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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Reply to Bruce Doucette Concerning the Continental Marshals Service

By Anna Von Reitz

Reply to Bruce Doucette in Regard to the Continental Marshals Service
Just because you say so, doesn't make it so. Unless, of course, we really do believe in the movie, "Bruce Almighty".
Let's get this straight. The Continental Marshals Service was created over 200 years ago by George Washington. It doesn't belong to you or to any single state or small group of states. It belongs to the united States of America.
You and your pals started the move to fill the vacated offices of the Continental Marshals, but you did not create those offices and you have no delegated power to change them, abrogate them, assign them to a new jurisdiction, place them under different administrative management or meddle with them at all. Period.
Just as you have stepped forward and offered to serve your state as a State Justice, these men and women have stepped forward to serve the states (plural) to enforce the undelegated powers owed to the states and people in international jurisdiction.

Everyone concerned is filling a vacated public office which belongs to all of us, either at the county, the state, or the federal level. Nobody has any ability or right to mess with or amend any part of the lawful government apart from the processes that have been established to do so.
To date, Bruce, you haven't corrected your own political status, haven't posted a bond with the U.S. Treasury, haven't bothered to look up the correct oath of office for State Justices of Colorado, and are basically off your trolley about all of this.
Please get on board the Mothership. We are leaving this part of the galaxy and returning to Terra Firma--- the actual world, where actual people use actual money and participate in actual elections and elect actual public officials.
If you are willing to fill a vacated public office and do what has to be done to make yourself both worthy and competent to serve that office and help lead the effort to restore our lawful government, then by all means, do so and godspeed.
If not, get out of the way.
You either work for the restoration of the lawful, de jure government or by ignorance and default, you work against the restoration of the lawful, de jure government.
It is one way or the other and at this point, you are on the wrong side of the issue.

See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website
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  1. All Public Servants, have given up their life, liberties, and properties for Remuneration for serviceably consent.

  2. Anna you stated: "Let's get this straight. The Continental Marshals Service was created over 200 years ago by George Washington." So that I can look up the document please show what historical document specifically uses the title 'Continental Marshals'. The U.S. Marshal Service was created by the Judiciary Act of 1789 during the presidency of George Washington. U.S. Marshal Service is not the same as Continental Marshals.


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