By Anna Von Reitz
Let's go back to Joe's place and learn some more basic economics.
Joe's place is Fred's favorite lunch spot. Fred is a Federal Employee.
All Fred, the Federale, has to function on is credit, but when he extends credit, it results in a debt.
That's why Fred has to "pay" Joe with a "debt note", otherwise known as an I.O.U. or Promissory Note from the FEDERAL RESERVE and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, two foreign Municipal Corporations.
Now, in a sane world, Fred would have a Credit Certificate in his pocket and be able to pay Joe with a Credit Certificate, but instead, he is reduced to paying with an I.O.U. from God-Knows-Who-or-What.
A "Federal Reserve Note" is evidence of Fred's debt, and it implies Joe's credit, but doesn't amount to an actual Credit Certificate in Joe's hand.
This makes it look like Joe is indebted, because he never actually got any credit for the hamburger he contributed. And he's left standing there with an I.O.U. as the only proof that he is owed anything at all.
All he got was Fred's promissory note, promising that the FEDERAL RESERVE and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA --- are going to pay someday in the future, and there isn't even a date on the "Note" saying when the debt is due for payment.
So Joe got rooked out of his hamburger, Fred got free lunch, and nobody knows who or what or where or when to collect on this Promissory Note.
If you go to the "Treasury Window" to collect, and you present a box full of these I.O.U.s, they will tell you that you are not a member of their club and that it is not their debt, so buzz off.
If you go to the Federal Reserve Banks, they will say, well, you are holding a Promissory Note with our name on it, but that's not us, that's a different FEDERAL RESERVE and we aren't responsible for their debts.
Obviously, someone, somewhere, should have called an end to this game a long time ago, but instead, left with no way to get actual credit for his hamburger, and no actual money (gold or silver or other asset-backed money) in circulation, either, ---poor old Joe and his compatriots were left passing Fred's debt around "as if" it was money.
Over time, left with no way to "redeem" this debt either by offsetting it with a separate credit note owed to Joe, or by paying it with actual asset-backed money, the "perceived" debt could only grow and grow and grow, even though every time it changed hands, it represented someone's credit, instead.
Each time that debt note changed hands, it was actually "zeroed" out and became someone else's credit. But they never actually got credited.
All those Federal Reserve Notes left floating around the world are actually evidence of the Credit owed to poor old Joe and all the people like him.
Ooh, la, la --- you think someone is cooking the books on all this? Every time Fred, the Federale, talks about his "National Debt", Joe should be talking about his "National Credit", but instead, poor old Joe was just left in the dark, alone and confused.
And that's where it sat for over a hundred years, with Joe constantly giving Fred hamburgers, Fred and these two unknown Municipal Corporations running up their debt to Joe unabated, Joe collecting their I.O.U.s and trading them as if they were money, and at the end of the day, what happens?
The FEDERAL RESERVE and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporations go bankrupt, and claim that all their debts are owed by Fred and Joe, both. Why? Because they have claimed that Joe is a Federal Employee, too.
Where else did he get all those I.O.U.s?
So these Municipal CORPORATIONS impersonated their actual Creditor, Joe, as if he was their penniless, always hungry employee, just like Fred. Then they back-charged all the debt to both Joe and Fred, and sent armed thugs in police uniforms to Joe's Hamburger Shop with a big "tax" bill and demanded that he pay it.
Well, poor Joe still doesn't have anything to pay with. Nothing but Fred's Debt Notes. So he hands those back to the thugs as "tax payment" and in reality, they are just recapturing the evidence of their own debt and charging it off.
Run this pitiful scam through the washing machine a few times and what do you come up with?
Fraud on an unimaginable scale.
Joe is still waiting for either payment or credit for his hamburger, but now on top of just giving away tons of food to Fred, he's on the hook to pay (again) for all these failed I.O.U's he accepted.
The (other) Creditors of the FEDERAL RESERVE and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA are now coming after Joe, as if he was responsible for the debts of these foreign Municipal Corporations-- when all he did was give Fred a lot of free hamburgers, all based on I.O.U.'s these same corporations issued to him.
Joe is a Creditor and he actually stands first in line, first in time.
Let's look at how these cretins "legalized" this bunko back when it started --- and lookee here, in Federal Code Title 12 --- it turns out that Joe was supposed to be given Credit Vouchers (or certificates, or coupons----some kind of separate proof that he was owed credit and could spend that credit) but he never was.
Neither Joe nor Fred know a thing about this.
It also turns out that Joe was eligible to ask for and receive a Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption --- a fancy way of saying he could swap debts with Fred. If Joe owed Fred any debt for Fred's services, he could exchange the hamburgers he gave Fred against that debt.
Put it this way:
If you owe somebody $100 and they owe you $200, you can just write a hundred off what they owe you to settle your own debt.
Neither Fred nor Joe ever head about that, either.
So the purported remedies offered by the owners of the FEDERAL RESERVE and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, both foreign, both Municipal Corporations, were never actually made available to Joe, and now their Creditors are suing Joe and trying to take away his Hamburger Shop--- when he is in fact and by far the priority and preferential Creditor of both the FEDERAL RESERVE and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, because he has been giving Fred hamburgers a lot longer than anybody else.
We are presented with the crazy-making reality of China mistaking the Americans (who are in fact the priority and preferential Creditors of these same foreign Municipal Corporations) as Debtors of these CORPORATIONS.
China is trying to collect from us, thinking that we owe the FEDERAL RESERVE and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA money, when in fact these corporations diddled us first. They owed us more money than we ever owed them, and more than anybody here owed China.
This whole time, thanks to other scams pulled by these corporations and their Principals, we have been impersonated and defrauded.
We haven't had access to our own assets thanks to False Representatives, Executors de Son Tort, pretending to be our Custodians.
Thanks to these same reprobates, we haven't even been credited for all the "hamburgers" we exchanged in good faith with them, haven't received the promised credit vouchers or coupons, haven't been enabled to request and receive Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemptions, either.
Instead, we've been impersonated by misdirected public employees and Agencies acting as "Subcontractors of Subcontractors" of foreign Principals--- who are under contract to serve us in good faith.
So here's where we stand. We are owed all our purloined assets back and control of all our assets. Free and clear. We are owed a blivit load of credit that we paid for already. All the other Creditors of these foreign Municipal CORPORATIONS need to get in the back of the bus, because they and their Principals owe us more and for far longer.
We literally are their priority and preferential Creditors and we claimed their debt as our credit, as well as all the trust assets and accounts. We rolled it all over into our own public and private trusts and we recorded these claims in favor of our living people and our lawful American Government.
These public and private claims stand in all jurisdictions, air, land, and sea.
We additionally created an American Common Law Public Lien against the offending corporations and published it and distributed it worldwide as page 169 of our book, "You Know Something Is Wrong When....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" and made that Public Lien part of the Affidavit appearing as pages 222 -264 of the same publication.
Our Affidavit stands unrebutted by any competent corporation official to this day.
Properly declared and provenanced members of the fifty State Assemblies have been summoned into Session and have been conducting business for the past three years. Our government is not in interregnum, nor is it incompetent. As strange as it may seem to Monarchists, it is still our government.
We still claim our assets, our properties, our contracts, our treaties, our persons and our Good Names, our land, our money, and our credit, too.
Joe has still not been paid for his hamburger, nor has he received credit for it. We are here to make sure that this oversight is corrected and that this whole outrageous impersonation fraud scheme comes to a halt.
By: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
Issued: November 21st 2023
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