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Friday, January 17, 2025

BCP: An open letter to President D. Trump and R. Kennedy


Glory to Jesus Christ!
We hereby provide you with a copy of our open letter addressed to US President D. Trump and R. Kennedy, pointing out the destructive activities of the US Bishops' Conference. By accepting Fiducia supplicans, the US bishops have accepted another faith, and together with the pseudo-pope Bergoglio promote the NWO policy, that is, the self-destruction of Christianity and humanity. The salvation and renewal of the Church and the American nation must begin with true repentance, a true return to God!

Could you please post this video?
Thank you in advance.

Yours respectfully,
Secretary Bishops of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

BCP: An open letter to President 
D. Trump and R. Kennedy

The biggest enemy of the United States is the Bishops' Conference,
which together with Bergoglio promotes the suicidal NWO policy

The American people elected you both, Mr. President and Mr. Secretary, to stop the process of self-destruction of America and humanity. Apparently, your first step will be to stop the senseless war in Ukraine.

But the absurdity is that the curse on America comes from within. It is brought down not only by the Deep State but also by the Deep Church, which are in unity. This truth was expressed by the former nuncio to the United States, Carlo Maria Viganò. He also clearly called on the American people on the eve of the election to vote for you.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò also told the clear truth that the current Pope is not a Pope but a usurper who, according to Catholic teaching, has excommunicated himself from the Church. He is now promoting the self-destruction of the Church itself and of humanity through the sodomite anti-gospel Fiducia supplicans. He is directing the process of the satanization of the Church and he provocatively, as a precedent, consecrated himself to Satan in Canada in 2022 under the guidance of a sorcerer. The sodomite anti-gospel, proclaimed by Bergoglio, is punished by God with temporal fire (2Pe 2:6) and eternal fire (Jud 7).

It is a tragedy that the US Bishops' Conference has accepted this betrayal of the Gospel, thus bringing a curse on the whole of the United States. The traitorous bishops are frauds who have deceived the faithful, abandoned the essence of the Church, renounced Christ and His Gospel, and embraced Bergoglio's agenda of rebellion against God. They hypocritically hide behind the simple faithful and use them to achieve their anti-Christian aims. Therefore, we must not be deceived, but realistically see them as traitors to Christ, the Church and the nation. That is why the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate, which is the voice of the one crying in the wilderness, has repeatedly called them to repentance. But they are hardened in their betrayal.

We therefore ask you, for the good of the American people, to publicly call the bishops of the USA to repentance. They must admit that by accepting Fiducia supplicans they have accepted another faith which is no longer Catholic or Christian. This pseudo-faith does not guarantee eternal life and eternal salvation, but leads to hell. These religious impostors who bring down a curse must repent or resign from church offices. Sufficient pressure must be brought to bear because they will not leave their positions of power voluntarily. Many of them have already lost their conscience. Only some are perhaps still capable of repentance.

How should the bishops repent? Every bishop is obliged to write a pastoral letter in which:
1) He must clearly renounce the rebellion against God, namely Fiducia supplicans.
2) Every bishop must renounce the false pope and submission to him.
3) The bishops who truly repent should proclaim their own American Patriarchate. When there is a legitimate Pope, the Patriarchate will establish internal unity with him.
4) Every bishop must renounce the heresies of Vatican II, which, through the pan-heresy of modernism and syncretism, set the stage for the mass apostasy that Bergoglio has completed.

Let us point out that on September 15, 2009, Bergoglio excommunicated himself from the Catholic Church for heresies. This was followed by a series of heretical gestures and statements, by which he repeatedly excommunicated himself from the Church. Bergoglio is not a valid Pope! Separating from this arch-heretic is not a schism, but a necessary condition for remaining in the Catholic Church and breaking free from rebellion against God.

As for the appointment of Cardinal Robert McElroy as Archbishop of Washington, let us point out that he also excommunicated himself from the Catholic Church for his scandalous promotion of the sodomite anti-gospel.

Francis Bergoglio and his followers in the US Bishops' Conference are promoting the policies of the NWO, i.e. the self-destruction of Christianity and humanity. The salvation and renewal of the Church and the American nation must begin with true repentance. It must begin with a true return to God!

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr             + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops
                                                                                                                                       January 16, 2025