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Friday, March 31, 2023

The Last American President

 By Anna Von Reitz

The last man to officially serve as President of our American Federal  Republic, was Franklin Pierce, who was the 14th President thereof. The last man to serve as the actual American President, that is, The President of The United States of America, our Federation of organic States, was a black man named Charles Wilson, the Great-Grandson of George Washington's Aide de Camp.  

After that, all focus shifted to Territorial politics and Territorial "Presidents" like Franklin Pierce's Successor, James Buchanan, a hard-drinking  Bar Attorney, and his immediate Successor, Abraham Lincoln, another Bar Attorney.  

Buchanan set a precedent that Lincoln took advantage of; both men knew that they could not serve as American Presidents, nor as Presidents of the Federal Republic, thanks to the 1819 Ratification of the Titles of Nobility Amendment and its addition to the Federal Republic Constitution: that is, The Constitution for the united States of America. 

So they served as Presidents of the Territorial (District of Columbia) Government instead, a distinction that many Americans were totally unaware of then or now.  The Territorial Government presides over the District of Columbia Territory and is a Municipal Corporation styling itself as a democracy since 1801.  

This is the entity that Donald J. Trump was the 45th President of and that's why they describe him as "President of the United States of America" instead of "President of the United States" --- Joe Biden's equally foreign Municipal Corporation office. 

My point to Americans and everyone else worldwide is that these Municipal commercial "services" corporations are not our government.  

They are Subcontractors of our actual government ---at best, and the evidence we've examined indicates that they are nothing but run amok Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia, trying to assert that they are "Successors" to our Constitutional Contracts without the nicety of fulfilling and honoring those contracts. 

We allowed the District of Columbia Territory to exist.  We allowed them to charter their Municipal Corporation and organize their separate government functions, only to have our erstwhile employees usurp against their employers and benefactors. They have done so under the misdirection of foreign Principals who likewise owe us "good faith" and "service".  

The good news is that America is still competent to bring its own nation states of the Union into Session and operate its organic States of the Union and we have the absolute right to enforce the Constitutions on any would-be service provider, including any Municipal Corporations operating in or out of the District of Columbia.  

This is no doubt Big News to those who counted on us forgetting who we are and forgetting what we are owed and from whom; and, it's probably not exactly welcome news, either. 

The other Principals have been operating in Gross Breach of Trust for a century and a half  and stuffing their pockets with unjust enrichment from America the entire time.  They claimed a custodial interest in us and our assets that doesn't exist, and they lied to us and they lied about us to the entire rest of the world. 

These False Claims and unlawful activities all result in injuries inflicted on innocent non-combatant civilian populations in violation of our Treaties, Constitutional Agreements, and International Law. 

We are therefore demanding the liquidation of these Municipal Corporations and the return of our assets including our land, our gold and silver, and everything else that we have paid for and which they have purloined and misused for war-profiteering abroad and racketeering against us at home.  

Charles Wilson left office in 1872, after a long attempt to reconnect with other Federation officials who had been murdered or forced to flee for their lives by marauding groups of thinly disguised Territorial "Union" cavalry acting in treasonous self-interested rebellion against the actual American Government. 

A hundred and fifty-one years later, we still honor Charles Wilson and continue our operations under our Hereditary Heads of State, confident that we will hold our elections for our long-vacant Presidential Office ---and the day will come when we no longer speak of and toast Charles Wilson as "the last American President", a day when we can all rest easy and content that the future of our country and our world is once again in the hands of honest and ethical men.  


See this article and over 4000 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. If you expect anyone to believe this fanciful concoction and figment of your imagination, you are just plain crazy, Lady!

    1. Our world is so full of lies, it is sometimes hard to know the truth; however, if you follow Anna at all you will realize, she speaks the truth, which is foreign to those who are still asleep or just heard the alarm go off and are not awake yet.
      Do your own research, prove her wrong. You will be shocked for sure.

      Thanks for your deep dives, Anna. It is truly eye opening for some of us. God bless us all. 🇺🇸❤️🙏🇺🇸

    2. Actually, millions and millions of Americans and millions from other countries believe her... so then, I guess she isn't crazy!

    3. Five or ten hoodwinked good American people from a few of States is not "millions and millions".

    4. Abraham Lincoln did warn us:

      "You can fool some of the people all of the time. And you can fool all of the people some of the time. But you cant fool all the people all the time."

      Quoting Abraham Lincoln.

    5. As Anna has written:

      "...So they served as Presidents of the Territorial (District of Columbia) Government instead, a distinction that many Americans were totally unaware of then or now..."

      Ah ha! These many 'presidents' have used a flip side of this rhetorical stratagem: "A distinction WITHOUT a difference."

