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Thursday, September 28, 2017

A Brief Report For Those Trying to Understand the New World

Basic Concepts and Discussion
  1. The natural world is organized according to air, land, and sea.
  2. The systems of law and the governments and institutions of men have also been organized according to “jurisdictions” of air, land, and sea.
  3. The jurisdiction of the land is national in nature.
  4. The jurisdiction of the sea is international in nature.
  5. The jurisdiction of the air is global in nature.
  6. All actual assets, gold, silver, land, etc., have their existence on or in the land.
  7. All fictional assets, titles, stocks, bonds, etc. have their existence on or in the sea.
  8. There is a point of interface between land and sea known as international land jurisdiction established by the postal district(s), postal offices, and post roads which interface with sea lanes designated for international trade and travel.
  9. As a result, a “corporate” entity which is private and non-commercial and unincorporated, like a Mom and Pop business, for example, Steve’s Food Store, may interface with and do business with an “incorporated” entity established by a corporate charter, like Food Services of America, Inc.
  10. This sort of business relationship takes place in the realm of International Trade, not Commerce, because Steve’s Food Store is not incorporated.
  11. In order for commerce to occur both entities must be incorporated and functioning under a charter granted by an unincorporated (sovereign) entity.
  12. Unincorporated businesses function under “full commercial liability” and have to “indemnify” themselves.
  13. Incorporated businesses function under “limited commercial liability” and have to “insure” themselves.
  14. As a result, an unincorporated government such as the Shawnee Tribal Council or the United States of America (Unincorporated) can charter an incorporated business, such as Grand Fox, Inc., or the State of Illinois, Inc., but no incorporated entity can create an unincorporated one.
  15. This is because a man can create and name an organization and stipulate a purpose and function for that organization, but such an organization cannot create a man.
  16. In the past, unincorporated governments have created and chartered governmental services corporations in an effort to manage risk. So, the United States of America (unincorporated) or Delaware (unincorporated) could create and charter a commercial incorporated entity called the USA, Inc., or Delaware, Inc. or State of Oregon.
  17. Those incorporated (chartered) entities, such as the State of Oregon were then free to establish relationships with other incorporated entities (that is, conduct commerce) and to spin off municipal franchises like the STATE OF OREGON.
  18. Now that you see how this process works and know that the unincorporated entity (corporate but not incorporated) is really the source of all power in this system, the following pages will make better sense. Examples:

Steve’s Food Store (Unincorporated) can create “Betty’s Market, Inc.” and then Betty’s Market, Inc. can create “municipal franchises” for itself --- BETTY’S MARKET NYC, INC.

The United States of America (unincorporated) can create “State of Idaho, Inc.” and then this State of Idaho can create the franchise STATE OF IDAHO or CITY OF BOISE.

Obviously, it is of great importance to know whether a business is incorporated or unincorporated, and if it is incorporated, under what charter and ownership?

Unfortunate History

In the 1860’s the unincorporated government organizations got greedy and not only spawned all the various incorporated governmental services corporations via the process described, but also contrived to make living men subservient to these artificial constructs by “impersonating” and “enfranchising” them, too.

This was done by copyright infringement and Breach of Trust, with the aim of creating “public trusts” which could then be pillaged and plundered under color of law.

Let’s see what happened in England: the unincorporated government operated by Queen Victoria already had an incorporated (chartered) government services corporation, the United Kingdom, so then the United Kingdom, Inc., spun off a franchise operated as the UNITED KINGDOM which then established municipal charters for its own franchises, SCOTLAND, IRELAND, ENGLAND, WALES, NEW CASTLE, EXETER, and so on.

This was going so well and so much new money was being raised from all these new assets (things to tax) created out of thin air, that Benjamin Disraeli promoted opening up the “enfranchisement opportunity” to the working class in England: give them a vote as corporate shareholders in exchange for seizing upon the copyright to their names, their rights, their labor, the value of whatever private assets they might have--- basically make them slaves of the government under the guise of voluntary indentured servitude, and issue bonds based on the value of all that formerly private property, too.

Millions of unsuspecting Englishmen clamored to be “enfranchised” and thought that the right to vote was a good thing and that it was giving them a greater voice in their government, instead of surreptitiously stealing everything of value from them and “monetizing” it for the benefit of the government.

