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Sunday, December 31, 2017

From Bitcoin To Hashgraph: The Crypto Revolution - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 8 - Mike Maloney

 Found here:

This ties it up for me.  I am in.  I am buying Bitcoin, Etherium, and watching Hashgraph which is touted as a complete replacement for the Blockchain. We will see, but you need to watch this movie.



    I am not going to believe for one minute that the globalists WON'T trample over crypto.

    Additionally, trumps tax changes already begins to place the globalists foot inside the door

    1. Could we take an opportunity for $100 investment in cryptocurrency and gain few thousand and then take out few thousand dollars, euros... and use it to buy necessities such as natural remedies for the health... I am learning about BC and want to invest NO more than $. Only, do not know how and where to buy it i.e. which is the best site to buy it.

    2. that is why it is vital to correct all records to reflect your political status. anything trump does only has effect on a U.S. Citizenry and he is well aware of it, as are congress and all State of State personnel employed by the United States (private commercial corporation). If you don't change the legal records located in the files of the United States corporation, they can LEGALLY do what they wish with you, whenever they please. And since they know most people are too lazy or locked into deep cognitive dissonance to be able to break out and see their life from a freedom perspective there is little chance anything will change soon. Remedy has fully been disclosed on Anna's site to rectify each individual's status to their correct nationality i.e. North Dakota National, Texas National, California National, North Carolina National, etc. Until you do this, you truly do have much to fear, and there is a good chance your fears will come true. The culprit? YOU!!!

  2. Anything that is priced in dollars is worthless and is a debt instrument as long as it is exchange for DOLLARS.

    1. the key to your statement is 'as long as it is exchanged for dollars'. As long as it is not exchanged for a debt instrument it does not become a debt instrument. These governments lording it over the world are soon to be toppled and eventually destroyed from their high perch of untouchability. Through ingenious creative processes we reduce their "debt money" to irrelevance and they will either have to increase their efforts to kill us off or go to work at Walmart. As for killing us off, well good luck with that!

  3. Many of you are probably not as tech savvy as I am. One thing is for certain. All cryptography will eventually be broken. History has proven that time and again. Secondly, Many companies have begun to support D-Wave quantum computers. Trying to explain it would take a lifetime, however, doing a youtube search and listening to Anthony Patch videos should bring just about anybody up to speed. Quantum computers can break any encryption, period! There is no such thing as privacy on the internet. Even in 8ch, the very idea of "Kek" worship is because somebody supposedly figured out Teslas time travel theories and made working machines. Quantum computers can not only search multiple universes, it can search through time itself. Blockchain is dependant upon encryption. Theoretically it is possible to break. I even heard about a very smart woman who has already broken SHA1-256 encryption about 10 years ago. Nothing is safe from the deep state. If you can't hold it in your hands, you are gambling, and if you can't eat it or use it, its just another form of graven image worship like Anna says. Does this mean I am not going to diversify and try to make a better living for me? No, however, you need to know the risks and think hard about whether you are willing to risk losing it. Gambling is like going to a concert. You know you are going to pay something, you may like the performance, or you may not. But you're still out the money you spent. What you are paying for your entertainiment. Is it possible to get your money back? I'll let you decide.

    1. The first thing I have noticed is Mike Maloney putting his hands in a satanic pyramid symbol. Ugly Angela Merkel does the same all the time.
      Could we take an opportunity for $100 investment in cryptocurrency and gain few thousand and then take out few thousand dollars, euros... and use it to buy necessities such as natural remedies for the health... I am learning about BC and want to invest NO more than $. Only, do not know how and where to buy it i.e. which is the best site to buy it.

  4. Oh....As we END this year...(an illusion) the only thing you REALLY ONLY have control of.... is...... what you eat.

    1. You only think you have control over what you eat. Codex Alimentarius controls what you eat. A U.N. organization owned by deep state and regulators for the for the irradiation of all food products. Bill
      Clinton signed onto it during his presidency. Population reduction is their agenda. While their mission statement leads one to believe they are for the production of safe foods using the irradiation process, we all know the dangers of radiation. Noting good can come of it with regard to the human body. The food chain strictly controls what we eat and the land, skies and water have all been polluted for nefarious purposes by those we cannot see nor should we ever trust under any circumstances that our health and wellness fit into their plan.

  5. It saddens me to see this. I know Anna has been taking a close look at crypto currency as an exchange medium. It is more than that, and we won't like what manifests as a result. But I imagine my little comment doesn't amount to one of Anna's proverbial hills of beans. IMO Maloney and those guys are completely bamboozled by and on board with the current system of debt enslavement. Everything they teach is based on how to make the slavery work in your limited favor. I quit listening to their counsel some time ago. Real money or bust.

  6. Thank you all for the hard work you put into writing informative articles. Happy New Year & God Bless.

  7. As cryptos such as Bitcoin have become such a rage, the gov. has already begun sticking their nose in it, demanding crypto companies provide names of their buyers and sellers, for the purpose of taxing just as they tax Dollars.
    And our nefarious enemies of the people are planning to destroy the ongoing cryptos, with the intent of bringing in their own crypto which will be treated exactly as the Dollar is treated; controlled and tracked by the gov. In other words, simply replacing the federal dollars with federal cryptos.

    What this is all leading up to is a computerized monetary system, which is 'perfect' for total control of the masses during the great tribulation led by the anti-christ world dictator.
    It is written. Read.

  8. Trump just outlawed any chip or patch to be installed in humans, starting with the military, who had no choice but to take them..!! He is moving for a paper currency backed by gold...but judge Anna, doesn't that mean corporate, and sliver stand for America...the "silver dollar"..!!My brother wants to know where in the constitution does it say "gold" stands for corporations, and where it says that silver only stands for America and it's citizens...????

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