By Anna Von Reitz
We became aware of the Anunnaki as the archeological treasures of the Middle East were unearthed; together with the later Egyptian Empires, the earlier Babylonian-Syrian Empire of the Anunnaki have provided us with a partial framework and vision of the ancient world
seen through the lens of artifacts and records preserved in the strange language of Cuneiform and hieroglyphs.
Did you know what the Fleur-de-lis, the three-pronged, trident-like symbol that we associate with the Kingdom of France in modern times was once the symbol of the Anunnaki nobility, and it represented the triune kingdom of mind, body, and spirit then, just as it represents the Holy Trinity, the Unholy Trinity, and the jurisdictional realms of Land, Air, and Water (LAW) now?
See the first three attached jpeg photos -- a telling detail from a recent cover of the Economist magazine, the magazine cover in full, and last, but not least, a photo of an ancient bas relief carving in stone, showing the same symbol crowning one of the Anunnaki.
As much as everything changes, everything stays the same --- until we wake up, notice such things, and take stock of our situation, so as to make the needed and permanent changes that will free humanity from the continued abuses associated with the Anunnaki.
The Trinity in all its forms and representations is an ancient symbol of control; like the Law, it is designed to limit and control and accuse mankind, to compartmentalize our activities, and to condemn us to punishment when convenient.
We see this Trinity represented in many, many venues--- religion, law, the administration of corporations, magic, and even the three "keys" represented on the Papal Tiara and UBS logos worldwide.
This trinity symbolism comes to us from very, very ancient sources and interestingly is not associated with the actual and factual Kingdom of Gaul --- which holds the land and soil jurisdiction of what we call "France", but is instead associated with the sea jurisdiction administration and air jurisdiction that are not physically defined.
Notice the pattern:
England (land and soil) is redefined as "Great Britain" (sea) a business enterprise, and "Great Britain" is redefined as "the UNITED KINGDOM" (air).
Gaul (land and soil) is redefined as "France" (sea) a business enterprise, and "France" is then redefined as "FRANCE" (air).
The American sovereign States have also been given this treatment: Virginia (land and soil) is redefined as Virginia (sea) a business enterprise, which magically morphs into VIRGINIA (air) another kind of business enterprise.
All this sleight of hand is used to compartmentalize and control different realms of human endeavor and provide for its tidy administrative control by a bureaucracy and forms of law that are also imposed by the bureaucracy.
In this way, using this "system" of organization, it has been possible for a handful of ruling elites who fancy themselves the progeny of the Anunnaki to control the fates and business affairs of entire countries for generations.
Is this a token of any particular genius on the part of these gangs of criminals and their henchmen bureaucrats, or a testament to mankind's trusting and non-observant nature?
Yes, it's a nice well-organized system to divide and conquer, passed off under color of law and a facade of reasonableness, but in the end, the Trinity System, is a tool to enslave, separate, and promote elitism according to its own ancient Triune Caste System: the patricians, the indentured servants, and the slaves.
This same system adopted by the Roman Empire has, through the Church and the Commonwealth, and all the history associated, been promulgated throughout the world using three separate bureaucracies and forms of law.
Imagine an ancient Robber Baron in his castle guarding a mountain pass in Germany; he has retainers, mercenaries, at his command. They go out and do the dirty work for him, "arresting" travelers as they attempt to use the mountain pass he controls, and charging them passage fees, or, if they belong to certain religions or races, simply robbing them and leaving them dead in the snow.
The same thing is happening today, as members of the Municipal bureaucracy (slaves) control the jurisdiction of the air through copyrights, patents, licenses, labor contracts, and associated means, and members of the Territorial bureaucracy (indentured servants serving "tours of duty") provide the muscle as mercenaries intent on controlling trade and commerce and commodities, and finally, the National bureaucracy is vacated for the convenience of the Perpetrators, who don't want to be bothered with such tiresome duties as actually running a "Kingdom" and dealing with the needs of living people.
Much more convenient to have all the living people redefined as corporation franchises, administered under forms of law intended for corporations.
These Vermin only want to float along like the great turds they are, on the top of the world's proverbial punch bowl, controlling money and resources that belong to other people for their own unjust enrichment and all to the detriment of the actual owners.
It has been 8,000 years of this nonsense. Time to wake up, bring it to an end, start over with a new system --- which may not be perfect, either, but at least offers the prospect of a possible different outcome.
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