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Saturday, April 16, 2022

PHARMA SNAKES: Thirteen irrefutable FACTS about snake venom, Big Pharma and biological weapons

As the concept of “venom theory” has reverberated around the world this week, many people are shocked to realize how many pharmaceutical medications are derived almost entirely from rattlesnake venom, Gila Monster reptile venom, pit viper venom, scorpion venom and other such sources.

A pain treatment drug named Prialt (see is actually synthesized by copying the poison of the Magical Cone Snail (conus magus). This poison produces hallucinations, confusion, altered states of consciousness and more. The insert sheet for the Prialt drug carries bizarre warnings such as, “Patients have become unresponsive or stuporous while receiving PRIALT.”

Patients who are made unconscious by the drug may appear to be perfectly conscious, almost as if they are in a zombie state. The warning sheet explains, “During these episodes, patients sometimes appear to be conscious and breathing is not depressed. If reduced levels of consciousness occur, discontinue PRIALT until the event resolves…”

We acknowledge that drugs like Prialt may have practical, beneficiary applications for people who are suffering chronic pain, yet who are unable to take highly addictive opioids for a variety of reasons. However, we take issue with the fact that drug companies and doctors seem to be hiding the origins of these medications from patients. Most doctors aren’t even aware that toxins, poisons and venoms are used as the templates to synthesize extremely toxic peptides that are frequently used in prescription medications, including drugs for heart attacks, diabetes, high blood pressure and more.

Reptile venoms can be weaponized and turned into large-scale chemical weapon systems

Even worse, these reptile venoms can be weaponized and mass produced, then used in a large-scale chemical attack on the population by introducing these toxins into food, water, air or contact surfaces. Just as fentanyl can be weaponized through aerosolization and drone delivery, these reptile venom peptides can also be weaponized and used to mass murder large numbers of people.

Some observers believe this has already happened, and that the mRNA “vaccines” currently being injected into people may deposit instructions for venom peptide synthesis into the cells of the body. If true, this would turn your body into a reptilian venom factory from the inside.

It might also explain why so many side effects of covid vaccines seem to align so closely with the known effects of envenomation (being bitten by a snake, a viper, a scorpion, etc).

Dr. Bryan Ardis covers this in detail in part 3 of my recent interview with him. Many people say this third part is by far the most informative, and it’s all backed by meticulous scientific research:


    "A group of scientists and microscopy experts have stepped  forward this morning to vindicate Dr. Bryan Ardis & the Snake Venom warnings!!

    Undiluted Pfizer vials, they say, actually reveal snake venom gland organoides and the blood of those injected has been showing echinocytosis all along — directly related to snake venom poisoning.

    Furthermore the scientists confirmed that other tests revealed that this is King Cobra snake venom organoid material. Just got off the phone with Dr. Ardis who is now connected to this group.

    I’ve said for over a year now:There could be many different things/poisons in these vials at any particular time.This is a rollout of a multi faceted program"
    E.  Healthy Red Blood Cell
    G. Red blood cell converted to venom damaged echinocytosis
    H. Close up of a red blood cell destroyed by venom… Up close
    Look familiar? Like a “coronavirus“  Devil horns?

  2. Another Doctor Drops The Patents & Receipts To PROVE Snake Venom Is The COVID, Injections

  3. OMG...
    "China has a leash around Bidens neck that's why he's not talkin about Shanghai! We should not be purchasing anything from China! They have locked down Shanghai and literally starving people to death. This is nothing compared to what hell will sound like..

    General McInerney
    "Everyone must watch this...."

  4. "Their wine is the poison of serpents, And the cruel venom of cobras." ~Deuteronomy 33:33

  5. Correction:
    "Their wine is the poison of serpents, And the cruel venom of cobras." ~Deuteronomy 32:33

  6. I would read this article by Mike Stone before jumping on board the snake venom train.
