The The sea jurisdiction is based on corporate dishonest/fraudulent contracts, conflicts, WAR. There is ALWAYS an enemy to conquer and control in the pirates "sea" jurisdiction. Always! So who are you and where do you originate from? Which jurisdiction do you choose to belong to? Jurisdiction of WAR and corporate contract "titles", conflict to be government by assumed "title holders" with no accountability to living men by false immunity? or on the land in peace, truth, with all rights, titles and interest back in your control, to be 100% responsible in self governing. Its a choice. Choose either privledges/benefits (corporate person) sea jurisdiction if you agree to be governed or natural, unalienable rights, freedom to self govern in peace, prosperity your own affairs accordingly with your own conscience/values being your guide to privately live by and be accountable to?

  22. As i read through the comments here, I feel the same. I've been studying our delimma for 12 years. I am nowhere near as educated as Anna. But, in those 12 years the famiarity of the common goal of the freedom in the questios and answers are always recognizable. Please google GEMSTONE UNIVERSITY.

  23. Another information source:

  24. Is this a good source?

  25. Now that we have been so wonderfully blessed with the truth and proof written in black/white for all to NOW see clearly who,what, where, why and how we have been used/received. There should no longer exist any doubt or question in our hearts or minds that correction IS necessary to ENFORCE and Direct our energies back on the land where they belong. Its time for us to stand up and "drain the swamps" within ourselves first, then responsibly, peacefully within our nation states/counties/community's.
    NOW we have the teeth to hold these corporate actors that are claiming to act per lawful authority to actually begin to act lawfully, with no more false immunity to cling to. We NOW have not only the standing to hold them accountable, but the proof of their dishonor and loyalty to our nation states and living people.
    I see these fema camps and all prisons starting to fill with all these pirates. I see the people never again being burdened with the costs/expenses of their incarceration either. Lock them in, give them shelter, water, electricity and plenty of space, some GMO seeds and say if you want to survive you better start planning/ working this land, because its completely up to you to feed yourselves and survive now! Hey, its more than any homeless person has been given or been treated by these rats, and actually having to produce something of real value for their first time will not only be a great punishment for theses fictious paper pushes, it will rehabilitate them as well! Also we cant forget to charge them daily for their rent, utilities while they are being rehabilitated, in lawful money of course. No free rides!!! Win/win/win!!! Im loving the possibilities WE NOW have to work with!! Grand Jury's, County Assemblies, WE have great work to do!!

    1. *used/deceived
      Sorry, damn auto correct is truly worthless imho

  26. To all: I found this post to be the most interesting over the years and feel Anna has given a lot of her time and a lot of information for us to follow or not as we choose. To throw a bit of a wrench into this discussion, the 38 comments at this writing, I found MY choices, particularly in FOOD determine to a great extent on what I will choose next. For example, when I ate meat, sugar, white flour and processed food nearly everyday for 30 years, I was belligerent, stupid, went into the Army, did very foolish things, cheated and even sold insurance. Now 35 years later, after eating Nature's food, or God's food: grain, vegetables and bens I am more relaxed loving and honest. As for another example, I say the same thing for our current debt-based dishonest, deceptive monetary system that predominates us is caused by our eating deceptive processed food. I know it might be a stretch, but it makes sense to me because I see many people eating more and more toward a vegetarian lifestyle and throwing off to a small degree the old Federal reserve note shit and seeking alternatives. We are our choices.....choose well and enjoy your choices.

    1. Unknown, to me its all about tasty food made from the best ingredients; and then variety, not eating the same ole narrow diet. And I will never drink coffee without my organic sugar in it and organic half and half.
      Never mcdonalds or fast foods, no microwaved nuked food, it comes down to you gotta cook from scratch, real food. Read labels and look for real organic ingredients and foods. Nothing like fresh organic carrots and celery.

      I sure would like to have one of those Replicators; I know they exist but have been kept hidden from us for decades.
      (yes, the Replicator on star trek is real)
      Maybe Anna could uncover those things for us all, and even she wouldn't have to cook and work. Surely, the Rep. must be in among those Patents.? or wherever they hide those secret things.

  27. Absolutely David, thank you!! Everything IS Energy
    everything you choose in your life has energy value, either lower or higher attached to it. Every thought, feeling decision YOU make is either going to increase your life force energy, or decrease it. That IS your freewill choice to decide. Choose knowingly and willingly EVERYTHING for your life and your own desired outcome. Everything starts with your energy/ends with your energy. Make the choices that support/strengthen your life energy. Much love and peace be with all!!

