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Friday, February 17, 2023

Review of Unraveling Process and China

 By Anna Von Reitz

In the most Ancient Maximum of Law --- "As a thing is bound, so it is unbound." 

So, in the realm of Law, whichever jurisdiction you may be in, however you get into a situation, you have to retrace your steps to get out of it. 

Sometimes, often, this is as simple as declaring that you made a mistake. 

In the present instance, it is not simple, thanks to the fact that the people who made this mistake (our Mothers) aren't aware that they made a mistake, and the Medical Doctors who made this mistake, jointly with our Mothers, are often not aware of the fact that they also made a mistake and have to correct it. 

If you are a typical American and just waking up, you will find this to be a rather difficult situation.  My Mother "signed me up" as a U.S. Citizen back in 1956 and our family physician, Dr. Robert Krohn, affirmed that, even though, if either one had been aware of the meaning of the paperwork they signed, they wouldn't have signed it.  

If I were attempting to correct my status now, at age 66, my Mother would be dead and so would Dr. Krohn, making it "impossible" for me to unbind the mistake they caused.  Lucky for me, my Mother caught her mistake and repudiated it on the Public Record, and other Medical Doctors when presented with the facts have repudiated the second Witness against me. 

I am an American born on the land and soil of this country and was never anything else.  

So we finally have that record set straight.  It is "unbound".  And because of the actions I have taken as Fiduciary, every other American has the option of declaring their political status and being unbound, too.  

Unfortunately, soon after the first mistake was made, more "mistakes" were made. 

Once I was misidentified as a U.S. Citizen, I was mysteriously "lost at sea, presumed dead" by the same British Territorial Authorities who took charge of me under the False Presumption that I was one of their U.S. Citizens.  

Seven years after I was misidentified as a U.S. Citizen, the Federal Reserve Banks took legal action to have "me" -- the U.S. Citizen -- declared legally dead. 

This in turn created what is known as an intestate infant decedent estate belonging to the "lost British Merchant Mariner"  that is, "Anna Maria Riezinger, Inc." and a Municipal Public Trust named after me, "ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER, INC.".  

Neither of these "Persons/PERSONS" technically belong to me.  They are under the administration of the British Territorial Government and the Municipal United States Government respectively.  

These organizations have seized upon my assets --- my good name, body, and all that I possess --- and managed my assets "for" me, in my "absence".  

My physical assets have been commandeered by a British Crown Corporation doing business as "Anna Maria Riezinger, Inc." standing for the infant decedent estate trust, and my energetic and intellectual property assets -- labels, copyrights, etc., have been commandeered and managed by a Municipal Corporation doing business as "ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER, INC." under the further False Presumption that I am a "stateless Negro or other freed slave or foreign immigrant" in need of Municipal United States citizenship. 

Now, all these further presumptions are just that --- legal suppositions with nothing undergirding them but the fraudulent paperwork produced by my Mother and Dr. Robert Krohn, but until the first mistake is repudiated, all the rest of it can stand.  

I was lucky.  My Mother was still alive when the first "mistake" was discovered, and she was spunky enough to insist on recording her repudiation of her mistake on the Public Record.  All the rest of you are lucky, too, because I exposed the fraud and secured your interests as likely similar victims of fraud and malfeasance. 

This same "mistake" has been made by hundreds of millions of Americans, resulting in hundreds of millions of false contracts and citizenship obligations being held against them under conditions of fraudulent malfeasance. 

I call it "fraudulent malfeasance" because those responsible for creating this situation (members of the U.S. (Territorial) Congress) had good cause to know that all these Americans were not voluntarily adopting U.S. Citizenship and that all the records and "custodial interests" they were creating for themselves were being created under conditions of non-disclosure, entrapment, and coercion under color of law.  Therein lies the malfeasance. 

With the first "mistake" unraveled, all the subsequent "mistakes" unravel, too, with some effort on our parts to locate the officers responsible for correcting the records.  It took us nearly forty years to discover this information and we had to study foreign law to do it, because the remedy was hidden and obscured along with everything else about this Great Fraud.  

