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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Are You an American National, or a US Citizen? What is the difference?



    1. If you are claiming to have been born in the "United States" Which the State of Texas is a state of the United States,then you and your children are just slaves and Citizens of the United States,(the Territory owned, ceded, retro ceded, condemned, owned by the United States)but:
      If on the other hand you or your children were not born in a territory but were born on the land of Texas, a state of the perpetual union under the Articles of Confederation, and comprehend the difference,,, then you will be free.

    2. Me, the Republic of Texas did not exist under the Articles of Confederation so that argument cannot be claimed, as it came into the Union by the US Constitution, for good or ill. Also, Texas was never any "territory" it was its own Nation before being brought into the Union as a State. And good luck telling the cops and judges how "free" you are when they throw in jail for violation of all of their corporate rules. This is a great site for interesting info but none of it will be valid until the status quo is overturned and I don't see that happening. I bet Anna even has a "driver's license" so what the point!!!??? All of the Michigan Jurors Assemblies that she peddles have not "freed" anyone!!! As I said, interesting site but of no practical value.

    3. From Anna:

      Anna does have a DL clearly marked "retired" and "not for hire".

      For God's sake man, wake up and take responsibility for yourself.

      If 360 million people can't figure out how to issue their own identity papers and demand that their correct political status is honored there is no hope left.

      Stop looking at and paying attention to what THEY do and pay attention instead to what you are not doing!!!

    4. already having trouble trouble with words and semantic deceite... its the corruption of any language that leads to a countries demise, especially the English language.. If your an American National, than you were born and live in "Texas state"(lower case "s"), not in the State of Texas, which is a franchise of the main "Corporate State of Washington DC"..!! Your kids are "Texans", pure and simple!! Just like im a "Californian". The word "of" means "belonging to". So the State of Texas" litterally in translation means the State "belonging to" the Corporate United States and not America the 50 states united under the original organic constitution of the united states "for" America..You need to study more.

  2. The corporate law is statutes brought to you by Lincoln who incorporated into sea jurisdiction . And enticed the states to incorporate also. They will get you under corporate law with a simple wrong answer do you understand ?
    Are you the person addressed on summons ?

    1. My answer is until you submit to the formed corporation your a state national

  3. §1408. Nationals but not citizens of the United States at birth

    Unless otherwise provided in section 1401 of this title, the following shall be nationals, but not citizens, of the United States at birth:

    (1) A person born in an outlying possession of the United States on or after the date of formal acquisition of such possession;

    (2) A person born outside the United States and its outlying possessions of parents both of whom are nationals, but not citizens, of the United States, and have had a residence in the United States, or one of its outlying possessions prior to the birth of such person;

    (3) A person of unknown parentage found in an outlying possession of the United States while under the age of five years, until shown, prior to his attaining the age of twenty-one years, not to have been born in such outlying possession; and

    (4) A person born outside the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a national, but not a citizen, of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than seven years in any continuous period of ten years-

    (A) during which the national parent was not outside the United States or its outlying possessions for a continuous period of more than one year, and

    (B) at least five years of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years.

    1. Even if you claim to be a state National under §1408 you still owe allegiance to the United States under
      §1101.(21) The term "national" means a person owing permanent allegiance to a state.

      (22) The term "national of the United States" means (A) a citizen of the United States, or (B) a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States.

    2. BTW vessels and person(a)'s are birthed.. Babies are born, not birthed.

    3. my nativity is to a man and woman joined by Holy Wedlock and on The Pennsylvania common wealth. i am a living being with a soul created in the image of the living God, Yhwh! A Pennsylvanian and an American state national. A non-resident alien to the United States and any of It's States, Territories or outlying possessions.

      i categirically deny being 'birthed/berthed' 'in PENNSYLVANIA'. Principally for the reason that 'in PENNSYLVANIA' does not exist and anything 'in Pennsylvania' must be a dead thing.

      i stand on top of the physical land mass called The Pennsylvania common wealth (1776); and, one of the Confederacy of States of The American union...
      "......the stile of The Confederacy shall be The united States of America in congress Assembled.." (Articles of Confederation - 1777)

      robert: Carr
      The Pennsylvania common wealth

    4. my nativity is to a man and woman joined by Holy Wedlock and on The Pennsylvania common wealth. i am a living being with a soul created in the image of the living God, Yhwh! A Pennsylvanian and an American state national. A non-resident alien to the United States and any of It's States, Territories or outlying possessions.

