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Monday, March 13, 2023

Ham Classes

 Print this flyer here:

Get your Ham Radio

License in Eureka

Classes in 2023 Starting Thursday April 6th 5:00 PM to 8 PM

North Point Grill Front Room Hwy 93 North Eureka Montana

We will be having classes for 6 weeks at 5:00 PM on Thursdays with the exam on the last Thursday May 11th.

You can test for any class of license. Testing is just $10

Ham radio is the best emergency and safety network available and will be used locally as well as world wide in the event of any disasters, natural or man made.

Study books will be available at the first class.

You will need to register for the class to get a book by calling 

Don Johnson at 406 889 5886

The licenses do not require Morse code, and the test is just 35 questions multiple choice. You can get 9 questions wrong and still pass, and during the study you will be given all the answers up front. You can also study on line at

We will have equipment on display and there will be demonstrations of various equipment. Eureka Repeater Group sponsoring the class has many local repeaters covering all of Lincoln County and into Flathead county, and much more.

      Be prepared to increase your safety by having communications available in any                           emergency situation at any time day or night with these systems.


  1. Who's the licensor?
    I dont subscribe to corpo mumbo jumbo, and thought this movement was about getting away from it, am I wrong in that assumption?


      The SINdicate ensures and insures trust monopolies and legal standards that promote those monopolies, even as it wages war on any information or other competition that may contradict it. The syndicate is not only the seller of lies it is the promoter and insurer of them, literally syndicating its lies through mass media. Through education, the general population never comprehends the true nature of the syndicate, for its ties are not readily comprehensible and it is certainly not taught in school! Each organized institution within the syndicate is presented as a separate self-governing entity, which appears to be individually scrutinized and regulated by the other institutions that lie within the same syndicate. And yet they are all working together in syndication to promote and keep their monopoly of fraud going, each promoting the legitimacy of the other.

      This is the normalization of fraud.

    2. And did not DeSantis just yank Disneys so called self-governing status making it appear that he's working for his voters but in reality he's doing the job the SINdicate pays him to do
      And by golly 'G' there is an appointed oversight committee looking in to disneys operations ya know to make sure everything is on the up and up
      Report out soon from the so called committee on their findings which of course that very committee is licensed and overseen by the monopoly which OWNS and controls it


    How many folks signed up and use Patreon
    SYNDIC. In the civil law. An advocate or patron; a burgess or recorder; an agent or attorney who acts for a corporation or university; an actor or procurator; an assignee.

    Of course, you are not supposed to know that the federal government is actually built with intent as a simple and explicit “conspiracy” to commit unlawful acts; defined as “a combination of persons or firms united for enterprises too large for individuals to undertake“.

    A conspiracy and a confederation are simply defined as two or more persons organizing to defraud others. Nothing more, nothing less. And that is exactly what the Articles of Confederation achieved, leading to the constitution; a compact of debt, obligation, and enfranchisement of all men into corporate persons and debtors in an open-air prison called the United States.

    I've posted the article hundred times and yet not sure that anyone has read it

    And advertising and charging a fee to get trained and liecensed is nothing outside of the same SINdicate as described across the board

    1. would be interesting to compare and see if anyone who Signed the United Colonies' Articles of Association, or the Individual Colonial/pre-State Charters, or The UnanDeclar, or The Articles of Confed: also agreed to be a Witness for the Institution of the Foreign CON /"Constitution".
      fyi, if interested:
      confederation: multiple definitions.
      one grouping: "Supporter":
      ally, associate, friend, colleague, league, partner, united, to band together, coalesce, companion, -- over 35 synonyms. sin of names
      another grouping: "Accomplice": accomplice, cohort, informant, conspirator, plotter -- over 20.
      -- merriam-webster.

  3. And the SINdicate hides BILLIONS in profits at every level

    And common core lead by the corporation know as India, part of the BRICS green new deal, is leading the way and providing the services to the states to dumb your kids down to the green new environmental whoreshit it is


  4. AnonymousMarch 13, 2023 at 5:01 PM
    Who's the licensor?
    I dont subscribe to corpo mumbo jumbo, and thought this movement was about getting away from it, am I wrong in that assumption?