      Because these 'presidents' have flipped it to "A hidden difference (in Jurisdiction) WITH no distinction (by mis-identifying the peoples intended Jurisdiction."

      hmm? I have I go that right . . . dont-no?

      Or as the Riddler may have once said:

      "Have you ever danced with the devil under the pale moon light? - do you know what that means? Neither but it sound good!

      Quoting the Riddler (Early Batman flick)

    6. It was the Joker who said that.

    7. . . Thank you!!!! You are my kind of blogger. Forgive my error.

    8. This is not a lie. There are three principalities from which the world is controlled Washington DC is one. It is not part of the United States. It is an entity in its own right. It’s own laws, law enforcement and flag. Columbia is the goddess Isis.

    9. Another rude uninformed troll with nasty comments and no proof of anything!🤣

    10. Hey you "March 31, 2023 at 3:11 PM:"

      Yes You ms. Donkey Week Pucker Brush - Which form of "Proof" do you demand? Pick your tool, pick the hill you wish to . . . . . upon :

      Methods of Proof (for the bogus posters)

      A theorem is a statement that can be shown to be true.
      A proof is a sequence of statements that demonstrates that a theorem is true.
      Axioms or postulates are the underlying assumptions about mathematical structures.
      Proofs may include axioms, the hypotheses of the theorem to be proved, and previously proved theorems.
      The rules of inference, which are the means used to draw conclusions from other assertions, tie together the steps of a proof.
      Fallacies are common forms of incorrect reasoning.

      Rules of Inference

      Modus ponens or law of detachment
      its basis is the tautology ( p ^ ( p --> q ) ) --> q
      can be expressed in the following form

      p --> q

      ``if both

    11. (cont.) an implication and its hypothesis are known to be true then the conclusion of the implication is true''

      ``If it snows today, then we will go skiing''
      ``It is snowing today''
      ``We will go skiing''

      basis: ( p ^ q ) --> p

      p ^ q


      ``It is below freezing and raining now''
      ``It is below freezing now''
      Modus tollens
      basis: ( ~q ^ ( p --> q ) ) --> ~p

      p --> q

      Hypothetical Syllogism
      basis: ( ( p --> q ) ^ ( q --> r ) ) --> ( p --> r )

      p --> q
      q --> r
      p --> r

      Disjunctive Syllogism
      basis: ( ( p V q ) ^ ~p ) --> q

      p V q


      Fallacy of affirming the conclusion
      ( ( p --> q ) ^ q ) --> p is not a tautology (it is false when p is false and q is true).
      Fallacy of denying the hypothesis
      ( ( p --> q ) ^ ~p ) --> ~q is not a tautology (it is false when p is false

    12. where's your proof?

    13. Need proof.
      Don't have it?... You got trouble.

  2. All truth passes through three stages

    1. Truth is ridiculed
    2. Truth is violently opposed
    3. Truth is accepted as self-evident

    Those of us knowing the truth are well beyond stage 3. Anonymous 8:41am is somewhere in front of stage 1.

    1. Truth never contradicts it self

    2. I dont see any violent opposition to what Anna writes, but I do see a growing number of people saying she does not provide references for what she writes, and that makes what she writes questionable at best..

    3. anony855am,
      oh pa-leeeeze... Self-evident truths are spiritual in nature... example: all men are created equal....
      thats very, very different than if there are made-up StoryTellings being done by a bunch of Fictions:Private Attorneys Who might Self-Identify *As* *If* they were your Fictional Internet Grammamama.
      youre showing your pathetic lack of spiritual understanding trying to compare "anna's" nonsense with spiritual law.

    4. Hey - screw you 'March 31, 2023 at 11:57 AM'

      You will always be in "questionable" land, because you are lazy duff who cant make your way to a library stacks and do the heavy lifting.

      Get your own 'references'. corroborations, confirmations, collections of resources, verities.

      No - you just prefer 'spit balling' at those doing the heavy lifting, ah - got it.

      Meanwhile give women:janmarie a nudge in the direction of charlatan spiritualist medium so she can have her prologue ('past is prologue') palms read out to her (and she can call it her 'future')

    5. woman:janmarie ---- in defining the "pathetic lack of spiritual understanding" ---- you exemplify the epitome of it, you profusely exude the essence of ignorant and spiritually bereft !

    6. NO, Anna needs to provide them if she expects people to think they can believe her.

    7. jan:marie, for someone who has no interest in the work Anna does, you sure spend a lot of energy trying to discredit her, but never with any substantive facts or proof to the contrary. If you wish to be free of all of this, ask God to take you away from this place like Enoch. If you have already done that, and God hasn't given you your wish, maybe there is something here that you still need to do, or start doing differently.

    8. you describe yourself and your attempted insults have no effect on me: i dont receive psychobabble crap from unbalanced strangers.

