By Anna Von Reitz
As our Notices have made abundantly clear, the United States, Incorporated, and the United States of America, Incorporated, are foreign corporations run by foreign governments.
These are foreign corporations in the business of providing governmental services that have been operated "in our names" in open fraud.
As Fiduciaries for the lawful American Government, we have objected to this since 1998. We have provided Universal Due Process and Notice about this for well over a decade.
We have provided everyone on Earth with the playbook of how this occurred, who is responsible, and why we object to this circumstance since 2015, with the publication of our signed affidavit issued as a book in international jurisdiction, called "You Know Something is Wrong When....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" by Anna Maria Riezinger and James Clinton Belcher.
Free copies were distributed to the various delegations of the United Nations.
This book is available on Amazon and has been presented as a signed copy to the Prosecutors of the World Court to no avail.
As a result, nobody, no country, no government, no corporation can say that we have not made a good faith effort to stop this criminality and to warn everyone that these bunko artists have deliberately and criminally misrepresented the American Public as their "public".
This week we have provided an additional playbook, showing in detail, how this scam promoting unlawful conversion of the political status of Americans was accomplished by the Boards of Directors of these specious corporations acting as members of British Territorial and Municipal Congressional bodies, and how general malfeasance and ignorance accomplished the rest.
We have also explained ad nauseum on Youtube and on our websites and via publications that there is no "National Debt" attached to Americans or any other living people who have been forced to use a fiat debt-credit monetary system --- by definition.
Every time an American "paid" with goods and services for a FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE I.O.U., that debt was cancelled. There is, as a result, no National Debt. There is only a failure by crooked politicians to do the bookkeeping and apply the National Credit. Also a failure by the Federal Reserve to cancel those Debt Notes, with the result that those same Debt Notes have actually been paid for by the victims many, many times throughout the life of that piece of paper.
The same is true of every country on Earth that has had a fiat debt-credit system imposed on them.
There are no "National Debts". In fact, as a result of the above described circumstance, there are abundant excess "National Credits" due and every penny of "interest" collected on the phony "National Debt" needs to be paid back to the living people as credit, too.
The debt owed by all the central banks involved in this scam is astronomical as we have been telling everyone for years, but as far as the living people and the actual countries go, they have been the victims and haven't known that this was going on.
From their standpoint, and our standpoint as the Fiduciaries for the lawful American Government, the debts of these foreign governmental services corporations are Odious Debts --- debts created by fraudulent means that the victims were unaware of and did not benefit from. Literally.
As we keep saying, these Territorial and Municipal Corporations have been operated as criminal syndicates promoting illegal mercenary occupations of entire countries; they and their franchises must be dissolved and/or forfeited to the lawful governments of the living people, as the nature of the assets may best require.
These USA and US corporations operating under conditions of semantic deceit and non-disclosure have promoted a completely crooked financial system via currencies funded by illegal peonage and enslavement rackets and securities fraud involving impersonation and securitization of living flesh which is also unlawful, illegal, and immoral and universally outlawed.
It's not just the parent USA and US CORPORATIONS, it's the UN CORPORATION and all the various franchises and subsidiaries these corporations have created for themselves, like AUSTRALIA and Australia, Inc. and the UNITED KINGDOM and on and on.
The living people are the natural owners of all the assets and all the credit derived from the assets, and in the end, the living people are the only ones that exist. All the rest of this "system" is just fiction, lies, smoke, and mirrors.
It has only been via the secret and purposeful denigration of men and women of every nation via their "legal fictionalization", that is, impersonation, to the status of "humans" and then to the status of "slaves" --- and if we would have stood by and let these criminals get away with it, to the status of "transhumans", too --- that this Great Fraud has been accomplished.
However monstrous and huge this fraud is, it is still just a gigantic fraud, having no more real power than any other fraud. It falls apart upon examination and observation. It is only possible for it to continue while people are lulled to sleep and while these private, for-profit corporations operate under color of law as "their" government.
