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Monday, September 30, 2024

International Public Notice: Scalper Warning

 By Anna Von Reitz

Remember when the British Territorial U.S. Government offered a "bounty" on scalps?  The victims often died of infection, if they weren't already dead.  This barbaric practice was blamed on the Native Americans, but no, this was brought to us by the British Government.  

Their Tories are at it again, just a different venue. 

"Just buy this $100 Trillion Zim Bond, and you can cash it in for 10% of its face value when the RV comes!"  

According to many sources, the RV is coming on October first. 

We have a question for everyone.  If Zim bonds are actually worth $100 T, why would you sell them for only 10% of their face value?  

Why wouldn't you return them to the Zimbabwean Government and its Central Bank and recoup the full value exchange rate?  

You would if you had a bank competent to negotiate the transaction for you---- and didn't have to depend on British Scalper Agents to do it for you.  

When you cash in your Zim Bonds using British Scalpers, they get 80-90% of the profit.  

When you cash in your Zim Bonds using your own International Trade Bank, The Global Family International Trade Bank, you keep the whole amount, minus a small service fee. 

And it's all above board.  No skulking around.  No "Non-disclosure Agreements" that are designed to protect the Scalpers.  No urgent time limits.  

It's just a currency exchange like any other currency exchange. 

And now that Americans have their own bank that is chartered and competent to exchange asset-backed money, there's no reason you can't do it yourself.  No need to pay Scalpers a huge commission. 

If you have Zim Bonds and you already have declared your birthright political status as Americans and already have an account with our Bilateral Bank, you'd be a fool to give British Scalpers 80-90% of your investment.  

The unjust enrichment these people and their ugly war-mongering  corporations stand to receive instead of you, and the entire process by which you have been misinformed about the RV and entrapped to use their "services" is nothing less than criminal.  

They've made their fortunes by misleading, misrepresenting, and defrauding Americans, and here they are, trying to steal your ticket and capture a gross portion of your Zim receipts on top of it. 

Even people who have Zim bonds and haven't yet set up their Bilateral bank accounts with Global Family can afford to wait, set up their account, and cash out at their convenience.  No pressure. 
No headlong rush.  

After all, what's a few more days, if you get to keep darn near the total amount, and keep 80-90% from going to criminals?  

Those who are "done with evil" know what I am saying.  Letting the Scalpers get away with their scheme will just re-empower the Beast System. 

It's time to put the Beast down like a rabid dog.  

No more money for war and coercion, violence, scarcity, and greed.  

The only kind of "central bank" we want is one that minds its business, stays clean, and doesn't do politics.  That's why we have chartered the Global Family banks and the reason we encourage everyone to use them. 

This is your world, your money, your resources, your credit.  You are the true intrinsic value giving value back to Creation.  So think twice before you hand a Scalper the Lion's share of your Zim bond investments. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 28th 2024


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