All of this, the entire "system" was put in motion by the British Parliament which passed the Naval Agency and Dispositions Act in 1864, clearly in preparation for putting this fraud scheme into action.  This act identifies the United States Secretary of State as the officer responsible. 

This information is not available anywhere in the American Public Law or in any part of Federal Code, so the victims had no way of knowing which office or officer was responsible for providing remedy and correction. 

By 1917 this ruse was getting old and the number of Civil War "rebels" left to prosecute (and collect war reparations from) was dwindling, so the Schemers got together and defined another group of "enemies" and a new "emergency" to justify continuing their fraud and malfeasance. This time, they extended their campaign to include all members of the General Public who weren't U.S. Citizens and established a "policy" as in corporate policy, (because by then those responsible were operating as foreign corporations in the business of providing govenrmental services) allowing their "officers in the field" to use their own "discernment" to determine who was a loyal American and who wasn't. 

In practical terms, this allowed Bar Attorneys, Judges, and Medical Doctors to function as a plenary elite, able to grant or withhold Constitutional Guarantees to whomever they liked. 

This purported non-consensual "power of discernment" in practical terms meant that their employees were able to blackball anyone they didn't like. 

It gave U.S. Citizens the tyrannical power to prosecute Americans under False Legal Presumptions that did not have to be proven or evidenced, merely on suspicion that they were "disloyal" or "in rebellion".  

When this narrative wore thin, they took advantage of World War II to give them an excuse to continue (and expand upon) this coercive, illegal, unlawful, and immoral hidden fraud agenda and treasonous activity against the public and private interests of Americans.  

Now that they are being held to account for it and their corporations are being liquidated for cause, we have groups of rogue "corporate officers" staging actual attacks on American soil.  

Because these people had no valid right to represent Americans in matters affecting our land and soil jurisdictions and only very limited rights to represent us in matters affecting our sea jurisdiction, a great many "deals" that they made, including deals with the Chinese Government agreeing to sell off our land to the Chinese, have fallen through. 

They pulled a Florida Real Estate Gambit on the Chinese, which is what the Chinese Government has a sore butt about and the whole reason that China is gearing up against "America" -- but it is important to note that the Americans were the targets of this whole scheme as much as the Chinese.  

The source of the actual problem never existed in this country.  It was always based in the Inner City of London and Rome, which jointly controlled the puppets in Washington, DC --- in our "absence".  

So what happened to the money that the Chinese believe we owe them?  It was siphoned off by corrupt military generals, both U.S, and Chinese.  

The Chinese workers produced the trade goods on one side of the pipeline and the American people paid for the goods on the other end, but in between, the U.S. and Chinese Generals and Admirals had control, and they colluded to siphon off trillions of dollars into their respective Secret Space Programs and other illegal revenue generating activities.  

Black Ops money was laundered back into the pipeline on an ongoing basis to offset the losses enough to keep the Chinese producing, but the "deficit" kept gradually increasing and increasing. 

So what does all this mean?  It means we've all been snookered by white collar criminals, particularly military white collar criminals.  

The Chinese have no valid beef with the American people, and the American people have no valid beef with the Chinese --- but we both have a beef with the offending "military services corporations".  

So that's why the rogue officers of these "military services corporations" are staging these False Flags and actual attacks on America and  in the case of DOD and Joe Biden, doing the Chinese bidding, in an effort to make us pay off their corporate debts using our assets. 

They agreed to give our Western ports, like Long Beach, California, and land in the western States to the Chinese in payment of the debts that "the US" owes China. 

The problem is that the Americans who actually own the land and soil don't owe any debts to China. 


See this article and over 4000 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Thank you anna, grace to you

  2. Thank you Anna exposing the high crimes of State and their puppet masters.

  3. It’s a lot of detail. Has exposing it changed anything yet?

  4. Giving China our Western ports and land that belong to Americans who own the lands is unscrupulous. How are they going to make that stand?

  5. Anna...
    Thank you for informing us that the Chinese land "deals" have fallen through. l guess this is what Bill Gates was after when he started buying up 100,000's of farmland in America.

