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Saturday, December 14, 2024

Property Tax Fraud: Nature of the Fraud & Legal Implications, Support & Legal Efforts

Mitch Vexler joins Mike Adams to talk about Nature of the Fraud and Legal Implications, Support for Homeowners and Legal Efforts


  1. Excellent disclosure video! This explains it all!

    1. We all need to share this with everyone!!!

  2. Treason at every turn!

    1. Paul's suggestion is valid. Mike is very ignorant of what Anna is doing.

  3. Do Mitch and Mike know that the corporations to whom we are paying taxes to are British? Paul Stramer, suggest to Anna that she reach out to Mike Adams for an interview.

    1. They are actually going to Vatican via British crown. I am sure they get some,but by Anna, the queen/ king is just a property manager for the Vatican.
      All roads lead to Rome.

  4. First of all, no one should pay ANY property tax on the roof over our heads, having a home is a God's given RIGHT.

    We are not making profit on our homes to be taxed.

    Secondly, rules, regulations, ordinances, statues he talks about do NOT apply to living people.

    1. Hmm, yet I bet you also say that Health Care is NOT a God given right. Seems like a disconnect in logic.

    2. Correct, the "healthcare" practiced is not a right, because its a death cult practiced by foreign BRITISH corporate murderous military officers, for profit.

      True healthcare would not force poison and harm, and the cost wouldn't force us to choose between being able to eat or pay "Jack the Ripper". Healthcare becomes murderous when corporate profit is the motive.

    3. Healthcare requires one individual to care for another. Property ownership requires no counterparty. Once owned, the occupant may, by rights, enjoy happiness. In healthcare a counterparty is needed. One cannot demand, by right, to consume another individuals time or service.

  5. Thank you, Paul, for alerting us to this video and posting it. I would surely have missed it. Bless you.

  6. Fl. State Constitution Article7 section1 No state ad valorem taxes shall be levied upon real estate or tangible personal property. And for you lawyers TONA, 13th amendment US constitution.

  7. The Supreme court has said that taxes are unconstitutional ... PERIOD !

  8. The property appraisers are violating numerous laws by charging taxes on our homes and personal property, as well as violating their oaths of office.

    Corporations that commit crimes are supppsed to be involuntarily liquidated.
    So, We must arrest all of the property appraisers in every County of every State, dissolve their corporations and seize the ill-gotten gains. That is OUR money -- about a TRILLION excess, in overpaid taxes per county, per year!

    That sure would go a long way in rebuilding places these criminals have destroyed, like Lahainia, and North Carolina/Tenneessee, which they are refusing to do.

    Why do we keep talking about this? We know what must be done, and that the entire world is about to implode financially and socially collapse if we fail to do it. We are the Boss, they are the employees. Time to stop being cowards, and fire these parasites!!!!! I want to see all the State Assemblies stop talking, and start arresting these vermin, THIS week!

  9. There are NO govt. authorities - there are ONLY Public Servants
    w/ defined job descriptions that violate their Oath of Office routinely.

  10. FRNS are NOT "lawful money of the United States" consequently they are NOT ACCEPTABLE to the defacto govt.

    Also All Attorneys (aka BUMs "Bar Union Members") are UNCONSTITUTIONAL & should be HUNG immediately by the neck until DEAD in accordance w/ the Constitutions.

    All BUMS are guilty - there are NO GOOD Attorneys!

    Show me where I am wrong ORE I am right.

    Get right w/ G-d - BUMS are of $atan.

  11. This is all based on securitization upon the 'given 'MORTGAGE' or a deed of Trust (investment) Letter of credit/security on the trust collateral a$$et (property placed into a trust) gifted by the mortgagor or the trustor, converting all to tennants on the land, i.e. a lessee.

  12. It is all done by fraudulent commercial contracts illegally written with dog latin... BUT!, your ignorant agreement supercedes anything lawful..


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