A similar process was undertaken in America and throughout the Commonwealth countries at about the same time, with one interesting twist. The unincorporated government of the United States of America wouldn’t go along with it, so their governmental services company known as the United States Trading Company, was bankrupted via an illegal commercial mercenary “war” and its associated expenses.

This left the bankruptcy Trustees a free hand to restructure the “federal government” into a British-style system analogous to what we described above. The perpetrators replaced the unincorporated United States Trading Company with the British-chartered United States of America, Inc., and the municipal United States, Inc., and both these corporations began chartering all their various municipal franchises like rabbits in springtime.

Just as in England, the men were almost immediately enfranchised with the enticement to have a vote in the affairs of the corporations--- but, the real deal was never disclosed. Later as the profits from enfranchising all the men dwindled, the pressure was on to enfranchise the women, too, and finally, the perpetrators sank so low as to create an automated system of enfranchising babies in their cradles.

The end result of this system of enfranchisement (as in a McDonald’s franchise) is to enslave people under color of law and make them subservient to foreign corporations. They are themselves then impersonated and press-ganged and conscripted into the service of foreign governments, which has been outlawed for 200 years, and their land and other assets are seized upon and rolled into public trusts which can then be plundered and pillaged at will by the perpetrators.

For example, the natural given Trade Name of a man born on the land jurisdiction of Vermont might be Jonathan Edmund Sykes. Instead of his Common Law Copyright to his own name being recorded as a land jurisdiction Trade Name, it is nowadays registered as a Foreign Situs Trust operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea as a “vessel” of the Territorial United States, which just coincidentally, happens to be doing business as “Jonathan Edmund Sykes”.

This is a fundamental mischaracterization of the nature and political status of the man as a “person”--- a fictional entity--- which results in genocide on paper and identity theft in fact. His natural identity as a man and his lawful Trade Name is literally killed and considered a “decedent” upon the issuance of a false Birth Certificate in his name.

Then, the Territorial United States corporation spins off “JONATHAN EDMUND SYKES”, a Cestui Que Vie municipal trust, and “JONATHAN E. SYKES” a Public Transmitting Utility, and so on --- and all these names and fictional entities are used to put into debt and control the living man as an asset and chattel without his knowledge or consent.

The victim and his family are never told anything about it, and he never receives any actual compensation for all this. He receives whatever benefit everyone else receives from the construction of roads and bridges and ports and so on, and also is expected to pay for that benefit via taxes. The trusts established in his name are never claimed by him, because he doesn’t know that they exist, so the banks and governments claim that these assets are “abandoned” and seize them under false pretenses for their own benefit.

Because the unincorporated government of the United States of America never agreed to any of this, and because it eventually had to be released from bankruptcy, it continues to exist, and is now not only free and clear of any debt, but also by definition is the Paramount Security Interest Holder and Priority Creditor of all the bankrupt foreign corporations and franchises of those corporations which have usurped upon our states and our people for the past 150 years.

The Current Bankruptcies

The UNITED STATES, INC. and all its municipal franchises dba CHINA (INC.), JAPAN (INC.), INDIA (INC.) , STATE OF OREGON (INC.), JOHN MICHAEL SMITH (INC.), CITY OF OMAHA (INC.), UNITED KINGDOM (INC.), FLORIDA (INC.), CANADA (INC.), AUSTRALIA (INC.)… infinitum, is in Chapter 7 Liquidation since 2015.

This then forced the Territorial United States and its corporate franchises [dba China (Inc.), Japan (Inc.), State of Oregon (Inc.), John Michael Smith (Inc.), City of Omaha (Inc.), United Kingdom (Inc.), Florida (Inc.), Canada(Inc.), Australia (Inc.)….ad infinitum], is in Chapter 11 Reorganization as of May 1, 2017----because they are no longer the beneficiaries of the municipal franchises.

Meantime, the actual, factual United States of America (Unincorporated) has been slogging along since 1868, objecting to this madness and continuing to operate its own silver currency and its own affairs despite the shameful and criminal operations of these foreign corporate interests which have operated in fraud and breach of trust and breach of commercial contract on our shores.

Some people like Karen Hudes have said that our lawful government is in “interregnum” – a state of abeyance, dormant, not functioning-- but that is not true. Our lawful government has never ceased operations and the ignorance and uncaring and self-interest of various other nations does not change that fact.

