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Saturday, April 22, 2023

The war on freedom

 April 18, 2023 7:00 AM

Craig Johnson, Yaak

The current earth’s population of humans is estimated to be approximately 8 billion souls.

And within that number not a single one or group of ones has the right to initiate force, threat of force or fraud against another’s life, freedom and property.

Force, retaliatory force is justified only in defense against the one’s initiating force, threat of force or fraud.

No exceptions exist.

This premise applies irrespective if one claims to be a group of voters, tribes, governments, corporations, etc. One cannot grant or vote a right to another or groups (irrespective of the numbers), that they themselves do not have.

The nature of life requires humans to create and produce the values necessary to sustain one’s life and as value creators our relationship to each other is the voluntary fair exchange of values.

Value Creator’s life requires the freedom to create and not be harmed by another.

Survival pressure dictated that men form societies with the division of labor concept wherein one could trade the products of his/her creation thus becoming more efficient then if one had to produce all the values necessary to sustain one’s life.

For these societies to peacefully function and prosper men had to operate on the basis of honesty, fairness and accountability, allowing all to be more efficient and productive while providing more values to exchange and accumulate.

Creating prosperity through value creation requires freedom and honesty, as opposed to the value destruction of the external authority cult we have today that’s based on fraud.

Throughout history, attempts have been made to protect individual freedom through concepts of justice and law. Some good examples have been the Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, the latter being resisted by the federalist while debating ratification of the American Constitution as being unnecessary due to the fact that the proposed constitution only granted “few and defined” enumerated powers in a federal government (See: Federalist and anti-federalist ratification debates).

And look at this fraudulent corporate monstrosity we are currently tolerating.

Long before the Magna Carta, war of independence the bill of rights, it has always been immoral/wrong for conscious man to initiate force, threat of force and fraud against his fellow man.

Let’s be clear, nowhere during man’s history did any man/woman gain the right or permission to be an authority over another (parents have limited authority over their dependent children).

The American Bill of Rights (Dec. 15, 1791) with its 10 articles codified this fact in law. Yet today we see those article’s being infringed upon repeatedly.

You can see how vigorously the 2nd Article is being infringed. The 2nd article is codified law with its language recognizing the natural right to defense with arms and the Americans lawful remedy if and when the state of freedom was not being preserved.

Men who attempt to gain the unearned and undeserved insist on placing themselves in positions of perceived power as your authority and plan to get away with their crimes. They have used the ill-gotten gains derived from that power to remove your common law courts and means of redress, justice.

They spray you from the skies above with chemical concoctions, they have monopolized the control and production of the products we have become dependent upon, they contaminate your food and body care products, they have distorted and monopolized the information sources, the education sources, food production, medicine and the sciences.

Disinformation and propaganda are the norm. All in an attempt to control your resources, health, perception of reality and also to retard the evolution of your consciousness, for if only you could see through the fraud, there goes their (the self-proclaimed ruling class) way of life.

Take for example the insistence on convincing you that their motive and role is to provide for your general welfare and safety, just look what that has brought us with untold fraudulent wars and death, the war on/of terror and the destructive war on drugs.

While I do not condone the irrationality and destructive nature of drug abuse, there is great evidence that the drug war is merely serving as a means to increase police state powers while infringing on our freedoms. Many have suggested evidence that the drug cartels are being partnered and managed by government agencies (see one example in the San Jose Mercury News The series, DARK ALLIANCE: THE STORY BEHIND THE CRACK EXPLOSION).

In my small rural community of approx. 500 they have installed a license plate reader/camera in the guise of the war on drugs making us all collateral damage of this warrantless surveillance. While in other communities they use the war on drugs to rationalize roadside body cavity searches, no knock raids, civil asset forfeitures and many other infringements all in the guise of keeping our community’s safe.

These value destroying leeches on humanity are bringing us into a worldwide state of severe survival pressure, and in the problem, reaction, solution dynamic they will offer you continued false flags, NSA surveillance, population reduction, financial collapse, central bank digital currencies, weaponized injections, GMO foods, social credit scores, 15 min. cities, kill boxes and a top-down world governance where reportedly you will own nothing and be happy.

These value destroyers will not stop their war on freedom until we muster the courage to stop them and stop them we must! It has always been the responsibility of all to defend their freedoms. If you are a free American, act like it!

The technologies of destruction are advancing to the point that our children and grandchildren will be nearly powerless against them.

