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Saturday, February 10, 2024

International Public Notice: Regarding Quantum Financial System (QFS)

 By Anna Von Reitz

To the best of our knowledge, understanding, and belief, the Quantum Financial System (QFS) is a computer regeneration system using reconfigured DOS components and was developed by a renegade CIA Operation called "Crimson Gate" operated out of Wright-Patterson AFB; it was also allied with a CIA cell operated out of North Carolina, which Kim Goguen was a member of.  Kim was the AI enhanced operator chosen by "Marduk" as his Successor. 

Everything about the QFS system is tainted by fraud and malevolence and lies from its onset. 

They propose to use our gold based on the False Supposition that all the "Birth Registrations" secured from Americans without the benefit of full disclosure, and maintained as totally Unconscionable Contracts against the babies targeted by this vile scheme --- were valid and unopposed. 

It is not possible to object to something if you are unaware of it. 

We have protested ourselves and we have protested for all others entrapped by this perverse and grossly self-interested scheme promoted by the British Territorial United States of America and their Roman Co-Conspirators. 

It is in our Public Interest and the Public Interest of all other nations to quash the QFS as another product of fraud and infamy, betrayal, breach of trust, and piracy; our physical assets are not to be bought or sold within such a framework, nor are any tokens of ownership, contracts, currency, commercial interests --- nothing rightfully belonging to us is to be encumbered or enrolled or engaged in such a system. 

As the rightful and lawful and only holders of all survivorship interests related to the States of the Union and all derivatives and franchises and subsidiaries thereof, we wish for an end to interference from the "Galactic Council" which has no business here, and from characters that have been dehumanized, like Kim Goguen.  

This planet is our house and our home; these troubles have been visited upon us by refugees who came here after destroying their own culture with their mindless competitiveness and war-mongering.  Mars stands today as a testament to the evil these minions serve. 

Therefore we decree that these refugees must now be escorted off our planet, where they have created unwelcome and destructive practices seeking to displace the natural inhabitants and caretakers.  Their presence here has resulted in much environmental damage, death, and destruction.  Our hospitality and tolerance are at an end. 

We have called upon the other kingdoms to retrieve their own and leave us alone to pursue our own uninterrupted and free development as conscious people aligned with life, love, and Eternal Truth. 

Let them all be gone no later than thirty (30) days from the day of this issuance: 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 9th 2024


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