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Monday, December 2, 2024

International Public Notice: The Federal Reserve and QFS

 By Anna Von Reitz

The so-called "Federal Reserve", a consortium of private banks involved in loaning the British Territorial U.S. Government money, existed long prior to the Civil War and merely came to the forefront (again) when the British Territorial corporation doing business as "the United States of America, Incorporated" went bankrupt under Lincoln in 1863.  

The U.S. Army began doing business in its own right and borrowed money from the Federal Reserve beginning in 1863 and through 1913, when the replacement corporations it started during and after the Civil War collapsed in bankruptcy. 

There is a reason that the Great War started in 1913 and the Federal Reserve Act passed in 1913.  The Federal Reserve was willing to continue loaning the British Territorial U.S. Government money based on their claims to own and control our assets, even though it was an illegal occupation of our country by men and women who owed (and still owe) us good faith service--- but the Fed wanted a monopoly in return.

The Federal Reserve Act just formalized a pre-existing corrupt relationship and protected the Federal Reserve monopoly. 

As we have always observed, none of the evils visited on this country and its people would have been possible without the complicity of the central banks, and in particular, the Federal Reserve.  If the Federal Reserve hadn't been willing to loan the U.S. Army money based on their claims against their employers and their employer's assets, the U.S. Army would have been forced to admit the circumstance and assist us in holding new public elections. 

The Federal Reserve is what expedited the "horse getting the bit in its teeth" and careening down the road for 150-years of mercenary profiteering and war-for-profit activities at the expense of the American people---- and everyone else in the world.  

Just look at the situation we face today, in which "our" military subcontractors have expanded their operations to over 950 bases worldwide and provided national defense for all seventeen of the countries occupied by the Allies in World War II for the past 78 years --- and forced 96% of the cost of doing this on the American people.

We've paid Norway's defense bills, England's defense bills, France's defense bills, Germany's defense bills.... 

This is the same mercenary-military that has "lost" an estimated $25 Trillion dollars worth of budgeted funding in the past 20 years and which has failed its fiscal audit at least seven times, with no accountability to the American people who have paid for it all.  

Without the Federal Reserve, none of this would have been possible. The IRS wouldn't have been possible.  The seeming "interregnum" of our American Government wouldn't have been possible.  The illegal confiscation of American land and property assets wouldn't have been possible. Inflation wouldn't have been possible. 

It was all made possible by the Federal Reserve loaning endless money to the U.S. Army as credit "on our account", and then profiting itself on the spoils the U.S. Army gained from all this "investment" in their illegal plundering and confiscation activities as an undeclared mercenary force. 

Imagine a drunk and a bartender acting in collusion: the drunk gets all the booze he can order and the bartender supplies it by charging it off on the bill of another customer, who just happens to have the same name as the drunk.  

That's what they've been doing here and getting away with, for the last sixteen decades. 

Please read the following reposted article, keeping in mind that the "National Debt" being referenced is the debt accrued by the British Territorial U.S. Government, which has been trading on our assets and good names and abusing our Title IV Flag to engage in war profiteering without our knowledge: 

None of these evils would have been possible without the Federal Reserve's willingness to seize upon our assets as collateral and extend our credit to these foreign Federal Subcontractors. Here's another good reposted article to whet your whistle and give you insight into the workings of this banking monopoly:

The Federal Reserve went so far as to patent its "system" and trademark it --- and bankrupt this separate municipal entity in 2009 following the Big Short on Wall Street as a scapegoat.   

In this way, they cheated several large "National Association" member banks and we wound up with JP Morgan operating as "THE FEDERAL RESERVE" and Chase Bank operating as "THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD OF GOVERNORS". 

The special relationship between the U.S. Mercenary-Military and the Federal Reserve goes back a long way.  They couldn't have made it this far without assisting each other and providing mutual flak jackets along the way, but when the chips are really down, as they are now, who can the military throw under the bus and blame? 

The Federal Reserve. 

Oh, yes, the Federal Reserve did all these terrible things.  It's all true. They have been a crooked monopoly interest.  They have profited from war.  They have illegally confiscated American property.  They have manipulated the currency and the stock market for their own advantage. They have embezzled trillions out of America for the benefit of largely European interests.  They've engineered a system of "private direct taxation" which is illegal and unconstitutional as hell. They've used unconscionable contracts foisted off on babies to do it.
They've promoted "lawfare" against the American people and used undisclosed private corporate tribunals to do it. 

All this is true.  The deceitful part is that the U.S. "Military", now pretends that it didn't know this was going on. 

They not only knew, they benefited themselves from it; they acted in purposeful collusion with the Federal Reserve and operated the direct private taxation system and foreign court system that wrung the pennies and gold wedding rings off the fingers of American war widows.  

The British Territorial U.S. Government and its corporations including the U.S. Army, Inc., and the U.S. Air Force, Inc., and the U.S. Marine Corps, Inc., and the U.S. Navy, Inc. all benefited themselves like pigs in slop as a direct result of the Federal Reserve. 

Together, these corporations have illegally occupied our country and have pillaged and plundered the American people and used our resources under conditions of deceit to pillage and plunder other innocent civilian populations worldwide. 

Those are facts, ma'am.  The Brits responsible got a taste of it from enslaving the British working class and using them as chattel to fund the Raj in India. So they just played the same song again in The United States, the Commonwealth, and ultimately, throughout Europe and Japan.  Right now, they and their allies in Israel are proposing to chew their way across the Middle East -- and we are saying, no. 

We are saying these guys aren't our guys.   

We are saying they don't have a contract to do anything related to us, except what is clearly stated in The Constitution of the United States of America, which provides for the defense of our country.  And nothing else. 

What the present situation amounts to, is that these corporate Beneficiaries of the Federal Reserve, have found new sources of funding in China and the Middle East and elsewhere.  Those sources are pushing the "Quantum Financial System" to replace the Federal Reserve. 

So they are busily throwing the Federal Reserve under the bus as their scapegoat and pushing "Operation Crimson Gate" on us, instead. 

And the real problem, rogue corporations operating as mercenary forces in collusion with centralized banks, and all under color of law, still hasn't been addressed. 

From the standpoint of the victims, it's a choice between chocolate-flavored pig feces and raspberry-flavored pig feces. The Perpetrators do a little razzle-dazzle with one hand, while deftly moving the shell with the other hand.  

The solution to the evil Federal Reserve System, we are told by the same men who profited themselves via the Federal Reserve System, is now the QFS.  

We are supposed to believe them and go along with it and trust them to operate a system that can arbitrarily identify and target each one of us and deny us access to banking services worldwide. By contract. 

They propose that each and every one of us will have to contract for services with their QFS under conditions of non-disclosure, in order to receive back a small portion of our purloined inheritance. 

This is analogous to the robbers giving back one percent of what they have stolen and calling it "good", claiming that their debts are all settled, and we are all fine with it, and let's move on. 

We are not fine with it and we don't agree with the "Quantum Financial System" --- and we are not deceived.  We are not volunteering to participate in QFS; we are being coerced without full disclosure to participate in the QFS. 

And now you know why we don't trust and won't accept the QFS Offer.  QFS would have to be run by different parties and control of QFS would have to be in the hands of non-political civilian authorities who are accountable to the public. 

Failing that, QFS is just the Federal Reserve on Speed.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 2nd 2024


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