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Friday, July 19, 2024

International Public Notice: So What?

 By Anna Von Reitz

This past week we have openly told people that the British Territorial Government staffed by U.S. Citizens has taken over the functions of the Municipal Government and all remaining "Administrative Departments and Agencies".   

We announced this to explain the odd changes that people are bound to notice and the equally odd disruptions of some services as the hidden extra fail-safe "government" comes into view. 

Since 1937, we have been paying for government redundancy --- two of everything, run by two different corporations based in the District of Columbia.  

The British Territorial entity known as "the United States of America, Incorporated, has been running their set of departments and agencies under names spelled out like this: the Department of Defense (Incorporated), the Department of Homeland Security (Incorporated), the Department of Justice (Incorporated), the Federal Bureau of Investigation(Incorporated), and so on....

The Holy Roman Empire Subcontractor known by various iterations as the United States, Incorporated, meanwhile provided the civilian services through a mirrored operation identified by acronyms:  DOD, DHS, DOJ, FBI, etc.  

Both of our foreign subcontractors had their own entire set of "federal" departments and agencies, ostensibly to serve their own citizenry--- however, their own citizenry accounts for less than 25 million people altogether, combined.  

As Americans and people around the world have picked up on the British Raj Scam and the Registration Scam and the Birth Certificate Scam and all the evil, coercive, corrupt, and self-interested crime that has been foisted off on the people of this country and many other countries, too, the military government that has always been running things in the background -- ever since 1863, and it has finally been forced out of the closet. 

While they are carrying on about "continuance of government", we ask "Whose government would that be?" 

The "government" that the U.S. Military has been providing since 1863 has been hired by the British Monarchs and Popes to asset strip this country and use its people as cheap and unwitting mercenaries in literally hundreds of wars for profit.  And the U.S. Military has gone right along with this, happy as pigs in slop. 

This foreign "government" which has finally come out of the closet, isn't the American Government; it's a British Territorial (Tory) Substitute, still operating as a Corporation, still staffed by U.S. Citizens, and so far as we can see, it's as misdirected as ever. 

In token of that, the announcement of their take-over and the removal and de-fanging of the Municipal Contractors, wasn't made to the American People that these Corporations owe "good faith service" to --- no, it was announced at a NATO Summit, instead, just as Benjamin Fullford noted this past week: 

Meanwhile, they are still focused on trying to "inhabit" our vacant Federal Republic and use that as an excuse to carry on their business as usual, right under the noses of the now-finally awakening American Public.  

It hasn't quite occurred to them yet that we have an American Government and have always had an American Government--- their actual Employer, that they have lied to, sought to unlawfully convert, politically undermined, conspired against, and evaded for 160 years without ever providing the people of this country with any disclosure or assistance.   

They are still extracting their profits and are very wealthy in some respects, and dangerous in others; but they are not the American Government. 

They are supposed to function as "federal" subcontractors of our American Government, but since 1863 they have been functioning as hired guns for the British Crown and the HRE, instead.  

Both the USA, Inc. and the United States, Inc., have been misrepresenting, impersonating, and robbing us blind since the 1860's and the 1880's respectively. 

These foreign, for-profit, privately-held corporations in the business of providing "essential government services" have colluded in asset stripping and war-profiteering worldwide since 1937, and only had a falling out when the trademarked "Federal Reserve System" was forced into bankruptcy in 2009. This precipitated the Chapter 7 Bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, INC. and everything that has gone on afterward.  

We've been living under the jackboots of our own employees since the 1860's, and they are still operating "in secret" and still not being honest with the American People, are still under the control of the same Foreign Interests, and still acting as Mercenary Forces.  

So nothing much has changed. 

People scream in terror, "We're under martial law!" 
when, unknown to them, we've been living under "martial law" for over a hundred and sixty years.

Unless the rest of us wake up and put an end to their "presumptions" such as the secretive registration of American babies as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, and stop the unlawful conversion of our people and our assets, this country will be ruined at the hands of what many mistake as our own military forces. 

This is why we, as Americans, are obligated to stand up and blow the whistle and dissipate the illusions, so that a stable and honest civilian government can be recognized and what now serves as the U.S. Military can be lawfully converted back into the American Federation Armed Forces. 

If this is not done, we have no cause to celebrate. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

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July 19th 2024