      i categirically deny being 'birthed/berthed' 'in PENNSYLVANIA'. Principally for the reason that 'in PENNSYLVANIA' does not exist and anything 'in Pennsylvania' must be a dead thing.

      i stand on top of the physical land mass called The Pennsylvania common wealth (1776); and, one of the Confederacy of States of The American union...
      "......the stile of The Confederacy shall be The united States of America in congress Assembled.." (Articles of Confederation - 1777)

      robert: Carr
      The Pennsylvania common wealth

  4. Oh, for Pete's sake, what difference does it make! I am seventy-three and a seventh generation Texan. My sons are eighth and grand kids ninth generation Texans. My family was here even before Texas became the great Republic of Texas. Label us anything you please, nothing in our lives is gonna change.

  5. How should i say this. We don't fall under the 14th amendment but I hv a ss# and BC.what does that mean? A. Samoa.

  6. The numbers that appear on the court bond, don't have it just in front of me, but how were they generated? I am trying to understand this court bond issue thing. Have a friend of mine has two warrants (driving while barred x2) and has used the court bond thing from the beginning of the cases including registered mail. Want to understand this court bond thing. Am watching my friends cases and he is currently lying low. There is a there is a USSSC tracer number and something else I think on the Bond Certificate. Where do they come from?

  7. Unknown, i would also like to know more about the court bonds...
    i think the STATE COURT BONDS are SF-24, SF-25 and SF-25A (bid bond, performance bond, and payment bond.

    i am to 'understand' that whatever the 'local' USDC for whatever DISTRICT(STATE) one finds oneself allegedly 'in' is/are the Entity purchasing said bonds...?

    The 'fed''criminal'/civil side apparently uses GSA bonds, GSA-273, GSA-274 and GSA-275 (bid, performance and payment bonds)

    Would like to knoiw more...


  8. Unknown, i would also like to know more about the court bonds...
    i think the STATE COURT BONDS are SF-24, SF-25 and SF-25A (bid bond, performance bond, and payment bond.

    i am to 'understand' that whatever the 'local' USDC for whatever DISTRICT(STATE) one finds oneself allegedly 'in' is/are the Entity purchasing said bonds...?

    The 'fed''criminal'/civil side apparently uses GSA bonds, GSA-273, GSA-274 and GSA-275 (bid, performance and payment bonds)

    Would like to knoiw more...


    1. So the state uses SF-24, SF-25, and SF-26 and the Federal UNITED STATES uses GSA-273, GSA-274 and GSA-275. HOW do you file these and how much does it cost?

      I'm listening. What state do you live in? Do you know Judges or backroom proceedures? We need inside infor from the court system itself and how exactly they get away with charging us without proof of claim.

  9. Anna, I'm a American! And I'm damn proud of it! And I know the difference between a American Citizen and a UNITED STATES citizen UNITED STATES citizens are things and American Citizens (proper noun) are men and women! As on the subject this is the most important to explain to all of American people that all if us are Americans and not UNITED STATES citizens and they need to be explained
    Why the court system is corrupt they need to be explained that acts,statue, codes and ordinances are not apart of the real to the American Constitution laws and they need to understand this when they set as you Jurors. I been fighting my local county government for years and starting the process to take my property and chattels off of them starting to be a real fight any suggestions? I'm in the process of getting warranty deed to my property been thinking about getting remove from the UCC role in my capitalization name what is the best way to go?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    2. richard September 27, 2017 at 8:18 AM

      I must include I'm a American not a American National I do believe the word nationalist puts American in the one world government group to be controlled as all nationalist as nationalist from all over the world. So I am a American!

    3. Nationalism is the most vile cussword in the "globalist" agenda". That is excatly what they dont want. They want an end to "National pride" and replace it with open borders, so no one will ever remember their true history, and all the wars fought to attain their Nationalism and Freedom from oppression...other people come from completely different forms of govt....dictataorships, oligarcies, monarcies, socialist, facist, and others. They may claim to have National pride, but they arent true Nationalist..!!

