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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

So Our Assembly Members Know What is Going On

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Municipal Corporation that was providing all those "government services" we never ordered from them, has been dissolved and run through Chapter 7 Involuntary Bankruptcy.  They are gone. Defunct. Permanently. 

The foreign individual Municipal ESTATE TRUSTS operated in our names were bumped back initially to the British Seaman's Estates that were used as the basis to form the Municipal ESTATE TRUSTS in the first place. 

Remember? The Brits trafficked our identities and then the Holy Roman Empire trafficked us again, so that three (3) estate trusts of different kinds were created: an American infant decedent Estate, a British Territorial Seaman's Estate, and a Roman Municipal Cestui Que Vie ESTATE.  

If we had stopped with claiming the Municipal ESTATE trust, the British Territorial Seaman's Estates operated in our Names in Admiralty Jurisdiction would have been the beneficiaries and their government would have dispersed the "abandoned" assets back to the King under bona vacantia rules, and the King would have then kicked back 60% to the Pope.  Business as usual. 

However, we didn't stop there and claimed the British Territorial Seaman's Estate as well as the American Infant Decedent Estate that preceded it. 

This has caused great consternation. 

Without access to the Municipal ESTATE assets and credit, the British Territorial Government doesn't have the funds to operate all these welfare programs and hand-outs to foreign governments. 

Trump had already planned for DOGE to exist and cut the fat out and end all the payola, but now he has to prepare for the liquidation of the phony British Seaman's Estates and to run a tight ship to keep his own boat afloat. 

That has necessitated terminating a lot of "federal benefits" and ending the welfare empire.  A lot of people have received notice that their Food Stamp and Cash Payments have been terminated and there is no appeal as entire programs have been terminated.

It has also meant a tightening of the belts of many organizations and institutions that have relied on federal funding, and a general decline in the quality of care at hospitals, nursing homes, and residential care facilities.  

It seems cruel that this is so quickly impacting the poor and the elderly, the two groups that have always been targets of the rats, but we envision a far better future for them, and it won't be long in coming, and it won't be a veiled program of social enslavement. 

Please spread the word so that people know that they need to spend more time and care on elderly friends and relatives, especially those in long term care facilities and hospitals.  They are not receiving the standard of care they need, and often not receiving the nutrition they need.  

Families need to check on hygiene care of incontinent patients and supply extra adult diapers and diaper rash products because the hospitals ration and/or can't afford effective medications. You will need to do extra diaper changes, or be there to "encourage" the nursing staff to do it, otherwise many patients are having to wait twelve hours between diaper changes and are left to sit in their own feces and urine.  This causes diaper rash and contributes to bedsores that can become life-threatening if they become infected. 

Families also need to supplement the diets of families and friends in institutional care, especially extra meat, fruits, and vegetables --- because 90% of what they are now receiving is cheap starch.   

Government payments to inmates are also going away, so that aside from whatever "inside" work opportunities arise, they have no way to buy extra food and hygiene products; friends and family on the outside need to be adding money to prisoner accounts so that they can afford these basics.

The Brits are actively trying to disqualify and disinherit the Natives again and putting out a red-herring semantic ploy to do it. 

Remember, no American has "birthright citizenship" and no American wants or needs "birthright citizenship".  Americans have "birthright nationality" based on our states, instead.  

American Natives have "Dual Birthright Nationality" --- for example, they are both Winnebagos and Wisconsinites, both Cherokee and Oklahomans, both Sioux and South Dakotans. 

Don't get confused by this.  It's okay to be both and you get all the rights of both, but your standing and your rights and what you ultimately receive back does not depend on tribal membership or being a "federally recognized tribe".  It depends solely on your nationality/nationalities.   

Your birthright nationality that counts in national and international circles is based on your State of the Union.  So you and any Native American friends, want to make it clear that you are -- for example, Texans, New Mexicans, Idahoans, etc. 

This same emphasis on "nation" not "citizenship" and not "tribe" is important all the way through. 

Remember that "tribes" have to pay "tribute" to Rome and that Native Tribes and Tribal Members were all considered to be "citizens of the United States".  

Now that the Municipal Corporation is gone and the individual Municipal ESTATE Trusts are up for grabs, the Brits are trying to disqualify Natives using the excuse that they are "Tribal Members".  
Tribes need to base all claims on their Dual Nationality instead.  

The Brits are taking away all payments and benefits to the Tribes and Tribal Members, just as they are stopping payment of Food Stamps and Cash Payments generally.  Without access to the assets of the living men, the Brits can't pay all these "Federal" benefits and don't have an obligation to do so.  

This means that times will be hard for a while.  People who have been receiving Federal subsidies of all kinds will suddenly be cut off and wondering what to do and feeling panicked and desperate. 

Pass the word that this is only temporary.  

The Municipal citizens of the United States have no money.  The British Territorial U.S. Citizens are barely afloat.  But the Americans who have come through all this, are richer than Midas.  And we will share and sort and balance accounts.

If we can all get through for just a little amount of time, everything will be better than it has been for many years --- but people have to help each other and have a little faith through this "transition".  

Remember Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz?  Well, we just clicked the heels of our ruby slippers. 

Give Mr. Trump a chance to get his own "ship" in order while we continue to make way and do the same.  

Prepare to reach through jurisdictional barriers, social and economic blockades, cultural divides, racial and religious prejudices, and tons of lies, because what matters at the end of the day, is that we are men and women and we are alive.  We are together.  We are the inheritors of this planet. And it never belonged to corporations at all.

Heads up, tails down, hands clasped --- and take no wooden nickels. 



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