  6. Ports as Principalities
    China in Idaho through the back door

    FUSION CENTERS used along with universities and trade schools to employ the immigrants
    Unemployment offices now labeled workforce solutions offices part of all this too

    Preparing Michigan's Workforce for the New Economy: (pdf)
    Recommendations of SEMCOG's Task Force on Workforce Development for the Changing Economy8

    SEMCOG has responsibility for adopting regionwide plans and policies for community and economic development, water and air quality, land use, and transportation, including approval of state and federal transportation projects. Funding for SEMCOG is provided by federal and state grants, contracts, and membership fees.

    SEMCOG's Task Force on Workforce Development in the Changing Economy and its Education Advisory Council are working to help Southeast Michigan communities adjust to the new economic reality caused by changes in the region's economy. The recommendations in this report provide practical ideas and assistance to help address the consequences of the economic change and move the region forward in developing a knowledge-based economy.

    Preparation of this document may be financed in part through grants from and in cooperation with the Michigan Department of Transportation with the assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration; the Michigan Department of Natural Resources with the assistance of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; the Michigan State Police Office of Highway Safety Planning; and local membership contributions.

    Human Capital (I think this was a typo... it should have been "cattle" :)

    1. Michigan used to be the car producing capital of the united states and the killed the entire place on purpose


      This is an association and the COGS are all separate associations under the main association is what I am gathering

      (14 Regional Councils) listed 3 below
      1) NEMCOG - (est. 1968)
      2) SEMCOG -
      3) NWMCOG -
      Read the link about about Governor Snyder’s Regional Prosperity Initiative

      Networks Northwest delivers programs and services for the 10 counties of Northwest Michigan.
      Our primary service categories are: workforce development; business & economic development; and community development.
      Networks Northwest is the convening agency for the Regional Prosperity Initiative in these ten counties.

      Michigan also has


      They did the same thing with the steel industry in Pittsburgh, Weirton and the entire surrounding areas when they shipped all that industry out to CHINA

    2. Sometimes, Shelby, you post some really good stuff. This is an example. BTW, Human Capital is a new framing (Commie) term for the new economy which involves more than money or currency. Companies are expected to invest in Human Capital, like they would traditional capital projects.

    3. And yes, Human Capital can be properly construed as "cattle" or "chattel".

  7. Thanks Anna for more details.
    DearAlmighty TrueLivingGod, present in our DNA, MakeAmericaFree of BabilonianDogma andHealthy, and Prosperous and the rest of the world will follow. m

  8. Another paragraph from the same doucment linked above

    Territory and jurisdiction go hand in hand. A flattering title in the matrix of the syndicate only exists in that fictional jurisdiction, not in reality. Therefore the territorial imperative must be instilled into each generation in order to legitimize the syndicate. The birth certificate is the matrix, the initial legal document, which creates the bond and surety of the surname to the given name. Only upon that legal surname can the syndicate bestow titles and credentials – upon the artificial person (name).

  9. And their common core brain washing education system is run by a corporation out of INDIA

    Part of their BRICS bullshit
    South Africa

  10. As I said long ago they were going to launch UNONEHEALTH
    Around 35 minutes in

    Zoonotic Diseases
    Check out
    This Zoonotic Influenza Reference Guide provides federal, state, and local...

    Why the hell do you think they named their behemoth corporation
    'AMAZON' (amason)

    Buy all means put your stuff for sale on Amazon and buy buy buy from Amazon
    It's right in your face
    They even have big ass smiles on their trucks and packaging

    1. Shelby...
      Yeah, l heard they all laugh their __sses
      off at the sheeple. They were never expecting to be found out.
      E V E R ! ! ! ! ! .

  11. 873 / 5 000
    Wyniki tłumaczenia
    Could I have some information on how to declare my political status? What and to whom should I write or my mother? Should it be a letter to the Supreme Court that I am not lost in the air, sea, land? Could you briefly describe it? I do not live in The United States but in Europe. The topic is important, but there is still a lack of cooperation and uncertainty of information. Thank you for help and good word.

    Could I have some information on how to declare my political status? What and to whom should I write or my mother? Should it be a letter to the Supreme Court that I am not lost in the air, sea, land? Could you briefly describe it? I do not live in The United States but in Europe. The topic is important, but there is still a lack of cooperation and uncertainty of information. News channels are blocked, closed. Thank you for your help and good word.


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