By Anna Von Reitz
It's the Sunday before Christmas, when millions of Christians worldwide are thoughtlessly accepting and condoning and practicing their traditions --- happily enough --- without a second glance.
There is a need for that second glance.
Here's the story that the Bible tells us, that we are trying so hard to ignore.
The Bible uses the word "Elohim" meaning "gods" --- not "a" God, not "the" God. It literally and actually refers to multiple gods throughout its pages, but we are so stuck on the later concepts of monotheism and the idea of a Holy Trinity, that we don't stop and read what it actually says. We just gloss over the Bible. So we don't grasp the cautionary tale it tells us.
The Bible tells us that there are multiple gods, and Jesus tells us in parable, that when a man cleans his (mental, emotional, spiritual) house and throws out demons (addictions, evil beliefs, bad habits) if he doesn't fill his clean and now empty house with righteousness and love and the presence of the True God, even worse demons will come and take over his house.
Not only do we have to change (clean our house), we have to choose (the gods we invite to stay with us).
When a Chaldean (iraqi) named Abram standing firmly in the Age of Aries left the City of Ur in Babylon in the middle of the night, he had to choose. When Moses, also standing in the Age of Aries, found the Children of Israel turning backward to the worship of the Age of Taurus (cow worship), he threw down the tablets of the new law in frustration. He became the first lawbreaker, but in the end, he had to choose -- and trudge back up the mountain.
We all have to clean our house, but when we do, we have to choose.
This season, rightly or wrongly, in the modern world, is the season of new beginnings. We desperately need a new beginning this year.
There are many reasons why this is true, not the least of which is that the Age of Aquarius has dawned. New energies are pouring down on the Earth, not only from the Sun, but from new alignments in the Cosmos. The wishy-washy, dim, and illusory world of the Age of Pisces, together with its sensitivities and superstitions, is fading away.
The celestial "house" is being cleaned and cleared. We have to choose. Again.
Just as the Children of Israel needed to stop worshiping cows, we have to re-evaluate what we are worshiping and how.
Among the other ignored (maybe unpopular or scary) things the Bible teaches us is that the "other" gods that creep into a clean unoccupied house, represent a predictable Unholy Trinity, coming one after another, like a conga line of demons.
The first such "god" is Baal, the Possessor. He comes in and takes over and "possesses" your house. Whatever you had in your house before, he clears it out for his own use and settles down, causing you to forget your beliefs and standards of behavior, anything goes, everything is "relative", there is no right or wrong. This is Baal.
Next, comes his weird goddess friend, who has as many names as any confidence artist could wish for: Isis, Astate, Semiramis, Cybele, Ashtoreth, even Columbia, like the District of Columbia. She is a Hermaphrodite, embodying sex, sex, and more sex of all kinds. Typically, she appears in the female form but with combined characteristics -- Athena, Minerva, and Semiramis are all portrayed as women with minds like men. Her specialty in the demonic realm is to make sex a commodity for sale, or a sacrament for sale, or both; she is also famous as the inventor of all forms of idolatry, including the use of graven images (printed bills) and money (coinage).
Finally, we have the "son" of Baal and Ashtoreth, whose name is Mammon. Mammon is insatiable, always hungry, always greedy for more, more, more. Enough is never enough with Mammon, and so, he requires sacrifice. What he typically demands first is your time (income tax on labor) and next, your money (Federal Reserve Notes are substituted for the real thing), and finally, he wants your children (whether they are thrown into fiery furnaces, harvested for adrenochrome, or simply aborted).
This is what people in the Ancient World dealt with and knew very well, but centuries have intervened between us and the days when the temples of these gods were in full operation at Baalbek and Tyre and Sidon, at Delphi and Carthage, throughout the Mediterranean world, and as far west as Spain and Ireland and Cornwall.
The Romans suppressed these "gods" for a time after their conquest of Carthage, but they made the mistake of importing the conquered population as slaves and the priests of Cybele (Ashtoreth, Isis...) became the tax collectors for Caesar in the Second Century BCE.
From then on, the use of money became standardized and greatly expanded, and the Caesars were soon deeply in debt and dependent on the Moneychangers.
They also became increasingly sex-crazed and insane. Witness Nero, Caligula, and their brethren.
