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Thursday, May 26, 2022

Dealing With the Influx -- A Message to All State Coordinators

 By Anna Von Reitz

Now that we are all solid on the fact that the Federation is American and in no way synonymous with the foreign corporations that have been running the Federal Government --- and you are all instructed to fully explain that to the Assemblies-at-Large as many times as necessary to get it through the thicker pates among us --- I must again address another fundamental misunderstanding that we are encountering. 

Many Assemblies have been functioning for over three years now and many have developed their own small leadership cadre that is comfortable working with each other. There is a tendency for such leadership cadres to "lock up" and try to keep newcomers out.  That is a terrible mistake. 

Our Assemblies are not clubs.  They are public governmental bodies.  They can't be based on keeping people out.  They have to be based on including as many people as possible.   So if you are practicing any kind of "black balling" or inappropriate "vetting" to make sure that only people you approve of and only people that you get along with and agree with are included --- you are doing this dead wrong. 

There is a fine line to be observed between disruption and disagreement, between mere opinion and fact.  It's the job of the Assembly leadership to discern that line and walk it.  

Disruption is what we think of when someone comes to a meeting drunk and angry and starts bawling about whatever their pet peeve or problem is.  It's not when someone raises their hand and disagrees with prevailing sentiment. 

We owe it to ourselves to engage in discussion and debate and to embrace our own tradition, which protects the right of free speech because we understand that when we muzzle others, and censor them, we also open up the possibility that the same thing will be done to us. 

After all the years of Nanny State manipulation that we have all endured it's natural for people to lash out at any "government" and it's natural also, when they are two-blocked from doing whatever they please by laws and safety considerations and even plain old respect for others, they run to the nearest authority figure and tattle-tale like little children. 

The potential for this to get completely out of hand is present and staring you all in the face, and the answer to it is, too.  We all have to go back to Kindergarten and learn how to be polite and civil toward each other again, and beyond that, it is essential that all Assemblies establish a simple orientation and "Welcome Package" and counseling protocol for new members. 

I have been harping on this for many months, but it's apparent that at least some Assemblies are not following through and some Assemblies are not making the appropriate effort to do outreach.  

New members have to be told explicitly what the mission and function of the Assembly is.  We are here to restore the American Government according to the original template.  We aren't here --- at least not at this time --- to create anything new.  We are here to restore and reconstruct.  

We will worry about correcting and changing once we have things running as they should, so this is not a venue for angry people bent on insurrection, nor is it a venue for people who want to throw in the towel and start over with something completely different --- anarchists, communists, globalists, fascists ---will not be a happy fit.  People need to be told this upfront. 

They also need to be told that this is a very different kind of government than anything they are used to.  They are used to being treated like sheep, being manipulated by lies and propaganda, rewarded for compliance and complicity, and punished for failure to go along. 

Now they have to think.  Now they have to take responsibility.  Now they are embarked on doing their Public Duty.  They are no longer being treated like children, so they must act as adults and we cannot continue to employ the methods of the "Other" government.  

When we walk through the Assembly door, there's nobody to blame but ourselves.  There are no entitlements in the American Government, except the preservation of our mutual Natural and Unalienable Rights and our claims to our own public and private property assets.  

Although we are working to recoup and return money and other assets that have been stolen from the people of this country, we are not about welfare or handouts.  The administration of the Sign In America Program is to remunerate and relieve people from payments that they are not actually responsible for and to claim exemptions and credit exchange rights that they are owed. 

The pre-paid credit that we will be making available is credit that is literally already owed to people.  It's not welfare and it isn't coming from the government -- it's coming from payments that their ancestors and they, themselves, have made as a result of coercion and fraud against them.  Mortgages they didn't owe, taxes they didn't owe, etc., need to be returned to them in the same way that their credit was extracted --- in an orderly, month by month, year by year manner that won't cause hyperinflation. 

It will take time to transition from the current crooked system to an honest system and we have to thread our way through this with common sense and goodwill.  It can't be done any other way. 

Along with this information, each Newcomer needs a sit-down interview, not with a vetting committee --- which is only appropriate when people seek public offices and need a background review --- but with a counselor who will answer their questions and hold their hand and discuss their options with them.  

Many people who join our assemblies finish the paperwork and then feel left in the lurch.  Now what?  

You have to help define the next steps for them, and in order for that to happen, you have to spend a little time getting to know them and discussing the various political status options there are, and whether or not they should be participating in the State Assembly or in a District Assembly.  

Not everyone belongs in our State Assembly, even though they may reclaim their status as an American State National.  For example, someone who works for the military and who holds both Texan Nationality as an Americans State National  and U.S. Citizenship as a member of the military, is probably going to feel more comfortable and do more good by joining the District Assembly --- at least in the short run.  

Eventually, government employees retire and then a great many will want to "return home" to civilian status --- and though it will be an adjustment for them, they need to be brought into the Assembly, educated and retrained to exist in a new realm that will be harder on average for them to adjust to. 

By getting to know the other people in your Assembly, knowing their family, knowing their problems and background, you can more effectively help them find their place at the table and more effectively deploy their insights, skills, and talents.  

Even though it may seem impossible right now, look around and see who you can ask to set up your own Assembly "Help Desk" and who might be a good Orientation Counselor. 

If you get people into: (1) the right Assembly for them, and (2) engaged in some aspect of the work to be done that suits them, the chances are that everyone will be better able to build the happy community relationships that we need to build as Americans and as Assembly Members. 

Anna Maria


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  1. Ephesians 4 3
    The beauty is regardless of disruption Real values spirituality
    and the momentum to progress are maintained

  2. The Federation is Non- American and more Importantly Non - Christian Anna. Trying to shove it down people's throats is the only leadership Calera, blackbailing, manipulation going on here. There are 1500 Americans right now that will agree there is Nothing solid about the Federation being American because it is not! And you cannot prove to anybody but yourself and your Club that it is.

  3. A great number of us about in California ditched Anna's Club- Federation because it is Not American and is the antithesis of a True Republic and a Free Sovereign People.

  4. Mike Blair, Michigan NativeMay 26, 2022 at 10:00 PM

    Yeah, I can prove without doubt that this Federation is not American or the American way, thus there is nothing solid or factual as you say in your article.
    If Paul was not notorious for deleting anyone and everyone who is not in agreement with Miss Anna, (so it seems this way when I visit the blog one day there is 40 Comments ,next day there is 4( four) I would spell out the Fact and solidify the Clear cut evidence here that the Federation Anna is pushing is a Farce and a deadly snare against who we are as Americans and who America is.

    1. two-blocked

      1. Of or pertaining to being prevented from proceeding. From nautical terminology for a ship's rigging or crane rigging in which two blocks are locked together, stopping the line.

      Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
