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Monday, September 30, 2024

International Public Notice: Food Supplies Are Contaminated Worldwide

 By Anna Von Reitz

Again, the United Nations is proving to be a useless and failed organization, which has done nothing substantial to address the actual problems. 

The Book of Isaiah lays out the Israelite war plan against their captors; they would subtly pollute the water and the bread and thereby undermine the health and sanity of their masters. 

Today, how do you pollute the water?  By adding iron to it.  And chlorine. And fluoride. 

How do you pollute the bread?  And, turn it into an addictive substance?  See here: 

It's not the wheat that makes it addictive; no, it's the destructive processing that leaches out any food value from the flour and the unseen additives that these self-serving criminals have been allowed to add to the flour and bread products.  

Addiction sells.

It's the same way with tobacco.  Natural tobacco is not addictive.  Dr. Bryan Ardis has proved that beyond question.  No, it's additives to tobacco ---that the goons at the FDA have allowed--- that make tobacco and tobacco products addictive. 

Those artificially addictive tobacco products regulated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, provide the foreign incorporated "Federal Government Service Providers" billions of dollars in sin taxes every year, at the expense of our health and pocketbooks. 

One wonders what they are adding to the beer, wine, and hard liquor to make these regulated products artificially addictive, too?  

Many years ago we observed the preternatural lifespan of the typical soft white bread being sold in this country; it could sit on a shelf for six months with no apparent changes, no bacteria would touch it. 
So neither would we. 

Government regulation has not served to protect the public and has instead been used to harm the public in favor of the government coffers.  The hypocrites have posted health warnings on tobacco packages at the same time their FDA Regulators have allowed the tobacco companies to add addictive pyridines to the tobacco. 

The monsters have even managed to pollute the basic foodstuffs of the planet by introducing GMO crops that produce their own pesticides and herbicides at the cellular level --- all without anyone asking --- if this can kill Rice Weevil, can it also kill us? 

The original idea behind giving the Federal Government regulatory power over the interstate manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms, was to provide our Subcontractors with a means to collect revenues from these activities to support themselves.  

These so-called "sin" taxes were also supposed to discourage the spread of bad habits and limit access to means of violence. 
Good intentions and the road to hell go hand in hand, when the intent is not enforced, and the Regulators are bought off. 

America is by far not the only country impacted by this.  Germany has suffered as much and more than we have, thanks to the presence of I.G. Farben, Bayer --- and now, Monsanto as a subsidiary of Bayer, creating destructive chemical products and byproducts. 

Via the U.S. and Germany, the rest of the world has been impacted, too, by the gross and irresponsible proliferation and release of new chemical substances, reckless disposal of industrial byproducts, and manipulative profiteering.  

In England, the vast majority of water sources are still polluted from Roman times, when the Romans stuffed tons of iron ore into wells and water courses.  

What are our governments supposed to do?  Protect the people and their assets.  What is the only purpose and reason to have a government?  Protect the people and their assets.  What are we paying all these "service companies" for?  To protect the people and their assets. 

This may be a newsflash to the Federal Corporations and their bosses as well as many other quasi-governments around the world, but we do not employ them to addict us to poisons, pollute our world, and undermine our health, so that they can sell us expensive "health care" and Green New Deals to fix the problems they have created. 

We are calling for an immediate worldwide ban on all manufactured products containing additives that promote addiction.  

If the United Nations is worth the salt to blow it to Hell and back, it can do the same. 

Better yet, countries and governments that actually care about the people of this planet can join us as part of our Round Table.  

This pollution of food supplies worldwide is a deliberate and evil manipulation violating the Universal Law of Free Will, one which causes immediate harm to the victims, and unjust enrichment for the criminals responsible.  

We are warning and encouraging store managers to select and sell only products that are free of this tampering.  We are encouraging our people to boycott entire industries until these issues are addressed, and recommending that until further notice, we all eat Kosher products and simple non-processed organic produce, dairy, eggs, and meat. 

We are not suggesting that the Jewish people in our communities are responsible for the broad ranging abuses that have developed in the food and drug and agricultural industries since the Second World War.  This is simply to say that until the worse-than-worthless FDA is replaced and these industries are cleaned up, Kosher food is the safest food on Earth.  We can all benefit from higher dietary nutrition and manufacturing standards. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 28th 2024


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