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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

This is Karen Hudes' latest excuse---

 the evil "Network of Global Control".

This "Network" was "discovered" by accident by statistical correlation by Dutch statisticians when in fact it is the known and predictable result of running the entire world as an interlocking trust directorate--- which is what we published as part of our affidavit:  You Know Something Is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" available at 

I have to say, "Duh?  What do you expect to find in a statistical analysis of a known interlocking trust directorate???" 

Now Karen is trying to use this to excuse the theft of American gold and the gold owed other nations by the World Bank. 

It won't work. 

The World Bank was a Secondary Creditor in the 1933 Bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc.  

They full-well knew that the Priority Creditor was the American People, and logically, their heirs and descendents. 

But when it came time for settlement and all the debts were paid off by those same American People --- nobody informed the Priority Creditors who were still alive, much less their heirs and beneficiaries. 

Instead, the World Bank came in as a Secondary Creditor and claimed the collateral assets owed to us under the pretense that our whereabouts and identities are unknown, and that the assets were "abandoned" by unknown heirs. 

I hope you all have your Shinola Sensors turned on to High Alert. I also hope that you are all as determined to see justice done as I am and that you will all stand up and demand not only return of your gold, but return of your land patents, your labor, your businesses and your families and cars and everything else that these vermin have claimed to own and use as collateral benefiting them and their organizations. 

Anna Von Reitz

See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website


  1. i never fell for that hudes woman. i thought she stunk from the start. easy to see the agent from the getgo. but unknowingly she has forced the opening of some eyes from an audience that may not have opened without her "illumination."

  2. I think Hudes had horror able intentions initially as a whistleblower but was tucked under the wings by her old bosses of The World Bank. In other words she now has handlers. She may even believe what she is being told but she is on the wrong train.

  3. Karen Hides lost all credibility when I discovered she was married to a Yale graduate who was also a member of the skull and bones. When I called her out on it on facebook, she had nothing to say. She is just another example of those out of touch with the notion that independent thought or research is far and few between for us "sheeple". I am so sick of these f'ers!!!! The jig is up!

  4. Karen Hides lost all credibility when I discovered she was married to a Yale graduate who was also a member of the skull and bones. When I called her out on it on facebook, she had nothing to say. She is just another example of those out of touch with the notion that independent thought or research is far and few between for us "sheeple". I am so sick of these f'ers!!!! The jig is up!

  5. Yes finally we are starting to see she is an Agent! pardon the pun but you can bank on that !


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