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Sunday, December 1, 2024

International Public Notice: Cosmic Night

 By Anna Von Reitz

All life and being is generated by light and manifested by sound. 

If we had paid attention to the Ramayana and Hindu Vedas, we could have learned this long ago, but we were too arrogant and prideful.  
What could prancing half-naked Hindu gods teach us, right? 

Our loss.  

Every 25,920 years, our solar system gimps its way into a new House of the Zodiac.  You have been hearing about this event most of your lives with references to the Age of Aquarius and songs about it on stage in popular musicals and all sorts of New Age gurus prattling on about it, but tonight, November 30th 2024, the Solar Forces are about to engage and pass the threshold into Aquarius. 

For the past 300 years we have been enduring the tail-end and last hits of the Ages of Pisces, a time of almost universal delusion, illusion, lies, and suppositions.  Tonight, our sun rouses itself from its slumber and our solar system emerges into the brilliant light and clarity of Aquarius. 

It will be a jarring shift in energies to say the least. 

Zero to sixty.  

We felt that someone should warn you about what you are going to be experiencing in the days ahead, with or without any Military Earth Alliance sharing the Down Low. 

Our sun generates an endless stream of energy not only in the form of light, but also in the form of matter --- an invisible sea of ionic hydrogen which composes what the Indian sages called "Prana" and which 19th century spiritualists called "the Aether" and which physicists today call "the Ether" ---- after demeaning the spiritualists for over a hundred years.  Tin hats. 

Go figure. 

Men like Elon Musk will be leading the charge into this new energy  and criminals like Klaus Schwab and criminal organizations like the WEF will be trying to make everyone (but them) into cyborgs and transmitting nodes in an "internet of things" ---- the cost of participating in this, is becoming a thing.  Not a man.  Not even a human. 

The expectation of the ignorant is that "increased activity" by the sun means that the sun will be brighter, that the temperatures on Earth will greatly increase, that there will be more light, more photons hitting the Earth.  These myopic men have, for the past forty years going on fifty years, made it their business to pollute our atmosphere and meddle with the ionosphere in hopes of creating an artificial cloud cover.  

Anyone who needs more information about this geoengineering campaign is invited to watch "The Dimming" documentary on YouTube, which adequately describes this effort, complete with the patents used to profit from it.  

The "increased activity of the sun" in this case does not presage any insupportable increase in the sun's photonic output.  It refers instead to an increase in the matter precursor, ionic hydrogen.  

What does all this mean for you? 

You will feel unsettled and vaguely excited most of the time; you can expect an emotional, and even physical roller-coaster effect, and a subtle sense of acceleration.  You will have surges of energy that are mirrored in emotional surges as well.  

Strange things will happen --- just odd.  Objects will appear and disappear.  You will look for a glass, not be able to find it, and three days later find it on top of the bird feeder.  And you will know darn well you didn't put it there. 

You will see roads where no roads existed.  Houses and developments will appear where none existed, whole new developments that just seem to pop up out of nowhere.  You will notice that other things fade away, that you have to actively look for them, and there will be an odd sense of "unreality" when you do.  

This is known as the Mandela Effect and it is kicking into full gear. 

In addition to these odd perceptual and energetic phenomena, relationships will be under all sorts of change and flux.  Whatever unresolved issues you have, will come to the fore.  Insecurities left over from your teenage years, lost loves, unresolved divorces, pleasures and pains of all sorts will suddenly rear their ugly (or beautiful) heads and beg for your attention.  

This is the draining away process required to enter the new energetic environment.   Think of it as detoxification for the soul.  What you no longer need to carry will be left behind. Sad memories will recede until they seem like something that happened to someone else, a long time ago.  Beautiful memories will come forward and all the satisfaction and nuances will remain.  

Things that you have long forgotten, you will suddenly remember. 

Things that you haven't done in decades will return to your skill set. You will discover new/old interests and knowledge. 

Answers to "unanswerable" questions will appear. 

It will be chaotic and pleasurable and painful all at the same time. 

So be forewarned. Navigating the future will be strange, full of wonders, and dangers you have yet to fully understand. 

Chief among the dangers is the danger posed by Artificial Intelligence and Corporate Businesses and especially, crooked banks.  

Money is, in the main, a child's game gone wrong. This will become more and more apparent as we venture deeper into the Age of Aquarius.  Credit is a delusion built on a delusion (money) and that, too, will become apparent.  Debt, the inverse of credit, is an even bigger Lie. 

The day will come when mankind wakes up with a shudder and an embarrassed giggle and says, "We fell for that?"  

May that day come sooner than later.

Artificial Intelligence is only as good as the intelligence informing it, and if you stop a moment you will see that we knowingly or unknowingly program in our mistakes and delusions and lies and political and social prejudices, so that AI is flawed from the start. 

Also, consider that those most likely to do the AI programming, governments and corporations, are those who already have an F-minus in ethics, truthfulness, and basic morality --- and you can better grasp the potent threat that AI represents.  Instead of mitigating our flaws and limitations, AI can very easily mirror and expand upon them.  

There is a Universal Law which prohibits interference in our development, and we consider it timely to tell the Universe that there is a difference between "governmental" organizations and governments;  and we are the actual government.  We do not choose to become cyborgs and do not wish to receive technologies that pose great threats to us and our biosphere.  

Our natural progress and evolution has been both delayed and accelerated by meddling and often self-interested external interests that have used a combination of coercion and our own gullibility against our better interests.  

As it is our choice, we choose not to have those meddling external interests present in our lives, so that we may peacefully and happily explore and delight in our nature and the Universe around us. 

Tonight will be known as the Cosmic Night.  It officially ushers in the beginning of a New Age on Earth, and the sun of this solar system will awaken right on time, to do the work which it has always done, age to age, the same. 

Don't be unduly troubled or worried.  Just stay alert and use your ability to observe and to think and to communicate.  We only tell you these things so that you are aware and better able to cope. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

November 30th 2024


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