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Saturday, December 31, 2022

Shocking Lab Investigation of COVID Vaccines


  • A recent laboratory investigation by The Highwire reveals the only consistent thing about the COVID shots are their inconsistency. There is no quality control. Some appear clear like saline, while others are loaded with contaminants
  • In August 2021, Japan rejected 1.63 million doses of Moderna’s mRNA shot due to contamination. Last year the European Medicines Agency (EMA) also expressed concern over vials that were only 50% to 55% pure
  • The vials also contain massively inconsistent amounts of polyethylene glycol (PEG). PEG can cause anaphylactic shock in some people. PEG also gets in the way of proper immune response
  • If you are unfortunate enough to get a vial that is loaded with PEG, your risk of adverse effects such as anaphylactic shock and dysregulated immune response is greater than if you get a vial with lower amounts
  • According to Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist, what looks like microchips or nanotechnology in the liquid are actually stacked cholesterol, sugar and salt crystals, and what has been described as parasites are stellate trikons, found on the bottom of leaves. They’re likely a contaminant picked up at some point during the lab investigation


  1. Regardless if these shots have nanotechnology in them or parasites. It is obvious what is in them immediately damages your blood cells. And as you said it is causing your body to manufacture foreign proteins anywhere in your body. Not to mention the long rubbery fibers. It is concerning that what you just showed is approached by the two of you as being mild. Because it has no graphene oxide, or nano particles etc. And I notice you did not say what the benefit of this gene editing system would be. Flying a plane while its being built is crazy. However you are aware of what you are looking to achieve as an end result. I am sure pfizer ect. Are aware by now what these shots are doing. As well as cdc, nih, fda. And yet they are continuing to push them. So why would you consider it to be hyperbolic to think these are boiweapons???

    1. those VAXES are just that, BIO-WEAPON! and that i think is a very bad place to start! first, why werent we all told what it was to begin, well no one would have taken it! WHO created this, bio-weapon? well since it was funded at least in part by the USA, or in the least from those in the U.S.A.! this also is a fact, mr. Fauci has stated that to be true, that is after he lied and said it wasnt! How many other bio-weapons are out there, and other evil things, also out there that we dont know about? i would venture to say, tons of crap! and i would not be far off from the truth, with all of those lies flying all over the place, and from D.C.!!!

  2. Maybe their usin the filtered recycled sewer water California uses for drinking water

    1. I would not place it past them to do just that, THEY dont care about us out here, WTP! THEY FLAT OUT, DO NOT CARE even in the least! well on to the news!

  3. I’ve had my doubts as to whether Mercola is paid disinformation for awhile. First commenter is on the money.

    1. Agreed. It is most certainly a bioweapon.

    2. I would agree, and add this to what you said, this is copy and paste....>>>>>>>those VAXES are just that, BIO-WEAPON! and that i think is a very bad place to start! first, why werent we all told what it was to begin, well no one would have taken it! WHO created this, bio-weapon? well since it was funded at least in part by the USA, or in the least from those in the U.S.A.! this also is a fact, mr. Fauci has stated that to be true, that is after he lied and said it wasnt! How many other bio-weapons are out there, and other evil things, also out there that we dont know about? i would venture to say, tons of crap! and i would not be far off from the truth, with all of those lies flying all over the place, and from D.C.!!!

  4. This doctor, in my opinion, has completely watered down the contents of the vaccine. I hear his "version " of the vaccine. He says there are "contaminants " without explaining what portion is contaminants! He said no graphene oxide, no parasites! I call BS! I DON'T BELIEVE A THING HE SAYS! ALL BS!

    1. I am 100% agreement. Dr. Cole appears to be one of the paid shills who lie to the public. I have witnessed real honest scientists showing their results of graphineoxide, hydra vulgarus (the creature lifting off the slide) and nanoparticles. I call Dr. Cole BS!

    2. Could thou (December 31, 2022 at 5:42 PM) think that dr M might be under huge pressurse to. stay on in one piece?
      We all know is a Plandemic and genocide, nothing else but so!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I could not agree with you more than I already do! HHO333 [sorry, i redid my comment, first had a typo]

  5. Comment is about Anna's article on "Timeline".
    Find it extremely helpful to ALL of her readers worldwide.
    How many of U truly! Overstand the truth in article??
    The Angelic community, inclusive of KRYON, ASAR, and ABRAHAM, have all stated the new energy be introduced into our bodies, inclusive of Earth Mother TERRA.
    They have also been stating the worldwide Peace that will be in effect within 50years.
    Mandatory!!! for this to happen is worldwide permanent end to Imperialism.
    In other words ALL presently oppressed Nations will soon be having the Indigenous people's of those lands getting back 100% FULL control of their respective lands again.
    Example: California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and part of Texas will be given BACK to the control of the Mexican people, etc. So, YES!! this mean U.S. goes BACK to the full control of it's Indigenous sons/ daughters.
    For U all reading this it means your grandson's and granddaughters will support the end of Imperialism, with no resistance at all.
    Therefore Dr.M.L.K.Jr., John Lennon, et al, will NOT have "died" for nothing.
    Peace ✌🏽 and Blessing's, and a Very, Very Happy New Year for 2023.

