By Anna Von Reitz
The day has come when the people of this country have a fighting chance against the vicious self-interest of corporations.
You do have leaders now in power who care about people and who carry forward initiatives and protections that benefit living people.
This is the first time in four years that the living people can enter the conversation and evaluate their choices.
You have, whether you know it or not, suffered unnecessarily for the past four years. We've all suffered from inflation. We've all suffered bank and currency fraud and usury. We've all suffered attacks and neglect from our own public employees.
Just like the people who are suffering in California now, who have not had the benefit of the firefighting services they pay for, because Gavin Newsom incompetently and recklessly failed to fill water reservoirs that are vital to Los Angeles' firefighting capability.
People actually voted for Newsom. And they have suffered as a result. Hopefully they are taking responsibility for that poor choice.
The California Democratic Party actually put forward Gavin Newsom as a candidate. They need to take responsibility, too.
Everyone in California has suffered as a result of bad leadership or no leadership from Gavin Newsom, and that is just one example. Governor Cooper in North Carolina is another example. That man has redefined the words, "Absolutely useless."
Our point to all of you this morning is that it is high time for people to think about these public offices and the people who occupy them in terms of self-preservation. We cannot afford to have incompetents in office. Any office.
As Employers of all federal and federal franchise employees, we don't elect these people. They are supplied to us by Subcontractors who are, nonetheless, responsible for their performance or lack thereof. That's why we take our concerns directly to the Principals responsible for these "governmental services corporations" and don't participate in their private corporate elections sponsored by political parties.
However, when there is a "Bad Egg" in office in one of these foreign corporations, it can have disastrous effects--- and not only for the people employed by these corporations. Their failure to perform competently impacts us all. Their despicable acts as well as their failures to take action can result in damage like the current disasters in North Carolina and California.
We must do everything possible to support good candidates and competent foreign officers who are abiding by and performing their Constitutional duties and be thankful for the good initiatives they are making to restore and support the Public Good in this country
Our mutual self-interest depends upon it.
Just because we don't vote in their private elections doesn't mean that we are socially or politically emasculated. As the Employers of these corporations and as the Silent Majority, we have the choice to speak up and not be silent any longer.
Use your voices. Use your pens. Use your resources.
Talk to your neighbors. Use your social networks.
Our efforts to restore and operate our own level(s) of government must ultimately be a relief for those who have hitherto been left to "make it up as we go". Our action signals the involvement of the American Public and the return of self-governance for this country and our nation-states.
This morning, many lifelong welfare recipients are receiving the bad news --- from their perspective, that they will no longer be receiving food stamps and cash payments from the federal government. They are uniformly outraged, scared, wondering what they are going to do.
These people have been incentivized to work the system in a cradle to grave welfare scheme and have been taught to think in terms of government-provided entitlements as a lifestyle, a way to make a living.
People outside this system can readily recognize it as a form of enslavement, instead. Those dependent on welfare are forever at the beck and call of bureaucrats, having their lives scrutinized and micro-managed according to program requirements, being subtly crippled by their own reliance on public charity.
As Star Parker has been explaining to people for many years: the welfare state breeds dependence and immorality, destroys families and communities, and artificially limits the horizons of those who become dependent on it.
That system is coming to an end, because the Municipal Government has collapsed back into the limited footprint intended for it and the British Territorial Government cannot and will not continue to pay welfare subsidies.
The past six-plus decades since Lyndon B. Johnson's welfare economy took wings has been disastrous for this country and for the people it was intended to help. New initiatives and new ways forward have to be found.
The concept of self-help based on sustainable community development has been launched and proven by visionaries like Elder St. James, and today, his dream has become reality for people worldwide, in places as disparate as Chad and the United States.
These vibrant self-supporting communities have forged a way forward and provided the necessary template to rebuild families and rebuild communities in decayed urban settings and poor rural settings alike.
People have regained their pride and independence and expanded their skills and opened up their horizons by working together and taking responsibility for their own futures as individuals and as members of an extended family -- their communities.
Everyone has what they need, everyone does what they can, and it works. Without welfare. Without bureaucrats. Without artificially imposed limits.
This is a new world full of opportunities to thrive and expand and share, a way of living and thinking that is truly inspired and empowered by seeking what is good for everyone involved.
Former welfare dependents, instead of whining and crying and being disoriented and angry with Mr. Trump, realize that help is on the way and that we are all facing a different and better day, because of work that others have already done to pave the way.
You aren't being let down. You are finally getting an honest hand up and a new horizon beyond ghettos and sharecropping and welfare.
Spread the word.
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