And even if you are not ready to rise and assume the responsibility of self-defense, at least see the need to get informed and stop voting for your and my enslavement and definitely stop licking the boots of these pretend authorities, giving them the semblance of legitimacy.

It’s pathetic.


  1. This sounds like it was written by Mark Hamilton ...and we agree with it 100%. However ...we as Americans desperately need to boot up America ...and not waste any more time on trying to reform the existing system totally controlled by the Vatican and the Britts. Rick & Barbie

  2. Yes, we know all this, what we need to hear is solutions.

    1. YOU are the solution. Man up!

    2. one part of the solution:
      the author is saying our God-given rights are being trampled on by our neighbors,.... those who live right there in YOUR TOWN.
      its not KlawsSwabb, ... he's not in your town, he's in Swizzyland.

      your neighbors are there, and THEY are the ones who agree to attack you and take your rights and force you to comply or THEY will come in and shhot you or beat you half to death.
      Not anybody in Washington D.C.

      its your neighbors .....they agree to do it. ... because they think they will be protected and win favor and probably get part of your stuff when its split up or at least build up deposits to their retirement.
      and for a paycheck..... so many perks, .... a dumb worthless mofo just cant pass up on an offer like that.......soo easy man.... if one has no morals and no self-respect, they probably think they just hit the jackpot.

      (ref: read proverbs 1:11 through 19).

    3. Issued April 21, 2023

      women:janmarie is not to be trusted.

      goodboots aka jan-marie aka janmarie aka women;janmaire has been found to be adversary of peace, in denial of a "flag of peace."

      A Decree has been put forth:

      women:janmarie (+ aka) is hereby declared to be "forever at war," and is not to be trusted.


    4. it's open.

  3. Well, anonymous. What are your proposed solutions? I would like to suggest that we begin with transparency and courage. Can we at least begin by identifying ourselves. Thank you for listening.

  4. the problem with solution is evident in the fact that "they" have remained elusive to the extent that there's really no target... in a sense were can't just say it's -so and so who's responsible... that's a problem. the other major problem is getting killed or imprisoned when anyone TRIES to do anything about it... where do we start?!? they're all shifting blame and STILL pushing the narrative LONG after...( T.H.E.Y.= Talmudic Hebrews Enslaving You!) if you don't know that... you are part of the problem

    1. they probably arent doing anything to you, what they do is induce stupid people to do their dirty work for them, if any, so they can say "We didnt harm anyone".
      and not just that specific group you named either.
      THEY KNOW:
      'cause no harm to man' is Gods law.

      They cannot harm man... only can they touch man if they get permission from God for a certain time and a certain thing.

      i believe thats one reason why they call us everything but "man".

      and it is so.
      and their false kingdom is coming down.

    2. As " they " hide behind all the corporations with fake names.
      Toni G..

    3. Issued April 21, 2023

      women:janmarie is not to be trusted.

      goodboots aka jan-marie aka janmarie aka women;janmaire has been found to be adversary of peace, in denial of a "flag of peace."

      A Decree has been put forth:

      women:janmarie (+ aka) is hereby declared to be "forever at war," and is not to be trusted.


    4. the subject is Open.

  5. Other cultures, like the American Indians, Amazonians and the alleged dumb due to no school rooms, bells, swats and punishment of the "smart culture' seemed to get along a lot better and not destroy clean water, air, most animals and things of life other than men and women. Perhaps their are really humans, a non woman or man, gendered bunch who have privileges issued from the likes of UN. Dakota warriors took pride in being gentle and kind around home, no one went hungry or had to sleep in a gutter and the relations, all the things we are a part of were respected for more than how much money they could be sold for or simply pushed out of way to build a new massive polluting factory to support convenience of the non caring only about themselves trained culture. Really need to get back to the basics of common decency and respect for ourselves, others and all of life.

  6. cause no harm to man is Gods law.

    wo-man: janmarie

  7. Ya, yall put it all in a nut shell. So hopefully the public, WILL SEE THE TRUTH , the sleeping will Awake, hopefully the ignorant will educate and dig for the truth, hopefully we will all realize GOD IS WITHIN US. HE WILL SUCCEED AS LONG AS WE ALL WAKE UP....AND DO OUR PART.!!!

  8. Issued April 21, 2023

    women:janmarie is not to be trusted.

    goodboots aka jan-marie aka janmarie aka women;janmaire has been found to be adversary of peace, in denial of a "flag of peace."

    A Decree has been put forth:

    women:janmarie (+ aka) is hereby declared to be "forever at war," and is not to be trusted.


