By Anna Von Reitz
The only purpose of a legitimate government is to protect the people and their assets.
That's it. One job, really.
As you have learned by now, what you mistook for your government was actually a swarm of government subcontractors that snuck through the backdoor after the so-called Civil War and proliferated for decades under False Pretenses.
These jokers have operated under color of law the entire time.
They have never actually been your government. They have been commercial corporations and they have also organized as municipal corporations, but at the end of the day, they are not and never were and cannot be sovereign and independent entities.
No, in fact, with respect to you, Americans, French, German, Italian, British, Canadian, Aussie, Japanese..... (the list goes on), these purported service organizations are corporations like General Motors, Incorporated or Raytheon, Inc., or EXXON.
Even their departments and agencies are just separate corporations: the Department of Justice, Inc., the State of Texas, Inc., FEMA, Inc., and so on.
And they are all run amok.
Subject to the world of corporate buy-outs and mergers, asset stripping and bankruptcies, hostile take-over bids, and short selling, these "governmental services corporations" have been bought and sold and their policies have zigged and zagged all over the map as their CEO's and Boards of Directors have come and gone --- and without you ever knowing this --- these unelected persons running these corporations have honored the Constitutional contracts or not, have been run by communists (frankists, fascists, etc.) or not --- and many of these institutions haven't been operated by Americans at all.
After decades of this madness, the problem is identified for what it is, and the answer is here: populate and operate the actual government. Your government. Take back the power and enforce the contracts.
It's your birthright. It's your assets. It's your money. Your credit.
You are the inheritors.
And so are we.
The unincorporated American States Assemblies have opened their doors and begun functioning for the first time in over 150 years.
These venerable nation-states were called into Session in 2019, and despite many hurdles, these all-volunteer, entirely grassroots organizations --- which are not incorporated and will never be incorporated (which would give up their sovereign nature) --- have persevered and taken many actions to protect you and yours.
In 2020, your State Assemblies enrolled all the Western States as true States of the Union, finishing off the process mandated by the Northwest Ordinance which was in limbo for decades, and protecting millions of Americans in the Western States, securing the Constitutional Guarantees they are owed, and protecting their lands and mineral resources from seizure for foreign corporate debts.
In 2021, your State Assemblies passed the first Public Law in over a hundred years, declaring that no American would be considered a Genetically Modified Organism as a result of receiving genetically engineered and patented scraps of DNA in the Covid-19 injections, and would not be considered property subject to claims by the patent holders.
In 2021, your States of the Nation also chartered the first American Treasury since 1787, and with it, the Bilateral Banking System that is needed worldwide. After nearly four years in development, it's ready to launch a whole new era of honest banking and prosperity.
If you missed today's release, "International Public Notice: We Called It" issued on December 1st 2024, please read it and understand the profound implications for you, your family, your country, and the world.
In 2022, your Federation of the States of the Union, prevented Queen Elizabeth II from selling her ten percent "tributary interest" in American gold to the Chinese and forestalled Chinese mining companies from showing up in this country to forcibly extract it.
In 2023 and 2024, your State Assemblies and their Federation have stood firm on enforcement of our country's Southern Border and have exposed the nature of the so-called "North American Union Treaty"; they have also led the world in exposing the harm done by the organizations that promoted the Pandemic, the Federal Reserve Banks, and the illegal politically-motivated prosecution of Americans labeled January 6 Protestors.
Today, your State Assemblies and your Federation of States are your Voice, speaking up against the unspeakable genocides taking place in Gaza and the Ukraine, against biological warfare, against weaponized geoengineering, against "lawfare" --- that is, weaponized corporate tribunals used to illegally confiscate labor and material assets, against the unconscionable contracts that have been used to entrap unwary Americans in service to foreign corporations, and against human trafficking of all kinds.
These protections and services and more have been put in place by your friends and neighbors staffing your government, and doing what needs to be done: populating and operating the actual government and enforcing the Constitutional services and guarantees owed to the people of this country.
Unlike corporations, we can't be bought or sold; we are not subject to stock splits, bankruptcies, and changes in ownership. The American people are our Boards of Directors. We don't tax you for our operations. We don't threaten you. We do what a government is supposed to do: every day, in every way, we strive to protect you and your assets.
That's why you need us, and also why we need you. It's only by working together that we can achieve the needed results.
Many people have heaved a big sigh of relief following the November Elections, happy that Donald Trump will be back in control of the government corporations as of late January 2025, but be aware, that's only part of the story. As good as Trump is, he's a corporate employee and those corporations are owned by foreign powers.
Ultimately, Donald Trump is not the answer to the problems we face. He's just a better answer than Harris.
You are the ultimate answer and we are calling on you to be the heroes in your own story. Populate your government of, for, and by the people of this country. Take the necessary and proper steps to declare, record, and publish your chosen birthright political status as an American State National. Then join your State Assembly.
We stand in the doorway of a history-making epoch and the stakes couldn't be higher.
Will criminals succeed in reducing mankind to slavery, or will these proponents of Corporate Feudalism be thrown down and punished as they deserve?
Will mankind enjoy an era of unprecedented abundance, freedom, and peace ---- or will we be depopulated, denigrated, and displaced?
We can create the outcome we desire, but we have to stand together and contribute the work and the financial support it requires. We have to volunteer, we have to donate, and we have to be determined.
Each month your Fiduciary depends on you to do your part toward reclaiming your inheritance, maintaining your records, and supporting your actual government. Contribute whatever you reasonably can in support of the government that supports you.
As we prepare to represent you, the living people, in settlement conferences this winter, we need you to understand that you are not debtors. You are creditors.
We need you to understand that you are Floridians, Virginians, Wisconsinites, Ohioans, Texans, and Oregonians.... and that you are not naturally U.S. Citizens or citizens of the United States, either one.
We need you to embrace the new energies flooding our planet and entering our lives, not with blind trust, but with observing and open minds, ready to accept what is good and reject what is evil.
If you are done with evil and deceit and war, join with us in support of truth and honesty and peace.
Be sure and read today's "International Public Notice: We Called It" so that you understand the world currency situation and where the prepaid credit (in part) comes from.
Be blessed and blessing be!
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