Once the nature of these organizations are fully exposed it is very apparent that these are not our lawful governments, but are instead service providers and subcontractors of our actual government.
It is also apparent that they have made a habit of charging up huge debts against our credit, just like any identity thief or credit card hacker will, and then going bankrupt and leaving their creditors to falsely assume that we are standing good for their spending and their debts.
This simply isn't true and we have done everything in our power to alert the international and global community that: (1) we, the Americans, have been illegally registered and denigrated into foreign political statuses by our own employees who have been operating in breach of trust and in violation of their service contracts; (2) these corporations doing all this spending, don't belong to us, they are foreign service providers on our shores being operated by the British Crown and the Roman Municipal Government; (3) we, the Americans, are not responsible for their spending and their debts and we are not standing good for their bankruptcies, either. They foisted their bankruptcy obligations off on us in 1907, 1925, 1930, 1953, and on and on, but no more.
We didn't know what they were doing or how they were operating behind our backs; though they owed it to us as their employers to fully inform us, they did not, and instead, chose to act in secret, in their own self-interest, to betray and bilk entire generations.
The fault for this lies with the British Governments, both the Monarchy and Westminster and especially with their operations in Territorial Jurisdiction worldwide, and with the Municipal Government of Rome, the Roman Curia, and the Vatican --- all of which were fully informed concerning this criminality and malfeasance and did nothing to stop it.
The UNITED STATES Municipal Corporation went bankrupt in 2015 and told their Chinese creditors that they would sell off our land and infrastructure to pay their debts. They offered what wasn't theirs to pay their debts, just as they have tried to misrepresent us as British Subjects and as Municipal Franchisees on paper.
It is all 100% fraud and it is 100% criminal and it is a recognized crime under international law that we have reported faithfully, so nobody has any right or reason to think that we, Americans, are associated with these foreign corporations in any way, other than that they are supposed to be providing us with certain enumerated services under contracts called "Constitutions".
Their bad faith in commerce and their crookedness in trade speak for themselves; their pretensions beyond the explicitly stated and enumerated services they are supposed to provide, do not amount to a valid claim upon our assets, nor any permission to assume an interest by their public in our Public, or their corporations in our assets, especially as they have failed to implement and provide the remedies they proposed for their otherwise illegal, unlawful, and immoral acts.
The late Queen offered China her "tributary share" of American gold in the ground (10% of all gold mined in America which was agreed to by Treaty) leaving the Chinese to think they could just come here and mine it "for" us in order to get their share.
This is the kind of craziness we have had to put up with as a result of the flagrant unlawful conversion and identity theft schemes these British Bunko artists and their Roman compatriots have employed against their own people, our people, most of Western Europe, parts of the Middle East, and Japan.
These Liars have even lied to their own corporate employees, telling the members of the Bar Associations that they are "at war"--- just not telling them that, well, it's not actually a war, it's a "Mercenary Conflict" owed no respect under the Law of War.
So they weaponized the members of the Bar Associations under False Pretenses and unleashed all these attorneys to operate foreign courts on our soil and "registered" us as if we were part of their citizenry using unconscionable Third Party contracts, and ran us through their foreign courts as if we belonged there.
Look at the "Masterfiles" of the Internal Revenue Service and you will find millions and millions and millions of Americans supposedly all employed in offshore locations in occupations engaged in the international sale, transport, or manufacture of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms products. All of them.
If you believe this, you also believe that there are somewhere around 320 million Americans, almost our whole population above the age of seven, living offshore providing gin and cigars and guns to the rest of the world.
And it's a complete mystery as to who we, all these other people standing here, are, and what we are doing here, going about our mundane business, minding our flocks and washing our cars.
Instead, you'd all better believe that this otherwise inexplicable and extraordinary compilation of "life narratives" is one of the biggest bunko and money laundering schemes in world history, and that it all traces back to the Roman Catholic Church and the members of the British Monarchy acting as their Overseers.