  9. I earn $100 per hour while taking risks and travelling to remote parts of the world. I worked remotely last week while in Rome, Monte Carlo, and eventually Paris. I’m back in the USA this week. n I only perform simple activities from this one excellent website.
    Click Here to See...... Daily Earn Dollars

  10. Here's some practical things you can do that are perfectly Lawful and won't get you "attacked".

    1) BOYCOTT the corporations. They're going away soon anyway, if the Federation gets its "wish" Its mostly the corporations who are harming us.
    This requires becoming self-sufficient and self-reliant, as much as possible.

    However, you NEVER need to eat fast food -- its Frankenfood anyway -- so start there. Resolve to NEVER eat any fast food again. Better yet, resolve to never eat out again, because all of the restaurant food is poisoned -- even the fine dining establishments.

    You can start a patio garden. ALOT of food can be grown in a small space, if you grow UP Not only will this supply your own food, so you can shop less at the grocery stores who overcharge you, but your backyard garden will be nutrient-dense food, so it will help you to heal and help toward boycotting the murderous allopathic doctors. Learn to be your own healer -- consult with naturopaths, herbalists, and change your eating habits. Food should be your healer -- NOT a bottle of toxic pills.

    2) STOP going out --Stay OUT of the Public "Eye". Stay at home and avoid crowds. Simplify your life. This goes hand-in-hand with #1 -- boycotting the corporations. Everything is owned and controlled by them, so stay home and stop giving them money, stop being survellied by their cameras -- stop building your own prison. Your family life should improve immensely too.

    3) Get rid of ALL "smart" devices that are spying on you.

    4) Give up the conveniences and opt for the simple, basic. The conveniences are killing us. We have to learn to be SELF-RELIANT.

    5) Stop using credit cards. Use CASH.

    6) Ditch the Internet -- find alternatives -- they exist.

    7) NEVER use anything from Google.

    That's my short list. I bet you can think of things to add to this list. We have to think and behave like pioneers in the old west -- they didn't have Walmarts, and they survived. Oh, and add Walmart to your list of places to boycott.

    1. Walmart? don't you mean FEMArt! it's no coincidence they're strategically placed near water ways and train tracks, have no windows or or actual shelves, nope they roll right out the way

  11. subject stays Open.

  12. @ were-man Jan Marie - yes it IS the Jooz! it always has been. even Jesus called them out and whipped the shit out of them! they are a den of Vipers since the beginning! anyone who thinks different has not investigated the TALMUD! it says right in there that the BEST of us.... deserves death! they are allowed to lie to us, steal from us, rape our women AND CHILDREN and you have the good goddamned balls to say it's not them?!? how do you figure? because they're always playing the victim?!? maybe you're one of them

    1. whats with the name-calling?
      grow up.
      they like to invert things and call other people what they are... so maybe its *you* who is one of them?

      first of all the "Jooz" are not even from the tribe of Judah.
      the brushstroke youre using isnt wide enough because "Jooz" is just Name picked out and attached to a Persona of Victimhood to DISTRACT YOU from what is true:
      that ALL the men who use the Talmud are BABYLONIANS.
      Satanists use it too. so, i read, do many others.
      the "Jooz", "Satanists", "Nattzees", "Comm7nists", are all the same group, under different Names and Personas.
      to confuse you.
      oh, look over here its the "Jooz"...
      no, over here its the "Jesuits",
      no, over here its the "Freemasons"...
      apparently the leaders of all those groups all war-ship (for) Lucifer/ Moloch/ Baphomet/ and another hundred Names and Personas.
      they are described in the book of Jude and what they do is described in Proverbs 1:11-19, and other.

      you will probably get this, whereas many probably wont:
      they use "Divide and Conquer".
      weve been taught it means they infiltrate, cause division, and effect splits in our Social structure, but iam convinced it [also] mean *THEY* divide *themselves* up, into different groups, before they go out and infiltrate: to conquer.
      double meanings, inversions = the game they play.

    2. that is my comment above:
      4.23.2023 -- 4:30 am.

  13. Woman: janmarie. Could you go into why a Republican form of government is also very protective of our unalienable rights as specified in Article IV Section 4 of our Constitution? Thanks. Hint: Alfred Adask.

  14. hi baldwin,
    looked both up and im not seeing what youre seeing. (Art4, Sec4 and Adask: silver)
    what do you see about these, related to securing our unalienable rights, that i dont?
    very interested.

  15. Has your village gone to the powers that assume all knowing and requested ridding the village of the camera?