    To answer your question, No you are not wrong

    Like I said in order for a Fiduciary to claim to be such, they must be licensed by the sindicate to do so
    It's no longer enough to just say you are a fiduciary – now you must prove it! In fact, if you are not willing to do everything it takes to be a fiduciary, or worse if you're not 100% sure of exactly what being a true fiduciary entails, we recommend you do not claim to be a fiduciary at all. These days, carelessly claiming to be a fiduciary without proper knowledge, education, and a proven best-interest standard of practice could result in costly litigation. The problem with saying that you are not a fiduciary, however, is that your clients and certain regulators are still demanding it.

    Is Anna a liecensed Fiduciary?
    If not she is facing costly litigation or so they say.

    If she's acting in her role to reenroll the patients into the sindicates new programs I would say she's been given a pass, get out of jail free card by the monopoly, to do so

    And all you so called Coordinators - got news for ya thats a title as well bestowed by the sindicate

    Can't say it enough you need to read this entire piece

  5. And if you haven't already I suggest you read this because there is very curious information in these pages

    We've got a Liber 3, a Liber 4 and Liber Q's, Oh my
    Hmm Land Adminstration, you don't say
    Isn't that what Medici Ventures is up to with Patrick at OVERSTOCK
    How about some land data PROVIDERS
    or how bout some

    Port holes (portals) like on a ship - they think we're fucking stupid

    Interesting to say the least
    And excerpt from his article
    The science of Earth was that it was officially flat, until the doctrine was changed into the current description of round. It was heresy to claim anything else, for the religious government of science is of God, not method. Nothing has really changed. And the industry and syndicated education of science ignores the ethical lessons learned along the way in order to create a purely unscientific simulation of the scientific method, making it possible for the syndicate to legalize the most horrific of what it refers to as “scientific practices.”


    1. ShelbyJanuary 31, 2023 at 5:20 PM
      And I remind you of those early colonial maryland records I had uncovered a while back that they subsequently took down from the internet which depicted the 1600's and lands of how these lands were acquired and in those records were references all over the place to the LIEBAR code aka liber code

      Here is a clip of some of that information I captured and saved
      Harriss, Thomas, 30th Feb., 1684; 19th July, 1686.
      To daus. Bathsheba and Mary, personalty.
      To son Thomas at 19 yrs. of age, land (unnamed)
      To unborn child if a son, personalty; if dau., 20 A. (unnamed).
      To wife Mary, extx., dower rights.
      Test: Chas. Musgrave, Henry Hagen, Mary Owsey, Edw. Gattly. 4. 21
      Thomas & Mary Harriss 9.192 I CH £173.17.4 Nov 23 1686
      Appraisers: John Corts (also John Courts), Ralph Smith.

      === Contributed by Ralph D. Smith

      May 14, 1686 - Exhibited will of Thomas Harris (planter, Charles Co.), constituting Mary executrix. Said Mary married Richard Land, and is now deceased. Said Land was granted administration. Humphrey Warren to administer oath.
      Source: Maryland Prerogative Court, Testamentary Proceedings, Liber 13, p. 343.
      Charles County Circuit Court Liber H, Page 290
      3 Apr 1680; Indenture from Thomas Harris, planter, to Ralph Smith and Sarah his wife, the relict of Col. John Duglas; exchange of land; a parcel of land at the head of Petit's Creek part of land now in possession of Thomas Harris; bound by Pope's Hollow and land of Thomas Petits; containing 20 acres; /s/Thomas Haris; wit. Henry Bonner, Rando. Brandt; acknowledged by Mary Haris, wife of Thomas

      Source: Maryland Prerogative Court, Testamentary Proceedings, Liber 13, p. 343.

      So the liber code was in action long before we were ever being told and so were their so called courts

      And the counties
      Father Francis Pope, b. 1610, England Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 27 Jan 1670/71, Charles County, Maryland - Probate Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 61 years)
      Mother Margaret Porter, b. Abt 1636, England Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Abt 1677, Charles County, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 41 years)
      Married Abt 1653 St. Mary's County, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location
      Family ID F01182 Group Sheet | Family Chart

      Family 1 Thomas Harris, b. Bef 28 Mar 1654, St. Mary's County, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 19 Jul 1686, Charles County, Maryland - Probate Find all individuals with events at this location (Age > 32 years)
      Married Bef 3 Apr 1680 Charles County, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location
      1. Bathsheba Harris, b. Abt 1677, St. Mary's County, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Aft 1706, Wicomico Hundred, Charles County, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 30 years)
      2. Mary Harris, b. 16 Nov 1680, Piccawaxen, Charles County, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location
      3. Thomas Harris, b. 6 Feb 1682/83, Piccawaxen, Charles County, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 25 Jun 1733, Charles County, Maryland - Inventory Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 50 years)
      4. John Harris, b. 5 Mar 1683/84, Charles County, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 26 Jun 1754, Charles County, Maryland - Probate Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 70 years)
      Last Modified 5 Apr 2020