    1. Oh, another one with that tripe. Look, when you get a bill from your hospital, or doctor, or your water/sewage company, or your garbage man, they want $$$ and they don't wanna hear anything else. Its only about money, they want paid money.
      So lets see you go tell them 'its all about energy' and see how long it takes for them to call you looney.
      Oh, and while we are at it, tell us how many groceries you buy with your 'energy' trip.
      Enough already !

    2. Abby you silly wolf, I'm sorry your so confused.
      I've never received a "bill" in my life and I imagine neither have you, lol
      Everything is Energy, Much love Abby

    3. * * "bill" in mail
      However I carry(physical energy++) plenty (abundant energy++) of those silly(emotional fun energy++) pieces of paper known as "bills" (debt instruments=negative energy--)in my wallet to use as bills of exchange (neutral energy) for goods and services(beneficial energy+) I value. (grateful emotional energy+++) As long as that's the "currency" (Energy in motion) as our only option to operate in "Commerce" (law of sea based in fiction, false appearances NEGATIVE ENERGY) it is what it is...for now.

    4. I don't take any heed to the legal jargon and mincing up of words, nor do I give a hoot about what words 'they' use.
      Everybody pays out the nose every time we walk out the door.
      So y'all can just stop with all that nonsense. Get into the real world.

    5. Nobody "pays" for anything in this illusionary world of symbolism, false idol worship. Its impossible to pay a debt with a debt instrument. Its absolute insanity that has been programmed/conditioned into everyone's minds. It is at the root of all this evil.
      The good news is, once you recognize and educate yourself on how this debt/credit system works, you can flip it to your advantage and operate accordingly for your highest good and that of others. You NOW can choose to create real intrinsic value for yourself and others and turn it into prosperity.
      I highly recommend becoming knowledgeable in this topic. Especially what it means being a creditor/debtor. You may find it fascinating!! Much love Abby

    6. Kerri...i have been studying this long before the internet or even the home computer was even invented and no matter who much i learn, it has never made me rich or worked to my advantage. I may be rich in spirit, but not in reality..!! We dont get into this "truther movement" to become rich, we get into this to correct the wrongs and point out the fraud and deception so everyone can live better and happier lives... Like God intented. Just out of curiousity Kelli, how many people have you given those "fake notes" to , if people asked you for some of them...after all, they are worthless arent they..?? You see, you are deeper into this "Corporate Mentality" than you care to admit.. if you gave $5000 to a friend who absoluty needed it to save her house and never got it back, would you be upset.. Its easy to talk but not walk the walk. Talk is cheap..!! Christians have ripped me off more than any other religion..go figure..!! Thats why jesus "DEMANDED" that all of his aposiles give away all their wealth and "things" and live only on the generosity and "faith in God" for their needs...a true showing of faith..!! It funny how people all know we are dealing with "funny money", but still insist on aquireing it as much as they can, without giving any of it away to anyone...!!

    7. The true value I'm able to Now create within/without and truly prosper and bless others is priceless for me and has nothing to do with worldly perceived "riches" or materialism.
      Much love and peace

    8. James I'm sorry to hear that your experiences/outcomes haven't added any true value in your desired reality.
      For me personally, I've never in my life's journey ever resonated with a "corporate Mentality" of conditional "lending" practices. Never been my thing.
      I do however practice and believe in unconditional gifting to those that have presented a need and I'm happy to support, encourage them in reaching their goals Especially when I know in my heart it will be in service to their highest good and that of others. No strings or expectations attached. Gifting without being attached to any outcome serves and adds "richness" to my life and reality.

      Need/Greed based on self serving thoughts/behaviors/outcomes that created the problem in the first place, doesn't serve anything for the better, so its not where I personally choose to operate from.

  28. KISS! Keep it simple, stupid!

    Look, when I was born into all this mess, I had no idea of it, nor why it existed. The simplest solution of all is go back to pre-1933 and GET RID OF IT!!! No SUBROGEE, no Birth certificate, just a come as you are, leave as you go man or woman as God put you here. I don't need someone to have me, or make me, fill out this or that to declare I am nobody's slave! Shut down the whole imaginary system! Hail pseudo anarchy! And if you think you have any right or reason to trespass against me, bring it before a council of elders like the real American nationals did. I am so bloody sick of this paperwork!