  10. I spoke to a military gentleman yesterday you clearly stated. That if they get the order to go into a home and detain or kill someone who's been ordered to give up their guns who do not give up their guns then basically that's what they're going to do. he clearly stated out his mouth that is going to be a war here because these people that's enslaving humanity is not giving up anything so if you think just because you guys are claiming that they violated the Constitution or violated treaties or committed treason these bankers are in control and they're not giving up anything. also I would like to say how the heck are they giving us Fiat currency that has no value and making a government pay them back as a loan for a loan that they never supplied in the first place. the government or should I say if we have an unincorporated government they already have the full faith and credit in the people so ask yourself this so why do we need some International bankers they give us a loan who don't even have a nation or people to issue credit as a loan back in the bankers I don't know you guys figure it out don't make sense it's all b******* the whole system
    I say we fight, not physically but smart. Stop working for the corp Gov stop sign I g their paper work. Or start putting behind your signature 12 usc 411 and 12 usc 95(a) stop issuing your credit. Thats why they so po×erful. Thank about that for a minute.

  11. It is quite obvious that as individuals it is a nightmare for each of us to have to fight our own personal battles. What must happen is for them to be taken down from the top and be outlawed. A new mold has to be set in place so we can each walk into a LAWful System, with them on the other side of the desk already knowing the New System. Otherwise it is us as a lone man or woman, against the Goliath that we face.
    This in no way is to say that we are too lazy to fight; it is just that we are not all equipped for the battle. Sure, we can be given all the words and instructions, but implementing them successfully is a whole nother ball game. Easier said than done.
    Since the fault does not lie with The People, but with the Tyrants who created the problem, then it is the Tyrants who need set straight.
    Anna has done a ton of the work and says the Unincorporated America is now open for business, then it should be enforced. Where is the Marshall in all this? And we have a Militia who would probably be more than willing to shoot the bastards for non-compliance !

    1. Lincoln and the military got us into this mess, the military can help get us out of it....if they really want to make America Great again..!! Unforetunately, the world is such a mess right now because "DEBT Instraments" and that nut case in N Korea, that we have no choice but to turn to our military again until things get straightened out..!! I just hope when its over this time, we give the military the boot back to being a service agency for America, not the United States,Inc....if the world makes it that far...!!! Let the military run our public school systems up to high school so kids become respectful again, and run public schools with strick rules that must be adheared too or they may never graduate.. And let them teach them our true history, and how it got that way... that way, the military personell has to learn what happened also and learn that they were hired as a sevice agency and has to return to that position when and if we ever get our Republic back..!!

  12. Anna has stated the enemy has left the battle field (court) without successfully refuting claims loose by default huge win for future action.
    More we learn the more deadly we are to enemy .
    Karen suspensions working for world Bank and all she as a lawyer understands we are running under a fake constitution 1867 and therefore everything is unlawful and she take it to the world stage all the .she is filing commercial liens.on anyone is unlawful .

  13. Freedom is a very hard thing to define. Some people think freedom means they can do whatever they want anytime they want without interferance.. that reflects more like selfish indulgence with reckless disregaurd for others...that is not freedom...that represents the other side of the pendulum. There is no real true freedom in this world as long as money exsist. That kind of freedom will only be experianced in the next life. At best, freedom will be somewhat of an illusion, but we can get close if we have honest people and public figures that recognize our highest authority is God/Jesus and treat one another with dignity and respect for their rights as well as ours. Which meansliving in big cities where people live in close quarters with one another, some of your rights have to be sacrificed in order to live in peace... Freedom requires "common sense" and decentcy to your neighbors wishes as well as yours. So before you just randomly go out and buy a great dane and two other dogs, wouldnt it seem preudent to ask your neighbors first that you are thinking about getting some dogs.. If both neighbors say they have a problem with it because of the barkingvor whatever, then the mature thing to do is not get any dogs, or move somewhere where you can live that dream without causing a fight in the neiborhood you live in now....make sense...????

  14. The American National is a non statutory word for your person that the state creates. You have the right to be protected in your person because it is not you! You would never know it these days.

  15. Anna: You say we own all the assets; everything. So can you give us some kind of time frame as to when we might hear some literal ''jingle'' in our literal pockets?

  16. And what happened to all the letters you just recently sent out...have you received an answer yet...are these people getting it or not judge Anna!!!!

  17. Anyone heard of, Ken Cousen? He have a online school, donation is required. $40 a month. Then $6,000 to complete the entire program. Individuals like himself and Anna and crew are knowledgeable and that's wonderful. I'll pray on it. Because I know money is needed to operate website, etc., inorder to get the real deal it seems, oh well. I'll work on it. I know Anna and crew requires it too. Love, light, peace, and prosperity- to everyone as we accomplish our desired goals. #freedomunderdivineLaw


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