      At Marys County Charles County the list is endless

      All these records have now been buried and I cannot find them anywhere on the internet

      Because as I have been telling you they have their own intranet to go by where as the slaves will never ever see those records

    2. Continued from above

      ShelbyJanuary 31, 2023 at 5:45 PM
      Now I ask you
      Married Abt 1653 St. Mary's County, Maryland

      Was there a Mary's County
      Was there a Maryland
      In 1653

      Yes most likely but the latest scam is their so called INCOPORATION?

      And they working in their latest and greates plan to enslave the world under their world parliament

      PAGE1 in these so called MARYLAND ARCHIVED RECORDS

      PAGE 1-----------------------

      Land Office and Prerogative Court Records of Colonial Maryland
      Volume 415, Page 1 View pdf image (33K)

    3. I've cleaned the records up extracting the tags

      Father Francis Pope, b. 1610, England d. 27 Jan 1670/71, Charles County, Maryland - Probate (Age 61 years)
      Mother Margaret Porter, b. Abt 1636, England, d. Abt 1677, Charles County, Maryland (Age ~ 41 years)
      Married Abt 1653 St. Mary's County, Maryland
      Family ID F01182 Group Sheet | Family Chart

      Family 1 Thomas Harris, b. Bef 28 Mar 1654, St. Mary's County, Maryland, d. 19 Jul 1686, Charles County, Maryland - Probate (Age > 32 years)
      Married Bef 3 Apr 1680 Charles County, Maryland
      1. Bathsheba Harris, b. Abt 1677, St. Mary's County, Maryland, d. Aft 1706, Wicomico Hundred, Charles County, Maryland (Age ~ 30 years)
      2. Mary Harris, b. 16 Nov 1680, Piccawaxen, Charles County, Maryland
      3. Thomas Harris, b. 6 Feb 1682/83, Piccawaxen, Charles County, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 25 Jun 1733, Charles County, Maryland - Inventory (Age 50 years)
      4. John Harris, b. 5 Mar 1683/84, Charles County, Maryland, d. 26 Jun 1754, Charles County, Maryland - Probate (Age 70 years)
      Last Modified 5 Apr 2020

      I've done find a grave searches but come up with nothing

      And there were links to these individuals pertaining to their estates STILL IN PROBATE folks
      And I shit you not I know a family named Pope and they are rich ass jews and the woman is very sickly has all kinds of health problems but plenty plenty of moolah to take care of whatever ails her

      NO GRAVES found anywhere in this friggin nation for these folks from the 1600's but plenty when they changed the narrative at the so called creation or founding of this landmass

    4. And this little ditty I removed from the above to clean up the information so you could read it better
      'Find all individuals with events at this location'

      That is something similar to what is known as a sequel statement/query in PROGRAMMING language
      Or a 'Q'uery

      To search the tables within the database you give the computer a command referencing the tables to pull out the data you are looking for from the specified tables

      Goes something like this
      Select * (in computer coding this means ALL) from table_name such as first_name table where name equals Mary and last_name where name equals Harris and so on
      This is computer language and programming

      And I might also add that those records have something referred to them as a FAMILY ID
      And each individual is assigned a PERSON ID under the FAMILY ID

      And if I had to guess that FAMILY ID links you back to the CROWN PATENT OF THE SUR or SIRENAMES aka LAST NAME

      Remember now the other clan traces their roots to the mother the matriarch not to the father

      Mary daughter of Francis Pope and Margaret (Port)her (just my thoughts on that there last name) in MARYland
      FAMILY ID of these POPES is F01182
      Each child under the FAMILY ID has a PERSON ID
      Neighboring state of VIRGINIA
      VIRGIN MARY folks hidden in plain sight

      Now you can technically put anything in these tables to create the desired output if you wanted IMO

      And based on my research lots and lots of gaps in time like missing a hundred years from one to the other as far as the records go

  6. He's good folks

    So all this waking up to this other horseshit and then listen to this and other stuff he does

    They blocking him at every level


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