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Friday, December 13, 2024

International Public Notice: Dual Federal Citizenship v. State Citizenship v. State Nationality

 By Anna Von Reitz

When an American is born within the borders of a State of the Union, he or she takes their nationality from that State.  We are born as New Yorkers, Virginians, Wisconsinites, Texans, and so on.  This is what we describe as an "American State National" which literally means what it says --- we take our nationality from an American State of the Union. 

Average Americans are thus all State Nationals at birth and they owe no citizenship obligations to anything or anyone.  

Later on in life, they may freely choose to serve their State of the Union as State Citizens, and take on certain important decision-making roles on behalf of their State.  This is the only kind of citizenship that Americans typically undertake. 

Upon the adoption of the first Federal Constitution in 1787 a problem arose.  Those working for the new Federal Republic would be working in the foreign jurisdictions of the sea and air, so the idea of "Dual Federal Citizenship" was born. 

What this originally meant, as detailed in the First Immigration and Nationality Act, was that an American born in the States of the Union could apply to become a United States Citizen and work for the new American Federal Republic Government in both the jurisdiction of the sea and the jurisdiction of the air.  The First INA details a lengthy and deliberate process to become such a United States Citizen. 

United States Citizenship was thus a special jurisdictional citizenship that carried certain obligations of public service at the Federal level and pertained to American Federal Employees engaged in exercising powers in the sea and the air jurisdictions, which were delegated under The Constitution for the united States of America (1787). 

This form of "Federal Dual Citizenship" vanished along with the American Federal Republic itself in the fog of the Civil War. 

British Territorial U.S. Citizens comprise a separate foreign population of Federal Employees engaged under The Constitution of the United States of America (1789) in military roles. 

Municipal Government Employees comprise another separate population --the Federal Civil Service-- and were known as "citizens of the United States" employed under The Constitution of the United States (1790). 

Much later, in 1937, The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States, announced the collusion of these two Federal Subcontractors.  

The Roman municipal corporation franchise doing business as the United States, Incorporated, usurped the role of the civilian government of this country and the British Territorial subcontractors retained their role as military subcontractors. 

Their de facto merger created a new kind of "Federal Dual Citizenship" in which employees of either the United States, Inc., or the United States of America, Inc., were considered foreign citizens who owe double (dual) citizenship obligations to the Pope and the British King.  This is what is meant by "Federal Dual Citizenship" today. 

This is the kind of citizenship that the guilty parties have attempted to foist off and confer onto American State Nationals living peaceably in the States of the Union, via unconscionable birth registration contracts and other acts of unlawful political status conversion. 

This is a recognized international crime under both the Geneva Conventions and the Hague Conventions. 

So what does all this mean for people seeking to immigrate to this country?  

When a new man or woman comes to our country via the legal pathways long established to provide them with the opportunity to— if they wish— they pass through a Territorial Gateway. 

They register as U.S. Territorial (British) Citizens and undergo a comprehensive training course in the history of the British Territorial version of the United States of America. 

This culminates with taking a rigorous test and a ceremony that includes a Pledge of Allegiance —- after which everyone is exhausted and teary-eyed and assumes—- "At last I am an American!"

But they've been snookered and have, instead, made a public feudal "pledge" to serve the British Territorial Government and the British Queen instead. Even worse, they have been left with no information about the next steps needed to become an American. 

Most of them will eventually realize that they are not experiencing freedom of any kind, but in the absence of knowing what else they can do and still assuming that a U.S. Citizen is an American, they languish, live, and die in sight of the Promised Land with no way to get there, just as Americans themselves have been unknowingly cheated and defrauded by their own public employees. 

The dream that motivated the immigrants  to overcome all the obstacles to get here falls short and they don't know why— but more than homegrown Americans who have been dulled and indoctrinated to expect nothing better, the immigrants realize that something is definitely wrong with the picture. 

And they consciously or unconsciously keep looking for The Land of Freedom. 

