The same communication has been spread throughout many channels and may or may not be genuine no matter what “point sources” have been used to promulgate it.
As I warned everyone at the outset, we are coming out of a time of nearly “universal” deceit. Don’t believe everything you hear and thanks to CGI, less than half of what you see.
I didn’t say this “Notice” was verified, did I? No, I specifically said it wasn’t verified. At the same time, the dissolution of the United States, Inc., is confirmed and as such this kind of instruction is appropriate whether or not DJT issued it.
Remember- leaks from within the corporate administration often appear via “fake” reports and fake websites that in the end turn out to be true. So don’t get your knickers in a knot either way.
We will have plenty of time to observe the shut down and roll over of the Municipal Government in real time.
Until then, take everything with a grain of salt and under advisement and follow the logic.
We have had to tell specific judges running Municipal Corporation Tribunals to stand down because their corporation is no more and the former “citizenry” composed of corporation employees, officers, and dependents all described as Municipal Corporation Franchises, is released and stateless and we own the beneficial ownership interest in all the above.
That is factual.
If other people are saying the same thing in other venues, it is nothing remarkable. It’s logical, given the circumstance. So it MAY be more credible than the source may superficially indicate. We note it because it is consistent with the overall situation.
The search for truth is everlasting, our responsibility to be discerning consumers of information is, too.
If people listen closely they will hear me say such words as “unverified” and “alleged” and “possible” with respect to questionable source information and should take such information for what it is worth.
If the information is true even though the website source is false, it will become obvious in days to come, and hopefully, our people will be alert and watching to see.
So, no need for Nervous Nellie responses. We must all listen, look, read, think, observe, and when appropriate take questionable information under advisement for ongoing evaluation.
This is one of those cases and I trust that I have made that overtly clear to everyone.
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