Other people, like Benjamin Fulford, continue to try to confuse both the “United States, Inc.” and “United States of America, Inc.” with the unincorporated government of the United States of America---- which is like confusing a Barbie doll with a woman of the same name.

Still others are intent on pretending that because these foreign territorial and municipal corporations named after us are bankrupt, that we are bankrupt--- a process of “assumption” that we have publicly and repeatedly objected to in no uncertain terms. Not only are we not bankrupt, we are the Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority Creditors.

The reason that all the other nations on Earth have an interest in denying our existence and competence is that they all without exception owe us money, or resources, or settlement of exchange balance sheets---- most of which they can’t pay.

So they have been attempting to claim that our assets are “abandoned” and various parties have tried to seize upon us and our assets via other avenues, too---- all to no avail. We are here, we are alive and well, we know who and what we are, we know what has been done to us, and we know who is responsible.

In 2008…..

There were only a handful of unincorporated lawful governments left in the world: the Holy See, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, a few Pacific Island Kingdoms, and….. the unincorporated United States of America, though everyone discounted us at the time.

With these exceptions, the Holy See owned and operated through its property management corporation, the VATICAN, all the incorporated governments doing business as governmental services corporations in the world.

The unincorporated government of the Holy See chartered the municipal (city-state) governments and franchises including the UNITED STATES, INC., which chartered all the others as franchises: JAPAN, GERMANY, UNITED KINGDOM….. USA, JOHN MARK OLSON, CITY OF BALTIMORE and so on.

It also held all the Territorial government corporations, secondarily, through Vassals.

All roads literally led to Rome. All these corporations were created literally by the Holy See via the VATICAN, INC. or via the UNITED STATES, INC. or via the United States of America, Inc., and at the very top of the food chain, perched like a cherry on top of everything else, controlling – at least in theory – everything underneath it, was the unincorporated government of the Holy See.

As you can see from history, there are those who wish to have the Holy See in this kind of control, and as you can also see, the Holy See has failed to do the job entrusted to it. We had a solemn and sacred treaty with the Holy See, a Concordat, which a few weasels attempted to “redefine” by impersonating us. To its credit, the Holy See and the Pope immediately took action to correct beginning in 2008.

Nine years later, the unincorporated government of the United States of America --- our government --- is still standing and is the unquestioned Paramount Security Interest Holder of all American assets, and the Priority Creditor of most of the bankrupt governmental services corporations worldwide.

The Situation

The corporations serving as the “federal government” are in bankruptcy liquidation (municipal) or bankruptcy reorganization (territorial) and are in receivership to bankruptcy Trustees. From our perspective, this is like having your local hair salon forced out of business and your local gas station in reorganization.

It has nothing direct to do with us, except that we needed to find other service providers competent to cut our hair and fill our tanks---- and hopefully do a more honest job of it—who are nonetheless able to operate under the auspices of the original service contract, The Constitution for the united States of America.
If we hadn’t found competent federal partners that exist under their own separate pre-existing charters and treaties, the actual Constitution would have been vacated from the federal side of the agreement--- but we did find competent partners and we did issue new Sovereign Letters Patent.

We have partnered with the American Native Nations to fulfill the responsibilities owed by the federal government until such time as the millions of Americans who have slept through this entire debacle can be brought up to speed and made whole and enabled to convene a competent land jurisdiction (continental) Congress.

The Debt

There is no unmet national debt--- there is only national credit that has not been applied to the ledger by those seeking to abscond with the payments made by millions of innocent people via bogus claims of abandonment and embezzlement. We have authorized the application of the national credit to the national debt and, as the Priority Creditors of (almost) the entire world, do not need nor do we seek bankruptcy protection.

The Foreclosures

There are no valid foreclosures because these transactions have been voided by fraud and non-disclosure. All “mortgages” resulting from so-called “home loans” are debts owed by the territorial and municipal corporations, not people, and are in fact lease repurchase agreements, neither mortgages nor loans in fact. These governmental services corporations “borrowed” our assets without our knowledge or consent, hypothecated debt based on our assets, and have now gone bankrupt--- leaving the world to suppose that we agreed to all this and that we are avoiding payment, when in fact we are objecting to claims of Odious Debt and taking practical action to end this fiasco. To protect the pension funds and investors while holding the people harmless, we have developed a means to hold all foreclosures in abeyance and translate this odious debt into credit--- for the actual homeowners.

