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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Ode to Sheriff Mack --- How To Get Enforcement of the Actual Law of the Land?

by Anna Von Reitz

People all over this country are complaining about "lack of enforcement" of the basic Organic and Public Laws.  I hate to break it to you, but you all have to take action in your own behalf to provide enforcement.  You are "self-governing"--- remember?   

The rats--- for profit governmental services corporations run by banks-- have usurped upon your lawful jurisdiction and set up incorporated "Counties" and incorporated "States".  As soon as you incorporate anything, it is removed from the jurisdiction of the land and taken out from under the Law of the Land (including the Constitution) and moved to the international jurisdiction of the sea and the Law of the Sea. 

As a result, you no longer have Sheriffs operating under the Law of the Land and you no longer have enforcement of the Organic and Public Laws.  What you have are men in "similarly named" private corporate offices---Mall Cops and commercial mercenaries-- who are charged with enforcement of "codes, regulations, and statutes" that apply only to the franchises and employees and officers of their respective (and often different) corporations.  

Throughout much of America, nobody is being paid to mind the store or provide enforcement of the Organic and Public Laws anymore.  So, now does it make sense why you have no access to the guarantees of The Constitution and no enforcement for the indictments of Common Law Grand Juries?  

To get action and enforcement you have to have a Common Law Sheriff operating the land jurisdiction of your county, and you also need an entire Common Law Court backing him up.  

There are basically three possibilities--- 

1. Cause enough ruckus so your county votes to dissolve the "County" corporation and operate in its correct jurisdiction---- this is unlikely because they will want to cling to the "federal funding" --- i.e., kick-backs from the fraud. 

2. Convince the "Sheriff" of Your County as in "Sheriff of Jackson County" to also accept the duty of Jackson County Sheriff (the Sheriff on the Land position) and also enforce the Organic and Public Laws ---- wear both the "incorporated" and the "unincorporated" hats.  That has been done and it has been proven to be correct by the Mack/Printz v. USA case in the US Supreme Court.  It used to be taken for granted that the Sheriff occupied both the private corporate "law enforcement" office and the Public Office, but nowadays they are too bedraggled and dumbed-down to know the difference, and since the incorporated "Counties" want a free wheel to plunder and do what they like, far too many "Sheriffs" have gone along and taken orders and failed to serve the Public Office or enforce the Organic and Public Law. 

Sheriff Richard Mack and Joe Arpaio are examples of men who have honorably worn both hats. 

3.  Do an end-run around the incorporated County.  Just write them off as foreign "code enforcers" who are there to police foreign corporations and Federal United States Citizens and make sure that is all they do, too.  Meantime, marshal up the living people of your county via a Public Notice of a Public Meeting to form an unincorporated body politic---- a free association of landowners---- sign and witness your Declaration of Political Status reclaiming your birthright estate and political status established on the land jurisdiction of your native state--- and begin educating people. Explain that our hired help--- the "federal corporation" and its employees--- defrauded us back in 1933 and that a second such corporation is now attempting to do the same thing.  Explain that as a result of this chicanery their political status as been changed to that of a British Crown Subject and that the Public Offices their county is owed have all been converted to private corporate offices instead---- leaving the Public Offices vacated since 1976.  As a result we have no real Sheriff operating the land jurisdiction of the County and enforcing the Organic and Public Laws--- The Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Incorporation, The Constitution for the united States of America, The Northwest Ordinance, and United States Statutes-at-Large.  They have to elect from among themselves a whole different slate of candidates to fill the actual Public Offices.  Once those people are elected, bonded, and sworn in, your Sheriff will have a complete American Common Law Court to back him up and he will have the sweeping enforcement powers he is owed as the top peacekeeping officer of the land.  He will be able to deputize as many men as he needs to enforce the Organic and Public Law--- just like John Wayne in the old movies.  
See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website


  1. The closest truth requires each of us to ask deeper questions, do our due diligence [ensure no error on our part], and connect the dots.

    Under what conditions does a Sheriff Have More Power In His County Than The President Of The United States?

    Or not, according to Judge Anna:
    To get action and enforcement you have to have a Common Law Sheriff operating the land jurisdiction of your county, and you also need an entire Common Law Court backing him up.

  2. All the sheriff has to do is to take his corporate cap off, and put on his common law cap and go to work.


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