Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove any comment for any reason by anyone. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products. When you post a comment, it is in the public domain. You have no copyright that can be enforced against any other individual who comments here! Do not attempt to copyright your comments. If that is not to your liking please do not comment. Any attempt to copyright a comment will be deleted. Copyright is a legal term that means the creator of original content. This does not include ideas. You are not an author of articles on this blog. Your comments are deemed donated to the public domain. They will be considered "fair use" on this blog. People donate to this blog because of what Anna writes and what Paul writes, not what the people commenting write. We are not using your comments. You are putting them in the public domain when you comment. What you write in the comments is your opinion only. This comment section is not a court of law. Do not attempt to publish any kind of "affidavit" in the comments. Any such attempt will also be summarily deleted. Comments containing foul language will be deleted no matter what is said in the comment.

Monday, March 13, 2023



  1. America has more energy than it can ever use in many lifetimes. Besides, oil is abiotic. Just more scare-city fearmongering.

  2. watching them is like watching The Three Stooges except the Stooges are funny.

    1. Woman...
      l went to a 3 Stooges theater festival that lasted months. No internet then. No reruns on TV. l was bored to tears but went anyway bcuz it was my turn to pick out our Friday night entertainment. What a mistake. And yes, watching these politicians is like watching the 3 Stooges. Now l would only watch them for the hypnotic subliminals in them, especially what they think of small business owners. Mind bending bytes to buy from and hire corporations instead. Now they've become the 3 Stooges themselves. Everything l buy is broken in a week. So Anna isn't harming anything by shutting these corporations down.They're doing it to themselves. l've had to do everything by hand lately. Now "organic " doesn't mean organic anymore but has been changed on a whim to something like "pasture raised"? and natural flavorings means MSG, which BTW, dissolves the stomach lining.

  3. here is part of a comment i found interesting:
    ...'remember, W., D.C. is foreign territory.
    controlled by an enemy power (British Crown)
    the ones behind all our woes.'...
    but following is what caught my attention, because what?... feds are writing this crap themselves and posting it as Patriots???:
    ..."Those Feds are enemy agents during warfare.
    They can be killed on sight.
    No trials needed."
    Reminder: There is no War Declared.
    Each man is required to remain peace-full and to handle things law-fully.

  4. Dear Paul, Thank Thou so very much for posting this hugely important PeaceAndProsperity recreating exposé-information!!!

    present in - WeTheLivingOnLandAndSoilWalking
    Peoples - DNA, PleaseFreeAmerica of
    ForensicSeniorExecutiveServices and ParasiticPilgrimsSocietyRunOnBabylonianRadhanitesGenocidalDogma, andMakeHealthy, andProsperous and the rest of theWorld willFollow. m

    1. ...and Serco.

      love you God. thank you.

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    GOOD LUCK… jointodaymake1

    1. Try hasbara, I think they pay better.


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