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Thursday, May 9, 2024

International Public Notice: Virus Fraud

 By Anna Von Reitz

We will let Mike Adams say it for us: 

"Bombshell news today on the vaccine front as AstraZeneca, after admitting its covid jabs cause fibrous clots, is now withdrawing its covid vaccine from the entire world marketplace.

The EU has now revoked authorization for this vaccine, meaning it is now illegal to administer this jab to anyone in the EU.

Meanwhile, an attempted reinfection trial that exposed volunteers to 10,000 times the "dose" of covid deemed necessary to cause infections failed to produce a single infection. The premise of virology as being capable of causing pandemics is a total fraud. And that means vaccines are a fraud, too." 

We could not surpass his brevity or logic. 

Contrary to what the perpetually gullible Public has been led to believe, The Virus Theory, also known as The Germ Theory, is, and has always remained a theory with as many bits of evidence against it as for it. 

While the introduction of any foreign substance does trigger the immune system and if it is a biological entity or molecule will provoke the creation of specific antibodies, that doesn't really prove anything about the nature of what we have come to call "viruses". 

All this does is prove things about the immune system and basic mechanisms of immunity, leaving the more basic issue of the Causative Agent in limbo. 

Our scientists assure us that viruses, also called "exosomes" are dead, little pinched off particles of DNA and waste products encapsulated in a protein shell. 

Can dead things "infect"?  Not really. 

Think of waste DNA and RNA as Hazmat and the protein shell of a virus as a specially designed waste container with a lid.  The protein shell is not alive, but its contents, the degraded bits of deoxy or ribonucleic acid can still replicate, if they get back inside a cell. 

And then what have you got? 

You've got bits of polluted and degraded foreign DNA or RNA snippets coding for foreign proteins inside your cells. 

Those foreign proteins then hit your system like a sledge hammer and provoke your immune response -- which is then misidentified as a "disease". 

It can be any disease, depending on the nature of the DNA or RNA contained in the "virus" packet, and the nature of the resulting immune response to whatever foreign proteins are being produced. 

Blood clotting factor snippets of DNA or RNA code result in foreign blood clotting factor proteins and your immune system reacts to them, specifically. 

Tumor producing snippets of DNA or RNA code result in foreign tumor proteins and your immune system reacts to them, specifically. 

Each set of such stimulus-response reactions is different, so, Astrazeneca's "vaccine" loaded with blood clotting factor snippets of RNA (left over from a Department of Defense Experiment during the Iraq War) leads to "fibrous clots" as the foreign blood clotting factor proteins meet your body's immune response. 

Depending on what the "payload" of DNA or RNA snippets are, you exhibit different symptoms and appear to have different diseases. 

Our cell walls and membranes naturally work to exclude foreign DNA and RNA and keep this intracellular production of foreign proteins from happening, but thanks to Doctor Fauci and other Mad Scientists --- tech-crazed men with no actual brains or hearts --- this natural barrier has purportedly been overcome. 

To our universal detriment. 

We are calling for an immediate full stop and end of production and injection of all DNA and RNA "vaccines" worldwide. 

We are calling for the prosecution and public punishment of all the Corporations responsible for this genocidal crime against humanity, and in the case of this country, the prosecution of the US CONGRESS and its Members, which recklessly and in gross negligence and dereliction of duty agreed to accept the liability for vaccine manufacturers. 

Let them have the liability for all this expense and disruption and death -- individually, personally, and with 100% commercial liability.  

And may no bank dare to give them as much as a peso of our credit. They were not acting "for" us or in our favor when they did this, and they do not deserve any indemnification or insurance at public cost.  

The UN CORPORATION has promoted war instead of stopping it, and has contributed to this genocide through its WHO organization.  We see no reason for its continued existence, much less any treaty empowering it in any way. 

We call for the immediate liquidation of the UN CORPORATION and WHO, both, and an end to any further discussion of a sea "treaty" among the guilty corporations to grant any purported powers possessed by any corporation to either entity.  

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

May 9th 2024


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