    1. I'm interested in knowing your way of reversing things.

    2. Only in the United States can you be conned, cheared, lied to, and forced into tons of "adhesion contracts", without any discloseure of material facts, and forced to enter "unconsciousnable contracts" for the purpose of changing our statuses and then force us to correct the whole process ourselfes when all the "bad faith" and "unclean hands" was by them, not us. By right, we should be able to go to the prosecutors office, and tell them fraud was perpetuated and we want you to correct it...They expect us to be bankers, accountants, withholding agents,and attorneys, and do our normal jobs and manage a family..!! Where's the EQUITY there....??? Oh, and i forgot to add that we also have to pay for all of it...!!

    3. James, I can't help but think a bunch of Executive Orders are

    4. Actually Abby, after almost 200 years of this, and the fraudulent political massive infrastructure built around it, it will take a "dictator" to correct this mess or a "King" appointed by God. In any case our true KING is coming soon,because things have become to complicated and stressful too live happily...and thats a "sin".

    5. Gods army IS here NOW and within each one of us to recognize. We simply have been trained/conditioned by our own ego (edging God out) mind and worldly systems and beliefs to be led and wandering aimlessly further, further away from our pure peaceful, loving, wisdom of our source in this truth. As above, so below. We are who we've been waiting for. We ARE the spiritual force that IS rising in opoosition to this ancient evil system of deceit, lies through "dictators" & "Kings". Game Over
      Much Love, Peace and Blessings

    6. James, you are so right; talk is so damned cheap around here lately, I'm glad I have hip boots to keep from getting all that crap all over me. And in spite of all that sweet frosting on the cowpile, I know it ain't a chocolate cake, Lol.

  29. Great summary but it leaves more questions than answers. I understand you cannot deal with all of this by yourself. For example, permament registrations are not available in all states. Foreign born, naturalized slaves (citizens) don't have a birth certificate so what now? Well, just going to let this slide and watch what happens. In the mean time I'll keep reading, thanks.

  30. The fact of the matter is just what the Prophet Amos said -- my people are being destroyed for lack of knowledge. The Enemy has come in the night under veil of silence and darkness and placed their traps with cunning against our babies in their cradles. How much more evidence do we need of their evil? Remember the London Winter Olympics and the giant effigy of the "dead baby" and all these cloak-shrouded figures walking around it and around it in after-dark candle-lit procession? Those are evil wizards and witches acting out their Druidic "spell-binding" trying to put the final touches on their intention to kill off all babies worldwide except of course, their own venal breed. What do you think these monsters are doing with all this legal chicanery, except "killing" us on paper almost as soon as we are born? They have to be rooted out, root, stem, and leaf. They have to be opposed with overwhelming spiritual force and destroyed once and for all. This is a very ancient evil we are facing and we must know it for what it is before we can recognize it---- just as you must come to know a weed from a flower in the garden. The Romans suppressed this "religion" and the Catholic Church suppressed this "religion" and at one time or another, nearly every government on Earth has had to deal with this sea-going "religion"---- and so must we.

  31. "They have to be opposed with overwhelming spiritual force and destroyed once and for all. This is a very ancient evil we are facing and we must know it for what it is before we can recognize it----"

    Yes, yes, yes!!! We ALL have the spiritual force within us to overcome and oppose this deceptive, false external, negative energy "religion" by tapping into and waking up our inner slumbering spirit (positive energy) where all our true wisdom, knowing, peace and love has been waiting for us all along. Click those ruby slippers 3 times Dorothy and you will be home. The power has always been ours!!! Choice. Or choose to keep waiting for some external (outside yourself) ficticious "wizard" to "save" you and return you safely home after all the deceptive, fraudulant terms and conditions are agreed to, and carried out,by you for the wizards behalf,lol. Great Story!!! The spiritual truth essence of this story IS relevant and important to recognize. Watch it again with new eyes, you'll see. Then if you dig even deeper within yourselves You'll be able to observe the message and its true meaning in your very core. Much love and peace be with all

    1. Kelli, why dont you just come out and say it by keeping it simple...believe in and have faith in the only thing that was ever real....our savior Jesus Christ..!! It doesnt get any simplier than that..!!