We first contacted the BIS about this situation soon after our initial contacts with the IRS and the local politicians in 1998. Most recently we contacted the BIS about this situation on February 9th 2024, International Express Mail Number: EHO36883501US, trying to at least resolve some of the biggest American asset theft and seizure crimes that have been perpetuated by the Federal Reserve and related Central Banks.
We have not received an answer after over a month and so we are publishing the entire text of this letter for everyone to see:
February 9th, 2024
The Bank for International Settlements
Centralbahnplatz 2
Basel, CH 4051
The United States of America (Unincorporated)
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
In regards: Settlement of Accounts
Dear Board of Governors:
As our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America since 1776 is the holder of the sole survivorship interest in The United States of America Estate, and as our Union of unincorporated States is the holder of the sole survivorship interest in the United States, The United States and all federally-connected corporations, we are writing to you today to request a validated settlement of our accounts from each of your 63 central banks and all member banks.
As Anna Maria Riezinger holds the only survivorship interest in the Anna Maria Riezinger Estate and all derivatives thereof and, as Demitrious Julius Shiva AKA Demetrius Julius Shiva holds the only survivorship interest in these named Estates and all derivatives thereof, we are competent to receive and administer the gifted and granted assets bequeathed by Francorito Miguel Cortez De Avila, who was similarly in lawful possession of all survivorship interest in the Francorito Miguel Cortez De Avila Estate, meaning all assets that originated from the Avila Family Trust under the Code F.L.A.T.
Our authorities and claims have been established for over twenty years and are in no way impacted by any bankruptcy of any incorporated entity. We also deny any exigency of “war” or trusteeship promoted by our erstwhile public employees and subcontractors; what has occurred in The United States from 1860 to today is not any form of actual war but is verifiably a Mercenary Conflict owed nothing but
universal condemnation as an illegal commercial activity.
As the actual Fiduciaries, Inheritors, and Survivors we affirm that we have no conscionable contract or agreement to accept the citizenship obligations of any foreign or undisclosed or incorporated country or nation, nor do we accept any similar obligation to any incorporated Church. As our unincorporated courts hold superior concurrent general jurisdiction over all Americans and all American assets, we are acting in our respective capacities to demand this accounting and settlement of our accounts, action which has additionally been supported by the court of original jurisdiction in the Philippines and by the Federal Courts as well.
Francorito Miguel Cortez De Avila assigned his authority over the Avila Family Trust assets to Demitrious Julius Shiva AKA Demetrius Julius Shiva by Irrevocable General Power of Attorney on October 5th, 2005.
Regarding Severino Garcia STA. Romana and all his aliases acting as Depositor in the legal sense, meaning as an Agent for the then — Trustees, in his role as Chief Metals Trust Depositor of all global assets on behalf of the Avila family Trust under the Code F.L.A.T., we hereby fully inform the Board of Governors of the Bank for International Settlements that: in the United States Federal District Court, Northern District of Illinois, Case Number: 99 C 4139, Federal Judge Charles R. Norgle ruled On July 2nd 1999 that the court has jurisdiction and that venue is proper, and the court of original jurisdiction is the Regional Trial Court, Third Judicial Region, Branch 23, Cabanatuan City, Philippines, and that Flordeliza T. Sta. Romana is the only true and legal representative of the Estate of Severino Garcia Sta. Romana and she is the natural and only daughter of the deceased and that she resides in and is a citizen of the Philippines, and that she is the administratrix of the estate
of Severino Garcia Sta. Romana, that all of the heirs have been determined by the court of original jurisdiction, Demitrious Julius Shiva AKA Demetrius Julius Shiva is the administratrix’s and this Estate’s attorney in-fact, and that the Philippine court, Case Number: Spec. Proc. No. 09 (AF) 1969-R, ordered on 03/29/1999 the Administratrix to locate, inventory, and collect the assets of this Estate under the names listed in that order, and this court orders:
That the Estate, through the Administratrix’s attorney in-fact, Demitrious Julius Shiva AKA Demetrius Julius Shiva, may go forward with the discovery and collection of the assets of the Estate of Severino Garcia Sta. Romana.