This leads many immigrants to our Assemblies in search of the genuine article, and gives rise to many questions from them and about them. 

After they have served a year and a day of indentured servitude to the Queen, they are free to settle down wherever they like and adopt a State of the Union as their permanent home. 

Assuming that they have not committed a felony or taken Public Assistance during their year of servitude to the Queen, this adoption of a home State is done by a simple process of declaration, publication, and recording, basically letting the world know that they  have chosen to adopt the political status of — for example, a Texan, or a Floridian, or a Minnesotan.  

This establishes a new Nationality as an American for them, and a political status affiliated with The United States (which holds our National Soil Jurisdiction) and The United States of America (which represents all fifty States of the Union in international jurisdictions) as well as their newly adopted State. 

They are now finally and truly arrived in this country, and no longer kept eternally waiting in the Territorial vestibule. 

As soon as they have waited their year and a day as a Territorial U.S. Citizen and done their declaration, publication, and recording, several new choices rear their heads. 

They can choose to accept their American State National status and not do another thing. Such people owe no obligation to serve any government, and so long as they do no harm and are peaceable with their neighbors the only thing they owe the rest of us is to "keep the peace".  

This means opposing crime as well as not causing riots and similar disturbances.  

All Americans have a Public Duty to keep the peace, and all Americans have a duty to enforce the Constitution. 

That's it. 

Nobody, native born nor immigrant, is ever forced to join a State Assembly nor forced to serve as a State Citizen at all, but if they do join a State Assembly another choice becomes possible. 

People join initially as American State Nationals, becoming recognized as Virginians, Californians, and so on; depending on their own lives and circumstances, they may also qualify and choose to serve as an American State Citizen.  

As an American State National you are part of the General Assembly, sometimes called the General Public.  You get to vote on any public issues arising within the borders of your State and you can attend all public meetings and bring agenda items forward for discussion, and take part in picnics and educational programs and other activities. 

It's great fun and plenty of work to do, and most people with busy lives and families to raise are happy with this level of participation—- which involves no duty to serve other than keeping the peace, and participating as a Juror for the State Court, and if you are of an age and fitness to serve,  to join The State Assembly Militia.


Our customs, Laws and traditions require that an American State Citizen, which is the other possible choice, accepts and owes his duty and true allegiance to his State Government and only his State Government.  He or she agrees to serve The State Assembly and honor its best interests first, last, and foremost. 

State Citizens vote on issues that involve international and interstate issues impacting their State. They serve in Offices where security and privacy and financial duties accrue.  Our State Citizens contracted with the Federal Service Providers acting under each of the Federal Constitutions, and are specifically enabled to enforce the Federal Constitutions. 

State Citizens relinquish any Federal Citizenship obligations owed to the Queen, any Municipal citizenship obligations owed to the Pope's Municipal Government, and if they were immigrants initially, they also relinquish any lingering obligations to or loyalty for the country of origin they left behind. 

Here is where a rub can occur— when people want to serve their State in Offices that require them to act as State Citizens. 

Remember: to be a State Citizen you have to cut loose from all and any other political allegiances and citizenship obligations. 

In the case of new immigrants this involves declaring and recording their renunciation of all political ties with their former homeland and its government and also renouncing the U.S. Citizenship they acquired as part of the Naturalization process, and also the Municipal Government's conferred "citizenship of the United States". 

This can be done with a simple witnessed and recorded declaration to that effect and Notice sent to the United States Secretary of State and the original homeland's government Embassy. 

It should be borne in mind that some countries maintain that once you are part of their population you are always part of their population.  This is their choice and you can't change their policies, but as far as our country is concerned, all that matters is your choice to relinquish all and any obligations to your country of origin. 

So long as our new Americans are willing to forsake their former ties, we welcome them and their often fervent desire to serve their new homeland and uphold the best of our traditions for future generations. 