  3. Hey Strawman,
    I here a strong wind a blowing…say,Hi to your three little pig friends …they are in the boat next to you…

    1. Your getting angry,no wonder,your rattled.

  4. 8:41 You are ignorant and if you would only do some of your own research like looking for the last American President on the public domain youtube...yes, that video site that has tons of cat videos you like to watch! I am so sick of those who know nothing about what Anna teaches and think they are know-it-all's! Just Go Away and only come back when you have studied for 8 months every day!

    1. sounds like maybe its *you* who needs to go back to watching cat videos, ... as you dont seem to be able to handle real life and people.

    2. thats me, at 12:14, march 31, 2023.

    3. I filled with emotions and tears to think a few brave men and woman are standing UP! Keep standing the rest will wake up in due time. Thank you to someone who finally is telling the truth.

    4. Standing for the "truth" meaning factual acutal and with you!

  5. I notice that the Pope has been hospitalized. When I heard about the delegation going to the Vatican, my first thought was, well, that's good, but what if certain entities "off" the Pope before he can be convinced to do the right thing and dissolve these offending corporations? I hope this isn't the case.

    1. I thought the very same thing. Seems a bit convenient to me.

    2. I just checked and it is reported 5 hours ago the Pope is to be discharged from the hospital on Saturday! So, hopefully, we have more time to organize that visit!

    3. i still do not have any confidence at all that a Jesuit pope is going to voluntarily do anything that benefits anyone outside of the Roman Catholic system. Jesuits are still operating under their original agenda to rid the earth of anyone who doesn't bow to Rome.

    4. His Doppelgänger is ready for the public.
      Yeah, I thought the same thing.
      As far a Anna goes, and I have history personally with her , she does not ever sit still and do nothing, always thinking and rethinking and reading all the stuff that would bore a rock. She has earned my trust and that is significant. Even if it’s all all made up( it’s not) it’s a better and more believable narrative than the epic shitshow that unfolds daily on every channel.
      Think, pray and keep moving forward….Kevin

  6. I have been a self-employed RE developer for over 30 yrs. I learned to keep it simple and deal with the gov as little as possible. I am not willing to support their tyranny.

  7. Anna, I am a student of obscure history also. This is the first time I have heard his name and would like more info because this could change everything. Please post something more about Charles Wilson so it could be shared in print form and where we can look also.
    Thank you for your service to the LIGHT and America.

  8. There is no "Wilson" listed here as Aide de Camp to Get. George Washington.

    1. i have researched some of my own geneology. i found all eight of my great-grand parents. Only one of those eight shares my surname.

    2. 9:53 that is odd...I wonder why? Anna needs to share her sources with us so we are able learn from them and share them with others. I want to learn about this 'Wilson'.

    3. It's easy to footnote a reference, and should be being done.

  9. From Ken Brown
    I tried to post the following but was unable to do so:

    So, what difference does it make? No one is doing anything but talk about what most of us know and republicans benefit from legislation passed by progressives, therefore, they too are compromised. All the rhetoric and name-calling by pseudo-conservative neo-cons like Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell, et al only provide people with a false hope that a change is in the making. Personally, I see no hope for the saving of our once great republic. I only pray that God gives me the courage to abide in His will during the final day of our beloved America.

    1. my comment just got wiped out in the midst of me typing it.

    2. i said we who want to, need to be allowed to peacefuly separate ourselves from this whole murderous mess, taking with us everything God has given us from the very beginning.
      and if thats not satisfactory, then i:woman ask God for that plus "all the riches of Egypt", too. oh, and also the ruin of those who oppose us in any way whatsoever at all.
      and it is so.

    3. The darkest hour is just before the dawn. Hang in there brother. We're not losing this fight. Ain't happenin'.

  10. Oddly enough, the fbi search page says 404 page not found

    1. Jason...
      Can you check the DUNS site and see if it's still listed? My phone has been having quirky problems all week. T l A

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    1. Another rude uninformed troll with nasty comments and no proof of anything. 😂🤣😂

    2. You at March 31, 2023 at 3:16 PM - Please make certain your keep your pinky finger tucked tightly into your palm ms. de-ruda a' la de-nuda, otherwise, with pinky extended you, may offend the queen mothah.


    Go, read, do it. When the sh-t hits the fan be the one throwing the sh-t in it.

    1. You are right as Reign (sic)

      and thank you.

  13. Here are Washington's Aide de Camps: Charles Wilson's last name is not among them so one of these helpers or progeny had a daughter who married a man whose last name was Wilson some where down the road. There were 33 Aide de Camps (starting to sound masonic). Good luck campers.

    1. According to the article Charles Wilson is a great grandson of one of Washington's many "Aid de Camps", so it will take some work with or another lineage tool to find out from which of his 30 something "Aids" Charles Wilson descended. ............ either that or Anna could give a clue on this to make the verification/search easier.....