Securities --- The Funny Money

The various fiat currencies and bonds and securities related to them have to be restructured. It is a given that securities will continue to exist and be used in some forms in the future, but it is also a given that the securities now in existence have been compromised by counterfeiting and other issues. We will be wrapping up old US Treasury Bonds and creating new hybrid high security bonds backed by gold, oil, or other actual commodity assets.

The Final Word

The Earth and our labor and the derivatives of our labor -- copyrights, trademarks, patents, and so on – are the only sources of value on this planet and there is no exhaustion or limit of the riches and assets we all possess. This is true for all people of every nation.

The Old Structure: As Regards the Relationship of The Holy See to the Incorporated Governments

The Holy See
Unincorporated Government of the Holy Roman Empire
The Vatican Chancery Court – The Bank of the Holy See
The Vatican City State Municipal Franchise
The Vatican Bank
The United States, Incorporated, Municipal Franchise (now in Chapter 7)
All other Municipal Government Franchises Worldwide
The United States of America, Incorporated, Territorial Franchise (now in Chapter 11)
All other Territorial Government Franchises Worldwide

The New Structure: As regards Settlement of Debts Owed and Ownership Interests

The Holy See
Unincorporated Government of the Holy Roman Empire
Vatican Chancery Court – The Bank of the Holy See
United States of America
Unincorporated Government of the United States
American States and Nations Bank -- International Trade Bank
Athabascan and Lakota Sioux Tribal Nations
Sovereign Bank of Dene – International Trade Bank
Bank of Dene – Commercial Bank
All Municipal Governments/Franchises Worldwide
All Territorial Governments/Franchises Worldwide


The entities shown in purple are sovereign and unincorporated. Those entities shown in blue are all incorporated either by direct charter or created as franchises under a charter.

The Bank of Dene is the first new generation commercial bank on this Continent.

The actual document:

Here is the same document in Spanish:


  1. WE must go back to the original 13th-Amendment via Jefferson time for a nixing + redue of all those since = tho correctly + legally this time.
    Of course this means NO lawyers in public office but can be consulted by the Patriot citizens that then fill all political offices for the needed transmutation into honest legality going forward-
    as it all should be...finally.

    1. And without being paid(pro bono) as it should be....!! If we can never get our assets (in the quadtrillions)back, then everyone has a choice to pick his Laywer without cost, since they are the ones that made it all possible for the banks to get away with stealing all our assets in the first place..!! Pay back is a bitch!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you.
    I am so grateful, especially when I think of the millions of homeless and suffering around the world. Thank you.

  4. Does all of this make anyone else's head spin? What are we readers to do with this information? I ask, How would the life of George Kent Brashear be any different if his name did not appear on all official documents like drivers license, social security, etc. as GEORGE KENT BRASHEAR? Would sovereign man Brashear be any better off than than slave man BRASHEAR, I ask? It seems to me that since I was born into slavery as GEORGE KENT BRASHEAR I know of no other way of life. Yes, yes, you will say that my seeming apathy is a large part of the problem. Maybe. If so, what can I and my fellow three hundred million Americans (can I call us Americans?) do at this stage of the game to rectify this wrongful disaster? We are individuals going our separate ways and can do nothing without leadership...without civil war? War against who/what/how? No, I can only see jail first. I'm too old. I'll leave it all to younger ones.

    1. You can call yourself U.S. Citizen or citizen of the United States kent a 14th amendment citizen...

    2. Capt kent....the answer to your question does indeed seem that their is no difference at all anymore how things are spelled..grammer means nothing in the courts anymore... the courts are just stepping up their power over the masses until we wind up with a dictator..!! Than they can finally end the facad that we have rights at all... At least that would be more honest.. I would rather know im just a slave up front than falsely believe i have rights or remedies in law, and wind up in jail trying to fight something i dont have in a court of law

  5. The point, Kent, is that you and this entire country, are a victim of crime perpetrated by foreign governments that were (and are) under obligation to act in Good Faith as your Trustees on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waters of the world, and to also provide nineteen enumerated services under commercial contract. Instead, they have Breached the Trust, enslaved you via fraud and deceit, and wildly "reinterpreted" their contracts without even a fare-you-well.