We do not prevent them from serving in State Offices or as State Citizens so long as these simple, practical measures are taken care of. 

The reason that we require these special steps is that State Citizens, acting on behalf of their State of the Union, and as members of delegations sent to our Congress, make decisions about their State's International and global affairs.  

Our Forefathers required the relinquishment of all other allegiances as part of their ever-present effort to avoid conflicts of interest.


The only other friction occurs when doctors, lawyers, real estate agents, insurance agents and other professionals honestly don't realize that their licenses impose Federal Dual Citizenship obligations on them. 

They can still enjoy all the pleasures of reclaiming their American State National status, and serve in positions that don't relate to international business.

Many professionals are shocked to learn that professional licenses and associations impact their political status and some may be frustrated that this keeps them from using their professional skills in some State Offices. 

There are numerous possibilities open to Americans caught in this hidden entrapment. 

The first and most obvious is to simply return all licenses and quit entangling professional obligations dictating foreign citizenship allegiances.


While this might at first glance appear impossible — remember that licensing pertains only to services rendered to members of the actual Federal citizenry— and if your private practice doesn't substantially depend on Federal Clients and your circumstances don't require you to work in a Federal facility like a VA Clinic, it may be possible to do without a license simply by changing your vocabulary and posting a Disclaimer requiring Federal citizenry to accept services at their own risk. 

Your professional cards and licenses are merely a stamp of approval from a commercial corporation allowing you to provide services to their employees and dependents. 

Medicine, law, banking, accounting and many other licensed or unionized professions are actually occupations of common right. 

The difference between an attorney and a counselor of law or a medical doctor and a private physician is one of jurisdiction and capacity that you are acting in— whether you are serving Federal clients or not. 

The third way to deal with this limitation is to simply wait until you retire.  You can then shed the Federal licenses and the unseen limitations that go with them. And still have plenty of insight, wisdom, and practical skill to share. 

We hope this explains —fully— what the issues are, why the limits exist, who is affected, and what to do about these limitations  if you wish to serve as a State Citizen and are bumping up against these unconscionable and unexpected restrictions. 

Please understand that these limits are in place for good reasons, and are not arbitrary, and are not being selectively applied to anyone. 

These very venerable requirements to function as a State Citizen — are, when you fully understand the reasons — very sensible restrictions put in place to prevent foreign influence and conflicts of interest. 

We have spent 160 plus years under the thumb of foreign and self-interested corporations that have pillaged and plundered our country and foisted off foreign citizenship obligations on us.  

They have done this as a tag team since 1937, using loopholes in each other's laws to entrap and prosecute and fleece unwary Americans, even in the face of such worthy Supreme Court decisions as Murdoch v Pennsylvania.  "No state (which includes "confederate states", "territorial states" and "municipal states") shall convert a right into a privilege and charge a fee therefrom...." 

We have both reason and right to enforce reasonable requirements when filling our State Offices. We are following the time-honored traditions of our ancestors and are not just making something up, or posing arbitrary obstacles, not black-balling immigrants or punishing attorneys. 

Now that the logic and reasoning behind it is fully explained it is my hope that everyone will pull together and find ways to help their State Assembly. There is plenty of work to do and each American has many skills that are needed. 

It should be noted that there are presently, in addition to our American State Assemblies, two different kinds of "district assemblies" present in this country.  These district assemblies are assemblies of British Territorial U.S. Citizens and Municipal "citizens of the United States", also known as "Fourteenth Amendment citizens".  

The fallacies and illegalities pertaining to the unratified "Fourteenth Amendment" have already been covered in other International Public Notices. 

Thank you for stepping up to restore freedom, enforce the Constitutional Guarantees, and protect all our futures against corporate meddling and self-interest as personified by the members of the World Economic Forum and also against power-grabs and overreach promoted by public employees and appointed bureaucrats, such as the various Federal Agencies and United Nations.  

Issued by: 

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America

In care of: Box 520994

Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 13th 2024 


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