Mr. Demitrious Julius Shiva AKA Demetrius Julius Shiva acting as the attorney in-fact for the Estate of Severino Garcia Sta. Romana is ordered by the court to settle this estate that also requires him to settle any valid claims against this estate in which it has been determined that the Avila Family Trust under the Code F.L.A.T is a valid claimant.
To facilitate and assist with the recovery of all global assets that originated from the Avila Family Trust under the Code F.L.A.T, those Irrevocable General Power of Attorney documents that are all registered and public record of the court in Charleston, South Carolina, were provided to Demitrious Julius Shiva AKA Demetrius Julius Shiva with very specific instructions with regards to all global assets covered by the authority of these documents:
1. Francorito Miguel Cortez De Avila, last heir to Sr. Don Franco Miguel De Avila.
2. Flordeliza T. Sta Roman, daughter of Severino Garcia Sta. Romana.
3. Soewarno, master key holder.
4. Leong Geok Mooi.
5. William V. Morales, eldest son of Ferdinand E. Marcos.
6. Anthony Santiago Martin, Trustee of the ASBLP Bank and Group of Companies
managed by the World Bank.
7. Dr. Seno Edy Soekanto, son of Mrs. Sarinah - Code Name Lady of Roses.
8. Kriswisodo.
9. Mrs. Chan Yun Ru, granddaughter of Khiang Kai-Shek, Song Dynasty.
10. Villa Q. Fondevilla, granddaughter of Admiral Sato of Japan.
11. Kam Sau Mui.
12. Mr. Bui Hung.
13. Clara Moncada Vda De Pabon, Administrator of Dr. Hilario Camino Moncado’s
14. Sylvia Asparen Moncada, one of the heirs of Dr. Hilario Camino Moncado’s estate.
15. Bautista Bituin.
16. Leroy D. Sta. Romana.
17. Alfredo Chavez Santa Romana.
The Bank for International Settlements is the only organization known to have oversight of its 63 Central Banks and all member banks which have all received deposits of our gold and other assets from the last deposit made on October 7th, 1941, to the expiration of the original contract and the extended contract to October 7th, 2005.
To date, we are due a complete auditing and accounting of all assets with accrued interest based on the agreed upon terms from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), US Treasury, Federal Reserve, The World Bank, The International Monetary Fund (IMF), and all others involved.
All the above have failed to come to the table and have instead tried to obfuscate the
ownership of the assets so as to defraud and misrepresent the lawful owners under a conspiracy committed by the above.
This criminal activity by your 63 central banks and all member banks cannot be allowed or condoned. We are not “dead”, not “at sea” and not missing; we are not “permanent residents of the United States” and have moved on to adopt our proper role and political status as living men and women who are Nationals of our respective and physically defined States of the Union; we are acting in our lawful capacity as sentient beings competent to administer our own affairs within our own internationally recognized sovereignty.
Our American Government has similarly been misrepresented by persons who are merely public employees or acting as public employees. These Agents-for-Hire operating in capacities similar to Severino STA Romano, include the U.S. Navy, the Government of the Philippines, and the various Executive Officers known as “Presidents” of numerous foreign corporations doing business under names such as the United States, Inc., the UNITED STATES, the United States of America, Inc., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the USA, Inc., The United States of America, Inc., E PLURIBUS UNUM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and lately, the WHITE HOUSE OFFICE, Inc.
We are therefore requesting immediate assistance and oversight to identify and provide settlement of our accounts with your 63 central banks and all member banks holding these national, international, and global assets.
