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Sunday, December 31, 2017

The REAL Scandal of the Hammond and Bundy Trials....

By Anna Von Reitz

The REAL Scandal of the Bundy and Hammond Trials.....

Everyone is missing the point. These corporations are self-interested. Both the BLM, Inc. and the FBI, Inc. are owned and operated by the same parent corporation, dba, UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT (INC.) They are all private for-profit entities in the business of providing "governmental services". They are in business for themselves.

So if BLM sees an opportunity to steal some prime land or a good mineral claim or a chance to steal water or grazing rights for re-sale, etc., etc., to sweeten its own pot, of course it is going to run to its sibling company, the FBI, to assist and to defend its theft and over-reach.

The FBI hasn't ever been acting as a dispassionate third party law enforcement agency in these matters. It has been called in to assist its sister company.

Both are federal subcontractors owned and operated by the same parent company, so of course the FBI is going to be supremely prejudiced in favor of the BLM.

This is what happens when you "privatize" public functions and don't even tell people what you did.

Everyone including a lot of the judges and lawyers assume that the BLM and FBI are legitimate disinterested government agencies, when in fact they are private, for-profit subcontractors with their own axes to grind and their own prejudicial relationships.

The real scandal is that both the FBI and the BLM are controlled by the same parent corporation and directed by the same Board of Directors with nobody being the wiser. Any appearance that the FBI has been disinterested in its actions and prosecutions needs to be debunked.

And the names of the Board of Directors and the corporate officers in charge of the so-called UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT (INC.) need to be published so that everyone can see and understand who is really behind all this nastiness, because the same group of cretins have been directing the actions of both the BLM and the FBI from the beginning.

Now, who would be surprised, if Harry Reid and/or his sons or cousins or BFFs or stockholders in his enterprises were on the Board or serving as officers of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, INC.? Who would be surprised if some major land developers and government contractors show up on the list? People who stand to gain if the Bundys lose their ranch? People who gain some kind of advantage from prosecuting the Hammonds?

We need some good Private Investigators and Auditors to blow this scandal wide open and bring forward the evidence that the FBI acted in self-interested collusion with the BLM and that both these "agencies" were compromised and acting in self-interest under the direction of their parent corporation--- which has sat anonymously in the background, never being recognized for its role and exactly what it is and exactly who runs it.

There's a reason, folks, that the BLM and FBI and the Prosecutors didn't do their jobs for the Public Good and didn't disclose vital information to the Defense in these trials --- and the reason is simple: they are under contract to provide us with Good Faith service, but they are owned and operated by self-interested private parties intent on making profits and garnering advantages for themselves.

If anyone wants to take on the research job, contact me privately 


  1. The problem judge Anna, is that what you just reveiled, will fall on death and dumb ears....not one govt. official will understand anything you just said, except maybe a select few. But they will never step forward and admit they know and understand anything you just said. They will just let all the lower end Corp. employees handle it the only way they have been taught...riding roughshot over them and getting an equally dumb judge to go alone with it....the only chance we have is to use Trumps executive order to arrest them for crimes against humanity. If that is possible...But the Queen of England has already been exposed as a fraudulent "Soverign".....Regina v JAH 2011. She was unlawfully coronated under a "false stone of destiny" , and broke her vow to the people putting her signature on a bible that specifically states, that she will only obey God's laws and not legislate any others...So right off the bat she defiled her oath, and therefore is not a sovereign and has no authority to give out privileged licenses like the BAR!!! SO why are they still around..?? Case # T20107746...How much more do we need. As soon as the verdict was read, Both the judge and PA immidiatatly left the courtroom as fast as they could...onbiously because they knew the jig was up...!!

  2. Why don't you call the marines and have them all arrested for crimes against humanity...Your a judge, and you have a law firm..They are more apt to believe you than any of us..!!!Or call the Army..!! But this has become strictly a military endeavor..!! That's why Trump is using the military to get access to files without a lot of red tape...just surround them and take whatever you need..!! No more subpoena dices tecum..the only way to justice is by force when your dealing with criminals..!!


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