    1. All the debating going on isn't doing any good. And because we are dealing with commercial contracts if you are not lined up AS a creditor, all the complaining is nothing more than fuel for their laughter. My offsets are working an I have yet to hear of anyone else with working discharges. 5 things needed to be a creditor: Secured-Party. A lot of people out there giving advice to solutions with no proof of. Which makes them undercover feds. Just saying

    2. Anna, by now I think we are all well aware we have been made victims and enslaved by their gross fraud perpetrated upon all The People. What we all want to hear and see is When can we expect to actually receive any of the benefits of all the arduous work you and your Team have done? Namely, and bluntly, when and how can we have access to the Funds that rightfully belong to us, which you have mentioned. I think that is the big question we'd all like an answer to.
      I was so elated when you said, regarding odious debt...''we are taking practical action to end this fiasco'' and it was a bit of relief, as regards our extremely burdensome damnable student loan which has been ruining our lives for nearly 30 years. For that, I am grateful, and hope that the damnable Dept. of Ed has been alerted.
      Note: We have paid thousands of dollars plus they took every Tax Refund thru their deal with the damnable IRS. ALL of this money has been applied to the Interest Only, and the Principal has not budged one cent. Not only that, the DoE continues to add on more Interest, plus when they send it to their collection agents, that CA adds on their collection fee and is about 18 thousand dollars additional.
      Not only that, but somewhere along the way, ''laws' have been changed, so they can now take payments out of one's social security checks. So as you can see, these robbers have made it impossible to ever pay off and persist in haunting one to their very last breath of life.
      And of course, they made student loans exempt from bankruptcy
      as you probably already know. And any of their remedies they offer are full of holes, further ensnare, and are worthless.
      A number of years ago, when we had the means, we arranged a payoff which amounted to about half of the original ''loan'' . We sent them the bank cashiers check with ''paid in full'' on it. For that reason, they returned it. And for that reason we refuse to pay another dime.
      Guaranteed Student Loans only guarantee a noose around the neck. It's the hoax of the century, in so many ways beyond belief.
      So Anna, thanks so much for your putting this at the top of your 'To Do List'.

  6. My wife was murdered by the Holy See's Double Effect, my seven year old was lured into a stranger's apartment and sheriff deputy never asked him if he had permission from the parents for her to sleepover, yet I was convicted on assault of one of the guy's buddies who I discovered after the trial on my own was an infamous Canadian goldrobber who stole millions in gold bullion from Air canada. On appeal, a clerk noted in a Supreme Court footnote that the Whatcom County prosecutor lied to the Court by claiming his goldrobber victim never testified against me in the trial court, they succeeded in taking away any change to overturn conviction and caused me to loose my career. My granddaughters family has no water, their vehicle has been taken away and my home has been taken away by Freddie Mac, all caused by a sheriffs department who is trying to cover up a previous case where a man was raping another child in Lewis v Whatco County and the same sheriffs department had to pay the family eight million dollars six years earlier, thats why Sherifff Elfo, Prosecutor MacEachern and Judge Elfo had to frame me and ruin our lives. I won't stop fighting until I expose why responders were told by hospital security that I was going to shoot them and a responder punctured the internal jugular vein of my wife, please excuse me, I started off here simply going to ask the question, I'm sure there's lots others harmed by these corporate gangsters, but you say "we have developed a means to hold all foreclosures in abeyance and translate this odious debt into credit--- for the actual homeowners". My lawyer stuck me with a fifty thousand dollar bill when wells fargo went forum shopping and was turned down in federal court, any idea what the first judge would say if I asked her to remove the foreclosure all together since they haven't taken possession, only on paper?

    1. email me ,I have definite solutions to your issue,

  7. This reminds me of Revelation 10:1-3:

    Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven. He was robed in a cloud, with a rainbow above his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs were like fiery pillars. He was holding a little scroll, which lay open in his hand. He planted his right foot on the SEA and his left foot on the LAND, and he gave a loud shout like the roar of a lion.

    Whether this relates or not, I don't know

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thank you for this latest report, Paul and Anna.