  6. Thank for comments, m
    Dear TrueGod, present in our DNA, Make America Free and Healthy and the rest of the world will follow, m

  7. This Is Yet Another Example Of Treason Against All American Citizens And Occupants. Treason To The Highest Degrees. Numerous Non Stop Actions Must Be Taken Now. Focus On Your Precious Reports "The Only Issue Is Control", Dated 12/13/2022 And Your Report "Anna To TI'S", From 2 Years Ago. Our Treasonous Government Has Deployed These Weapons Against The American People On American Soil For The Last 70 Years Or So. We Will Not Be Successful In Correcting These Illegal Actions Unless We Join The International Community World Wide. Every Organization, Church, Militia Group, Community And Family Must Do Their Parts. Simply Send One Individual From Each Group To Countries Like Mainland China, Iran, Belarus, Russia, Afghanistan, N. Korea And Several Others, Do The Simple Research. We Must Access Countries That Are Outside Of Their International Networks And Obtain Legal Counsel To File Multiple Actions Against Our Treasonous Government In America. We Are Only Interested In The Illegal Actions Happening Against Us And Our Families In America On American Soil. As History Has Shown Us, No One Can Win In The Courts These Criminals Control. Multiple Actions Must Be Taken. According To The Latest Numbers There Were 6,000. Six Thousand Mass Shootings In 2022 Alone Which Has Resulted In Over 39,000. Deaths Not Mentioning The Injured. And Over 800 To Over 1,000 Of These Shootings Ended With The Shooters Killing Themselves After The Shootings. Clearly If They Had Access To Explosives Any Of These Shooters Could Have Also Been Suicide Bombers. We're Looking At Over 1,000. Potential Suicide Bomber Attacks On American Soil From The Individuals Who Have Carried Out Mass Shootings And Then Killed Themselves, In The Last Year Alone. They Try To Make It Seem As Though This Is Our Only Option, Clearly This Is A Lie. This Is The Result Of Their One World System Falling Apart Right In Front Of The World's Eyes. These Desperate, Treasonous Criminals Must Be Dealt With Through Multiple Actions. Their Only Ridiculous Defense In Any Court Is That These Systems Do Not Exist And Many Countries Outside And Inside Of Their International Networks Are More Than Willing To Admit That These Systems Do In Fact Exist And That They Are Fighting To Protect Their Countries And Citizens From These Non Stop Attacks Which We In America And Our Families Continue To Deal With Every Day. For The Last 70 Years We Have All Been And Continue To Be Slaves.

    Auston E Matthews
    "The Resistance And Correction"

  8. The medical mafia wizards have been injuring us for decades with vaccines

    1. SHELBY: thank you oh so much, after waiting for someone, there you are, wth ever happen to SIDS, and why is no one even talking about it? I mean after SADS started, and it became a THING, WTH??? and there you are with that link to SIDS, and i have been thinking, is there any possible connection to SIDS AND SADS? of course i am thinking, if there wasnt than why not a word from any source, and that was including SOCIAL MEDIA, WTP. [now before i continue and so we dont lose anyone, SIDS-sudden infant death, and of course SADS, sudden adult death! and WTP=we the people.] And this is only the tip of the iceberg I think and know for a fact! So when does it end, we wth have had enough, and I for one am adding my voice to that>>>>> I HAVE HAD MORE THEN ENOUGH, and am now calling for, NO MORE SECRETS!!! NONE, we cannot place trust in anything anymore, no secrets, and 100% transparency.......DID YA ALL GET THAT? 100%, now add that to NO MORE SECRET and that would be an awesome start, i think!!! so PLEASE let us all know what ya ll think about that, are ya ready for the battle, it may be bloody, but is needed as in, THEY will not give up without a fight!

  9. Now stop and think about where the friggin internet was developed and by what agencies

    The internet has always been a Godvernment/military operation

    Make note of how they refer to the internet as an ocean/sea

    1. SHELBY: seems that ya didnt know, AL GORE invented the internet, i thought you knew.....didnt ya all get the MEMO? i am getting someone on phone right now, it will be resent ASAP! darn it, i just hate when that happens, dont you all??? [NOW since you brought that up, the internet is uncontrollable by anyone or else they would have dont so from the start, and the USA has been trying to control, but FAILED very badly, and THEY cannot even keep up with all the daily attempts from hackers, people and other govts attempt HACKS as I am even typing this hacking is going on, and on a scale that it takes many TECHIES to deal with it, 24/7!!! how many knew that little item that is never in the MSM! SO if govt cannot even protect their own systems, ya think they can control the entire internet, not any time soon, and as in, never going to happen! Now please, dont tell me they are controlling it, cause they are not, and NO, it aint from a lack of trying!!!!!!]
