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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Public and Judicial Notice – Number 5

All federal agencies are hired foreign subcontractors. For example: the Bureau of Land Management is a sub-corporation of the UNITED STATES, INC., a private foreign-owned off-shore corporation since its last incorporation in 1925, copyrighted, trademarked, and registered in Puerto Rico.  Under the Reorganization Act of Washington, District of Columbia, and according to its private business charter, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has no authority, jurisdiction, or interstate nexus within the 50 state geographical landmass.  The Bureau of Land Management is classified as an “Agent of Foreign Principle” under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act and is a franchise of the British Crown Corporation. 

The BLM is a hired caretaker of public lands belonging to the states of the Union.

All federal and federal state of state franchises are foreign commercial entities under contract.  They are not our government and they have no special rights.  They have a job to do which does not include disposing of the property entrusted to them nor the bringing of improper claims against the landlords who are their actual employers.  The IRS, BATF, FEMA, FBI, CIA, NSA, and all other federal and federated State of State agencies are in similar status and are hereby given lawful notice of the limits of their authority on our soil. 

                                                        James Clinton Belcher, Head of State

                                                        United States of America


  1. Let's start taking down Old Glory the war flag at public buildings and hoisting the Civil Peacetime flag in their places, as we hand out these notices to all federal governmental services employees.

    1. Fear is what keeps ppl in line.
      Prosecution. Croops don't follow the rules .

    2. PL 101 - 650 at section 404 thereof, 104 Stat. 5124 also 28 U.S.C. Subsection 453, 62 Stat. 907 Alters Justice's and Judge's Oaths and making The Judicial branch of Government, Legislative. Yes your Judges and Justices are in fact, Congress Members.... Fix this and fix a lot....

  2. They dont keep records
    They trespass and cause everyone harm
    They steal us
    They steal our property ans sell off for profit
    They kill us
    They play games obstructing justice
    They refuse to give their names or titles or fuck all , no evidence and everyone jailed and thevednto what town the line
    Refused air, water, food
    They abuse us but okay For them
    They steal others kids
    They kill and eat kiddies
    They dont belong on land, send them off to sea for the sharks are plenty hungry better than plastic ...
    i want property back,,, that includes men
    They all a bunches of no good puke , vomit bits, they think order i say kayos ...
    people are going to take up shooting ... already everyone is breaking

    Our food supply is shit, corporations are shit,
    Our bodies are stressed out and full of shit
    Shit travelled from the top down ...
    Down down down ...'flowing over the lands ...
    Polluting the air ...
    economic slavery is coming to an end,
    Varmits are going to have to listen to our dumb asses ... having to spend days and nights learning how to save our asses from poverty dire straits ... maybe people will wise up and all quit... fuck them all .. live in your car, rob, steal, be land rats like them sicko peofiles babylians santanic ritual parasites festering and no host to latch on ... good ... about time Zzzzz love & peace ...
    god is only law and natures law cant be changed...

    1. Take a deep breath Cher-ie. It will all work out.

    2. Cher-ie We know you are frustrated like we are, but please clean up the language or stop commenting on this blog.

    3. I met with one of the "movers and shakers" IN OUR COMMUNITY last night to get her to read some of Anna's articles the CAFR's.( found out she doesn't believe in chem trails even though we were standing in her yard looking at the sky FULL of them. I'm not very popular in the community because I tell people the truth which most of them DON'T WANT TO HEAR1!!!! YEA Anna & James

    4. Not only do they not want to hear the truth Minnie Kay, when they do hear it, or see it as in chem trails, that are everywhere all over the country - even in Hawaii where I lived for 6 years and saw them daily. People simply refuse to believe things are as bad as they are - that is until they, themselves, are personally affected. Just let them have to go to a "Justice" court for something they didn't do and see how quickly their attitude changes when they personally experience corruption that no-one can fix and they did not do anything but "Big Brother" says they did. Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters? You might just as well. Same result.

  3. I totally agree cher-ie, as I read on..
    All I could do was shake my head and agree.. 😡

  4. Just when I thought the rabbit hole couldn't go any deeper...does anyone know how to get in touch with President Trump, I mean where he will actually comment back to you. He won't do it on his site " how to make America great again". I've written to him at least 6 times. Any hackers out there...!!!

  5. On Mozilla net neutrality issue for the FCC, I posted:

    James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
    United States of America
    Public and Judicial Notice - Number 5
    "All federal agencies are hired foreign subcontractors.... FCC is a sub-corporation of the UNITED STATES, INC., a private foreign-owned off-shore corporation copyrighted, trademarked, and registered in Puerto Rico. Under the Reorganization Act of Washington, District of Columbia, and according to its private business charter the FCC has no authority, jurisdiction, or interstate nexus within the 50 state geographical classified as an “Agent of Foreign Principle” under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act and is a franchise of the British Crown Corporation. All federal and federal state of state franchises are foreign commercial entities under contract. They are not our government and they have no special rights. They have
    a job to do which does not include disposing of the property entrusted to them nor the bringing of improper claims against the landlords who are their actual employers.... and all other federal and federated State of State agencies are in similar status and are hereby given lawful notice of the limits of their authority on our soil."
    This is not your jurisdiction Net neutrality belongs to we the people. See over 650 Articles/Notices @


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