  10. really like the spanish version!!! haha

    and that is why you must record everything at the county, it is vatican backed and unincorporated, opposite of the STATE which is incorporated and you have to "register" it, get it peeps

  11. This goes in between Sioux and the one above it: RPM TRUST /LLC. Above that are Mayflower members(decedents), all trusts established from Families to signers of the Declaration of Independence.

    1. If its on the BIA its an incorporated Indian, public. If its not on the BIA its aboriginal, indigenous unincorporated people, private

      Bureau of Indian Affairs

    2. they are almost all incorporated now losing sovereignty when they made deals with the IRS allowing HARRAHS to do a casino on their lands. Stupid. Last to go was near my hometown. Seneca-Allegheny. Salamanca, NY

  12. Thank you ... i read and read and reread. As i continue it is coming clearer. We can not give up. Just keep studying. Anna and crew have done all the heavy lifting. Spread the word and do your part. They need money. Please help all you can. I am

  13. There's good and bad in everything .
    When the bad dominates hopefully some over site organization or good Sheppard king will wipe them in line.
    When the JFK and Bobby'S of the world are hunted down and killed dark day are ahead.
    Fortunately the church had enough good to correct course.
    Divine intervention . The Catholic father Copland was on the air talking down war and the rating were because of muscle of the has its good and bad but good dominated .

  14. What Law references may I have for my research on (Basic Concepts and Discussion) Point #11: "In order for commerce to occur"? This stands out as a focus for my complete understanding in light of the actions that federal agencies have taken against private individuals under "color of law" regarding the so called "Commerce Clause".

  15. This may be off the subject a bit, but because of all the publicity of the NFL players showing disrespect for our anthem and flag, i made some comments myself on those sites. There are some smart people on those sites. One comment by someone, and others to verify it, said the NFL is actually subsidized by our federal govt...can you believe this. Each team is eligable for as much as $186 million from our govt. to build their statiums saying that they bring tons of business to local businesses and therefore i guess taxes.. But 99% of people talking about it are anti NFL now because of the arrogance of these players who make millions while the rest of us struggle to make ends meet. And its not just the people who rarely watch sports, the comments are coming mostly from die hard fans of the sport... they are finally getting it..!! When you see these teams, they are almost 100% black. what happened to "affirmative action" and equal hiring rights..!! I guess thats only for blacks and not whites..!! They are losing more and more respect and in some cases are being charged $1million apiece as a penalty for their actions... Maybe Trump read my email after all. That sport and the NBA are going to see a backlash because of this, which may lead to my dream come more professional sports.. Maybe now "the PEOPLE" can finally start to learn what is going on..!! We need an all out assult to get rid of these judges once and for all. Its the courts blocking all roads to a remedy for us.. They are more of a threat to us than Kim Junc Un...!!

    1. James, please clarify. Why do you say we need an all out assault on all these judges? Anna already served them their 'eviction' notice telling them the Contract with the BAR would not be renewed and all their Members must be out of court houses by Jan. 1. So I don't understand why y'all still battling. ?
      As for the NFL I was flipping thru channels tonight and saw Thurs. nite football had lightning, hard rain, and the wind even blew hard; had to all go inside. Think God was trying to have His say? Lol.
      Yeah, even baseball is turning ''mostly all dark''. I am from the days of Ted Williams, Lou Boudreau, Bob Feller, Bob Lemon and the rest of the white 1948 world series winners. Clean shaven and no tatoos. The real days of Mom, apple pie, and baseball. Why now do we have dark foreigners who need an interpreter. How is that the American League?
      And while we are at it, college football is a farce.
      But I promise, as soon as I find something ''good' I will comment. This may take some time though.

    2. yep james, a religious non profit just like the churches, maybe 501c3 or 4.

    3. I cant believe none of us knew this. Not evem most gans didnt know it until these players started this mess. Now everyone is weighing in about what they know about the NFL and the benefits they reveive...everyone is totally discussed with these prividgeled few..!!

    4. Abby, if i really believed that the judges will simply obey judge Annas order, i wouldnt fight anymore. You have more faith than i do i guess.. Ill believe it when i see it....but until then, the courts and judges alone are the "entire" reason why things remain as they are...which means they are "PUBLIC ENEMY NUMNER ONE"...Get rid of them and we might stand a chance of actually getting our Republic back. But as long as they remain we dont stand a chance..!!

