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Thursday, December 26, 2024

International Public Notice: Succinct Bad News on Christmas Day

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have, over the years, especially as regards our research of the trail of patent interests, detailed much of the information contained in this reposting of "From BAD to WORSE! BRACE YOURSELF for this...." from  OFF GRID with DOUG and STACY, which is itself a repost of a video clip of RFK, Jr., detailing how all this horrible criminality related to biowarfare--- and the recent pandemic---  developed. 

RFK, Jr., is not the only one who knows this and is not the only one sharing this information.  Look up the detailed insider information provided by Dr. Judy Mikovits, a loyal American and distinguished scientist, who has been repeatedly attacked and purportedly "discredited" --- while at the same time being upheld by the facts and having criminal charges dismissed.  

This is typical of what has gone on in this country for the past fifty years. 

People of integrity and goodwill toward humanity are the ones who have been attacked and "discredited" --- at least in the minds of their bought-and-paid-for attackers, and then, proven right, over and over again.  Pay attention.  

This is a pattern.  

When people like Judy Mikovits and Bryan Ardis (See: › free-patient-resources)    are attacked, commercial interests are involved and are acting against the Public Interest and in favor of their own bottom lines every single time we have had cause to investigate this phenomenon.  

This information (link below) about the modern (since World War II) history of biowarfare that is being presented by RFK, Jr.,  is available to the public and has been reported, especially in the Alternative Media for decades, but it is a rare day when anyone "puts it all together" in a simple, easy to follow seventeen-minute presentation with all the dots connected.  

We found this to be extraordinary enough to be well-worth republishing and sharing.  Please make it go viral and stop for a moment to think about how completely illegal, immoral, and unlawful all these actions and inactions by the CIA, NIH, FDA, CDC and other agencies and institutions have been.  

Millions of lives have already been lost and millions more put at risk because of the failures and crookedness of these agencies and the men and women running them.  

Not to mention the individuals like the infamous Anthony Fauci who took it all beyond common levels of bureaucratic corruption and deliberately laundered not only illegal appropriations of money for criminal purposes, but actively and purposefully evaded prohibitions adopted against bioweapons research.

Everyone who knew about any part of this vicious scheme and failed to report it and object to it, is an accomplice to capital crimes in violation of the Geneva Conventions.  

About Operation Paperclip which is mentioned in the RFK, Jr. video clip -- the Americans are often blamed for this program which imported Nazi scientists to this country and elsewhere after the end of World War II -- but it was actually the British-controlled OSS, Office of Special Services, not the CIA, that protected and imported many of the worst Nazi criminals to our shores.  

As usual, it was the Brits at the bottom of the dogpile, importing, protecting, and allowing Nazis to infiltrate the highest echelons of our scientific and academic communities. 

The institutions and agencies responsible for all of this from Operation Paperclip to today, need to be shut down.

We have heard the arguments: what about all the good work that these organizations have done over the years?  What about the important functions they are supposed to perform that benefit the public?  

Like most things, these agencies started off with good missions and good intentions.  Once upon a time, the Federal Bureau of Investigations was an honest front line resource in the fight against organized interstate crime.  Once, long ago, the Food and Drug Administration knew its job and did it.  Ditto the National Institutes of Health and the Center for Disease Control.  

These organizations all failed decades ago, and have continued on like zombies, bearing the same familiar names, but eaten alive from the inside out by successive waves of criminal administrators who have taken bribes, sold science-for-hire, redefined their service missions, and taken full advantage of the early positive reputations these organizations established for themselves as cover for their own nefarious activities. 

A close examination shows a checkered past for the Federal Bureau of Investigation and a long decline in recent decades, in which the agency has been politicized and misdirected, prevented from doing its traditional job and sidetracked into doing political and commercial  hits for corporate interests. 

The CDC stopped issuing unbiased reports and statistics over 35 years ago, and while it is worthwhile to tear apart what they have produced, it is even more noteworthy to look at what they haven't produced, all the obvious questions they haven't asked, all the statistics that were never developed, and the overall politicized slant the CDC applies to everything.  

The NIH also once performed admirable functions, but in the past 25 years it has become a catch-all for government-approved medical science profiteering, disinformation, money laundering, and evasion of the kind Anthony Fauci indulged in.  

Instead of protecting the Public Interest and holding scientists accountable, NIH has fostered a culture dependent on largesse from private corporations and allowed its scientists to patent discoveries and inventions for personal gain that have been developed using public money and public resources.  Part of Fauci's motivation was undoubtedly the millions of dollars in patent royalties that the pandemic allowed him to rake in. 

The same sort of history belongs to the Food and Drug Administration.  It started out strong as a watch-dog for public health  and has ended up as a hopelessly backward, corrupt, overworked, and politicized entity that panders unconditionally to the military and industrial interests it is supposed to oversee. 

This is how we get over 100,000 new man-made chemicals including "forever chemicals" like PFAS approved for use and distribution, including distribution in public water sources and commercial food kitchens and food packaging facilities. This is how we get boxes of hamburger patties and other meats clearly marked, "Not Fit for Human Consumption" being packed aboard U.S. Navy ships and fed to our sailors. 

If the Food and Drug Administration were functioning as it ought to, none of the above would be possible; it follows that the Food and Drug Administration is not only inept, but distinctly harmful in its current iteration.  

We are, for example, still suffering from the addition of fluoride, a known poison and industrial byproduct to our drinking water, decades after this practice was outlawed in Europe.  Fluoride causes the body to collect Aluminum, which later shows up in the plaques in the brains of Alzheimer's patients.  Alzheimer's was virtually unknown prior to the fluoridation of drinking water in this country; now, it affects one in five Americans.  Go figure. 

The FDA did nothing to protect the American Public from the experimental Covid-19 injections, growth hormones added to meat, addiction-producing chemicals added to tobacco and alcohol products, and numerous other failures antithetical to the Public Good. 

So why fund the FDA?  What good does it do? 

When these simple practical questions are applied to all of these failed and useless agencies, they fail the benefit / cost ratio test with monotonous regularity. 

No matter how worthy the intended purpose, it doesn't matter if, in the end result, that purpose is not realized. 

Shut them down.  Cut their funding.  Send the pink slips, now. 

We will find ways to get their intended jobs done, and it won't cost us billions of dollars and millions of lives, as the current system does. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 25th 2024


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