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Thursday, June 23, 2022

Demolition of supply chains is pre-civil war SABOTAGE to shape the battlefield for domestic WARFARE against We the People

The United States of America is about to be plunged into a civil war. It will be ignited by the imminent Roe vs. Wade nullification decision by the US Supreme Court, which also just rendered a landmark decision affirming the universal right to carry a personal firearm for self-defense (striking down the New York law that radically restricted the right to bear arms).

That pro-2A decision is already seeing heads explode across the anti-American, anti-liberty Left, with rabid left-wing commentator Keith Olbermann even calling for an open insurrection to demolish the US Supreme Court and seize total control over the country via the executive branch.

Once the Roe decision is rendered, the radical Left will erupt into full-blown domestic terrorism, launching unrestricted warfare against Christians, gun owners and conservatives. What’s coming will make the 2020 BLM and Antifa riots look like child’s play.

The Biden regime knows this is coming, of course, since Barack Obama is the key mastermind behind the whole thing. Obama runs the Biden White House and tells Biden’s handlers what to do. They shaped the 2020 riots using paid mercenaries, media propaganda and “color revolution” tactics routinely used by the CIA to overthrow governments of other nations. Now they plan to use the same tactics to overthrow the US Constitution and attempt to seize permanent dictatorial control over the United States of America.

Sabotage of food and energy infrastructure is pre-war “shaping the battlefield” activity

The sabotage of food facilities across the United States is deliberate. We have published the full, current list of food facility sabotage here.

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