    5. James, one thing that may be overlooked is .....who is going to pay them? You see, we have to remember that it seems to me their salary sources will be cut That in itself will automatically clear a whole lot of ''seats'dontcha think?

  16. The territory of the united States of America, was taken by "force of arms" and is retained today in the same status. What authority in the world is available to defend us against this "force". I don't see Native American Tribes as competent to accomplish this. Is there a planetary judicial body able to counter this, and cause it to be respected? If not, I don't see that all this ruminating about legal status as leading anywhere. Or, are we counting on enough people becoming aware of and in agreement to rebel against this force of arms? The Native American tribes were decimated by this force of arms long ago. I know certain Generals have had a "plan" for several decades, but don't see them coming forward. If they did, I think we would have a revolution on our hands and don't know where the "sides" will be drawn.
    I find your writing on this cite to be quite compelling and clear, but wonder if it's all wasted because of the issues I ask about.

    1. Leigh, I too am waiting to see/hear how enforcement is going to be accomplished.

  17. I am owed over 100,000 not enforced by the courts or Judge in contempt. Beyond this taxes have been REMOVED from escrow accounts, where there is nothing left and attorney billing and bilking is extortion. we filed seperate taxes in 2014 in the sale of a co op, a 1099S wasissued in both our names from vuyees bank. However my attorney spouse owed a $585,000 income tax bill, earned $1.385M on his income taxes, but did not pay. Instead he told the IRS and with his friend escrow holding ATTORNEY of what was $490,101 left escrow account. These attornets in collusion with my own 3rd attorney who wrote this bull shit ruling by the Judge up in court while I was on the phone at home disabled, that all money is removed from the account to pay off my attorney spouses taxes, because the IRS placed a lien or levy on the maritial assets breaching domestic relations law 235, 236 and 237 and a judges oath of office. It seems that all ATTORNEY SPOUSE'S accounts were frozen. He could not do BUSINESS... so the Judge gave all $ in escrow away... half my maritial assets, as a result the IRS thinks I owe money in a 1099S. I never received a dime, with interest and penalties $459,000.

  18. Cont'd
    I am or have been disabled on food stamps, oppressed in an 8 yr rico DIVORCE. With freaking lawless attorneys in collusion with a diabolical Judge. My name in all caps on these documents in COURT. I do not owe any MONEY, however in divorce it is always pending re allocation. Just all a nightmare. I have a $3,000 bill from my accountant, and another $33,000 bill from a 4th divorce ATTORNEY just for a contempt motion. A contempt motion to get my $100,000 owed to me.. owed to me from the plaintiff attorney spouse from a pendente lite.. How the hell do I get out of this clerical 1099s paperwork setting me up to owe money and tax when I never received a dime? My spouse pocketed $1.385 million all his income, yet the Judge gave away all escrow money to pay his taxes and leave me EXPOSED. Also all these attorneys know this including the closing attorney at Astoria Savings bank who indicated my attorney spouse has to agree to the 1099s change! Okay.. this is fraud and money LAUNDERING. Later on I received mail that an adjustment of his income was made to $101.0 Million. How the hell can this happen? How can all these attorneys and this judge abscond with half my maritial asset and then the IRS hold me accountable with interest and penalties from 2014,??? I never received a dime. How do I use soverign law, the law of THE land to get the hell out of this? Contact me in NYC please at or on my cell 917 902 5798 . I just was in DC supporting parents and myself protesting in the millionparentmarch as well. I need to see half my money back, but I know I am being set up to sell my 33 yr home, if this happens I will be penniless& homeless with zero ASSETS as a result of this laundering IRS scam. Please not I never received any information of conversations on payouts for any of my spouses accountant, office staff, investment people, escrow holding attorneys, no payour information or schedule on his over $500,000 owed to the IRS for his income taxes and the IRS person at the time was rude to me.. rude hung up the phone, tolf me it was none of my business a 31 yr. Veteran of this bull shit IRS TOLD me "none of my business". Finally since his income was adjusted, right, he is entitled to an ELECTRONIC redund to aplly to his 2015 taxes and wait if he just does this again, There will be a lien placed on my 33 yr old co op home, a joint maritial asset, to be forced to sell, as I foresee this. I need serious help here. The fraud perjury and attorney collusion paperwork is astoundingly real, but my scenario taking place is about creating PENNILESSNESS and HOMLESSNESS for me. It is ALL quite DIABOLICAL. Diabolucal, CRIMINAL and intentionally OPPRESSIVE. These people want you to commicommit suicide or homicide. I am listed as Evette Katz under the #millionparentmarch too. Please reach out. I have wanted to go to compliance officer at Astoria Bank to REPORT their ATTORNEY not doing his job to issue a new 1099S but for the moment have been in an appeal with the IRS. Thank you for your SUPPORT in advance. Do I declare soveign law? How do I negotiare WITH the irs to use my treasury direct fund in my Land name? Not international vessal name?

