By Anna Von Reitz
Kevin, LOL, Brother....
I REALLY don't think you need to worry about any "Yanks" --- ahem! ---- "annexing" Canada, the country.
About all the "Yanks" can do is claim the assets of the bankrupt Municipal Corporation doing business as "CANADA" and bankrupt the remaining British Territorial Government Corporation doing business as "Canada, Inc." and take over transitional administration of the corporations that have been masquerading as your government for the past hundred years or so, while the Canadians get their lawful land and soil jurisdiction government(s) organized.
As we pointed out to Mr. Trump, the debt he is exercising against these "government" corporations is actually a debt owed to the American States and People, not to the U.S. Citizens and their version of "United States".
So it's not his debt to collect anyway, and we are not just standing idly by letting him collect "for" us.
If you look at what Cecil Rhodes and his British South Africa Company did in South Africa (a corporation went in and ran the government for years) you will be better prepared to understand what the British Government did to Canada, not the "Yanks". You will also better understand what they and their Holy Roman Empire pals did to us, too.
The people of both our countries are owed a bunch of money that was extracted from us under conditions of constructive fraud --- but the Principals responsible for that are Britain and the Holy Roman Empire, not Canada. Take home message -- Britain and Rome owe both The United States (the country) and Canada (the country) a ton of money and even more prepaid credit. And no, the Perpetrators are not owed the benefit of any corporate veil.
From the perspective of these parent corporations, they owe a huge "National Debt" that is securitized against their employees and dependents, while we, the living people of both countries, are owed an exactly corresponding "National Credit". When you balance the books, what you find is that there is no "National Debt" because it is counterbalanced by the "National Credit".
What you also find out is that all the "Interest" they collected on this "appearance" of a National Debt, was all bogus.
Their failure to balance the books and maintain proper accounting standards is their problem. Their practice of seeking bankruptcy protection from their victims is also their problem.
Their practice of Bait and Switch governments is a fundamental stumbling block -- Canadians were promised a Constitutional Government and received a Territorial Government instead; Americans were promised a republican style of government and received a Territorial democracy instead, Brits were promised a Constitutional Monarchy and received a Territorial Oligarchy instead--- all "Bait and Switch" frauds on the part of people and entities that owed us all "good faith service".
So, the fact is that Mr. Trump and the corporation he works for owes us a blivet load of money and credit even more than CANADA and Canada, Inc. which are merely franchise corporations of the now-defunct UNITED STATES (INCORPORATED) and the U.S.A. (Incorporated), respectively. By stepping into the middle-man slot and dunning the Canadian franchise corporations "for" us, and receiving whatever payment or credit or accommodation that is paid in return, Mr. Trump increases the debt of his corporation to us, and uses assets and credit that is actually owed to us for the benefit of the foreign British Territorial Corporation that he is "President" and "Commander-in-Chief" of.
At first glance, this may seem like a trivial matter. After all, you might think, if Trump works for the Americans and is collecting debts for the Americans, certainly it's okay for him to collect the assets and credit owed by Canadian franchises?
But what if our public employees are just plundering and pillaging and bullying "in our names" to strong-arm results that we may or may not want?
Remember, nobody asked us if we wanted Canada to be the "51st State" nor did they question what "manner" of "state" is being referenced.
We have a situation in this country wherein we have the familiar fifty States of the Union, which are physical and complete States, and then we have fifty-seven Territorial "States" which are British Crown business and fifty-seven more Municipal "STATES" that are incorporated entities affiliated with the Holy Roman Empire, which are now dissolved.
Donald Trump is talking about businesses, not true governments. He's talking about trade deficits, tariffs, central bank commodity rigging, and all sorts of other things --- but if he can get the
land mass of Canada thrown in, he will happily take it. That does not imply that the Americans, us, the actual people, want that or would even stand for it.
All of us, Canadians and Americans, both, would have to agree to any actual merger of governments or resources.
Everyone needs to wise up and start talking about the same things. Apples and apples. Oranges and oranges. Land mass and land mass. Business and business.....
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