By Anna Von Reitz
So long ago that --- in the human timeframe reckoning, like a Mayfly"s reckoning of our time scale --- it cannot be comprehended, there was War in the Heavens.
In the beginning all those present now passed through a developmental stage as "reptilians". The truth of this can be easily seen if you look closely at your own skin, which is in the form of scales, not unlike a snake or lizard's scales.
On a more sophisticated level, the "secondary brain" controlling the autonomic functions of the body is, most often, reptilian in origin.
So none of us have any cause or reason to look down on reptilians or to deny our own reptilian origins; we all owe a debt to the reptilian ancestors who bequeathed these and other gifts to us.
We say this to rebuke in advance any wholesale phobia or hatred of reptilian species. You cannot hate or fear them without hating and fearing a part of yourself --- and it is a part you cannot live without.
That said ---
The reptoid races of this Universe are many and varied; during the War in the Heavens, giant reptiles roamed the Earth. Some of them we call dinosaurs. Some we call Leviathans. Some we call dragons. They lived and fought and died here long before the race of Man, but their petrified remains are scattered upon the Earth and are still visible, if one pays attention and knows where to look.
During the War in the Heavens a race of Dragons (we still use the word "dragon" and "dragoon") from the Star System Draco, attacked the Orion Star System, and largely overran it. They subdued the indigenous Orions (Aryans) and began a society based on a rigid caste system established by bloodline and birth.
Quite similar to the Hindu Caste System you can still see today, the Orion (Aryan) Caste System had Priests, Soldiers, and Merchants.
Among the priests there were prophets and ministers; among the soldiers there were Officers --and Supersoldiers-- who were specifically bred for war, like Saruman's Orcs, the Urukhai.
This forced breeding program took place in the Orion Star System during the Draconian occupation during the War in the Heavens. Some of these Supersoldiers came to Earth and have remained here ever since, causing trouble that they are only partially aware of. Their fate and nature is, to a large extent, predetermined by their genetics: they can't help being what they are.
This, too, is a point we wish to make. To the extent that these people are evil war-mongers, they have been created, on purpose, by others to be this way. They can no more control their interest in war and war profiteering and everything else about war, than a dog can stop salivating.
Knowing this about them, then, it becomes our responsibility to treat them with wisdom and respect ---- and to control them appropriately. Giving Netanyahu an arsenal and expecting anything but war, war, and more war, is like giving a dog a bone and not expecting it to gnaw the bone to nubbins.
Seeing the utterly reckless and ruthless warfare now engulfing Gaza, Syria, and Lebanon --- and aiming ultimately at Iran, we have to know that we are in the presence of one of these throwbacks to the Supersoldiers of Orion. In the misdirected heat of his bloodlust, Netanyahu has no sense at all. He has become a killing machine like his ancestors, long ago.
As terrible as this is, there is a pathos to it, too. These people didn't ask to have their genetics toyed with, but they were; in a sense, they are not at fault for what they have become. It was the Draco scientists who did this to the people of Orion.
As the Dracos were consolidating their occupation of the Orion Star System and beginning to develop their breeding programs and caste systems there, another reptilian race, the Seraphim of the Sirius Star System, became alarmed and launched a counter-offensive, driving the Dracos back to their own Star System and freeing the people of Orion.
It would take many volumes and texts and maps to begin to explain the complexities of all these things. Suffice it to say that Earth has inherited her share of these troubles, and as the people upon the Earth have forgotten these ancient wars and their results, we have also forgotten important aspects of our own world and those we share it with.
We must remember if we are to avoid a repeat of very destructive histories which have played out over time--- the War in the Heavens, the Great Plasma War, and the recent so-called "Mud Flood".
Nobody who was in their right mind would knowingly give Netanyahu an arsenal, or Zelensky, either, if they recognized who and what these "men" are. Thus, it is our own ignorance which has allowed these monsters to come out and turn our Earth into a polluted killing field.
We can blame them for what they have done, but then, we have to blame ourselves for what we have failed to do --- to remember our past and take sensible steps to control these sojourners in our midst.
We must call upon our soul-memories to restore our ancient vision so that we are not confused nor deceived by the Orion Supersoldiers and their mindless thirst for war, so that we can move promptly and appropriately to control their activities and find our way forward.
The native population of people on this planet are loving and peaceful and want nothing to do with wars of any kind. They long for peace and truth. They have a conscience. They are acquainted with honor and mercy and compassion, unlike the twisted remnants of a noble race contorted by war and the cruelty of Draconian Masters.
The Earth stands within the protection of the Seraphim Guard, a Force so Powerful and so connected to our common Source, that we cannot be compromised by force, but we can by our own ignorance and inaction allow our freewill to be misrepresented.
It is supremely important that everyone reading this does whatever they can to signal their disagreement with Congressional spending on mercenary wars and aggression in the Ukraine, the Middle East, or elsewhere.
We must turn our minds and hearts and will to peace.
We must speak of peace and envision it and hold it in our hearts.
This is far more than some silly sophomoric "wish for world peace". This is a spiritual, psychic, and physical demand for world peace.
This is peace we can hear and taste and feel and pour over the war-torn landscapes of the world.
Imagine Lebanon at peace.
Imagine Gaza at peace.
Imagine Israel at peace.
Imagine "the US" at peace.
Imagine Ukraine at peace.
Imagine Russia at peace.
Keep on imagining these things every day, and without any big fanfare; if enough of us do this, they will quietly come to be.
Imagine a gentle rain, pure as the day rain was created, passing over the ruined landscape and cleansing everything it touches.
Imagine it soaking away the evil chemicals, transforming them into useful fertilizers instead.
Imagine people, millions of them, set free and inspired by love, coming to the aid of the lonely and the ill and the forgotten.
Imagine the very word "Army" being transformed to have another meaning entirely.
Imagine the militaries of all nations being focused on the real enemies of mankind --- ignorance, selfishness, greed, sloth, unjust enrichment, deceit, pollution, cruelty, elitism, pride, scarcity, enslavement, lust, starvation, infection, fraud, betrayal and avarice.
Imagine all these ugly things being packed up and whisked away, so that an entirely new spirit comes to the Earth, gently, like a brand new day.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
January 3rd 2025
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