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Thursday, December 26, 2024

International Public Notice: A Different Point of View

 By Anna Von Reitz

The newspapers in Turkey are lauding the good behavior of the Turkish Government and Ben Fulford is, so far as we can see, hailing a resurgence of the Ottoman Empire --- an Empire that was doing just fine, thank you, until it was undermined by British and U.S. Corporation meddling, with help from the Roman Catholic Church. 

It was felt at the time that the predominantly Muslim but pluralistic Ottoman Empire was too populous, too successful, and too rich.  It was competing with Europe in many respects, and especially throughout Eastern Europe, was gaining significant inroads to the western marketplaces 

So the Usual Suspects plotted to, via murder, deceit, war, debt caused by war, and dishonest commercial dealings, destroy the Ottoman Empire.  

And, of course, steal the wealth of the Ottoman Empire.  And traffic their people into slavery of various kinds. And slander their victims after-the-fact. 

This is and was their playbook, then and now.  

They always portray themselves as the good and the honorable and peaceable, reasonable men, who have been put-upon by some monstrous foreign element, which they demonize to the best of their ability via manufactured news and political rhetoric.  

Nazi Germany is a good example of The Drill.  They insinuate a paid operative as the leader of the country--- a Hitler in the case of Nazi Germany, like a Zelensky in Ukraine.  As long as he goes along and does whatever they like, he's "Uncle Adolph".  The moment he buys into his own rhetoric and is seduced by the lure of freedom and nationalism, then, he's a madman, a devil, a paper-hanger.  

After the fact, they lie and show the mass graves of German POWs, especially the Rhineland Meadows atrocity promoted by Eisenhower, as the graves of Jewish POWs instead. 

The truth is that the Jews, homosexuals, and Bible Students (Jehovah's Witnesses) and political dissenters persecuted by the Nazis were killed and buried throughout the years of the war, and they were worked to death first.  So the massive graves that are most often displayed by the tabloids are primarily artifacts of the end of the war on both sides, as the Nazis sought to clear out the camps and destroy the evidence, and as the Allies captured skeletal German soldiers and did the same thing. 

While they were advertising the Death Camps and "shocking the world", they were doing the same things, using the same facilities, even, to murder German POWs, and covering up their own atrocities under the False Cover Story that all these corpses were Jews killed by the Evil Nazis. 

Observing the way these people operate, we should not be surprised to learn that they are now backing the Turkish incursions into Syria and Lebanon --- and no doubt, Iran, too --- using the Turkish mercenaries to create a "New Ottoman Empire".  

The Turks are being used as a paid storefront the same way the Americans have been used as a paid storefront.  Usually, it's the Brits who finance such efforts, but this time, they've been under too much scrutiny, so Pope Francis has had to do a little end run and funnel the money through the Eastern hegemony of the Church. 

They will own both the New Ottoman Empire and "the State of Israel, Inc." and run both for their benefit, using local front men and corporations to run the whole operation, but they will try to sell this to us as the best thing since sliced bread, a grand return of national governments working together to create a new basis for peace in a war-torn region of the world. 

This, after they destroyed the home-grown Ottoman Empire, and now seek to replace it with their own foreign, incorporated, and thoroughly controlled version.  

Romano-British colonialism, elitism, and deceit at its finest; and, of course, Erdogan wants both the backdoor money and the credit for being the "savior".  

We are cynically sitting here this Christmas Day, wondering who they are selecting as their favorite scapegoats right now, with respect to their activities in this country.  Will they try to convince us that all this evil has been done by the Democrats?  Or aliens from outer space? 
Or some ancient and evil cult, which has somehow managed to survive among us for centuries without detection?  Or the down-trodden conservatives --- all the normal people who fill the ranks of MAGA?  

How will they explain away their own complicity?  