    2. shallow and simple thinking has been to our detriment from my perspective and has created this entire mess. IMHO so with being said, I feel we need to start thinking/feeling from a deeper level within to begin the change we want to create and be in our world. Simply

    3. yes, Christ IS IN us, Look to Heaven within to seek and discover our pure potential and wisdom from within.
      The Story of the wizard of oz is a GREAT tool to remind us of this, as well as the stories told by many whos experiences teach them the very same lesson. All paths lead to the same destination and outcomes.
      Much Love, Peace and blessings

    4. But kelli i will say this from tons of experience....stay away from people with low frequency energy, because it is way easier fro them to lower your energy that for us to rsise someone elses energy levels, especially if they have none at all. We cant help those people even if we give them thousands of dollars.....they are just to far gone and devoid of any spirit that can be useful...that goes for married couples too...although if they have kids, they should try and work it out, but not to the point of losing your soul..!!

    5. Agreed, thank you James.
      Much Love and Peace always

  32. What are Z license plates and where do we order them? I don't see a Regulation Z under the Motor Vehicle Code but only under TILA.

    1. Regulation Z is found under 3 day "truth in lending" law.(TILA)

    2. 1FreeMan, good question. That was thrown out there and then just left hanging in the air; like we need yet more mystery added to this dungheep.
      James, what does TILA have to do with Z plates?

  33. Some travel under a texas plate ,it needs no renewal or registration, unless you are back in texas. Texas still is probally the freest place but are allowing the loss of freedoms by giving forgeinor the power over the people.

  34. I am from Canada so our system is essentially the same but our record keeping is different, no county recorders or state constitutions and notaries have been threatened from signing anything that even resembles common law. Below are some subs of the acts, am I on the right track or delusional?

    vital statistics act


    65 All records and documents created under this Act are the property of the Crown and must be surrendered to the Registrar on request........then we have................
    70 An application to the Court of Queen’s Bench under this Act must be served on the Registrar and on any notice to other persons that the Court requires.

    Meaning of.....'application notice' - means a document in which the applicant states his intention to seek a court order; does this mean one must go through the court of queens bench with the authenticated B.C. to require the registrar to retrieve the negotiable instrument from the crown??

    Does the Authenticated B.C. upon presentment suffice as ownership claiming the name?

    Canadian Warehouse receipts act.......

    Delivery of goods by storer

    7(1)A storer, in the absence of lawful excuse, shall deliver the goods referred to in the receipt,
    (a)in the case of a negotiable receipt, to its bearer on demand made by the bearer and on the bearer
    (i)satisfying the storer’s lien,
    (ii)surrendering the receipt with such endorsements as are necessary for the negotiation of the receipt, and
    (iii)acknowledging in writing the delivery of the goods, and
    (b)in the case of a non-negotiable receipt, to its holder on the holder
    (i)satisfying the storer’s lien, and
    (ii)acknowledging in writing the delivery of the goods.
    7(2)If a storer refuses or fails to deliver the goods in compliance with subsection (1), the burden is on the storer to establish the existence of a lawful excuse for the refusal or failure.
    7(3)If a person is in possession of a negotiable receipt that has been duly endorsed to that person or endorsed in blank, or by the terms of which the goods are deliverable to that person or that person’s order or to bearer, if delivery is made in good faith and without notice of any defect in the title of that person, the storer is justified in delivering the goods to that person.

    Disputed claim
    10If a storer has information that a person other than the holder of a receipt claims to be the owner of or entitled to the goods, the storer may refuse to deliver the goods until the storer has had a reasonable time, not exceeding ten days, to ascertain the validity of the adverse claim or to commence interpleader proceedings

    Here is the only thing that I can find that would be recorded and have anything to do with land (common law), everything else is provincial registration (admiralty, sea)

    Has the system left lawful remedy for claim but very well disguised? Please give me some feedback.
    Thank you!!

  35. Can someone please post in plain english....Is Anna working with Kim?

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Robert, try and order their Certificate of Live Birth or BC for genealogy purpose. If you are Cherokee, you can claim your Native American Sovereignty from the Tribal Recordkeepers here:

    2. 1freeman: thank you. I will check into it. I deleted my letter because It's all just too much.

    3. Server Error in '/' Application.
      The resource cannot be found.
      Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

      Requested URL: /Services/Tribal-Citizenship/Genealogy-Information.
      well that didn't work.

    4. Delete the period behind the URL.


    Also a dead end...thanks though.

  38. I tried this cut and paste some stuff came up that might help.
    American Sovereignty from the Tribal Recordkeepers

  39. How and/or where do we buy Z plates?? Been searching all day.

    1. Me too! Can't find anything either. :(

  40. Does anyone know where you can buy the "Z" license plates for Ohio? Thank you!


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