By Anna Von Reitz
Numerous countries have now joined the outcry against the mRNA genocide, with the Philippines being the latest important voice raised:
The question is no longer one of whether or not the mRNA injections were harmful, indeed, devastating, but who is responsible and how to punish them?
Short answer: Out of control commercial corporations were and are responsible.
These corporations which are supposed to be contractors providing "essential government services" to us have instead undermined and usurped against their Employers and pretended to be the government instead of government services providers.
Those who own and operate these corporations are directly and personally and 100% commercially liable for the harm these corporations and their personnel have done.
Their misadministration has led to a worldwide situation equivalent to the British Raj in India --- the American Raj in America, the English Raj in England, the French Raj in France, and so on.
This has led to the promotion of a form of Corporate Feudalism that was first imposed by the British South Africa Company in South Africa and later spread to India and worldwide.
Corporations can act as custodians of actual assets, but cannot own actual assets belonging to a country.
So, these Corporate Usurpers have insinuated themselves as caretakers, custodians, stewards, public trustees.... and then, they have breached these positions of trust for profit and coercive power.
It boils down to Gross Breach of Trust and Violation of Service Contracts by Corporations and Corporate Managers.
In this country, we were betrayed by the UNITED STATES, INC., which was operated by the Holy Roman Empire Successors, and by the United States of America, Incorporated, aka, USA, Inc.
In the British Isles, the people were betrayed by Great Britain, Inc. and the UK, INC.
In Australia, the people were betrayed by Australia, Inc. and AUSTRALIA, INC.
The same pattern and template was used worldwide.
Now we must all come to terms with this situation and begin disciplining these corporations and the corporate managers responsible.
This can be done peacefully and lawfully, but the owners and shareholders of these corporations must be brought to bay -- and that means the British King, the Pope, and the Lord Mayor of the Inner City of London.
Two out of three have attempted to change the jurisdiction and even the nature of their Offices in order to avoid cleaning up their Mess. Prince Charles was not crowned as the King of anything material, and was instead crowned as His Imperial Majesty, an office in the Jurisdiction of the Air; and Pope Francis was recently given a survival office as "Patriarch of the West".
These evasions by people who owe good faith service and due diligence have only made the problems worse.
They have failed to control their own creations and have left it up to our military to sort things out; but our military has a hammer-nail mentality. They have a hammer, so everyone and everything else must be a nail for them to drive and use and destroy.
Their only expertise in law is Admiralty Law, and the answers are not to be found in Admiralty Law.
The problem lies in abused Admiralty Law, which has led to widespread Unlawful Conversion of assets; the solution lies in International Land Law, which can be used to Lawfully Convert and repatriate control of the same purloined assets to the actual owners.
This, Lawful Conversion, is a white-collar correction that is relatively painless and easy to apply, but it is as foreign to British sailors (and their attorneys) as an inland desert.
So the purported British "King" and the Patriarch of the West have: (1) left the Perpetrators of the crimes in charge; (2) expected the Perpetrators to have the solution to the problem they created; (3) and the only solution the Perpetrators know is war, war, and more war-for-profit.
The Perpetrators have been engaged in Illegal "war", that is, mercenary "war" that is not dignified by the Law of War, or Law of Peace, for more than a century and a half without detection.
So now, these corporations realize their vulnerability and the incorporated Courts do, too.
The blowback is coming at us from "privatized" government corporations like the Department of Justice, Inc. and the Department of Defense, Inc., the FBI, Inc., etc., which have no more authority or standing in Law than Dairy Queen, Inc. and which all have no right to impersonate or misaddress us.
Much less dictate our health choices and spend our credit "for" us.
A hard and fast distinction must be made between people and corporations named after people.
Laws and legal presumptions designed for corporations cannot be applied to people.
And people cannot be deceitfully denigrated to the level of corporate franchises for administrative convenience.
This pervasive ignorance and breach of trust has to end.
We are ordering the Lawful Conversion of all U.S. and United States franchises named after people born on our soil who are not currently and directly employed by either corporation.
We are also ordering the removal of all Legal Presumptions related to or based upon the use of the Cadastral Survey as collateral; like other land descriptions, the Cadastral Survey is a separate asset apart from the land and is not equivalent to the land itself.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
July 19th 2024
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