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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Do or Not Do

 By Anna Von Reitz

This goes out to my Japanese friends who taught me the importance of clarity in one's life. 

They have a very simple proposition that runs throughout Japanese society.  

One should either do something, or not do it.

No wishy-washy.  No hypocrisy.  Stand up or sit down with equal power. 

And then hold to your decision, until and unless the basis for your decision changes. 

If you were given bad information and believed it, by all means, admit the mistake and correct. 

If you were deprived of information you needed, and because of that made a mistake, admit the mistake and correct.  

But never do the right thing for the right reasons and apologize for it.  

Be honorable in all things and make clean decisions, so that your mind and heart can be at peace. 

In other words, don't lie.  Don't lie to yourself and don't lie to others. 

Nothing is relative. 

Everything is, or isn't. 

This echoes what my parents taught me in a completely different language, and it is echoed in many languages throughout the world -- if we only listen. 

My Son noticed that the voice of the world is loud and always shouting at us: 

"Buy me!"
"Obey me!"
"Be afraid of me!" 

Yet the Voice of Truth is soft-spoken and kind and doesn't threaten or coerce. It whispers: 

"I am present." 
"I am with you." 
"I love you."  

Listen to this Voice instead. Act according to its ways. Be inspired by its message.  And don't look back. 


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