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Tuesday, December 3, 2024

International Public Notice: Monopoly Inducement is a Crime

 By Anna Von Reitz

It is well-known that monopoly inducement -- compelled use of a product or service that is monopolized -- is both illegal and unlawful.  

Essentially, a producer or service provider establishes a monopoly interest or simply monopolizes access to goods or services that are otherwise freely available, and then forces consumers to use their product or service or go without something that is essential to the consumer's well-being.  

For example, people can choose not to chew gum, but they can't live without consuming salt.  If salt supplies are monopolized or access to salt is monopolized, monopoly inducement exists, and the consumer cannot reasonably avoid participating in the monopoly.  

When it is an essential product or service being monopolized, or access to a vital product or service is being monopolized, it results in monopoly inducement. 

The United States Postal Service is an example of a legalized monopoly sanctioned by the same government corporation that runs the United States Postal Service.  

Many utility companies also enjoy a legalized monopoly within a service area; consumers typically can't choose among several electrical service providers or natural gas companies.  If they need electrical service, or access to natural gas,  they are stuck with whichever company is operating in their service area. 

The Bar Associations have a de facto monopoly on the court system and control the supply of attorneys;  and the American Medical Association enjoys a similar monopoly on the supply of doctors and access to physicians in this country. 

These occupations of common right have been monopolized and controlled by members of a foreign guild system and this has been imposed by private corporations that are in fact self-interested governmental services providers, and not our government at all. 

In the same way, the Federal Reserve System has enjoyed a legalized monopoly imposed by subcontractors of our government, and so has the so-called "SWIFT" system, which has controlled access to banking transactions. 

These same Bad Actors have limited consumer's banking options to Maritime Banks of Commerce and Credit Unions that are controlled by private corporate regulatory agencies that also operate under color of law. 

Banking is thus another occupation of common right that has been largely monopolized both in terms of the service itself and in terms of access to the service. If you don't want to transact business in Maritime jurisdiction or function as a commercial entity, you have no other readily available choice.  

The Perpetrators have formerly excused this situation by claiming that we could form our own international trade banks and commercial banks and have simply failed to do so; now that we have chartered our own banks and directed our employees to transfer our assets to our own banks, they are attempting to obstruct their employers, who are also the presumed "donors" of all public trust assets and private estate assets that these Con Men control as Executors de Son Tort. 

Licensing and credential requirements established by private foreign-owned corporations in the business of providing government services, have been used to establish these pernicious foreign monopolies, and has also led to consumers acting under conditions of monopoly inducement every time they go to a court, use bank services or need a physician. 

This is in gross violation of the Federal Constitutions and British Territorial U.S. Federal Code and is deceitful under Roman Civil Law, as this purportedly "voluntary" licensing converts a common right into a privilege which the victim has to pay for and creates undisclosed citizenship obligations. 

This foreign licensing scam also promotes monopoly inducement, as the Bar Associations, AMA, and Maritime Banks of Commerce have legalized monopolies as franchises of the guilty parent corporations operating out of the District of Columbia.  This situation has already been adequately addressed by the U.S. Court System in Murdoch v Pennsylvania: "No state shall convert a right into a privilege...." but the Perpetrators are evading justice by claiming that their victims aren't Americans, or if they are, they have waived their political birthrights and estates in favor of subjection as British Territorial U.S. Citizens or as Municipal "citizens of the United States".  

These claims rest on unconscionable contracts palmed off onto the victims of this unlawful conversion ruse by corporate employees acting under color of law. This occurs when the victims are still babies in their cradles, and could not possibly consent to the waiver of their estates and birthrights as Americans.  As this conversion occurs without full disclosure to the parents, either, the resulting citizenship contract is a constructive fraud, null and void from inception.  

This phony birth registration process and multiple other adhesion contracts, such as "voter registration" contracts, have all been created and exercised under conditions of non-disclosure.  They are all null and void, the implements of self-interested constructive fraud.

The proposed replacement for the Federal Reserve System, which is being called the Quantum Financial System, also leads to monopolization of banking services and monopoly inducement. 
Consumers are being forced to contract with the new version of the old evil, in order to have access to bank services and also in order to receive back a portion of the money they are owed. 

This combination of monopoly and incentivized monopoly inducement is simply crime on steroids.  

The people are not being told that they are owed large amounts of assets and prepaid credit, both.  The people are being entrapped in commercial services obligations that are also undisclosed and being set up as victims of a non-disclosure racket.  

There are multiple targets involved: the perpetrators aim at obtaining free samples of individual DNA, which they will claim an ownership interest in and exploit to the detriment of the victims; they will claim that the victims agreed to use their banking system exclusively, but that won't be fully disclosed, either; they will claim that as each victim comes forward to receive their "free" money, they have accepted this arbitrary amount as settlement of the debts that the undisclosed private corporations operating under color of law actually owe to them.  

When you realize that average Americans are often owed billions of dollars-worth of prepaid credit, the ridiculousness of supposing that they would willingly settle this debt for $100,000.00 is self-evident. 

Americans simply aren't being told, and are instead being entrapped into these suppositions under conditions of non-disclosure.  

The Principals responsible have been trying to hide behind a fusillade of legal fiction entities --- foundations, trusts, even cooperatives and limited liability partnerships --- but the fact remains that none of these entities are authorized to operate unlawfully in this country or any other country of record.  

By establishing a banking monopoly, these Perpetrators also hope to establish a monopoly on international exchange access, and force Americans to exchange foreign currency they invested in under conditions of monopoly inducement.  

For example, an American invests in a foreign government gold bond, but in order to exchange that gold bond for domestic currency that the American can spend, they are being forced to surrender the foreign gold bond to these Perpetrators, who then negotiate the exchange and give back between 10 and 20% to the American investor -- keeping 80% - 90% for themselves.  

This is gross unjust enrichment for the Perpetrators of this scheme, who are seeking both to avoid paying any reasonable settlement for their debts, and also seeking to illegally restrict access to international currency exchanges and by this monopolistic restriction of access, coercing the victims to give up to 90% of their investment value. 

These are criminal acts being pursued by international and global corporations and their employees, who are all here in this country under the provisions of The Residence Act, and who all owe the victims "good faith service".  

This gross privateering by the Principals and their Agents against a peaceful people who did them no harm and who served as their faithful allies through two World Wars is a affront to common decency and clearly demonstrates the criminal intent and nature of those governments and their corporate agents that have engaged in these and other activities seeking to defraud the living people of this Earth.

We call for the immediate cessation of the offensive activities of these governments including pollution of the air jurisdiction with radiation, pollution of the Earth via chem trail activity, pollution of food and water sources -- both animal and human, biowarfare and secretive theft of DNA and intellectual assets, and all monopoly and monopoly access activities and illegal issuance of patents for criminal products and processes. 

We explicitly express our trust and request and require that all Americans born in or naturalized within the borders of this country and now living here or abroad, are immediately recognized as living people with all rights and prerogatives intact, and for all corporate entities and assets that naturally belong to us, including but not limited to substantive property and intellectual assets incorrectly held in public trusts and in foreign trusts generally and also offshore trusts in the United States Possessions, to be returned to the ownership of the lawful American Government and the individual living people to whom these assets belong. 

We are not incompetent; we were left misinformed and uninformed by self-interested and deceitful Parties who owe us "good faith service". 

This is a Public and International Notice of Crime in Motion and Notice of Personal and Commercial Liability; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals, Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 3rd 2024


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