As for the Moneychangers, the priests of Cybele, called the Galli, they wore black robes and white wigs and often castrated themselves in honor of their goddess; on Feast Days of the Goddess, they wore women's clothing and danced in the streets and put on theater pageants like Punch and Judy shows using live actors. They are traditionally transvestites in honor of their hermaphrodite goddess.
They still wear black robes and white wigs in England. In various Lodges of Secret Societies they still dress up as women and "fill the boot" --- a reference to a particularly nasty and apparently satisfying sexual act that releases semen and urine at the same time.
Their first and long occupation of the western British Isles came by sea and resulted in the mixture of their odd religion with the native nature worship of the Isles and resulted in Druidism; much later, during the reign of Elizabeth the First, they came through the front door as a migrant theater company, The Merrie Men.
Today, we call them members of the Bar Association, Devils (in Scotland), Lawyers (Liars), and Attorneys (Overturners (of the Law)).
This is not hate-speech, as the vast majority of modern practitioners have no idea that they are the remnants of an ancient priesthood and only vaguely understand the showmanship and idolatry they employ and champion for a living.
We all, however, have to choose.
The Gospel of Relativism has been preached ever since the Civil War Mercenary Conflict (Baal entered) and has gradually eroded all standards of behavior. Coming right behind this collapse of conscience and honesty, we have seen the arrival of Ashtoreth ("The Statue of Liberty") on our shores, and in less than a hundred years, we have seen both sexual liberation and millions of babies sacrificed via legalized abortion --- and now, they are to be prevented entirely via genetic meddling.
In Babylon, Ashtoreth started the idea of temple prostitution, and this created a huge population boom (as well as vast wealth for the kingdom coffers), making babies both too plentiful and a burden on the economy, so then, the Perps had to find a way to get rid of all the unwanted babies via legalized murder as "religious" sacrifices. This is what was going on in the Valley of Hinnom.
These acolytes are so seduced, so myopic, so clueless that they continue on with this mentally disturbed meme to this very day, even though they have birth control. Only those at the very tip top of their ridiculous pyramid scheme know the historical context; however, by the time they get to the top of this particular pyramid, their leaders are so diseased, so insane, that they see no reason to stop it.
This, to them, is the only way the world works: sex, death, and idolatry. They are completely unprepared and unwilling to see things any other way.
We still have to choose.
If we want to live in peace, if we want the planet to survive, we have to throw the money changers out of our house, and see the idolatry for what it is. We have to see the perversions of the sexual impulse for what they are. We have to see the "priests" still collecting taxes and putting on theater skits in courtrooms. We have to tear down the Statue of Liberty (an idol of the Perverse Goddess and emblem her "religion" of Libertinism) and stop clinging to our chains. We have to expose the Secret Societies for what they are and have always been --- together with their "Worshipful Masters".
We have to realize what these men have been worshiping.
A new Age has dawned. What is old and ugly and false must pass away. We have to kick idolatry out of our temples. We have to dislodge the priests of The Father of All Lies from our courts. We have to dethrone sex as a public issue. And stop the sacrifice of our time, our money, and our babies.
Whether one defines the True God as an "ever-expanding morphogenic information field" or can only think of an old white-haired gentleman vaguely resembling someone's grandfather, we have to choose a new way of being and better things to believe in.
This is Due Notice of what has predictably happened and is happening as a result of letting a handful of deviants and power-mongers mold our beliefs and make our choices for us.
For ourselves and for our country, we object to all presumptions stemming from these deceitful men and their misrepresentations of us. We are not devotees of Baal, Ashtoreth and Mammon. They are.
The so-called Statue of Liberty was a "gift" from the Grand Lodge of the Freemasons in Paris, akin to the Trojan Horse. It isn't our symbol and she, with her oddly masculine face, is not our goddess; whatever light her torch offers is cast against a darkness that our own ignorance creates, and its dim, unsteady "light" is no match for courage, logic, and inspiration.
Let it stand upon these records and in the minds of men, that Americans cherish freedom, but liberty in the sense of the Libertines is not our aim.
We do not cherish immorality and cruelty and falsehood in the name of freedom, just as we do not tolerate the use of foreign "persons" as a fraudulent means to misaddress us and unlawfully convert our political identity and standing.
Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
December 22nd 2024
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