  19. Cont'd
    I am or have been disabled on food stamps, oppressed in an 8 yr rico DIVORCE. With freaking lawless attorneys in collusion with a diabolical Judge. My name in all caps on these documents in COURT. I do not owe any MONEY, however in divorce it is always pending re allocation. Just all a nightmare. I have a $3,000 bill from my accountant, and another $33,000 bill from a 4th divorce ATTORNEY just for a contempt motion. A contempt motion to get my $100,000 owed to me.. owed to me from the plaintiff attorney spouse from a pendente lite.. How the hell do I get out of this clerical 1099s paperwork setting me up to owe money and tax when I never received a dime? My spouse pocketed $1.385 million all his income, yet the Judge gave away all escrow money to pay his taxes and leave me EXPOSED. Also all these attorneys know this including the closing attorney at Astoria Savings bank who indicated my attorney spouse has to agree to the 1099s change! Okay.. this is fraud and money LAUNDERING. Later on I received mail that an adjustment of his income was made to $101.0 Million. How the hell can this happen? How can all these attorneys and this judge abscond with half my maritial asset and then the IRS hold me accountable with interest and penalties from 2014,??? I never received a dime. How do I use soverign law, the law of THE land to get the hell out of this? Contact me in NYC please at or on my cell 917 902 5798 . I just was in DC supporting parents and myself protesting in the millionparentmarch as well. I need to see half my money back, but I know I am being set up to sell my 33 yr home, if this happens I will be penniless& homeless with zero ASSETS as a result of this laundering IRS scam. Please not I never received any information of conversations on payouts for any of my spouses accountant, office staff, investment people, escrow holding attorneys, no payour information or schedule on his over $500,000 owed to the IRS for his income taxes and the IRS person at the time was rude to me.. rude hung up the phone, tolf me it was none of my business a 31 yr. Veteran of this bull shit IRS TOLD me "none of my business". Finally since his income was adjusted, right, he is entitled to an ELECTRONIC redund to aplly to his 2015 taxes and wait if he just does this again, There will be a lien placed on my 33 yr old co op home, a joint maritial asset, to be forced to sell, as I foresee this. I need serious help here. The fraud perjury and attorney collusion paperwork is astoundingly real, but my scenario taking place is about creating PENNILESSNESS and HOMLESSNESS for me. It is ALL quite DIABOLICAL. Diabolucal, CRIMINAL and intentionally OPPRESSIVE. These people want you to commicommit suicide or homicide. I am listed as Evette Katz under the #millionparentmarch too. Please reach out. I have wanted to go to compliance officer at Astoria Bank to REPORT their ATTORNEY not doing his job to issue a new 1099S but for the moment have been in an appeal with the IRS. Thank you for your SUPPORT in advance. Do I declare soveign law? How do I negotiare WITH the irs to use my treasury direct fund in my Land name? Not international vessal name?

  20. Anna, I have been following (and supporting) your work for years. I would like to be able to defend all the assertions of fact contained in this post against skeptics and naysayers who counter-assert that you are "making all this up." To that end, I believe you would be doing your cause and ours (and the cause of truth in general) a great service by providing hyperlinks to supporting documentation for these assertions of fact, beginning with the 18 numbered ones at the beginning, and continuing to cover all others throughout the post. (Reference to source documents could be provided where hyperlinks are not available.)

    1. I agree. Haven't see a single quote or listing of the '19 services' in any of the few hundred articles I've read yet. Seems that making a list would be easy. Or point to any document that states them (Articles of Confederation, Constitution 'for' etc., one of the Treaties maybe?).



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