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Saturday, December 30, 2023

International Public Notice -- Regarding Incompetence of Governments

 By Anna Von Reitz

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.

To All to Whom These Presents Come: 

Of immediate concern to us and all members of the international community, is the lack of a competent government in England and the vacant throne associated with their land and soil jurisdiction; it appears that the Throne of England has been conveniently vacated for 300 years, which means that England lacks the general jurisdiction to fulfill its contracts and cannot act as a valid Trustee. 

This same crippled and incompetent condition of England then also impacts the member countries of the British Union and former Commonwealth, such that the essential underpinning of their government relationships stands undermined and their contracts with and concerning England are void. 

A similar condition impacts the Treaties and Service Contracts and Agreements of other kinds that our country has established with Persons appearing to be the Kings and Queens of England operating in international capacities. 

Lacking standing as Kings and Queens of England, these same Persons also lack standing in all foreign international and global capacities; they have no ability to form valid international contracts, cannot create viable corporations, and cannot act as Public Trustees. 

It appears that no English Monarch has taken the Christian Coronation Vows related to the Throne of England and kept them in Confirmation for three days following the Public Ceremony, since Queen Anne.  

This has resulted in a Bait and Switch fraud upon the Public; the people are led to believe that they have a Christian and Constitutionally-bound Monarch sitting on the Throne of England, and instead, they have a legless figurehead acting as the CEO of foreign corporations. 

The severity of this fraud and its impact upon the foreign relations, trade, and commercial operations of the Western World for the past three centuries can hardly be estimated, as every signature rendered by the "British Monarch" upon legislation, contracts, treaties, accounts, and agreements have all been void upon completion.

This taint includes but is not limited to corporate charters and registrations, trust indentures, declarations of war, peace treaties, Acts of Parliament, military commissions, establishment of titles, and so much more that has been done and established over the course of three centuries. 

A similar taint has impacted the operations and contracts of the Holy See for an even longer period of time, resulting from the bifurcation of the Church's administration into Sacred and Secular functions, and the practice of having the Pope serve in the sacred Ministerial Office and having the same man serve as the pagan Roman Pontiff in the secular Office of the Pontiff, and all under the same roof. 

Here again, a Bait and Switch has occurred, in which the Public and also the Congregation of the Church, has been encouraged to think of the Pope as acting solely as a Christian religious leader, when in fact he has just as often acted as the secular Roman Pontiff instead. 

It is apparent what Pope Benedict XVI meant when he wrote that he retained the "ministerial office"; obviously, what he passed on to Francis was the secular work of the Pope-as-Roman Pontiff, even though the Pontifical Office and the Romanus Pontifex Trust underlying it, was formally dissolved in 2011. 

We are left with the undisclosed presence of a "Secular Pope", in itself an oxymoron, representing the summation of a Bait and Switch scheme begun centuries ago.  

A diligent search of Canon Law has failed to reveal any mechanism by which a ministerial office of the Church could migrate to "Pope" Francis, absent his formal and public acceptance of the ministerial office of the Pope and a conclave acting in support.  

As a purely "Secular Pope", Francis is free to wheel and deal without the necessities of Christian piety, and can abuse the appearance of his undisclosed non-ministerial position to impose repugnant doctrinal and liturgical changes on the Church itself without actually possessing the powers and authorities of the Pope's ministerial office.  

Thus, on "Pope" Francis's birthday, gay "partnerships" were honored by the Roman Catholic Church, and lightning struck a statue of St. Peter in his home diocese in Buenos Aires, vaporizing the statue's halo and the keys held in its hands. 

The entire Roman Catholic Church, 1.2 billion people worldwide, are left in a daze, wondering what all this means, seeing crucial elements of their liturgy removed without any announcement or discussion. 

What it means is that the old Bait and Switch has come to its fruition, and they now have a situation in which the very meaning of "Pope" has been redefined as a purely secular office, devoid of Christian morality or doctrinal obligations -- and all without any notice to the Congregation. 

Indeed, many Archbishops, though suspicious, have not been informed concerning this redefinition of the Pope's Office, and if they are not informed, how much less informed are the Congregants, the members of the Public, and, to our point, the Governments that have to deal with the Vatican apparatus and try to administer the Successor Contracts left over from the Holy Roman Empire?

The Bait and Switch is complete; an entirely profane and Secular Office is in control of the Church and its resources. By redefining the Office of the Pope as a Secular Office and function, the Perpetrators seek to redefine the Church itself as a Corporation. 

Under such a series of Legal Presumptions it becomes clear why "gay partnerships" are suddenly allowed in the same way that "marriages" in the Municipal United States have been redefined as business Joint Ventures.   

These fraudulent and indeed criminal activities at the highest levels of government within the English system and within the administration of the Roman Catholic Church must be recognized and opposed for what they are --- Substitution Fraud Schemes. 

The English people think they have a King of England, but they don't.  The Roman Catholics think that they have a religious leader in Pope Francis, but they don't.  

All the Governments of the world, including ours, have been trying to conduct business with these Principals in good faith, but that is not possible, thanks to the incompetence -- in the sense of not having standing to operate in the required capacities and jurisdictions --- of both the British Government and the Vatican. 

Whereupon, we observe that these incompetent governments have by their own choices and misadministration, severed their natural connections and authorities and have rendered themselves stateless and adrift; 

Whereupon, we have foreclosed on the assets of the British Territorial and Municipal Corporations and their presumed-to-exist British Crown franchises as the Preferential and Principal Creditors;

Whereupon, we have also foreclosed on the assets of the British Crown Corporation and Municipal Corporations-at-Large belonging to the Vatican and its Subsidiaries worldwide and act as the Principal Receivers; 

Individual corporations may seek protection from this vast general liquidation by returning immediately to the land jurisdiction of their countries of origin and submitting themselves to function under the Law of the Land; 

Members of the Roman Catholic Church may seek protection by returning to the land jurisdiction of their countries of origin or adopted countries where they now live and submitting themselves to function under the Law of the Land; 

Efforts to restore the land and soil jurisdiction governments which have been sequentially and purposefully undermined but not abandoned, are underway; 

Efforts to restore the Office of the Pope as a ministerial office rather than secular office within the Roman Catholic Church are similarly underway; 

Until this mess can be straightened out, we recommend that the people impacted by these fraud schemes stay calm and take measured and determined action within their traditional Public Law, to bring forward their lawful government and claim back their purloined assets; 

We further recommend that members of the Roman Catholic Church take similar calm and determined action to rouse the Church Hierarchy and deal with the apostasy of a "Secular Pope" being left adrift with no accepted sacred office at all--- working as a CEO --- and yet standing as the spiritual guide of 1.2 billion people.

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 30th 2023  


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