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Thursday, January 16, 2025

International Public Notice: More British "Federal" Lies and Abuses Based on Semantics

 By Anna Von Reitz

No need for a "new" American Public Trust.  

Our country has always had an American Public Trust --- E Pluribus Unum, Unincorporated, issued in 1776,  has never been overcome or rescinded or replaced by anyone or any organization having standing to take any such action.  

Likewise, the First Articles of Confederation issued in 1777, have never been rescinded; no such action was necessary, because the transfer of delegated powers necessitated by the adoption of The Constitution of the United States of America (British Territorial Subcontractor) was direct.  

The Second Articles of Confederation issued in 1781 to different entities entirely, were eventually rescinded in order to make possible the transfer of delegated duties from the States of America to the Federal Republic doing business under The Constitution for the united States of America ---- again, a separate entity. 

These shameless Bounders are once again misrepresenting what happened in the War of 1812 and have institutionalized fraud on a grand scale. 

The "Treaty" of 1812 now being referenced, was another sea treaty, not a land treaty; the British never took our flag, nor was the Title IV Flag surrendered. When the day dawned, our flag was still flying over Fort McHenry and the British warships never made landfall.  

Pretty damned hard to capture a flag from a fort without stepping foot on the land or soil.  

So just another example of self-interested "rewriting" of actual history by the British con artists and liars. 

What can you say for people who have deceived their own countrymen for three hundred years and successfully passed off a business enterprise "Great Britain" as a country, and a Territorial Oligarchy for a Constitutional Monarchy, this entire time?  

The War of 1812 was not a British "win" despite all attempts to make it so via skillful "reinterpretation" and abundant semantic deceit. 

The information being presented at Fort McHenry and in the video below is a fraud based on semantic deceit and didn't involve us, the American States at all.  

The Sea "Treaty" being presented here about "American Ports" and "US Ports" is an agreement that ports controlled at that point by the (American) Federal Republic (doing business in 1812 as "the United States") were to be the official ports of entry, not the "American" ports being represented by the British Commonwealth (Puerto Rico, etc.). 

The British lost standing to operate their "American" ports as our ports.   

For what it is worth, the referenced Treaty drew a distinction between ports sanctioned by and recognized by our American Government (that is, those ports operated by our American Federal Republic doing business as "the United States" in 1812 --- thus being described as "United States ports") versus other "American" (from the British perspective) ports being operated by British Commonwealth entities (Puerto Rico, Mariana Islands, etc.) considered "United States Territories and Possessions".  

The British interests actually lost their claim to operate as "our" ports as a result of the referenced Treaty, but as usual, they have attempted to turn things around and upside down, so as to snatch victory out of the jaws of defeat, simply by lying and lying again and using semantic deceits to obscure what actually happened. 

When the American Federal Republic (still doing business as "the United States" in 1861) ceased to operate (because the "States of America" ceased operating in April 1861), the ports fell under British influence again simply by failure to disclose (Breach of Trust) and misrepresentation of Abraham Lincoln as our President (Fraud). 

Anyone who thinks that Breach of Trust and Fraud is allowable under International or Global Law needs to be re-schooled; once deceit is discovered and called out under Roman Civil Law, it has to be dismantled all the way back to the beginning of the fraud.  

"Let him who will be deceived, be deceived." is the Maxim allowing these cretins to operate deceitfully under their Scottish rendition of Roman Civil Law; "Fiction yields to truth. Where truth is, fiction of law does not exist." is the Maxim that utterly destroys their position. 

As anyone can see, their fraud was an inversion, pretending that they were us, and that their "United States" ports were our "United States" ports, thereby making Puerto Rico and the Mariana Islands and similar --- from our perspective, Territorial Ports --- the only legal ports of entry, if one buys the crappola they are attempting to sell in the video above. 

In fact, the States of the Union retain all actual ownership and control and right to determine our official ports of entry and the British are as legally bound by the referenced Treaty as they ever were to recognize our "United States ports" as the official ports of entry for this country, not their version of "United States ports".  

That they have attempted to claim a "victory" at Fort McHenry is deeply, deeply offensive, in the face of the American casualties at that installation.  The men and women defending our Federal Republic on that occasion piled themselves upon the dead bodies of their comrades and by sheer force of the dead bodies piled up, held that flag aloft in the face of the unprovoked, illegal and immoral British naval bombardment.   

The British can go hang, and should, for the lies they have told the entire world, including their own people, and the damage they and their Roman "municipal" buddies have done to everyone on this planet. 

We are so sick of these British Actors trying to find one narrative or another to explain and excuse their own actions -- apparently trying to assuage their own consciences as much as try to convince others that they acted honorably when they didn't. 

The truth of the matter is directly observable.  You have all seen the "Presidents" being knighted by QEII.  This tells you that they were acting as Brits the entire time, just as we have said.  

This also tells you that they usurped against our government under Lincoln, precisely as we described and gave you the proof that Lincoln became a Bar Attorney in 1834 in Illinois, retained that membership the rest of his life, and was precluded from ever being "President" of the American Federal Republic by the Titles of Nobility Amendment ratified by our States of the Union in 1819.  

So it isn't a matter of their "discretion" whether they tell the truth or not.  It's up to the rest of us to call them out for their lies and "misappropriations" and their misrepresentations to our soldiers and sailors, too. 

The man appearing in this video is apparently acting in good faith and according to his (false) understanding of the matter set before us --- but it is false, nonetheless.  It's merely another twisted British tale told to save British operatives from the criminal charges they so richly deserve. 

Our Marines don't need any permission or excuses for defending our ports or bringing miscreants in any armed service to justice. 

We have our own American Admiralty and don't need to borrow any authority in that regard from "Great Britain" -- a business entity that doesn't even have standing to operate in true Admiralty. 

For the record, the British didn't win the Revolutionary War, nor the War of 1812, and the Lakota Sioux didn't carry the day by capturing a Title IV Flag from General Custer. 

We, the American States and People, are the only ones authorized to conduct business for this country in international and global jurisdictions; the British Territorials are allowed to use our designated Title IV Flag when exercising specific delegated powers--- not otherwise; and they are certainly not allowed to tell such Whoppers against the interests of the living people they are bound to serve. 

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 16th 2025


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