They've had Hollywood ginned up and working non-stop for five years on their "movie" --- all geared to demonize whichever scapegoat(s) they choose, and this narrative designed to fool the masses and traumatize them at the same time, will reliably blame the victims, because that is what these monsters always do.  

They always meet on Christmas Day to discuss these kinds of things.  

It is always while everyone else is distracted by holidays and on vacation, that these rats do their worst.  That's why we've sponsored Rat Watch since 1963.

If we believe their movie, we will be feeling gratitude toward the men who are responsible for the mess, lauding them as heroes, when all this evil happened on their watch.  

They are counting on us being so scared and horrified by their movie that we forget about that little fact. 

They also want us to forget that the only plausible way all these tunnels and underground facilities have been built and connected, is via the $30 trillion-plus that is missing from their own budgets. 

With a little fairy dust and a lot of CGI technical dubbing and plenty of experience making horror movies, they hope to bypass our logic circuits one more time.  

And keep us from asking, "Where were you from 1863 to 2016?" 

It's crucial that we ask that question and face the answer. 

Without asking that question, we just wind up getting sucked into the raging blivet all over again, non-stop and no real changes. 

"The United States of North America, Inc." equals our part of their pre-planned "North American Union".  

The "Quantum Financial System" (QFS) = their rigidly controlled digital surveillance system and abusive control of everyone's finances and buying decisions. 

They are going to try to scare the bejeezus out of us and make us feel so very grateful to them for "saving" us, at the same time they offer their solution to the problems they created.  And, of course, it's only their solution on the table. 

The truth is that Trump and the Parties and Principals he represents, are complicit.  They are a big part of the problem.  They have worked this system as mercenaries for over a hundred years, and lied to the American people the entire time.  

So don't lose sight of the facts no matter what the hype.  

Donald Trump and Elon Musk are right on track to foist off the blame for the criminality, slide us into the "North American Union" regional government scheme, cinch down a grossly monopolistic control and surveillance grid that is 100% unauthorized and contrary to the principals of The Constitution of the United States of America, and play a digital version of "Yankee Doodle Dandy" the whole time. 

Are we going to go along with this like nice, manipulated little sheep?  Or are we going to tell them to shove the veiled threat implied by their "ten days of darkness" --- WTH?  Who gave them authority to turn off our lights?  

Who gave Donald Trump or any other "President" of the United States, Incorporated, the authority to issue and rule by "Executive Orders"?  

Anyone see any reference to "Executive Orders" in The Constitution of the United States?   Was any such practice ratified by the actual States of the Union?   No?   

Why are we even bothering to talk about such things, when it is self-evident that these yahoos have been usurping against their Employers in gross violation of their service contracts for over a hundred years ---- and getting away with it, by a practice of secrecy, silence, omission, non-disclosure, and deceit?  

There is no reason in the world for anyone to trust these organizations nor these individuals nor their "Plan". 

Everything they say has to match what they do, and everything they do has to match the limitations laid down in the Constitutions. Donald Trump violated that measure of their merit by participating (with gusto) in the pandemic genocide that has thus far claimed 31 million innocent and trusting lives. 

As Ronald Reagan famously said, "Trust but verify."  

Look at the facts and don't be deceived.  What passes for the American Military has been in control of this carnival since 1863.  

They don't get a free pass and they shouldn't just be trusted in view of their past complicity and tolerance for all the evils they are now busily throwing under the bus with one hand, and pushing forward with the other.  

The whole "United States of North America" proposal should be recognized at an attempt to impose United Nations' style regional government, per the North American Union ---- another travesty that President George W. Bush had no authority to sign. 

The Quantum Financial System has been rigged up with the participation of the Chinese Government and they propose to run this rigidly invasive surveillance and control program under the Chinese "social merit" system used in China.  It was developed by the CIA at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and code-named "Crimson Gate".  

It's a Crimson Gate, all right --- a portal right up our bums and into our back pockets.  Chairman Mao might be very pleased, but not the American Government. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 25th 2024


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