We may be contacted via our Fiduciary Office:
Anna Maria Riezinger
Fiduciary and Assign
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
Copies of this letter are being distributed by email and by hard copy to governmental and departmental offices worldwide.
Thank you for your assistance in correcting a grave criminal injustice and abuse of private assets via false claims of public interest and undisclosed, unconscionable impersonation.
Self-interested lies must yield to truth; where truth is, fiction of law does not exist.
We have presented you with the truth, the fact of living men and women standing in their true capacity, owed their assets and recognition, demanding an accounting of our assets deposited in your banks by Agents for Hire, attorneys including but not limited to Ferdinand Marcos, late-President of the Philippines, and professional asset transfer agents including but not limited to Severino STA Romano.
We can call abundant witnesses to give testimony that we have been misrepresented by the United States, Incorporated, and by various Presidents of Incorporated Entities that are merely Federal Subcontractors — vendors providing services to our actual government, but acting without authorization with respect to us, our Estates, and our physical and material assets.
These Legal Fiction Entities and their Officers have trespassed against us and impersonated both our lawful government and our lawful Persons as Legal Persons, declared these foreign Legal Persons “dead” and “missing” and used this device of deliberate constructive fraud as an excuse to commandeer and illegally and unlawfully latch onto and confiscate private property assets belonging to actual living people.
This Fraud Scheme was developed in the late Roman Empire and has been reintroduced in Europe by the British Monarch beginning in the 1850’s. As it was adjudicated at the time of the Roman Emperor Justinian to be a Fraud Scheme, it is still a Fraud Scheme using impersonation and False Claims of Public Interest in private assets as a means for foreign governments, especially the British Government, to defraud individuals and illegally confiscate and misuse private assets as collateral for public spending.
That this current circumstance is embellished with a second Big Lie, that being the Pretense that an actual War exists, when in fact we have been embroiled for three hundred years in illegal and immoral Mercenary Conflicts — is simply another element of constructive fraud against the interests of the living people in favor of unaccountable, nameless, and faceless corporations.
We have substance and standing and provenance unlike these corporations and their officers, who willingly adopt the status of Legal Fictions in exchange for a paycheck from the public dole; we are not in the same class and not acting with their kind of authority — but are instead fully imbued with our natural authority over all jurisdictions and venues.
So then, we call on you as men and women who have cause to know that your own security is engaged with our security, that you welfare in the end depends on the goodwill and conscience of people, not things; for if incorporated Legal Fictions are allowed to impersonate the living, you will all be in a fraudulent kingdom of the dead and nothing that you have will be yours, nothing that you are will be respected, and no safety will be secured for anyone in the midst of such criminality.
Anna Maria
Demitrious Julius AKA Demetrius Julius
Please note, as the Fiduciary for The United States of America -- Unincorporated, I am the natural Fiduciary of all physical assets owed to Americans, all material rights, and all credit owed to Americans, and those Americans include all those who have been victims of the unconscionable and undisclosed contracting practices of the Principals and Parties responsible for this grotesque Great Fraud against babies in their cradles and the dereliction of Usufructuary Duty on the part of these same Principals and Governments.
It isn't just Julius Shiva standing here demanding that all these banks and institutions and agencies get their heads out --- it's the lawful government of The United States of America demanding that these foreign contractors get out of the way and stop their False Claims and fraudulent self-serving activities.
I solemnly affirm that these revelations and allegations are made in good faith and with first-hand knowledge, are made freely without coercion, are true, complete, correct, and not misleading to the best of my knowledge and belief and I willingly stand subject to the penalties of perjury under the law of The United States of America, if I should be found to be knowingly and willingly falsifying an iota of anything said in this International Public Notice or the Letter to the Bank for International Settlements.
I also wish to protest snooping and harassment by members of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, which, if it could find its butt with both hands, would already know all about the problems discussed here, would know who the actual criminals are, and would be assisting us in bringing them to justice.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
March 20th 2024
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